Thursday, September 15, 2011

Real Housewives of Beverly Hill, S1E2

"Blame it on the Altitude"

Previously on RHOBH Adrienne and Paul fought ALL THE TIME, the girls pretended like they liked each other, Ken thinks people who go to therapy are weak, Taylor and Russell are in therapy, and Jiggy drinks out of Adrienne's expensive champagne flute...EEEEEEWWWWWW.


Kyle and her fam moves into her "dream home".  Kyle's friend, Faye Resnick, comes to help her move in and she thinks she's moving in, too - she's totally directing where the furniture goes and DOESN'T go.  Faye finds an old portrait of Kyle with the bushiest eyebrows ever.  Awesome.


I want Lisa's closet.  Seriously.  She's packing for the girls' trip to Colorado.  They are going for TWO DAYS.  Remember this because these women pack like they are going for WEEKS.  I swear her closet is like a department store.  She needs to take a ski jacket and her maid is helping her select which one to take.  I mean, usually people take their ski jacket when they go skiing...not choose from their selection of ski jackets!  Insane.


Another clothes horse.  She's taking THREE BAGS for TWO DAYS.  One bag is devoted to SHOES.  Who are these women?!?!  She and Paul are fighting again.  UGH.


The girls act crazy and childish on their flight to Colorado.  I've watched this part twice now and it's so uninteresting that I've missed it both times.  Generally, Kim acts weird and flirty with randoms and Lisa is annoyed by everyone's childish behavior.

They get in the limo to Camille's house.  OH, let me back up. So the girls are going to Beaver Creek, Colorado to stay with Camille in her ridiculously lavish "cabin" before she has to sell it, per the divorce settlement.   The limo driver tells them that there's something going on, so they need to take a detour to the house and it will take FOUR hours.  UGH.  It's nice to be traveling by limo, but four hours sucks.  They agree.

On the way, Kim won't SHUT UP.  She just talks and talks and talks.  Annoying.  (Meanwhile, Camille walks through her cabin/castle/mansion with her ASSISTANT to make sure everything looks perfect for the girls.)

Kyle asks Lisa if Ken is mad at her for saying that Taylor was offended at the dinner party.  Lisa says that he was probably a little annoyed and that he was just voicing his opinion.  Taylor says that no one asked for his opinion.  Yikes.  Taylor keeps talking and getting defensive.  Lisa keeps saying that it is HIS opinion and about Ken, not her.  So Taylor says - AGAIN - that no one asked for his opinion.  And Lisa tells her that no one has to ask for anyone's opinion at a dinner party.  Snap!

The ladies finally arrive at Camille's and the place is stunning.  It's just gorgeous.  The girls all pick their rooms and it turns out that 2 of the girls need to share.  Kyle gives up her room so that Taylor doesn't have to share with Lisa.  It makes sense for them to share since Kim and Kyle are sisters.

The next morning, a ski concierge shows up to size the ladies for skis and boots.  Really?  A ski concierge?  WTH?  Even the other women had no idea what that was. Who knew that someone actually has that job.  Of course, Kim is totally inappropriate and the girls all tease that she's single.  Dumb.

The girls all go skiing and have fun.  Lisa really has an issue with Taylor.  I can't decide of there's a personality conflict or if it's truly jealousy because Taylor is friends with Kyle now.  Weird.

When they get back to the mansion/cabin/castle, Kyle and Taylor take a dip in the jacuzzi.  FUN! Well, not so fun.  Taylor talks about how difficult things are with her and Russell.  They are in therapy but she's just not sure anymore.  At the same time, she's scared to leave because of their daughter and she does still love him.   She's also scared to be alone again.  She was alone most of her life because she didn't even get married until she was 34.  Taylor says she's resentful but really wants things to work.  She never really tells Kyle the real issue (that he hits her) but that's ok, she's tired.

To be continued ...

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