Thursday, October 6, 2011

Amazing Race, Ep. 2


"The Sprint of Our Life"

I hope I can remember all the nicknames I've given the teams.  I just don't have the energy to check my last post so I'm going to wing it.

Phil reminds us that this is a DOUBLE ELIMINATION LEG!!! WOOT!


The teams will be flying to Jakarta, Indonesia.  The Engaged couple leave first.   The other teams all gather at the airport and they are wondering where the grandparents are.  When they show up everyone cheers for them.

All teams arrive in Jakarta and get tickets for an overnight train to Yogyakarta.  The Siblings are already fighting.  WOW.  They are just arguing over NOTHING.  The brother is super sensitive and the sister has no patience for him.  Yikes.  Not good.

When the teams arrive in Yogyakarta, they'll race by taxi to Goa Jomblong Cave where they'll get their next clue.

The Grandparents arrive FIRST(!!) and get the next clue:

ROADBLOCK:  One team member must spelunk down the cave and search for a mask and daggar and then climb up a bamboo ladder to deliver the goods and receive their next clue.

FIRST, the Grandparents have to do the speed bump for coming in last which requires them to untangle a crazy knotted rope.  They get it done and join the other teams who have already started spelunking!

It looks awesome.  It's so lush and beautiful.  HOWEVER, all I would be thinking of is how many freakin' spiders are down in that cave.  I have anxiety just thinking about it.  Gross.   The rest of the teams arrive and now everyone is ready to "spelunk".  YIKES.  The cave is super dark and scary.  I would be so klaustrophobik in that cave.  I'm just gonna say that "spelunking" is not for me.  But give me a zip line ANY DAY.  I would love to do that.

The first wave of teams are going up the bamboo ladder.  The Grandparents are FIRST and they receive the next clue.

DETOUR:  "Shake your money maker" or "Be a ticket taker".  In "Shake" teams must make their way to a congested area of town and earn tips.  One of the team members will dance, the other will accompany them on a drum.  They need to earn 30,000 Rupiah to complete the task.  In "Ticket" the teams make their way to a popular mall and work as moped/motor bike parking attendants.  They need to park enough to earn 15,000 Rupiah to complete the tasks.  Both teams will need to head to an orphanage once they finish the detour to get their next clue.  They must hand over their earnings from the detour to the orphanage AND they have to notice a sign that instructs them to hand over ALL OF THEIR MONEY, too. (Not just earnings).  Ok, the sign is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES. No one should miss it, but I'm guessing most will.

Twins - Shake
Colts - Shake
Grandparents - Ticket
Engaged - Ticket
Sibs - Ticket
Gays - Shake
Sailors - Ticket
Showgirls - Shake
SF Dating - Shake
Boarders - Ticket
Survivors - Shake

The Engaged team is first to the orphanage and give them their earnings...but they miss the sign. Seriously?? It's RIGHT THERE!

PIT STOP:  Teams will make their way to Kraton Palace for the Pit Stop where TWO TEAMS will be eliminated!

Engaged, Twins and Grandparents are on their way to the Pit Stop.  None of them read the damn sign.  They will be sent back by Phil to give all their money before getting checked in.

The Boarders saw the notice just as they were leaving and left all their cash.  Uh-Oh, Survivor left their clue at the Detour.  SNAP!!  They have to go back to the Shake it place and find it.

Sibs miss the sign.  Dating SF miss the sign.  Colts miss the sign. COME ON, PEOPLE.  It's RIGHT THERE!

Twins head back to the orphanage.  Sailors get to the orphanage and SEE THE SIGN!! So do the Showgirls!! Good eye!

BOARDERS are the 1st team to arrive!!!! They get to go to Ireland!! WOOT!
SAILORS are Team #2
SHOWGIRLS are Team #3
ENGAGED are Team #4
TWINS are Team #5
SF DATING are Team #6
SIBS are Team #8
COLTS are Team #9

SURVIVORS and GAYS are ELIMINATED.  See you next time! :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, S2E4

"Gossip Girls"


Adrienne and Paul are on the plane waiting for Kim and Kim is on some serious crazy pills.  She shows up and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks.  No joke.  The woman won't shut up.  Poor Adrienne is trying to make this about her and how it might be her last Kings game in Sacramento because the residents won't build her team a state of the art arena (insert foot stomp here).  Boo hoo.  Anyhow, Kim is not appreciating how difficult this is for Adrienne or that they may be in danger because the fans might go nuts on them.


