Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kell on Earth, Season 1, Episode 2

"Who's Next?"

It's still Fashion Week and People's Revolution is going crazy! We ended last week's episode with Stephanie (from now on, Stephanie S. is Stephanie or Steph and Stephanie Vorhees is Vorhees) having a nervous breakdown because the computer system was down and the Chado Ralph Rucci people needed the seating chart and RSVP list ASAP. Everyone is scrambling and handwriting in the seating chart to fill in what isn't getting printed. Steph walks up with her laptop and says that she's going to cry and Kelly sets her straight. She tells her not to cry and stay focused. Robyn and Stephanie go get ready and head to the show. We are two hours from showtime, so Kelly is racing to get it done.

Kelly arrives at the show and she meets up with Ralph Rucci and tells him that everything is under control. You can't let your client know the clusterfuck that's happening behind the scenes. He needs to know that it's all going to be ok and everything is good. She eases his mind and it's all good.

Kelly is handling the press backstage before the show. Out front, Emily and Robyn are taking care of all the check ins and seat assignments with Stephanie. Ralph Rucci starts freaking out that there is too much press backstage for first looks. So Kelly gets in full publicist mode and starts kicking everyone out. She knows that after the show, Ralph will bitch that there aren't enough pics from backstage before the event, so she has a couple of photogs stick around and take some pics. She just makes sure they don't crowd his highness.

The front of the house still looks like a total mess. There are tons of people just cluttering the entrance. To further complicate matters, there are a lot of crashers trying to get into the show and they're all crowding the entrance. Kelly goes out on the floor to regulate. She starts kicking out people from the front row who don't actually have seats in the front row. They tell Kelly that Rosina Rucci told them to sit there and Rosina totally denies it. Kelly says she's sorry to one man and he snarks back "You should be sorry." Oh no he di'in't. It's a total madhouse. At the entrance, in the tent. OMG. People are just crashing left and right.

Emily realizes that the mad crowd at the entrance is all people without invites. She closes up and goes inside and tells Kelly that they're ready. Kelly kicks out a few more people who were taking seats that didn't belong to them. And the show begins...It's a huge success. Everyone is happy, especially everyone at People's Revolution. They are all so excited that it's OVER!! Show from hell!

Rosina Rucci comes to Kelly after the show and tells her that there were a lot of unhappy people at the show. Kelly waves the cameras to not film this part. I bet Kelly told Rosina that those people sucked and didn't matter, so they should just STFU and be happy that they were even there.

Two hours after the show, the PR team is having dinner. They rehash the evening's events. Kelly tells them that Chado Ralph Rucci is a really important brand for them. But, shit happens. The mistakes that happened were out of their control. What are you going to do?

Two days after the Chado show, Kelly is on the phone with Rosina Rucci, Chado's Director of Publicity. Ralph Rucci is still pissed about the seating debacle. Kelly tells her that he's getting great reviews and she can't understand what his problem is. Basically, Ralph Rucci is pissed and thinks the seating arrangement issues were to blame for Women's Wear Daily putting Diane Von Furstenberg on the cover instead of him. Get over yourself. Kelly ends up telling Rosina that she takes responsibility for the computer problem, but he had a great show and if he needs to take it out on Kelly, so be it. Give her the final check and see ya! Rosina: You're fired!

Kelly goes upstairs to check in on Ava. Ava is having a playdate and they are going through her closet to pick out some back to school looks. Ava is really cute.

Ralph Rucci sucked and getting fired suck BUT, the show must go on. Next up is the Genetic Demin Show which is in two days. Genetic Demin is one of PR's favorite clients and Kelly meets with the Creative Director of GD, Ali Fatourechi to discuss the space. PR was hired to organize the guest list, manage RSVPs and hire the models for the off-site presentation at Fashion Week.

PR starts with casting. Kelly tells us that Genetic Denim is all she wears and that they are really popular for their skinny jeans and their "jeggins" (jean leggings). They cast these pasty, waif-y models for the presentation.

