Monday, July 19, 2010

The City, Season 3, Season Finale

"Lost in Translation"


Whitney tells Kelly that she was approached by Allison Brod, who has a rival PR company. Whit is considering signing on with her and Kelly admits that People's Revolution doesn't do Whitney's PR now. They just help her when they can. Kelly is obviously annoyed by it, though, because she bitches that Allison wears PINK! HAHA.

Kelly thinks it's premature because Whitney doesn't have the production to support lots of orders which presumably would happen with a full time PR rep. Kelly also thinks that Whitney is being impatient. These things take time and Whit wants to see results RIGHT NOW. Whitney says that she didn't want Kelly to think she was going behind her back. Kelly abruptly ends the conversation: "Is that it? I'm going back to work." Done and done. Wow.


Louise shows up and Joe tells her that she'll be interviewing Karolina Kurkova for She interviews Karolina and does a great job. BUT, the editorial editor tells Joe and Erin that she's so "TV". She's not really the "Elle" girl but she's good at her job. He likes her, but he says that someone more subdued might work better for certain segments. Joe suggests Olivia and the editor agrees. Erin is NOT happy.


Olivia goes to the Elle offices in Tokyo and meets the Editor in Chief, who tells her about the "special party" tonight.


Roxy is hanging with Zach and whining about Whit being "such a bitch" lately and how angry Roxy is with her. Zach reminds her that she helped Roxy with a job and a place to live when she came out here and Roxy has to remember that. Roxy just complains that this is the longest they've ever gone without talking and that she's never seen this side of Whit before.


OK. This place and this woman are the ANTI- Kelly Cutrone. There's pink EVERYWHERE and candy all over the place. It's so pretty and soft and girl-y. I have to say, I know Kelly is bitter that Whitney is looking at another PR firm, but this place has Whitney Eve written ALL OVER IT. Allison gives her pitch and she's obviously very competitive. I think Whitney would be dumb to pass up this opportunity. I think this woman will make things happen for Whitney Eve.

OMG - Allison walks Whitney out and she is TINY. Well, Whitney is tall, but this woman looks like a child next to Whitney. HAHAHA.


Seth and Erin hope that Olivia stays in Japan. HA!


Olivia is at the event and they are interviewing HER! She actually does a pretty good job. The Japanese women all comment on how small her face is. :) She's like a celebrity over there


Erin asks Joe who he thinks he will keep on as the face of Louise or Olivia. Joe says that Louise is great, but all the reports from Japan indicate that Olivia is killing it over there! UGH. Erin tells Joe that Louise got a hosting gig offer in LA and, if she doesn't get the thing, she's going to take the job. Joe says he'll think about it.


Kelly calls Whitney in and asks her if she hired Allison Brod. Whit says that she told Kelly she was meeting with her, but she hasn't hired her or anything. Kelly says that she's heard from 3 people that Whitney FIRED Kelly and People's Revolution and hired Allison Brod. Kelly doesn't understand since she was never HIRED by Whitney. She doesn't know how it went from Kelly helping Whitney out to Kelly getting fired. Whitney agrees that Allison should not have done that. She says that the last thing she ever wanted was for Kelly or her company to get hurt. Kelly is SUPER defensive and says that she doesn't need all this drama and especially doesn't need to defend herself or her company against someone who wears pink! Whit apologizes and Kelly says "Bye, Whitney. Leave my office now." This might be the first time I actually think Kelly is wrong. It's not Whitney's fault. She was upfront with Kelly and someone else made this worse.


Staff meeting. Everyone is present. Joe begins by telling Louise what an amazing job she has done for since the moment he met her. Then he congratulates Olivia on a successful trip to Japan. Joe then announces that Olivia is going to be the new face of UGH!! Erin cannot even mask her annoyance with the decision. Joe tells everyone that Louise has a huge opportunity back in LA and she says that she's enjoyed her time at Elle. Joe also tells Olivia that this a huge opportunity for her and that she'll need to work closely with Erin. As they are walking out, Seth says to Erin "I guess if you weren't thinking of leaving before, you're definitely thinking about it now." I think Elle would STUPID to let Erin leave and keep Olivia. Dumb


Roxy and Whitney meet up. Whitney starts by saying that she's been feeling really lost lately. Roxy asks what's up with Kelly. Whit fills her in and Roxy says that her loyalty should be with Kelly. AND that things with Kelly will change if Whit goes with Allison Brod. I personally agree that Kelly has done a lot for Whitney. BUT, Whitney isn't the type of designer that Kelly and People's Revolution represents. Whit and Allison Brod would be A PERFECT MATCH and Kelly should see that and encourage Whit. Not be a big baby.

Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until next season for Whitney's decision.

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