Kyle is having a cocktail party for her "kids with cancer" charity. She's super stressed that no one will come to her party.  She's working with her "ladysitter" (WTF?!) on the RSVPs and auction items.


Adrienne, Paul and Kim arrive in Sac.  Adrienne is so freakin' dramatic about this whole relocation thing with the Kings.  I know I don't live there anymore so maybe I can't appreciate the severity of this situation, but it seemed a little blown out of proportion.  DRAMA.

Wow...Kim is really on something.  Yowza!  OMG.  Adrienne is crying.  Stop.  Too much.


Lisa and Ken are meeting with Guillermo (their business partner) and his wife about expanding SUR.  She wants to make it clear that Guillermo will be working more hours and she doesn't want any resentment when Lisa and Ken leave early and come in late. Guillermo and his wife are all in and they don't care about the long hours.  His wife looks a little worried, but I get the feeling they have a full time nanny for their 2 girls and it's not an issue for them.  The girls call Lisa "Princess Lisa" and ask when they are going to visit her castle again. HAHAHA.  Awesome.  I'm going to have my friends' kids start calling me "Princess Lisa".


Taylor visits Kyle at her new house and tells her that there's an article in the press about her marriage and Russell is FURious.  Russell basically told Taylor to stop talking about her marriage with her "friends".  There are some personal details in the article and Taylor is trying to figure out who talked.  Actually, that's a lie.  Taylor is trying to get Kyle to say that it's Lisa because that's who Taylor thinks it is.  

WHAT?  Taylor has her "staff" sign confidentiality agreements??  Who is she?  Does that mean that no one is going to come out and sell their story about Russell and Taylor's traumatic marriage??  BOO.


Adrienne continues to be dramatic.  Some of my friends are actually at this game!!  I remember they told me they saw Kim and Adrienne.  Holy Trainwreck!  Kim is talking and talking and talking throughout the entire game.  Paul is SO ANNOYED.  I would be, too.   Adrienne is not getting enough attention in the box, so she wants to go down near the court.  She's so brave.

They make it down near the floor and fans are taking her picture.  She's such a friendly "celebrity."  She's the "People's Team Owner."  Ugh.


Oh Lord...speaking of crazy people.  Camille and D.D. are shopping for wetsuits and paddleboards for Camille's annual vacation to Hawaii. If she's been going for years - like she claims - why does she need a new wetsuit and paddleboard!?!  Also, the flashback we just saw of her paddleboarding the year before shows her in a bikini with a rash guard.  WTH does she need a WETSUIT for?  Doesn't she know it's HOT in Hawaii?


Charity event!! Kyle is stressing out.  She needs a drink...quickly.  Kyle doesn't think anyone is coming.  Of course, she's wrong.  All her friends and their friends show up.

Taylor shows up with some friends in this weird babydoll-ish dress that really is not age appropriate.  She looks like a skeleton.  Lisa asks Taylor how she's REALLY doing and tells her that she's lost way too much weight.  Taylor thinks that because Lisa comments on her weight loss and the article mentioned her weightloss, Lisa must be the source.  Lisa claims to be concerned.  I'm not sure how genuine it is, but Taylor seriously looks terrible.  At least someone is saying something to her.  Yikes.  I don't know how she thinks that's an attractive look.

Next up...Adrienne and Paul walk in with...Brandi!!! YES! Now it's gonna get good.  She's like 7 feet tall and on crutches.  She apparently broke her foot walking in high heels and here she is with a cast and a stilletto.

