Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 11

"He Loves Me Not"


Holly tells the girls that her mom is coming to visit and she's nervous because she knows her mom will want to see Real Doll. They talk about Costa Rica and how awful Brody was to Kristin - you know, calling her his sister and all. I wish there was an "eye roll" emoticon.


The boys are all chatting at some car repair place. Taylor is a mechanic? Weird. Anyhow, they rehash Costa Rica and Brody brats about Kristin. The guys explain that she was trying to make him jealous and Brody says that he's not in elementary school. Well, at least not this week. Brody is so immature and always starting drama except when it is directed towards him. Then, he's the voice of reason. Dumb.

The boys take some bikes out for a ride and Frankie cannot get his to start. When he finally gets it going it gets away from him and crashes. HAHA.


Holly picks up her mom and immediately, Darlene says that she'd love to see Real Doll while she's in town. Holly tells her mom about the decision they all made to cut Real Doll out of their lives. Darlene says that it's a bad idea and that Holly is her sister. It's a tough situation. Real Doll has LOST HER MIND and she's chosen that train wreck, Sponge Bob, over her family. I get that he's her husband, but COME ON. He's insane. And, anyone who forces you to cut off your entire family is not worth being with.

Darlene is such a good mom. Holly explains that she's tried everything and she can't get through to Real Doll. Darlene just tells her that Real Doll will come around but it has to be on her terms in her own time and they just have to be there for her when that happens. So sad.


Kristin and Bartender Stacie are out and Brody is there with his buddies because they only go to the same places. Stupid. Stephanie and Lo and her man are there, too. Of course. Brody's greasy friend, Josh, shows up and Stephanie thinks he's hot. Hmmm. I disagree. He comes over and talks to Stephanie. The attraction is mutual and he walks her out to her car. He gets her digits and she is super excited.


Kristin and Bartender Stacie are walking through LA. They talk about Brody and Bartender Stacie encourages Kristin to tell Brody how she feels.


She-Pratt (I don't know...I feel like she's kind of earned it again) and Josh ("Greasy") are out to dinner. He races motorcycles and tells her all about it. She doesn't drink so she orders a soda and he orders one as well because of his racing schedule. He can't be drinking too much. Perfect match!! He tells her that he knows about her DUI, but he's glad that she ordered a soda. They both talk about how awesome it is that the other doesn't drink.


Lo and Scott are celebrating their one-year anniversary. UGH! I think I'm the only girl on the planet who doesn't remember dating anniversaries - or celebrate them! My boyfriend had to remind me of our one year anniversary because I had NO IDEA. I don't think it matters until you're married.

OMG. These two are really cute. He so obviously loves Lo and she's so into him. He tells her that he wants to move in with her, but she says that she doesn't want to make that kind of commitment until they really "take the next step" - which I think means engagement. I hope he got that message, too. I made it super clear to my boyfriend - no living together until he puts a ring on it.


Brody comes over to "talk" about things. She tells him that she's ready for a boyfriend and she wants to try and make it work with him. He tells her that it's too late because he's been hanging out with someone and wants to see how things go with her. Ok, Brody is a douchebag. He encourages her to open up and tell him what she wants and then drops the "new girl" bomb.


These two are doing yoga and Lo asks She-Pratt about Josh. Um, isn't against Buddha to talk during yoga? I'm just saying. Anyhow, She-Pratt tells Lo about her date and how they have SO MUCH IN COMMON. You know, because they don't drink. Dumb. Lo tells She-Pratt that Scott wants to move in with her. EEEEEE!! BUT, Lo has a rule - no moving in without an engagement. I hear you, sister!! Stay strong! Don't give in. Of course, She-Pratt tries to convince Lo to move in with Scott and not to stay true to the rule. Dumb. Lo tells She-Pratt that Kristin called her to get together because "somethings wrong." Namaste.


This is heartbreaking. Darlene and Holly are having lunch and Holly says she got Real Doll's number from someone but that the phone is off and there's no voicemail. Darlene tells Holly that she's been mourning the loss of a child and that she needs to know that she's done everything she can for Real Doll. It's so awful and sad to see this family in such pain because of Real Doll and Sponge Bob's selfishness.


Lo and Kristin meet up and Kristin tells her about Brody. Kristin is having a pity party because she put herself out there and got shot down. Lo tries to lift her spirits by telling her that any guy would love to date her and girls want to BE her. She tells Kristin not to get upset by BRODY JENNER. He's so not worth it. Particularly since he's hanging out with AVRIL LAVIGNE! Kristin starts crying and Lo genuinely feels bad for her. Awww.

I can't believe next week is the LAST EPISODE EVER!!

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