Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, SERIES FINALE

"All Good Things..."

The girls are all talking about where they are in their lives. They are all so young. Enjoy it, ladies!! It doesn't last forever.

The boys are golfing and having a good time. Brody tells them that he and Kristin are still friends despite his new flame.


She-Pratt says that she's enjoying time with Greasy but they aren't "official" yet. He asked her to come to his Super cross event but it's two hours away and thinks that may be too much. Lo tells her to go and that she needs to put herself out there. That did it! She-Pratt is convinced and decides to go. Lo talks to She-Pratt about her "rule" again and She-Pratt convinces her to break it. Done and done. Wow. These girls are easy.


Kristin and Bartender Stacie have a heart to heart. Kristin says that she's feeling a little depressed because everyone's life is changing for the better except for hers. She tells Bartender Stacie that she's thinking of moving to Europe because she needs a change. WTF? I don't think Kristin can speak English well and now she wants to move to Europe? Well, I suppose she could go to London.

Bartender Stacie thinks it's a crazy idea.


She-Pratt is in Corona, CA watching the Super Cross race. She and Greasy talk afterward and he's actually kind of cute. She-Pratt lays it on thick and tells him how sweet he is and how "manly" he is, so he asks where they stand. They both agree that they don't want to see other people. Then She-Pratt seals it by saying "I'm glad I came out here today. I came out to Corona and got a boyfriend. WOW." Done and done.


Kristin tells Brody that she's moving to Europe for a little while. I love how vague that is. It's totally not thought out at all. She's moving to "Europe" as if it's this small city somewhere. Maybe no one told her. "Europe" is a whole continent of countries, sister. Maybe you want to narrow it down a bit. She tells him that she's having a "going away" party, but he doesn't want to see her leave so he's not sure that he'll be able to make it.


How the hell do these girls get such fabulous digs??? Seriously. Does the show really pay that much? Audrina's new house is on the Strand in Hermosa Beach which means it's about $3-4 Million. Even if she's renting, it's gotta be like $6K/mo. It's amazing. She-Pratt is checking out the place and then tells Audrina that Greasy asked her to be his girlfriend. Well, that's not exactly how it happened, but whatever. She has a boyfriend.

She-Pratt asks if Audrina is going to the party for Kristin and she's not really feeling it. She says she needs to pack and doesn't really feel like partying. They both comment how they are all growing up and how weird that is. To be 23 again.


It's Kristin's party and the gang - minus Audrina and Brody - is all there! Kristin gets a little annoyed with all the PDA around her; Lo and Scott; She-Pratt and Greasy. Brody shows up and ... I think I may have missed something. She-Pratt tells her to go talk to him and Lo says she shouldn't because he hurt her. Kristin decides to go talk to him. WTF? What happened? I'm confused. More closure? He is not interested in you and has a girlfriend!! Why is that hard to understand?

OK, this scene is ridiculous. Brody apologizes for being a jerk and not understanding how much Kristin liked him when they were "benefiting" one another. He asks her not to leave because he'll really miss her. Then, they both CRY! WTF? Drama.


Lo is moving into Scott's place in Manhattan Beach. Scott gets sappy and tells Lo that she's perfect and it takes a long time to find the right person and he's found her! He also tells her that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and that he'd marry her right now. Well, then why doesn't he propose??? Seriously. I'm not kidding. If Lo is "the one," where's the ring? Apparently, his profession of love is enough for Lo.


Ok, if Kristin is "moving" to Europe, then why only ONE suitcase and why is she leaving her house completely furnished?? Is Bartender Stacie staying there? Is it a furnished house that she was renting? WTF? I don't get it.

As she's walking to the car, Brody pulls up. He tells her that if he knew dating someone else would cause Kristin to leave the country, he never would have started dating someone new. I bet that makes Avril feel awesome. This is way over-dramatic. It's not like Kristin is moving away forever. They are saying good-bye like they'll never see each other again. Drama.

As Kristin drives away, they do a montage of all the characters from the beginning of the series.

THEN .... the scenery moves behind Brody and we see that they are on a studio lot. Which now has sparked speculation that the entire series was fake. I don't believe that. I think they did it as a funny joke on all the people who say the whole thing is scripted.

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