Lisa says that she has seen pictures of Brandi and Cedric together.  So, she's already on Lisa and Kyle's bad side.  Brandi tells us that she was married to America's #1 douchebag, Eddie Cibrian, who is an "actor".  She actually does the air quotes when she says "actor."  For those who don't know, he left Brandi for Leann Rimes.  Brandi says he's not really an actor, he just gets paid to look hot.  That may be the case, but he actually is an actor.  It's not like he's waiting tables and calling himself an actor but not doing anything.  He's on "Playboy Club" right now, so he's a working actor.

Lisa decides to confirm that she's friendly with Cedric.  Brandi says that they met 15 years ago when they modeled together in Paris and she recently reconnected with him again.  Lisa doesn't want anything to do with anyone who is friendly with Cedric.  Kyle is feeling defensive for Lisa and she, Taylor and Faye Resnick decide to talk shit about Brandi.

Lisa and her friend, Martin (who they tried to set Kim up with last season) are talking to Brandi.  Martin brings up Cedric and Brandi says (I don't know why she said anything) "Just so you know, he's never said anything bad about you" to Lisa.  Martin awesomely responds with "What could he possibly say?  Oh they took me on vacations with them and let me live for free in their mansion for 2 years."  HAHAHAHA!!  LOVE IT.  Brandi tells us that Lisa should let it go because she's 60 and shouldn't be "acting that way." What?  Oh no, Brandi.  You've lost me.  Although you never really had me.  I always have Lisa's back.  She's my girl.  AND she's not 60.  You're the one who just called your children's dad the #1 Douchebag in American on TV.  What are the chances they will never see this?   It's one thing to hear bad stuff about your dad from other people, but from your mom?  Brandi is a mom and is the one who shouldn't be acting that way.

'Til next time. :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Amazing Race, Episode 1

"The Kindness of Strangers"

The teams:

Andy & Tommy - Olympic Snowboarders "Boarders"

Ethan & Jenna - Former winners of Survivor "Survivors"

Lawrence and Zach - Father and son.  Son set a world record for youngest kid to sail around the world. "Sailors"

Ernie & Cindy - Recently engaged from Chicago.  "Engaged"

Justin & Jennifer - Brother and sister.  "Sibs"

Bill & Kathy - Married 40 years and grandparents.  "Grandparents"

Liz & Marie - Twins.  That nickname wrote itself. "Twins"

Jeremy & Sandy - Dating from San Francisco.  "Team SF"

Ron & Bill - Domestic partners and flight attendants. "Gays"

Amani & Marcus - Married for 10 years.  He's a retired footballer (Colts). "Colts"

Kaylani & Lisa - Former showgirls from Las Vegas. "Lolas"

Ok, I think we're good on the nicknames.   They may change as the game progresses, but for now...this is it.

The first challenge is a word challenge.  Basically they need to unscramble the letters they find on umbrellas and combine them with 6 letters above the umbrellas (WANPEI) to determine where they are headed for their first destination.

The Boarders and Colts get the letters first and receive keys to Ford Explorers. Once in their cars, a video message from Phil tells them they are heading to Taipei Taiwan.  WOOT! Wow.  Amazing Race is so high tech this season.

Twins and Survivors are the next two teams headed to the airport.  Team SF and Engaged follow.  The Gays and Grandparents are next.  Sailors and Sibs are the last two teams.  The Showgirls are the very last team and they receive the "Hazard Penalty" which is an added task they will need to complete.  Oops.  One of them drops a passport out of the car and they drive off.  Yikes.

Everyone gets tickets.  The Showgirls are fighting because Kaylani can't find her passport.  They went back to the gas station but no one turned in a passport.  So, they're screwed and Lisa is PISSED.

Two random guys who were at the gas station found the passport and brought it to LAX!!! Rad.

Everyone lands in Taipei, Taiwan.  The Colts, Boarders, Survivor and the Engaged team are on the 1st bus.   They arrive at the square and the clue says to "look up" for your next clue.  I'm not sure they realize that it will be in Chinese.  It's up on a huge screen in Chinese characters and no one is getting it. The Showgirls, Twins, Sibs and Sailors make it and can't find it either.

The Sibs and Colts figure it out and ask someone who tells them that it's the Confucious Temple.  They are off.  The Engaged team  and Team SF figure it out next followed by the Boarders and Survivors.  The Boarders aren't buying that that's the clue. The Grandparents show up and can't figure it out.

