Thursday, February 18, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 2

Last week we said good-bye to the Sweethearts, Adrian and Dana.

Big Brother is the first team to depart Palacio Baburizza at 3:21 AM. They get their first clue.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must now travel by bus back to Santiago. Then they will board another bus to Puerto Varas. There, they will drive themselves to a lake by the Hotel Petrohue where they'll take a boat to Isla Margarita. Then they will climb to a place called Mirador where they will find their next clue.

Big Brother takes off to the bus station. The bus station doesn't open until 5 AM and you know what that means: BUNCHING. Team Lez tells us that they were calling Big Brother, Ken and Barbie, but since they got 1st last time, they now recant their statement and realize that they are the team to beat. The Cowboys - wearing their Stetson's, of course - tell us that it's an honor to wear a hat and if they didn't feel comfortable wearing a hat somewhere, they probably wouldn't go there. Ha.

Brent (Team Models) tells us that Team Lez said something about Caite and her tiara last time which he didn't appreciate. Get over it! Team Lez discuss their options and decide to form an alliance with the Asians. They think Joe is a great competitor and they approach them about joining forces.

All teams board the bus to Santiago. In Santiago, all the teams race to get on the first bus to Puerta Varas. The Asians - first in line - stir up trouble when they save a spot in line for Team Lez, pissing off the Cops! The Asians and Team Lez make it on the 5:30 PM bus to Puerta Varas. The Twins, Moms, Cops and Baseball get on the 7:45 PM bus. Team Nana gets on an 8:30 PM bus that gets them into Puerto Varas 5 minutes behind the 7:45 PM bus.

The Cowboys, Big Brother and the Models all find an alternate - and hopefully, faster - route to Puerto Varas. The Cowboys discover that the bus leaves from a different terminal, but they don't share that info with the Models or Big Brother. As a result, Models and Big Bro find out too late and miss the bus and the Cowboys not only make it on the bus, but they are the FIRST team to arrive at Puerto Varas. Models and Big Bro make it on a 1AM bus and will have to make up some time once they arrive.

The Cowboys drive to Hotel Petrohue. They arrive and discover that the path to the dock is closed until 7:30 AM, leaving just enough time for other teams to arrive. Annoying. The first bus arrives and Team Lez and the Asians (I hope no one is offended by these names. They are merely descriptive and are not meant to be offensive) drive to the hotel. The next bus arrives and it's ... Big Bro and the Models and they drive to the hotel - I guess they made up some time.

The Cowboys crack me up. They have made makeshift "covers" for their hats out of plastic bags to protect them from the rain. It's 7:30 AM and they are still the only team at the hotel so they head down the marked path. The second bus finally arrives and the remaining teams make their way to the hotel. Meanwhile, the first five teams arrive at Isla Margarita.

HAHA. Jordan (Twins) tells us that they decided Dan would be the best person to drive the car since it was a stick shift - then he says that it was a "fallacy" that Dan could drive it. Dan mimics Jordan saying "fallacy" and Jordan defensively says that Dan used that word just the other day. Dan tells Jordan that he doesn't even know what that word means (really?) and Jordan says that's probably true. They are funny.

Oh, I forgot about Team Nana. They are STILL on a bus to Puerta Varas. Yikes. They better hope someone screws up big time or they are S.O.L.

Cowboys arrive at Isla Margarita and receive the next clue.

DETOUR: "Llama Adoration" or "Condor Constination". In Llama Adoration teams come to a field full of llamas. They must choose a llama and dress it for a traditional festival by putting a blanket and a scarf on the sometimes unruly animal. Once it is properly dressed, teams will receive their next clue. In Condor Constination, teams must dress up in a condor costume with wings 8 feet wide, run off the pier and try to hit a target in the water that contains their next clue.

Cowboys select Llama Adoration. Asians and Team Lez follow suit and go with llama. The Models and Big Bro decide to "fly" and choose Condor. The self-proclaimed llama whisperers - the Cowboys - easily select and dress their llama and receive their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams will now drive themselves to the Onces Bellavista Farm where they will search for their next clue.

Cowboys take off.

