Monday, February 1, 2010

The Bachelor, Season 14, Episode 5

Only 5 girls left!! Jake is dropping them like flies. We're down to Ali, Tenley, Corrie, Gia and Vienna. This week they are in SAN FRANCISCO!!!

I seriously can't believe that they were in SF and I didn't know about it. The girls are in the RV on their way to SF. I love San Francisco and not just because I live here. OMG. Ali lives in San Francisco. I didn't know that. I wonder where she lives. They are all staying at the Mark Hopkins in Nob Hill. The girls are all looking at their suite. SO NICE. This week there are 3 one on one dates and one two on one date.

First date: TENLEY!! She is really nervous about finally getting a one on one date. She got the first one, but it's been awhile. They go outside and take a trolley - just for them - and they are touring the city. They end up in Chinatown. They are enjoying some food and window shopping. They go to a fortune cookie place and they write their own fortunes. They are going to save them for dessert. They have some tea and make out. Tenley says that falling in love in SF would be incredible. Eh. It's pretty much like falling in love anywhere else.

The girls are back in the room and get the next date card. Corrie says that it's Ali and Vienna. It gets totally quiet and the girls are visibly upset. Then Corrie says "JUST KIDDING!!" HAHA. That was awesome. The date is actually Gia and Vienna. Vienna gets up to leave the room and the girls make her stay. Corrie apologizes for the joke and asks if Vienna is mad about that or about going on the 2 on 1 date. Vienna says she doesn't want to talk about it and looks at Ali. Ali asks her if she wants her to leave and Vienna says "Sure." So Ali tells Vienna that if this has something to do with her, she would appreciate Vienna telling her to her face. Vienna brings up Ali freaking out at the rose ceremony after Vienna got a rose. Ali tells her that it was just her opinion and not personal...ok, that's not actually true.

Tenley and Jake are having dinner on the roof of Coit Tower. Wow. Incredible. Jake asks her what mistakes she made in her marriage. Tenley says that she took things for granted. She asks what his expectations are about marriage. Jake says he expects his wife to have his back and always have respect for one another. Tenley asks Jake about pilots and cheating and Jake tells her that the woman he marries will be the last woman he looks at. They kiss and they open their fortune cookies. They both wrote the same fortune: "KISS ME". Cute...and cheesy. They are so made for each other. They make out and the "On the Wings of Love" MUZAK plays in the background again.

Jake sent a giant chest full of clothes for Gia and Vienna. The limo picks them up and takes them across the Golden Gate bridge to Napa. They arrive at Castello di Amorosa in Napa and it looks like a castle. Jake tells us that he's nervous about the date because being on a date with two girls is "almost awkward". Really? Almost? It's absolutely awkward. The girls arrive and Vienna says: "I'm my dad's princess and now I'm Jake's queen and he's my Prince Charming." UGH.

Back at the house, Tenley and Ali are talking and Ali is saying that she's nervous about what Vienna is saying about her and hopes that, if she says anything negative, Jake will talk to Ali about it.

Vienna and Gia are talking to Jake. Although Vienna really dominates the conversation so Gia is feeling a little bit like a third wheel. Then, Vienna changes the focus and says that she wants to talk about what happened at the last rose ceremony with Ali. She tells him that Ali was upset because she doesn't understand how Jake can like someone like Vienna, but also like Ali. Vienna starts crying. Gia is just watching the scene. Jake says that he doesn't care what other people think. He also said that when he let Jessie and Ashleigh leave, he knew that he wanted to keep Vienna. Jake interrupts Vienna's meltdown and takes Gia out for some alone time.

In their alone time, Gia has a little mini breakdown about Jake dating other girls. You know, the typical freak out. What's he supposed to say? This is the way the game is played, my friends. Jake says that he's falling for her and that she's "drop dead gorgeous". I think that Gia is super insecure and this attention from Jake is a total ego boost, but I honestly don't think she's that into him. She just likes to hear the reassurances from him.

Meanwhile, Vienna is walking around the winery looking for Jake and Gia. Vienna is scared because it's totally dark and she's yelling for Jake and she finally finds them. I really hate how Vienna keeps referring to Jake as her boyfriend. Jake asks Vienna what married life would look like for her. She thinks it should be fun and passionate everyday and exciting and full of travel. I think Jake would BORE HER.

Corrie gets the date card for her one on one date with Jake.

Jake shows Vienna and Gia their room. Vienna takes off and goes to find Jake in his room. Gia thinks that it's too much to go to his room. Vienna finds him and gives him a glass of wine. She hops on the bed with Jake and they drink some wine. He says that she's sexy as hell - um, has he SEEN Vienna? She is not cute. It was awkward and Jake was uncomfortable, so she went back upstairs. Vienna couldn't tell if he was happy to see her or not because it was awkward.