The first group arrives at the Confucious Temple and there's a roadblock:

ROADBLOCK:  One of the team members will have to go to a telephone and dial a number.  They'll hear a Confucious proverb which they will have to memorize without any notes.  If they can recite it correctly back at the Temple, they will receive their next clue.

No one is getting the proverb!! AHAHA. Cindy, of Engaged, gets it first and they get the next clue.  Jennifer, of Sibs, is next to get it.  Sandy of Team SF follows.

The Twins and Showgirls FINALLY get the first clue and see the video billboard.  They head to the Confucious Temple.  The Grandparents, however, are still "clueless" and way off the path.

Ethan of Survivor gets the Confucious one and they're off to the Dragon Races.

NEXT CLUE:  Travel by Taxi to the Dragon Races.  The teams will join professional Dragon Racers. One team member will paddle and the other will beat the drum. If they can successfully complete the course, the boat captain will give them their next clue.

The Engaged team arrives to race.

Amani of the Colts, Zac of Sailors, Ron of the Gays and Tommy of Boarders all head to the Dragon Races.

PITSTOP:  The next leg is the pitstop.  For this leg of the race it is the Martyrs' Shrine.

The Engaged team, Team SF, and Sibs head to the Pitstop.  Twins and Showgirls are trying to solve the Confucious puzzle.  Showgirls get it and now must go to the Pacific Mall, search the 11th floor and look for their next clue as their Hazard Challenge.  They find it and the challenge is to bungee jump in the middle of the mall.  Kaylani will do the challenge.  Done and done.

The Grandparents are still looking for that first clue.  

The Engaged Team, Ernie and Cindy, are TEAM #1!! They have won the Express Pass.
Team SF is Team #2.
The Sibs are Team #3.

The Colts, Boarders and Sailors are finishing the Dragon Races.  They head to the next Pitstop.

The Grandparents FINALLY get the clue and head to the Confucious Temple.  Liz of the Twins is still having trouble memorizing the phrase.

Liz FINALLY gets it and heads to the Dragon Races.

The Gays and Showgirls are doing the Dragon Races.  The Grandparents are trying to do the Confucious challenge and NAIL IT!

Survivors are Team #4.
Colts are Team #5.
Sailors are Team #6.
Boarders are Team #7.
The Gays are Team #8.
Showgirls are Team #9.
Twins are Team #10.

AND...The Grandparents are ... NOT ELIMINATED.  Wow.  For the first time ever, there will be a DOUBLE ELIMINATION leg at the end of the next race!!!

'Til next time...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, S2E3

"Rocky Mountain Highs and Lows"

The girls are still in Beaver Creek at Camille's mansion/cabin/castle.  Taylor is slurring to Kyle about her marriage and she's crying.  She's an emotional wreck and really shouldn't be drinking.  Camille is exhausted, so she goes to take a nap while the caterers are busy cooking dinner for the girls. Kim is sound asleep and Drunk Taylor wakes her up and continues to cry/slur about her shitty situation.  It's like the in-person version of a drunk dial.

Taylor slurs how sorry she is to Kim about last season.  Oy!  Taylor is a train wreck.  She needs to stop talking and sleep it off.  Now, the other girls are getting worried.  It's almost dinnertime and Taylor is a hot mess.  Adrienne is convinced that Taylor is having a nervous breakdown.  Hasn't she ever been around drunk people before?!  Nervous breakdown?  Really, Adrienne?  Stupid.

Anyhow, there's this stupid wild goose chase over Taylor's missing makeup bag, but it is found eventually.  Finally everyone sits down to dinner and they continue to talk to Taylor and fake worry about her.  So dumb.  This whole sequence is so annoying.  I found this episode difficult to get through. I'm sure I'm missing things, but ... I doubt it.

Meanwhile ...

