Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 11

"Roommate Wanted"


Roxy asks Samantha to go look at apartments with her. Awkward -- particularly since Sami doesn't like Roxy. Weird. Anyhow, she looks at one place that is almost 800 sq. ft. and $4,000/mo. HOLY SHIT! Sorry, that warranted an expletive. Roxy is stunned (as am I) but Sami tells her that it's furnished and in a great location and that's just how much a place of that size is per month. Roxy brats that she's going to need her dad to help her because she needs to get out of Whit's place ASAP. Roxy tells Sami that Whit doesn't even know she's looking at places.


Erin and Kate (executive accessories editor for Elle) run into Whitney at the Expo and she tells them that she's looking for inspiration for her line. Erin and Kate are there looking for accessories for the upcoming Ashley Greene shoot. Erin asks if Whit has any black dresses they could consider and Whit says that she'll send some over right away. YAY!!!


Roxy meets her dad, Ken Olin (!!!!! - I love him. I've loved him since Thirtysomething!! And I love Brothers and Sisters and Roxy's mom on that show!!), for lunch to ask for $$$$. Her dad asks how Whitney is doing and Roxy tells him that they aren't getting along. He is shocked because he says Whitney is such a sweet girl. HAHAHA!! Roxy explains that NYC and Kelly Cutrone have gotten to her and given her a thicker skin. Hmmm. Next Roxy tells him about the safe apartment in a great neighborhood with hardwood floors. She says that it's $4000/mo, but that's a total deal in NYC. Ken Olin is an awesome father. He tells Roxy that he doesn't think he can help her keep figuring out what she doesn't want to do with her life. She needs to figure out what she DOES want to do. He tells her that if she moved home, she wouldn't have to pay rent or have any of those additional expenses. Shit, I'll move in with him and Patricia Wettig. I don't even like dogs and I'd walk their dogs. Roxy says no way, Jose.

He tells her that he can't foot the bill anymore. He's given her a year and she's not any closer to figuring out what she wants to do with herself. He's been supportive of her moving to NYC and figuring out things and being creative, but he's not going to pay for it anymore. That's hard...for both of them.


Olivia shows up and her "friend," Alexis Bryan Morgan, is there prepping for the shoot. Erin and Joe show up and bring in some Whitney Eve stuff. Alexis loves the stuff and Joe tells Olivia to make sure that a Whitney Eve piece makes it into the shoot. Olivia says that they have some more important things to shoot than Whitney Eve, but she'll "try." Erin and Joe smirk at each other and Joe says that he would really like to see a Whitney Eve piece in the shoot. HAHAHA! Olivia sucks. She really really sucks. Not only can she not be happy for her former colleague, she wants to actively see her fail. Bitch.

Alexis tells Olivia that she knows she's not happy about including Whitney Eve in the shoot, but Joe really likes it, so it's going in. She tells Olivia that she trusts her to make it look great and Olivia says that there is only so much she can do. What an F-ing bitch. STFU and be professional. Jeez.


Or Passive Aggressive Central. Roxy and Whitney are working next to one another and not saying a word. Kelly walks in and asks what's going on. Whit tells her about running into Erin and sending some looks to her for the Ashley Greene shoot. Roxy says to be careful with celebrities because you can't FORCE them to wear your clothes. Whit says that hopefully Erin will make sure it gets done. Kelly can't stand the passive aggression and tells Whit to get over everything because there's a charity event tonight. Whit says that she'll ask Sami to come with her. Kelly says that there's obviously something going on between Whit and Roxy but she's not a therapist and she doesn't really give a shit. All she cares about is Whit putting on a happy face at the event and looking like she believes in the charity.


Joe brings Ashley to the back where all the clothes are and puts a Whitney Eve jacket on her for the Elle.com interview. Olivia does the interview even though she's hating every minute of it because Ashley is wearing Whitney Eve. She asks stupid questions and then Joe tells Olivia to ask Ashley what she's wearing. Olivia, of course, asks what the shoes are. Ashley answers and then tells Olivia who the dress is and that the jacket is Whitney Eve. Olivia says that she loves the skirt and the shoes. Joe has a "WTF is wrong with her?" look on his face.


Sami and Whit arrive and Sami tells her about looking for apartments with Roxy. Whitney is annoyed that Roxy didn't tell her since she's her roommate and all. Whitney brings up the apartment search with Roxy in the middle of the show and Kelly is all kinds of pissed. She tells them to STOP! After the show, Whit walks out and tells Sami that she can't fight with Roxy about this right now.


Joe pulls some gold cuffs for the next shot and Olivia asks him for a second of his time. She tells him that there's an opportunity that has come up in Japan to host an event and she wanted to cover it for Elle.com. Joe says that it's the busiest time of the year right now and Olivia interrupts that she could contribute a lot with this piece. He asks what exactly she wants to contribute. She says that she can do a street fashion segment in Tokyo and she can get to know people in the Elle offices there, too. Joe says that those are "valid points" but I totally disagree. He tells her to write it up in a proposal and he'll talk to Robbie about it. Basically, Olivia wants to go to Japan and she wants Elle to pay for it. HAHA.


Seth brings up Olivia going to Tokyo. Erin doesn't think she'll be missed. Seth: "Maybe if we get Olivia to Japan for the short term, we get rid of her for the long term." HAHA!


Roxy is packing up and Whit is shocked. She wasn't expecting it all to happen so fast. Roxy tells Whit that she's staying with Sami for awhile. Whit is disappointed that they are leaving things so unsettled. She offers to help Roxy but Roxy wants to be a martyr.

See you next week!

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