Monday, April 5, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 8

Last time it was a non-elimination round and the Cowboys were saved. Six teams remain. Let's find out who will be eliminated next!

Baseball is the first team to depart St. Pierre Island in the Seychelles at 7:22PM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must now fly to Penang, Malaysia. When they land, they will make their way to the Snake Temple where they will find their next clue. First, the teams will board the 2:00AM charter ferry to the Seychelles Airport.

Baseball reminds us that they forgot their backpacks at the tortoise task, so they only have the clothes on their backs. They read the weather forecast for Malaysia and see that it will be very hot and humid, so they are relieved. Twins, Models, Cops, Team Lez and Cowboys all head out to the charter. The Cops and Models bond about their hatred for Carol and Team Lez. The Cops give some extra clothes to Baseball.

The teams land in Penang, Malaysia and head to the Snake Temple. Twins arrive first and get the next clue.

DETOUR: "Buddhist Tradition" or "Chinese Custom". In Buddhist Tradition, teams make their way to the Buddhist temple, carry 12 large incense sticks up a steep incline of 150 steps. At the top, teams must place the large incense into large burners and ignite the tips. When the ceremonial fire is lit, they'll receive their next clue. In Chinese Custom, teams make their way to a park and choose an enormous flag. Next, teams will have to balance the enormous flag on their forehead and walk 130 feet across the park. If they can make it across the park without dropping their flag, they will receive their next clue.

The teams are all scrambling for a taxi. Cowboys are the last ones to get a cab. Team Lez is the first team to Buddhist Tradition and start to lug their incense up the stairs. Models arrive at Buddhist Tradition next and get started. The Twins, Baseball and Cops are all stuck in major traffic, so Twins and Baseball decide to just run to Buddhist Tradition.

Cowboys arrive at Chinese Custom and are beginning to think they may have made a mistake. Cord makes it across easily across the park. Jet is having some trouble, but Cord is walking him through it. Jet finally makes it and they get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the seaside village of Teluk Bahang and find the temple where they will get their next clue.

Cowboys head out anticipating the Speed Bump that awaits them somewhere on this leg of the race. Cops arrive - in their cab - at the Buddhist Tradition. Cowboys arrive at Teluk Bahang and receive their SPEED BUMP.

SPEED BUMP: The Cowboys must make their way into a tropical spice garden and find the woman crushing spices for tea. Using their sense of smell, they must determine which teapot is filled with tea made from the spice she is crushing. Then, they must deliver the correct teapot to a tea guru and if correct, they will be able to continue with the race.

The Cowboys find the spice garden and sniff the spice. They find a teapot and take it to the guru but they are WRONG!! They go back and select a different tea. They get a new teapot and it's...the right one!! They head back to the temple. They are now in FIRST PLACE! Baseball and Twins are still running and Baseball runs into their cab driver so they take the cab to the temple. Twins arrive at around the same time and they realize that they are not at the right place. So both teams run to Baseball's cab and the driver stays true to Baseball. They head out and Twins find another cab.

Cowboys are back at the clue box.

ROADBLOCK: Teams must smash coconuts until they find one with a bright color inside. Then using local materials and, at least, one piece of their colored coconut, teams must create a miniature Hindu offering that must float and present it to their guru in the water who will set it off to sea and give them their next clue.

Jet is doing the Roadblock. The Models and Team Lez light their incense and head out to Teluk Bahang. The Twins arrive at Buddhist Tradition and begin their task. Cops are finished and head out to Teluk Bahang - btw, Louie is dying! He is hacking up a lung. That guy is OUT OF SHAPE.

Baseball decides to do Chinese Custom instead since they are having no luck finding the Buddhist place. C'mon Baseball. I like these two a lot. I hope they make it quickly. Dammit. Allie realizes right away that she can't do it so they try to catch another cab and head to the Buddhist Tradition. I predict Baseball will go home. :(

Jet finds the colored coconut and builds his boat offering. He sends it off to sea and receives the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the historic section of the island and find the Pinang Peranakan Mansion, the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Carol does the Roadblock for Team Lez. Baseball finally arrives and they need to kick ass. Louie does the Roadblock for the Cops. Carol and Louie find their coconuts and start building their offering. Models FINALLY arrive - after being totally cocky about leaving the Buddhist place first - and Caite does the Roadblock for the Models.

The COWBOYS are TEAM #1 at the Pit Stop. WOOT!! They win a trip for two to Maui.

Carol sends her offering off to sea and Team Lez heads to the Pit Stop. Louie sends his offering to sea and Cops head to the Pit Stop. Twins finish and head to Teluk Behang. Caite finds the colored coconut and sends her offering out to sea. Models head to the Pit Stop.

TEAM LEZ is Team #2 at the Pit Stop.

Baseball finishes and head to Teluk Behang. COME ON, BASEBALL!! Twins are in a cab and the driver stops for GAS!!!

COPS are Team #3 at the Pit Stop.

Twins arrive in Teluk and Jordan does the Roadblock. Jordan messes up the offering and has to re-do it. He does it right and sends off his offering. Twins head to the Pit Stop. :( Baseball arrives and Allie does the Roadblock.

MODELS are Team #4 at the Pit Stop.

Allie sends off the offering and Baseball heads to the Pit Stop. Twins and Baseball are racing to the Pit Stop.

TWINS are Team #5 at the Pit Stop.

DAMMIT. BASEBALL is the last team to arrive and they are eliminated from the race. What a bummer. Those guys are great. I'm really sad.

See you next week!

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