Paul, Mauricio and Ken are smoking cigars and drinking back in LA.  They comment that Russell couldn't make it because he's on a business trip.  They all gossip about Taylor and Russell's marriage.  HAHA.  This is how you know this shit is staged.  Men would NEVER even give a CRAP about their marriage.  I can almost see the director walking over to them and saying "OK, you guys have to talk about Taylor and Russell's marriage.  Ready?  GO!"

On the way back from Beaver Creek, Adrienne and Kyle are talking about ... Taylor.  What a surprise.  Kyle is a little more level headed about what happened. Alcohol + Altitude = Crazy Taylor.


Camille and her friend/stylist/employee, D.D., are walking around the grounds of Camille's mansion.  D.D. comments that it's like a spa.  It totally is.  She has a waterfall and meadow area.  It's insane. Camille doesn't want to sell - as she says, "Not that I can't afford it" - but, 5 acres is just so much for her to maintain.  But the kids love it and there are so many great memories there.  She's just not sure what to do.  I love rich people problems.


Kyle and her hottie hubby have dinner.   Kyle's embarrassed to tell Mauricio about the drama in Beaver Creek.  I hear you, sister. I'd be embarrassed to tell ANYONE about it.  You are grown women.  I think they have drama because they don't have jobs.  That's the problem with all these Real Housewives.   Kyle isn't going to get out of telling him because this is Bravo and it's in her contract. :)

Mauricio is still pissed at Kim.  He's happy Kyle is patching things up with Kim, but he's still not over it.  I don't blame him.  He has really helped her for years and she was nasty last season.


One of the restaurants that Lisa and Ken own is called SUR. The space next to it is available and Lisa wants to buy it and expand the restaurant.  She just needs to persuade Ken.  This segment ... also boring. YAWN.


Adrienne and Paul are going to Sacramento for the last King's game.   I remember this from several months ago.  The Maloofs wanted Sacramento to build a state of the art arena for the Kings and it wasn't going to happen.  So, the Maloofs threatened to move the Kings out of Sacramento.  This pissed A LOT of people in Sac off.  It was kind of shitty of the Maloofs ... as I understand it.  I mean, they basically said that if they didn't get the people of Sacramento to build (and fund!!) an expensive state of the art arena for their basketball team...they'll go somewhere else.  I get that they think the Kings deserve a newer, larger, better stadium, but to expect the residents of Sacramento to foot the bill is shitty.  Look at that f-ing house Adrienne lives in!!  If they want their team to have a new stadium, they should just build it themselves.

Anyhow...I digress.  Paul is talking to someone in Sacramento (I think part of the security team) who is warning them about coming to Sac.  He says that the climate in Sac is really bad for them.  It's not safe. Oh, it's the VP of media relations.  Emotions are running high in Sac and the Maloofs are not really well liked right now.  Adrienne says that the "FANS" deserve a state of the art arena. Really?  Do the fans also deserve to PAY FOR IT, Adrienne??

Paul says they shouldn't go, but Adrienne is not letting it go.  She wants to go and they are going.


Taylor's life coach is over helping her "find her voice."  What she really needs is to lose her dermatologist.  I mean, they are having all sorts of money problems and Taylor's lips just keep getting bigger and bigger.

Anyhow, Taylor is realizing that she shouldn't talk to these women about her marriage because all she's getting is judgement.  BECAUSE THEY AREN'T YOUR FRIENDS.  They are women who are paid to be on a show with you.  Annoying.  Her life coach continues to point out the obvious and Taylor feels like she's having an epiphany.


Paul and Adrienne are on the way to the airport and Kim is supposed to go to Sac with them but she's not there.  Adrienne calls Kim and Kim is DRUNK or on drugs or something.  She's rambling and incoherent.   Drama.

Next week BRANDI GLANVILLE joins the cast!! YAY!! I already hate her.  It's going to be awesome.   Oh, and Lisa tells Taylor to eat something because she's wasting away.  I wish people would tell me to eat. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hill, S1E2

"Blame it on the Altitude"

Previously on RHOBH Adrienne and Paul fought ALL THE TIME, the girls pretended like they liked each other, Ken thinks people who go to therapy are weak, Taylor and Russell are in therapy, and Jiggy drinks out of Adrienne's expensive champagne flute...EEEEEEWWWWWW.


