Thursday, April 15, 2010

Real Housewives of New York - Season 3 - Episode 6

"The Ambush"


Bethenny and Ramona go for a walk along the Brooklyn Bridge. Ramona hates Brooklyn, so she asks Simon and Alex to meet them on the other side of the bridge. :) Bethenny tells Ramona about her phone call with Jill. She tells Ramona that she just wants to know why this got so out of control. Now Ramona decides to lay into her for no reason. First she tells Bethenny that she thinks she (Bethenny) is a fame monger and planted the story in the newspaper. She goes on to say that she wants to help Bethenny and that she thinks Bethenny is very self-serving. is this "helping" Bethenny? Bethenny says that Ramona isn't exactly warm and fuzzy either. Ramona shoots back by saying that at least she has friends and Bethenny has NO friends. She only has Jason and she'll "probably mess that up, too." Wow. That is SO MEAN. Ramona, shame on you. That's so below the belt. Besides, with friends like Jill and Luann, who needs enemies. So careful, Ramona. Besides, one of Ramona's "friends" was talking sh*t about Ramona to Jill on the yacht in the first episode. So, tread lightly, Ramona.

Ramona tries to neutralize the damage she's just done. She says she didn't mean to upset Bethenny and apologizes. She was just being honest with Bethenny. Wow. That was so hurtful. I'm officially no longer Team Ramona. That was seriously cruel. I call BULLSHIT that she didn't mean to hurt Bethenny. She can't possibly be that clueless. Jill thinks "Get a Hobby" is the worst thing anyone has ever said to her? She should take a stroll with Ramona. Jeez. I don't know why Bethenny continues to talk to her. Bethenny says that Jill wants to "win" this fight, but Bethenny doesn't think there are any winners here. Bethenny is right. Basically, Bethenny got a life and Jill got jealous and decided to take revenge on her by making this huge production out of the fight. It's so ridiculous and high school.

Bethenny had a lot going on last summer. She was on a 6 month book tour, she had to write a second book in 4 months and start a 3rd book. She met someone and was trying to work on that relationship. Plus, her dad - who she has virtually no relationship with - is dying which is something that's super hard to deal with. Bethenny just wanted her and Jill to work through everything and become friends again but that's not going to happen. Ramona interviews that she could not wait for the end of the bridge to come so she could get into Brooklyn. STFU, Ramona! Talk about self-serving.

They finally arrive in Brooklyn and Alex and Simon met them with coffees. Bethenny says that she's on the Ramona-Coaster. One minute, Ramona is crazy/psycho and the next she's taking pictures and eating lunch. Jeez.


Kelly is trying to ask randoms how they take trends out of magazines and wear them. She's essentially BEGGING people to talk to her. It's a little pathetic that NO ONE wants to talk to her. Maybe she should tell them that her ex-husband is the most famous photographer in the world. She finds some people and asks them if they're wearing underwear. WTF? What does that have to do with trends? Dumb. She runs into Peter Butler, who is also a really famous photographer (but not like her ex-husband) and she asks him her questions. She decides to take his picture, but she's such an idiot, she doesn't know how to use her own frickin' camera!!! Kelly tells us AGAIN, that she was married to one of the most famous photographers in the UNIVERSE....oops, I said world before. My bad. And, she doesn't know how to use a stupid digital camera. DUMBASS.


Luann comes into the city to meet with her friend Henry Buhl who owns a high end thrift store. She has some clothes to donate and wants to have a cocktail party where people come and bring their designer duds to donate. She takes off and heads to Jill's where she is crashing. She's laying in the guestroom reading and Jill comes in to join her. Jill is so funny. She gets all fancy in pajamas since the "countess" is staying at her house. They discuss the cocktail party. Jill tells Luann that she got a Diamond Sak's card which is their highest card. Obnoxious. The dog totally farts on the bed and it stinks. Jill tells Luann that Kelly and Bethenny made up. Jill is upset and doesn't get how they could be friends. WHY DO YOU CARE, JILL???? People have to choose, now? SO dumb. GET OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL!!! Kelly forgave Bethenny. Some people can forgive.


For all her kookiness, Alex is actually a good friend and listener. I have to give her that. Bethenny comes to meet her to cast the models for the Brooklyn Fashion show. Bethenny gets there before Kelly and Ramona so she talks to Alex about what is going on with her. Bethenny tells Alex that she's going to LA after the casting. She tells Alex about her dad and she can barely talk. She's totally emotional and upset. Alex thinks that Bethenny is doing the right thing by going to see her dad. Alex really is a great friend.

OH.MY.GOD. Kelly walks in with yet ANOTHER fur vest. Enough with the fur vests!! Kelly comes in preaching about how horrible it is to be a model and be judged every day. Oh, poor models. Ramona and Alex's Day Gay show up and the casting begins. Bethenny says that they are doing the "poor man's America's Next Top Model". HA! Ramona tells Bethenny that Jill is going to her house next week, so she's just throwing it out there that Bethenny should stop by.


Jill felt guilty about how upset Alex got about the kid comment, so she comes to Brooklyn to visit with Alex and the boys. Alex asks Jill to get involved with Brooklyn Fashion Weekend. She tells Jill that she and Kelly are walking in the show. Jill then asks about Luann, because she used to be a model. Jill asks if Bethenny is invited. Alex spills the beans about Bethenny going through some really hard times right now, but doesn't want to give details. Jill doesn't care.


Luann and Jill arrive at Ramona's house. Luann is collecting clothes for her cocktail party. Ramona brings out a bag of salvation army level clothes to donate. Luann tells her that it's more high end so Ramona finds some gowns. Bethenny arrives at Ramona's house and Ramona tells Bethenny to stay calm. Jill feels totally ambushed. Luann is angry. I think Luann is terrified that Jill will make up with Bethenny and dump Luann. They sit down and talk. Jill is being so dramatic. Jill wants to bring up the past and Bethenny wants to move forward. Jill refuses and brings up Bobby's cancer AGAIN. Bethenny says that Jill is always keeping score and picking at everybody. It's hard to win with Jill. I think Bethenny has a point. Bethenny tells Jill that she has to accept SOME responsibility. Bethenny is accepting responsibility, but Jill thinks she has done NOTHING wrong. Meanwhile, Luann thinks this is super upsetting. STFU, Luann. Bethenny says that she would never do anything to hurt Jill and that Jill could have reached out to Bethenny instead of waiting for her to fail. True. Jill says she can't do this and LUANN comes in and says that they have to go. Who the F are you, Luann? UGH. Ramona should have done this without Luann. Luann is way too invested in this fight. She never wants them to make up because it would ruin her friendship with Jill. UGH.

It's totally clear that Jill doesn't like to be around Bethenny because Bethenny will call her out on her shit. Jill doesn't want to be seen as the bad guy and if she's not around Bethenny, she can control the conversation. She's mad at Ramona for orchestrating this little confrontation and Luann is right there backing her up. These people are so sad to me. Who has new best friends every year?? Seriously? I've had about 3 best friends for at least 10 years and one of them has been my best friend for 20 years!! Who the hell are these people?? Ugh. Pathetic.

Jill and Luann are mad at Ramona for staging this attack. Jill breaks down and starts crying. Ramona doesn't understand why Jill is so upset because Jill did the same thing with Bethenny and Kelly last year. SHUT THE F*CK UP, LUANN. Just stop talking. Luann takes her out of there. Ramona doesn't understand why Jill is not letting things go with Bethenny. I don't think Ramona is the bad guy in this situation.

See you next time.

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