Vorhees is training a bunch of interns on how to use their complicated CISCO phone system. It's not that hard, people. Steph tells us that it's the middle of Fashion Week and everyone is crazy busy and Vorhees's job should have entailed more than just training interns on the phone...especially since Steph could really use some help.

Steph and Andrew (Robyn's asst) leave the office to take a break. Andrew used to do hair in LA, so he tells Steph that he can't stand to look at her roots anymore and decides to color her hair.

Back at the office, Vorhees is charged with stamping envelopes and she can't even do that right. Emily asks her why she is stamping them with $0.61 stamps. Vorhees says that she thought they should be $0.44, but $0.61 was all that was "back there". Dumbass. Emily is NOT happy. It's a small envelope. Why would you put a $0.61 stamp on it?? Vorhees tells us that she's managing the interns and that THEY put the wrong stamp on the envelopes. "No one taught me how to do it. Of course things are gonna be done wrong." ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? You couldn't figure that out by yourself? Stoo-pid. She basically tells Emily the same thing and Emily says that it's common sense and "we have to use our brains, you know?" Good point!

Vorhees goes to the interns and has them take off the $0.61 stamps and try to salvage them. They she asks the other Andrew - Kelly's asst - if they have anymore $0.44 stamps. He says no and tells her to text Stephanie. So Vorhees calls Stephanie and asks her where the stamps are. Stephanie says that they are probably in the back and tells her to look because everything is labeled. If they aren't back there, then she needs to get more. Vorhees just says that she doesn't know where anything is because ... let me guess ... no one told her! Ugh. Fire her already. Andrew finishes Stephanie's hair and they head back to PR.

It's the day before the Genetic Denim event and Vorhees is in charge of the interns again and today she's managing them while they put gift bags together for the editors. Kelly walks back to where the interns are and she sees the "gift bags" and they look HORRIBLE. They are basically white bags with the names of the editors HANDWRITTEN in awful handwriting. It's so cheap looking. Kelly is PISSED. She tells them they need to get re-done. The bags look awful.

Kelly goes out to the office and yells for all the interns to come to her right now! Kelly: "Here's the deal. I'm just going to make this really easy. I have worked my ass off for 12 fucking years to build this company. DO NOT MAKE ONE FUCKING DECISION ABOUT MY BUSINESS AND MY CLIENTS. Do you understand me? Do not take anything upon yourself. Do not do a mailing. Do not fucking do anything until somebody has come to you and said 'I approve this.' Is everybody clear on that? I'm over it. I am a fucking babysitter here. I don't need 6 people to stand in a room to organize 15 fucking bags. You can't work in the fucking fashion industry and write names with a Sharpie and throw a pair of jeans in a bag. This isn't college. This is hundreds of millions of dollars of people's money. JESUS. I want all the interns to take a 30 minute break...and if you're not prepared to work and do it my way, then don't come back." Yikes.

Vorhees tells us that she wasn't given any direction (that's like her motto) so she doesn't think this was her fault.

Kelly goes to the site of the Genetic Demin presentation to take a look at the space. This is Ali Fatourechi's first show at Fashion Week, so it's a huge deal for him.

Kelly comes back to the office to check on the interns. They've added tissue paper - good - but still kept the Sharpie written bags of which some are MISSPELLED (i.e. Financial District spelled "fincial district") - bad. Kelly tells us that she tries to teach the interns common sense and consciousness because they have neither when they get to her.

She goes off on the interns. She's PISSED that she has to waste her time undo-ing AGAIN what the interns did. She yelled at them and they went back and did the same f-ing thing!!! DON'T WRITE WITH A SHARPIE ON THE BAGS! How hard is this people?? She needs a new batch of interns. Tim - one of the interns - tells us that it's not fair for the interns to get yelled at when no one gave them directions. Oh good LORD. He and Vorhees are from the same school. And, he's wrong. Kelly yelled at them about writing with a Sharpie on a bag, so that means, DON'T DO THAT AGAIN. Does someone really needs to spell that out for you. Ugh.

