Monday, February 15, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Season Premiere (Episode 1)

The teams start in Los Angeles. I've introduced them all to you in a previous post. The nicknames are subject to change and I still have a couple that I need to name. Let's get started...

Teams must find their way to LAX using only PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Omg. I would lose. I lived in LA for 8 years and NEVER used public transportation. Once at the airport, only the first THREE teams will be on the first flight and the remaining teams will be on the second flight. The teams grab their backpacks and get their first clue.

FIRST CLUE: Make your way to Santiago, Chile.

All the teams are scrambling to find public transportation. They start asking people and the teams all find out that they need to find a "fly away" bus to the airport.

OMG. Jordan of Team Twins is already one of my favorites. He yells out to Caite (read: Katie) "I love you!" He tells us that he almost pooped his pants when he found out she was in the race. He starts to impersonate her "Many countries don't have maps. Countries like South Africa and the Iraq. Countries such as." HAHA. That's pretty much what she said. The future of our country, ladies and gentlemen. Geniuses like Miss South Carolina.

The first three teams to get on the first flight are Team Big Brother, Team Mom and Team Sweetheart. Jordon (of Team Big Brother) runs up and asks for two tickets to China. I know Chile and China both start with Chi, but that's where the similarity ends. And when Jeff comes up and yells Santiago, Chile, Jordon doesn't act like she misspoke or forgot. She genuinely looks like she had no idea what Chile was and China was the only thing she could think of. Yikes.

The rest of the teams arrive at the airport and discover that they're all on the 2nd flight. As the teams wait, Jordan (from Team Twins) is telling Team Lez who Caite is. They aren't sure about the Miss Teen South Carolina scandal until Jordan tells them about the "countries like South Africa and the Iraq. Countries such as." and then Team Lez is totally on-board and know exactly who Caite is.

Meanwhile the Cowboys decide to exchange some money and they decide that Chile is just like Brazil, so they'll just get Brazilian money and it will work. OMG. Are you kidding? The Cowboys are just feeding the stereotype.

The teams start loading the second plane while the first plane starts having some issues. The three teams realize that it's taking too long so they all change their tickets to the second flight. BUNCHING. Everyone is on the second flight and will arrive in Santiago, Chile at the same time.

Upon arriving in Santiago, teams will have to board buses that will take them another 60 miles to Valparaiso, Chile. Valparaiso is famous for it's funiculars which help the locals travel the VERY steep hillsides - it's the San Francisco of Chile afterall. Once in Valparaiso, teams must find their way to the top of the Ascensor Villaseca, where they will find their next clue.

The first bus to Valparaiso takes off with the Moms, Big Brother, Sweethearts and the Models - Caite and Brent. Maybe that will be their nickname. The Cowboys were trying to get on the bus and they soon realize that they are idiots and the Chileans don't want their dirty Brazilian money. So the second bus carries Team Lez, the Twins, Baseball (Allie and her dad) and the Asian couple from El Segundo. I really can't think of a nickname for them. Maybe Team Boring since I can't seem to remember them or Team Asian? I don't know.

Finally the last bus leaves with the Detectives - Louie and Michael (I'm calling them the COPS), Team Nana and the Cowboys.

The four teams on the first bus arrive in Valparaiso and get cabs to Ascensor Villaseca. The second bus arrives and they do the same. The Models arrive first and get the clue.

ROADBLOCK: "Walk Cable". One team member must balance on a cable 120 feet above the ground and walk on it for the length of a football field. They can also hold on with their hands, so it's not like they're walking a tightrope. Although, it still looks like a challenge. When they reach the other side, they'll receive the next clue.

Caite is walking the cable for the Models. She takes off. Next up is Big Brother and Jordan does it for them because Jeff is scared of heights. Wow, Jordan is such a blonde (no offense to my wonderful and intelligent blonde friends). Joe (from the Asian team), Dan (from Twins) and Allie (from Baseball) all walk the cable for their respective teams. Brandy is going next for Team Lez.

Caite makes it across and the Models get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now take one of the 115 FUNICULARS down the hillside where they'll find their next clue.

The Moms and Sweethearts arrive and Shawne and Adrian are walking the cables, respectively. Dan (Twins) falls off the cable and just pulls himself across as he hangs on. Brandy (Lez) is totally freaking out and talking herself through it.

Rather than ask what a funicular is - especially since the clue says that you may ONLY travel by funicular - the Models decide to walk down the hill. Meanwhile, Jordan (Big Bro) finishes and they ask locals what a funicular is. Dan (Twins) finishes and the two teams go down the funicular. The Models make it to the bottom of the hillside and find the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must select four cans of paint and supplies and carry them up the really steep Templeman Street searching for the house matching their paint color. Once they find their house, they must finish painting an unfinished section of the house to receive their next clue.

The Models pick the mauve paint and start looking for Templeman Street. Big Bro picks blue and the Twins pick yellow and they all start looking for their houses.

Joe (Asian) and Allie (Baseball) finish and head down the funicular. Brandy (Lez) and Shawne (Moms) finish and head down the funicular. Adrian (Sweethearts) is really struggling as the Cops arrive. Louie walks the cable and quickly catches up to Adrian.

Baseball picks red while Big Bro and the Models paint their houses. Lez picks green and start hunting for their house. Big Bro finishes and get the next clue.

PIT STOP: Teams must now make their way on foot to Palacio Baburizza, the pitstop for this leg of the race.

Models finish next and head to the pitstop. Adrian is still struggling with that cable. Cord (Cowboys) and Shannon (Nana) arrive and walk the cable. Adrian falls off the cable. He doesn't have the strength to get up and continue, so he has to go back to the beginning and start over. Cord just flies across the cable.

Team Big Brother is the first team to arrive at the Pit Stop. They win a trip for two to Vancouver. WOO HOO!

The Models are the second team to arrive. HOWEVER, they didn't take the funicular so they have a 30 minute penalty. They sit and wait it out.

The Twins discover that they've dropped one of the paint brushes so only one of them can paint the house. They try to backtrack to find the paint brush. Baseball can't find the house they need to paint, so they literally walk into a home that's being remodeled, find an unfinished red wall INSIDE the house and paint it. HAHA. Then they try to get a clue from the painters who understand no English whatsoever. They realize their mistake and head back out to find the right house.

Cord finishes and the Cowboys head down the funicular. Shannon finishes next and the grandma is so sweet and encouraging. It's so cute. Adrian gets back on the cable.

Team Mom is the second team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Dan paints solo for the Twins as the Cowboys catch up and pass them!!

Team Cowboy is the third team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Team Twins incurs a 15 minute penalty for losing the brush, so they sit out with the Models.

Team Baseball is the fourth team and Team Boring/Asian is the fifth team to the Pit Stop.

Team Lez is the sixth team and FINALLY the Models are the seventh team to the Pit Stop.

Team Twins is the eighth team, Team Cops is the ninth team, and Team Nana is the tenth team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Adrian falls off the cable again and Dana goes over to the start and tells him how proud she is of him. Phil comes up to them and tells them they are being eliminated from the race. They are disappointed, but Dana is proud of him and I'm sad they are gone. They'll be fine. So cute. Bye Sweethearts.

See you next week!!

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