Kyle and her fam moves into her "dream home".  Kyle's friend, Faye Resnick, comes to help her move in and she thinks she's moving in, too - she's totally directing where the furniture goes and DOESN'T go.  Faye finds an old portrait of Kyle with the bushiest eyebrows ever.  Awesome.


I want Lisa's closet.  Seriously.  She's packing for the girls' trip to Colorado.  They are going for TWO DAYS.  Remember this because these women pack like they are going for WEEKS.  I swear her closet is like a department store.  She needs to take a ski jacket and her maid is helping her select which one to take.  I mean, usually people take their ski jacket when they go skiing...not choose from their selection of ski jackets!  Insane.


Another clothes horse.  She's taking THREE BAGS for TWO DAYS.  One bag is devoted to SHOES.  Who are these women?!?!  She and Paul are fighting again.  UGH.


The girls act crazy and childish on their flight to Colorado.  I've watched this part twice now and it's so uninteresting that I've missed it both times.  Generally, Kim acts weird and flirty with randoms and Lisa is annoyed by everyone's childish behavior.

They get in the limo to Camille's house.  OH, let me back up. So the girls are going to Beaver Creek, Colorado to stay with Camille in her ridiculously lavish "cabin" before she has to sell it, per the divorce settlement.   The limo driver tells them that there's something going on, so they need to take a detour to the house and it will take FOUR hours.  UGH.  It's nice to be traveling by limo, but four hours sucks.  They agree.

On the way, Kim won't SHUT UP.  She just talks and talks and talks.  Annoying.  (Meanwhile, Camille walks through her cabin/castle/mansion with her ASSISTANT to make sure everything looks perfect for the girls.)

Kyle asks Lisa if Ken is mad at her for saying that Taylor was offended at the dinner party.  Lisa says that he was probably a little annoyed and that he was just voicing his opinion.  Taylor says that no one asked for his opinion.  Yikes.  Taylor keeps talking and getting defensive.  Lisa keeps saying that it is HIS opinion and about Ken, not her.  So Taylor says - AGAIN - that no one asked for his opinion.  And Lisa tells her that no one has to ask for anyone's opinion at a dinner party.  Snap!

The ladies finally arrive at Camille's and the place is stunning.  It's just gorgeous.  The girls all pick their rooms and it turns out that 2 of the girls need to share.  Kyle gives up her room so that Taylor doesn't have to share with Lisa.  It makes sense for them to share since Kim and Kyle are sisters.

The next morning, a ski concierge shows up to size the ladies for skis and boots.  Really?  A ski concierge?  WTH?  Even the other women had no idea what that was. Who knew that someone actually has that job.  Of course, Kim is totally inappropriate and the girls all tease that she's single.  Dumb.

The girls all go skiing and have fun.  Lisa really has an issue with Taylor.  I can't decide of there's a personality conflict or if it's truly jealousy because Taylor is friends with Kyle now.  Weird.

When they get back to the mansion/cabin/castle, Kyle and Taylor take a dip in the jacuzzi.  FUN! Well, not so fun.  Taylor talks about how difficult things are with her and Russell.  They are in therapy but she's just not sure anymore.  At the same time, she's scared to leave because of their daughter and she does still love him.   She's also scared to be alone again.  She was alone most of her life because she didn't even get married until she was 34.  Taylor says she's resentful but really wants things to work.  She never really tells Kyle the real issue (that he hits her) but that's ok, she's tired.

To be continued ...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Teen Mom Commentary

I've been watching these Teen Moms since they were 16 and Pregnant.  Now, with the exception of Tyler and Catelynn, the girls all have toddlers and are still struggling to get their lives on track.  I just watched the most recent episode and rather than recap the entire series, I'm just going to comment on each of the moms/couples.


