Monday, July 26, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 11

"Staub Wounds"


Joe takes the girls to Tae Kwan Do class. Gabriella is the middle girl and looks nothing like Melania and Gia. Her features look so soft. She's so cute. Dare I say, she looks like Joe?? Now all three girls are beating on each other. Good Lord.


Danielle is taking a boxing class that Danny set up for her and her daughters. One of Danny's "fighter" friends is teaching the girls to box. Danielle is pretending the guy is Jacqueline and Teresa. Danielle's daughters are so embarrassed that Danielle is their mother. I have nothing but pity for those girls - I wouldn't wish for Danielle to be anyone's mother. I'm so curious about her ex-husband.


Jacqueline and the baby arrive at Kim G's house. They start talking about the "incident" and Kim G is horrified by the events of the other night. Jacqueline brings up Ashley and Kim G can't understand why the cops didn't do anything. They both agree that if Ashley gets in trouble that she deserves it because she should not have done anything. This is totally unrelated, but WTF is Jacqueline feeding her baby?? Is it really that difficult to mix your own bottles that you need to buy the pre-made formula bottles?? Pathetic.


Caroline's family is at home in the kitchen and Albert Sr. comes in and they discuss the wedding event at the Brownstone that day. Chris and Lauren go get ready and Albert Sr. says that Albie is welcome to come in with them and help out if he has time. Albie wants no part of the Brownstone. He feels like a failure if he works there because he sees it as "working for daddy" - which it is, but at least it's something.


Teresa goes to Kim D's store and apologizes for what happened at her party. They start talking smack about Danielle. Teresa brings up AGAIN that Danielle was saying her house was "in foreclosed" or "under foreclosure." Um, it's IN foreclosURE.

Kim G shows up and Teresa is surprised to see her. They talk about the other night and then Teresa asks why she's friends with Kim G. Kim G says that she pities Danielle. (insert eye roll here). Teresa says that the thing she does regret is pushing Kim G because Kim G is old and Teresa respects her elders.


Ashley and Derek are at Derek's house. Derek says that, while Danielle deserved what she got, it should not have been Ashley to give it to her. Ashley keeps talking about Danielle and Derek yawns. Derek says that he's sick of talking about Danielle and that he hopes Ashley got it out of her system.


Teresa tells us that Joe has always been an entrepreneur and then confirms that "entrepreneur" means someone who likes to own businesses. HAHA. Anyhow, he's opening a pizzeria, apartment building and laundromat. They look at the kitchen of the pizzeria. Next they look at the apartment. He shows her around the place and tells her that it's where they are moving. Considering the current state of their finances, he may not be kidding. Teresa is so entitled. She says that she would NEVER live in that apartment. Well, she may not have a choice.


Why is Danielle always meeting people in diners? It's like she's hiding so people don't see her meeting people in nice places. Particularly, now with Danny and his thug friend. Danielle starts talking about Ashley and she tells Danny that she feels sad for Ashley. She blames Jacqueline for how Ashley is. She thinks the Ashley is trying too hard to try to fit into that family. She pities her but she's still pressing charges.

Danielle says that she's worried most about Ashley is that a year ago she was telling Danielle that she loved her and used to call her all the time. Dumb. Danielle is disgusted that Jacqueline hasn't done a better job with Ashley.


Albie got a letter from the law school supporting his application to another law school. So now he has to start applying to another law school. He doesn't need to take the LSAT again or wait 2 years, but the application process is a bitch. Albie tells his parents that there is a possibility that he'll have to go out of state. Albert Sr. tells Albie to ignore his mother's feelings and go wherever he needs to go. He tells Albie that he needs to do what he needs to do and they will support him. Caroline says that she's got nothing to do so she'll just go with Albie. HAHA.


Danielle shows up at the courthouse with a mini entourage and her attorneys. The entourage are witnesses and they say that she felt threatened and that she felt her life was in danger. Danielle claims that she heard a lot of "I'm going to get you" and that someone said "I'm going to kill you." That is FALSE. The witnesses said they heard name-calling.


Caroline tells Jacqueline that she heard that Danielle was at the courthouse pressing charges against Ashley. Ashley comes to Caroline's house so they can talk to her. Ashley knows that Danielle is pressing charges. Jacqueline and Caroline try to tell Ashley to ignore Danielle. Ashley keeps laughing. She just doesn't get it.


It's the end of the day and they are talking about the charges against Ashley. She is charged for harassment and simple assault. It's so annoying how Danielle keeps blaming everything on Jacqueline's bad parenting.


Kim G comes over to Jacqueline's house. Jacqueline feels like Kim G is two-faced. She is. Kim G tells Jacqueline that Danielle has it out for Ashley and Danielle will do whatever she can to get back at Ashley and her family.


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