Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 9

Baseball went home last week. 5 teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

The Cowboys are the first to depart at 10:02 AM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must now make their way to Singapore where they will head to the Victoria Concert Hall and Theater and search for Allen Wu (host of Amazing Race Asia), who will give them their next clue.

Everyone departs and the Models are hoping someone gets to the U-Turn first and U-Turn the sh*t out of the Lesbians. I don't know why they want to pick on Team Lez. Not cool.

The Cops, the Twins and the Models are on a bus that Cops and Models reveal that they see Team Lez as their biggest threat and they are going to U-Turn them if they make it. Jordan sees right through it and knows that they just don't like Team Lez. Cops and Models keep saying it's because they're rude and they are world travelers, but they are just HOMOPHOBIC.

All teams are on buses to Kuala Lumpur where they will take a train to Singapore. They all board the train and in Singapore, they run to get cabs to take them to Victoria Concert Hall. The Cops, Team Lez and Twins arrive at Victoria Concert Hall and start looking for Allen Wu. Jordan spots him out front and Twins receive the next clue.

FAST FORWARD: Teams must ride the Singapore Flyer (largest ferris wheel in the world!) until their capsule is at the very top. At that point, teams must exit their capsule and climb along a metal beam to the next capsule. When they complete this, they will be rewarded with a fast forward to the next Pit Stop.

Twins decide to go for it. Models and Cowboys arrive at Victoria Concert Hall. Cops find Allen Wu and get the next clue. They have the option of trying the Fast Forward, but since someone is already on the way, it makes sense to go on with the next clue.

DETOUR: "Pounding the Drums" or "Pounding the Pavement". In Pounding the Drums, teams make their way to a park called "Speakers Corner" where they will learn a complex routine on the drums. Once they got it, they will have to go on stage and perform. When they get it right, they will get the next clue. In Pounding the Pavement, teams make their way to a pedestrian mall where they must pick up supplies and boxes of ice cream. They they will have to set up a booth and sell 25 ice cream sandwiches before they can get the next clue.

Cowboys don't even try to do the fast forward and head to Pounding the Drums. Models and Team Lez finally find Allen Wu and decide to do Pounding the Drums as well. Team Lez is in last place. Cops, Cowboys, Models and Team Lez are all Pounding the Drums. Cops decide they have no rhythm so they decide to go for the Fast Forward.

Twins are at the Singapore Flyer and Jordan is realizing that they have to climb from one capsule to the other at 541 ft. Jordan discovers he has an intense fear of heights. Cops arrive and aren't sure if the Twins are there. They take the elevator up and realize that they are there so they take off to sell ice cream. Twins get to the top and Jordan goes across first. He's shaking like crazy. Scary!! Dan goes next and he quickly makes it across and they COMPLETE THE FAST FORWARD and get the next clue.

PIT STOP: Twins can now head to the Marina Barrage, the Pit Stop for this leg of the race. WOO!

Cops get their supplies and ice cream and set up shop. The Cowboys go on stage and try the routine. They mess up and go back and practice. The Models are up next. They nail it and get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now figure out that they are looking for Istana Park located at the intersection of Panang and Orchard roads. There, they will find their next clue.

Carol (Team Lez) is bitching that she wants to do the other task because she doesn't think she'll ever get the routine down. But Brandy says they are staying. Twins arrive at the Marina Barrage.

TWINS are Team #1. They both win a motor bike, which the boys say they will never use because their mom would never allow it. HAH!

Models arrive at Istana Park and decide to U-Turn Team Lez. The Models did it because Team Lez has been "awful" to them. Um, so have the Twins! Team Lez hasn't said anything to Caite's face, just like Jordan of the Twins. In fact, Jordan was the one who reminded Team Lez who Caite was!! It's not their fault you're an idiot Caite. Oh well, Team Lez gets U-Turned and Models get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to an old shipyard where they will receive their next clue.

The Cops are selling ice cream sandwiches and they just need to sell 10 more. Just then, their cab driver shows up and buys 10 SANDWICHES. The Cops get the next clue and head to Istana Park. Team Lez finishes the drum task before the Cowboys and head to Istana Park. They arrive to discover that the Models have U-Turned them. They are pissed. Team Lez say that Caite is an idiot...which is true. Carol thinks that they did it because Brandy is prettier than Caite. They think they were stupid since Team Lez isn't even the strongest team. The other teams have all come in 1st at some point and Team Lez hasn't. Carol says she can't make sense of it and Brandy says "Stupid is as stupid does." HA! "It's Brent and Caite Gump!" HAHAHA. I get that Team Lez is being mean, but it's true and if I got U-Turned, I'd probably do the same thing. So they head out to sell some ice cream.

Cops arrive and get the next clue. They see that Models have U-Turned Team Lez and take credit for training the Models well. Oh jeez. Models arrive at the shipyard and get the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams must now count the links in an enormous anchor chain. Once the team member comes up with the correct number (521), they will receive their next clue.

Brent takes this one and starts counting. To complicate matters, the shipyard is super loud! Team Lez starts selling ice cream sandwiches. The Cops are on their way to the shipyard and tell us that they convinced everyone that Team Lez was the biggest threat. Well, it worked with the Models.

Cowboys get to Istana Park, get the clue and head to the shipyard. Team Lez FINALLY finishes selling sandwiches and head to the shipyard. Cops arrive at the shipyard and Mike gets his pitch counter that he can click as he moves from link to link. It will certainly help him count. Cowboys arrive and Jet is counting. Models finish and get their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must make their way to Sentosa, an adventure park, and make their way to the zipline ride where they will get their next clue.

Models arrive at Sentosa and get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now do a zipline from a huge tower and soar 112 ft across one of Asia's longest ziplines. FUN!!

Models do the zipline, get the next clue and head to the Pit Stop. Team Lez is still seething with anger. Is Caite from Boston? I think she's from South Carolina or something. WTH does she keep saying "wicked cool" all the time?? It's so annoying.

Team Lez arrives at the shipyard and Carol decides to count. Cops and Cowboys both get 521 and head out to Sentosa. The Cops cab driver left without them, so they try to steal Team Lez's cab driver but he is loyal and won't take them.

MODELS are Team #2. BOO!!! Caite tells Phil that they U-Turned Team Lez because this whole time they've been really rude to her. Um, not to her face!! Dumb.

Team Lez finishes the shipyard task and head to Sentosa to zipline. Cowboys do the zipline and head to the Pit Stop. The Cops do the zipline next and head out to the Pit Stop. Team Lez arrives at Sentosa and do the zipline. They head to the Pit Stop.

COWBOYS are Team #3.

COPS are Team #4.

TEAM LEZ is the last team to arrive and are eliminated. They can't even begin to think of how rewarding this experience has been because they are so consumed with anger and the Models' stupidity. I hope they get over it eventually.

See you next time.

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