Kelly just decided to do it herself. She tells us she's getting over the idea of having interns. She thinks they should pay her. "You want to come and learn from me and work in my office, then you have to pay me $10K." I love it.

Stephanie is totally overworked. Andrew - Kelly's assistant - tells Vorhees that they need to help Steph out. Vorhees tells Andrew that she needs to be told what to do like in detail. She can't do stuff if no one explains what it is. UGH. Andrew tells us that Vorhees is the type of girl who never had any problems and just pranced around in her dresses and got asked out left and right. Vorhees says that she can't sleep for 2 hours and then be productive the next day. Andrew tells her that it's 5 hours and they need to help Steph out. HA.

Tim is an intern from Northern Ireland. Kelly says that despite all the crap with the interns, she really likes working with young people. Tim is on the phone with his mom and she tells him that his father is worried about him. Tim tells his mom he loves her and then hands the phone to Kelly. Kelly tells his mom that he's been working hard. His mom tells Kelly that his father is worried because they hadn't heard from him since yesterday. Kelly tells her that Tim has been working too hard and that he's doing a great job. She hands the phone back to Tim and his mom tells him that Kelly is "so sweet". HAHAHAHA. Wait until she watches the show.

It's the night of the show and Kelly has a pocket full of crystals from one of the installations at the show. She's handing them out and gives one to her friend from Vanity Fair and he SWALLOWS it!!! He thought it was a PILL.

So Vorhees is in charge of scheduling the interns and one of them walks in and says that she didn't know she was working the event so she didn't wear all black. Stephanie tells Vorhees that she has so much to do, she can't micromanage Vorhees, too. Stephanie tells Vorhees that she'll call the interns. Vorhees tries to do her job and insists that she do it because Steph has too much to do. Stephanie says no and Emily tells Vorhees to sit down. Then she tells Vorhees that the incompetence is unacceptable. Ouch.

Stephanie is PISSED. All Vorhees had to do was schedule the interns and confirm with them by phone that they were working and instruct them to wear black. Vorhees keeps saying she'll call them all now and Emily says that she'll do it. The second person she confirms says that she didn't know she was working. Stephanie walks out into the stairwell. She's frustrated because she counted on Vorhees and Vorhees fucked up yet again.

Stephanie goes to Kelly and tells her what happened. Kelly tells us that PR girls get caught up in the drama of everything and if they just kept focused instead of bitching, it would be done already. So she listens in a mama bear way and tries to diffuse the situation. Kelly tells us that Stephanie knows everything in the office, so instead of learning how to do things, everyone just relies on Stephanie because she knows how to do it. Kelly is not surprised that Vorhees just left everything to Stephanie. Kelly asks if Stephanie is tired and Stephanie says that she's really stressed out. She starts to cry and says that she's being pulled in so many directions and it's too much.

Kelly tells Stephanie to get through tonight and then take a break.

It's almost showtime. A presentation is when you have models stand around for 2-3 hours and it's a great way to get on editors' radar in a much more intimate way. Kelly says that the presentation could be fabulous but if it doesn't get results, she'll get fired. So she's working hard to get the press interested and excited about the designer.

All of a sudden, one of the models collapses! The EMTs arrive and give him oxygen. Kelly tells Emily to walk around with the press to draw the least amount of attention to the fallen model. Kelly's pissed because when the model collapsed, he brought down part of the crystal curtain with him. HA. Kelly regulated and made the firemen get out of the way and had them turn off the obnoxious lights. Hardly anyone noticed and the model even came back to work. The presentation was a success!!

Next day, Vorhees is talking to Kelly and tells her that she knows she's been fucking up but she just has too much on her plate. Kelly asks her if she's quitting and Vorhees says no. Then Kelly asks if she wants Kelly to fire her and Vorhees says no. So Kelly tells her to relax and STEP IT UP!

See you next time!

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