TRAINWRECK!  While I think Gary is a lazy slob who should seriously get off the couch and exercise, Amber is just awful.   She needs some serious therapy on a regular basis.  She was on some kind of medication for awhile and I'm not sure why she's not taking it anymore.  She needs a mood stabilizer.  She just can't control her emotions.  Leah does not need to be exposed to that nonsense.   I absolutely think Amber and Gary need to be apart and deal with their own separate issues before even trying to make it work together.  They are a toxic couple for each other and that beautiful little girl.  Amber needs some serious anger management training, too.  She's just out of control and then when she gets in trouble, she cries and plays the victim.  UGH.  It's so annoying to watch.  She needs to concentrate on getting her shit together and stop trying to date someone. Same with Gary.  He doesn't have the mood issue that Amber does, but he's got some serious self esteem problems.   He needs to get in shape and be a present father for Leah while Amber is getting herself together.  I fear for the future of that little girl.


O.M.G.  I can't say enough how much I absolutely despise Farah.  She is a spoiled, disrespectful, rude, obnoxious girl who needs some mood stabilizing as well.  She is awful.  I used to really dislike her mother, too, but quite frankly, her mom is a saint for putting up with Farah.  She's terrible.  I cringe every time she interacts with her mom or stepdad.  Her poor stepdad is the nicest guy ever and she's just a bitch to him.  She needs a serious attitude adjustment.  She also needs to save her money so that Sophia can go to college and have everything she needs instead of spending her money on a BOOB JOB.  She just makes one bad choice after another.  Now she wants to move herself and Sophia to FLORIDA??  She's an idiot.  The entitlement and poor attitude and disrespect are simply too much.  She needs a good slap across the face.


It appears that Maci and Ryan have the most stable home life for themselves and little Bentley.  Both of them have supportive parents who help out a lot with Bentley.  Maci is also going to school which is great.  She found a supportive boyfriend in Kyle, although, she just keeps pushing him.  I hope she  backs off for awhile.  Last week, she was trying to get him to have a baby with her. She needs another baby like she needs a hole in her head.  She's another one who takes her parents' help and support for granted a little bit.  She needs to finish school and get a job and take care of herself and Bentley for awhile.  Then, she can focus on her relationships and expanding her family.  And don't get me started on Ryan.  He is a spoiled brat.  Bentley is lucky to have Ryan's parents there to help and support him, but Ryan needs to get a life!


These two are my favorite.  They could have really made a bad decision and been in a much worse position.  They have a very complicated and not so good home life.  Catelynn's mom is a recovering (?) drug addict and alcoholic who is married to Tyler's father who is also a recovering drug addict and alcoholic.  Tyler's dad is in and out of jail and Catelynn's mom is verbally abusive.  She's super immature and selfish.  Tyler's mom seems to have her shit together and is super supportive to both Tyler and Catelynn. Catelynn and Tyler made the very selfless and responsible decision to put their baby up for adoption.  They each saw their home life and circumstances and realized that their baby deserved better.  They have an open adoption with their babies' adoptive parents and see her once a year.  It has been a difficult journey for them - particularly since Tyler's dad and Catelynn's mom were NOT supportive of the adoption.  I'm really proud of these two.  They finished high school and they are working and living on their own AND they have managed to stay together.  I really hope they make it.

That's it.  That's my commentary.  Just because I think Catelynn and Tyler made a responsible decision for giving their baby up for adoption does not mean the others are irresponsible.  I just think that Catelynn and Tyler recognized that they didn't have the financial and emotional support they needed to raise a baby and finish school.  The others have the support of their families to care for their babies.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, S2E1

I'm BAAACK!!  After a really long hiatus, I'm back online and blogging about my favorite reality shows.

The bitches are back!! And they've acquired a couple more bitches.  This season will be interesting.  It's starting on a very dark and sad note with the suicide of Taylor's husband, Russell Armstrong, just a few weeks ago.  I heard Bravo is going to air some of their therapy sessions.

The season begins with the ladies from last season and their S.O.'s all coming to Adrienne's house to talk about Taylor and Russell.  They share their feelings and discuss what a shock this was. They agree that they need to support Taylor.  Then, the group therapy session ends, Bravo tells us that the events of the season were filmed before Russell killed himself and we begin the season...