The Models "fly" - or just jump into the water - and get their next clue. Team Baseball arrives and decides to fly while the Cops choose llama. Moms arrive and pick llama while Team Lez, the Asians and the Models all head out to Onces Bellavista Farm. Big Bro is next up to "fly" and they jump in the water and get the next clue. All I have to say is Jeff from Big Bro must be seriously physically attracted to Jordan because she is - as my friend, Liz, says - dumber than a box of rocks. Seriously. The girl is why blonde jokes were invented.

The Twins are still struggling to find the hotel. Yikes. Father and daughter team - Baseball - fly into the water and retrieve their next clue. Meanwhile, Team Nana finally begins driving to the hotel. They may actually make up some time since it appears the Twins have taken a wrong turn. They ask a local and get back on track. Team Nana is hopeful that they will persevere. The Twins finally make it to the hotel.

The Cops are still trying to dress their llama. The Moms come in and do it quickly and start driving to Onces Bellavista Farm. The Cops corner a llama and finish the task and take off.

The Cowboys arrive at Onces Bellavista Farm, home to German immigrants in Chile, and receive their next clue.

ROADBLOCK: In this roadblock, teams must race around the farm and collect the five (flour, a plate of butter, baker's dozen of eggs, a bowl of sugar and milk straight from the cow), fresh, essential ingredients for a traditional German pastry. Once they have delivered the correct amount of each ingredient, they'll receive their next clue. I think the thing that's supposed to trip people up is the "baker's dozen" of eggs since maybe not everyone knows that it's 13 not 12.

Cord is going to do the roadblock for the Cowboys. He starts with the cow and milks it. They he goes off to collect the rest. Cord completes the task with no problem and no errors and receives the next clue.

PIT STOP: Teams must now drive themselves back to Puerta Varas and find Gruta de la Virgen, the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Cord takes a bite of the pie before heading out to meet back with Jet. He tries to be sly and tells Jet that he wasn't sure what it was, but Jet knows that Cord got a piece of pie!! They drive off to the Pit Stop. I'm kind of liking this team a little more.

The Asians and Team Lez are next to arrive at the Farm and Heidi and Carol will be doing the task. They decide to work together. Carol is much more girly than she looks. The Models arrive next and Brent is doing the task. The Asians, Team Lez and the Models complete the task and drive to the Pit Stop. Big Bro arrives and Jeff will be doing the task. He finishes and they drive to the Pit Stop.

The Twins and Team Nana finally make it to the island and they both pick llama. The Moms and Baseball arrive at the farm next. Steve (Baseball) and Monique (Moms) do the task. The Twins and Team Nana complete the llama task and head to the farm. The Cops pass the farm and keep driving. Hopefully, they discover their error sooner rather than later.

The Cowboys are the FIRST team to arrive at the Pit Stop and they each win a sailboat!! The Asians are the SECOND team to arrive and Team Lez is the THIRD team.

Monique and Steve finish for their teams at the Farm and head out to the Pit Stop. The Cops aren't too worried that they may be going the wrong way...but the Twins make it to the farm and Jordan is going to do the task.

The Models are the FOURTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop. Caite seems to think that getting 4th place this time will make the other teams see that she's "intelligent" and that they should stop making fun of her. Good luck with that.

Big Brother is a little lost and Jordan is telling Jeff that she sees San Jose street but not the street that Jeff's looking for. He asks again and she says SAN JOSE, you know, H-O-S-E. wow.

The Twins finish and head to the Pit Stop. Team Nana arrives at the Bellavista farm and Nana Jody will be doing the task. Meanwhile Big Brother runs into the Cops in downtown Puerto Varas and the Cops realize that they are 20 minutes away in the wrong direction.

The Moms are the FIFTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop. Big Brother is the SIXTH team to arrive.

The Cops finally arrive at the farm and Michael goes in to do the task. They realize Team Nana is there and in his haste, Michael totally slips inside the kitchen. Nana is milking the cow and it totally kicks her in the head and she drops the cup. She goes at it again.

Team Baseball is the SEVENTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop. The Twins are the EIGHTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Michael is struggling to find the pantry. He finds it and completes the task and the Cops head to the Pit Stop. Nana Jody finishes and they drive to the pit stop.

The Cops are the NINTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Team Nana is the TENTH and LAST team to arrive and they are eliminated from the race. They are two of the most content people to be eliminated from the race. They are so proud of each other and smiling. No tears for them.

See you next week...

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