Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, S2E4

"Gossip Girls"


Adrienne and Paul are on the plane waiting for Kim and Kim is on some serious crazy pills.  She shows up and talks and talks and talks and talks and talks.  No joke.  The woman won't shut up.  Poor Adrienne is trying to make this about her and how it might be her last Kings game in Sacramento because the residents won't build her team a state of the art arena (insert foot stomp here).  Boo hoo.  Anyhow, Kim is not appreciating how difficult this is for Adrienne or that they may be in danger because the fans might go nuts on them.


Kyle is having a cocktail party for her "kids with cancer" charity. She's super stressed that no one will come to her party.  She's working with her "ladysitter" (WTF?!) on the RSVPs and auction items.


Adrienne, Paul and Kim arrive in Sac.  Adrienne is so freakin' dramatic about this whole relocation thing with the Kings.  I know I don't live there anymore so maybe I can't appreciate the severity of this situation, but it seemed a little blown out of proportion.  DRAMA.

Wow...Kim is really on something.  Yowza!  OMG.  Adrienne is crying.  Stop.  Too much.


Lisa and Ken are meeting with Guillermo (their business partner) and his wife about expanding SUR.  She wants to make it clear that Guillermo will be working more hours and she doesn't want any resentment when Lisa and Ken leave early and come in late. Guillermo and his wife are all in and they don't care about the long hours.  His wife looks a little worried, but I get the feeling they have a full time nanny for their 2 girls and it's not an issue for them.  The girls call Lisa "Princess Lisa" and ask when they are going to visit her castle again. HAHAHA.  Awesome.  I'm going to have my friends' kids start calling me "Princess Lisa".


Taylor visits Kyle at her new house and tells her that there's an article in the press about her marriage and Russell is FURious.  Russell basically told Taylor to stop talking about her marriage with her "friends".  There are some personal details in the article and Taylor is trying to figure out who talked.  Actually, that's a lie.  Taylor is trying to get Kyle to say that it's Lisa because that's who Taylor thinks it is.  

WHAT?  Taylor has her "staff" sign confidentiality agreements??  Who is she?  Does that mean that no one is going to come out and sell their story about Russell and Taylor's traumatic marriage??  BOO.


Adrienne continues to be dramatic.  Some of my friends are actually at this game!!  I remember they told me they saw Kim and Adrienne.  Holy Trainwreck!  Kim is talking and talking and talking throughout the entire game.  Paul is SO ANNOYED.  I would be, too.   Adrienne is not getting enough attention in the box, so she wants to go down near the court.  She's so brave.

They make it down near the floor and fans are taking her picture.  She's such a friendly "celebrity."  She's the "People's Team Owner."  Ugh.


Oh Lord...speaking of crazy people.  Camille and D.D. are shopping for wetsuits and paddleboards for Camille's annual vacation to Hawaii. If she's been going for years - like she claims - why does she need a new wetsuit and paddleboard!?!  Also, the flashback we just saw of her paddleboarding the year before shows her in a bikini with a rash guard.  WTH does she need a WETSUIT for?  Doesn't she know it's HOT in Hawaii?


Charity event!! Kyle is stressing out.  She needs a drink...quickly.  Kyle doesn't think anyone is coming.  Of course, she's wrong.  All her friends and their friends show up.

Taylor shows up with some friends in this weird babydoll-ish dress that really is not age appropriate.  She looks like a skeleton.  Lisa asks Taylor how she's REALLY doing and tells her that she's lost way too much weight.  Taylor thinks that because Lisa comments on her weight loss and the article mentioned her weightloss, Lisa must be the source.  Lisa claims to be concerned.  I'm not sure how genuine it is, but Taylor seriously looks terrible.  At least someone is saying something to her.  Yikes.  I don't know how she thinks that's an attractive look.

Next up...Adrienne and Paul walk in with...Brandi!!! YES! Now it's gonna get good.  She's like 7 feet tall and on crutches.  She apparently broke her foot walking in high heels and here she is with a cast and a stilletto.

Lisa says that she has seen pictures of Brandi and Cedric together.  So, she's already on Lisa and Kyle's bad side.  Brandi tells us that she was married to America's #1 douchebag, Eddie Cibrian, who is an "actor".  She actually does the air quotes when she says "actor."  For those who don't know, he left Brandi for Leann Rimes.  Brandi says he's not really an actor, he just gets paid to look hot.  That may be the case, but he actually is an actor.  It's not like he's waiting tables and calling himself an actor but not doing anything.  He's on "Playboy Club" right now, so he's a working actor.

Lisa decides to confirm that she's friendly with Cedric.  Brandi says that they met 15 years ago when they modeled together in Paris and she recently reconnected with him again.  Lisa doesn't want anything to do with anyone who is friendly with Cedric.  Kyle is feeling defensive for Lisa and she, Taylor and Faye Resnick decide to talk shit about Brandi.

Lisa and her friend, Martin (who they tried to set Kim up with last season) are talking to Brandi.  Martin brings up Cedric and Brandi says (I don't know why she said anything) "Just so you know, he's never said anything bad about you" to Lisa.  Martin awesomely responds with "What could he possibly say?  Oh they took me on vacations with them and let me live for free in their mansion for 2 years."  HAHAHAHA!!  LOVE IT.  Brandi tells us that Lisa should let it go because she's 60 and shouldn't be "acting that way." What?  Oh no, Brandi.  You've lost me.  Although you never really had me.  I always have Lisa's back.  She's my girl.  AND she's not 60.  You're the one who just called your children's dad the #1 Douchebag in American on TV.  What are the chances they will never see this?   It's one thing to hear bad stuff about your dad from other people, but from your mom?  Brandi is a mom and is the one who shouldn't be acting that way.

'Til next time. :)

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