Lisa and Jiggy are walking down the street and Lisa is wearing her KICK ASS hot pink Christian Louboutin's.  She meets her daughter, Pandora, at the beauty salon.  Meanwhile...back at home, Pandora's boyfriend, Jason, asks Ken for his blessing to marry Pandora.


Kyle and her hottie hubby, Mauricio, sold their house and are packing up.  I can't wait to see their new house.  They claim that they "outgrew" the old house, but I think Kyle was feeling like she couldn't keep up with the other ladies unless she got a bigger house.

Apparently Kim and Kyle have not repaired their relationship since their big fight last season.  They're on the mend, but not quite there yet.  I have hope for them.  I'm a big fan of these sisters.


Oy vey!  Well, it wouldn't be Camille if she didn't have a golf cart to take her from one part of her property to another.  UGH.  She goes to the "ranch" area of her property to see the furniture that had been sent to her from the Hampton's home.  Camille tells her friend that it is "REALLY nice stuff".   She bitches that Kelsey's new wife packed up all of Camille's stuff and Camille is acting shocked.  Stupid.


Adrienne is hosting a dinner party with the girls and their significant others to watch Camille's guest spot on Sh@t My Dad Says.  Adrienne and her husband, Paul, are discussing the menu with their chef and they are just bickering the whole time.  They leave the kitchen and the chef (Bernie) is so funny - he totally shakes his head and rolls his eyes.


Kyle and Taylor are shopping for some fancy dress to wear to Adrienne's viewing party.  Taylor comes in out of breath because she just ran into Cedric on the street. This leads her to confide in Kyle that she doesn't think Lisa likes her.  Kyle says it's just because Lisa is British.  HAHA.


Adrienne and Paul bicker some more.  Jeez, I swear all they do is fight.  I smell a separation/divorce announcement in their future.  She's always so annoyed with him.

Ok, Adrienne is SO DRESSED UP!  RIDICULOUS.  Those ladies would NEVER be friends with me.  I would show up to the dinner party/screening in jeans and flats...they would throw me out!!  I'm so glad my friends aren't like that.  It's too much work, not to mention money!  Wow.  I guess blue is the new black.  Four of the ladies show up in blue dresses.

Lisa shows up with Jiggy (and some KICK ASS Louboutins) and Adrienne and Paul have a new dog, Jackpot.  Before dinner, the group goes to the theater to watch the show.  The ladies think it's a lot funnier than it is. Let's just say, I'm not surprised that show got cancelled.

Dinner looks DELICIOUS.  Yum.  Adrienne and Paul bicker again...awkward.  It went a little to long. Even I'm uncomfortable.

Paul asks Taylor how things are with her hubby, Russell.  She says that they are in therapy and she's learning a lot about herself.  Ken says that he would NEVER go to therapy.  He says that if he had to go to therapy to save his marriage, he would feel weak.  Yikes.  Way to offend the whole table. WOW.  He's so British.

OK, gross.  Ken is letting Jiggy drink water out of Ken's glass and then Ken takes a drink out of the glass.  SICK.  I'm not a pet person so maybe I'm more bothered by that kind of stuff.  But, that was DISGUSTING.

Kyle tells Ken that he offended Taylor and Ken takes offense to the word "offended."  Taylor comes back to the table and tells Ken that he upset her.  Ken tries to say he didn't say it was a sign of weakness.  Lisa doesn't like the confrontation that is occurring, so she makes up an excuse to leave.  Ken and Lisa are usually my faves, but that was really uncomfortable.

It's hard to recap pretending not to know that Russell committed suicide.

In the "Scenes from this season", we finally see Brandi Granville - Eddie Cibrian's ex-wife.  I'm not sure on which side people tend to fall on the whole Leann Rimes/Eddie Cibrian/Brandi Granville drama.  I'm not really sure people even care.  I have to say, I don't mind Leann and Eddie.  Then again, I'm a huge Angelina fan and Jen Aniston totally bugs me.   I just don't think you can "steal" anyone's husband. I think something was already not working or he wouldn't have been looking.  I'm not blaming the wife, I'm just saying that this other woman doesn't have some crazy super power that causes the husband to be unfaithful.

Until next week ...