Corrie and Jake head out on their date. They meet in Golden Gate Park. They are at the Japanese Tea Garden and walking around. They get in a small boat and go around the pond. Corrie tells Jake that she doesn't really casually date. She grew up being taught that you should only date guys that you could potentially marry, so she hasn't dated too much. They are talking and then it's totally silent. Awkward. She wanted him to kiss her and she thought it would happen, but it wasn't happening. Now it's just weird. He finally said that it's time for dinner. Jake says that he likes Corrie, but things are going really slow and he's not sure why.

Back in the room, Ali gets her date card and she's got to plan the date. I'm so excited to see everything because she lives near me!!

Corrie and Jake are at the California Academy of Sciences museum and they are all alone. They walk through it and Corrie tells us that things are awkward and he's probably wondering why things are going slow. He is. They are having dinner at the museum. Corrie asks what he's thinking. Jake tells her that things are going slow and was wondering why. Corrie says that she moves slower than the other girls and she'll tell him what he wants to know. Jake asks where she would live if they got engaged. Corrie says she'd move to Dallas but she'd need her own apartment. Then Jake asks how she feels about living with someone before marriage. Corrie shakes her head and says that she wouldn't live with someone before marriage because she thinks that's part of the gift of marriage. Jake asks if she's saving herself for marriage and she says YES. Ah, the virgin. I wouldn't have guessed that Corrie was the virgin, but the more I think about it, it makes sense. Tenley would have gotten the vote, but she's been married. Jake lies to Corrie and tells her that he respects her choices. Whatever, she's outta there.

Corrie says that she feels good about telling Jake. She says she can see herself engaged to Jake. Sorry. Not gonna happen. He kisses her and tells her that he really wanted to do that for a long time. He pretends there's a connection.

Ali is getting ready for her date. Jake shows up and they head up to the roof to look around the city. Hmmm, it doesn't look like she lives in the Marina. She takes him to Union Street and says it's her favorite street. They stop at the flower shop on Union Street. I know exactly where they are. He buys her a bouquet of flowers.

Back at the hotel, Vienna is upset that he's on a date with Ali. Vienna is upset because they have a rose ceremony that night and he's spending the day with Ali. They walk into a cafe on Union and hang out. I don't think I've been there, but I've seen it. He asks Ali what a typical Sunday is for her. She tells him that she checks her email to make sure there aren't any emergencies and then she comes out to Union Street to eat somewhere OUTSIDE. She loves being outside in SF. I hear you, sister. Ali tells him that she LOVES Texas so she'd be happy there, too. She tells him her hometown date would be Williamstown, not SF. She says he would meet her mom and her sister, but nothing about her dad.

I think she might live in Cow Hollow, which is next to the Marina. I wonder if I've ever seen her around. OH, she runs along Krissy Field. They are walking along the water and she tells him that's her run route. They play around on Krissy Field and she lays out a blanket. She gets on top of him and gives him a massage and then they make out.

Then they walk out by the beach and drink some champagne. Jake tells Ali that if anything is ever bothering her, she can come to him. He tells her that there may have been something at the last rose ceremony. Ali tells him that she just wants him to be happy. She says that she understands that you can love someone despite what other people think. And that other people might see things in someone that you don't see. So sometimes she doesn't understand the decisions that Jake makes. Jake asks her if she has specific questions she would like answered. She tells him that if he picks her, then she's here for him 100%. If he picks someone else, she respects that. He has to do what's right for him and only he knows what's right for him. They finally admit that they are talking about Vienna. He justifies why he has kept her and Ali just says that he has to do what's right for him. They kiss and make out.

They run into the water and I think she may have just ruined her suede boots. She's going to be pissed when she's not the last one standing.

ROSE CEREMONY TIME!! Jake pretends like he has NO IDEA who he's sending home. Obviously, it's going to be the virgin. He and Tenley have alone time and she tells him her fears about their connection. She feels like they have an amazing connection, but she's afraid she's the only one who feels that way. Jake says that it's the first night that Tenley started to fall apart a little. She basically showed a little insecurity. He tries to reassure her. Then they get up and dance and then they make out.

Next, he takes Corrie for a one on one time. She's afraid of being labeled and she wants him to know that being a virgin doesn't make her different. Jake tells her that he's really glad she told him. I'm sure he is because now he knows who to drop.

Then, he goes off with Gia. Gia tells him that she thought that he showed character by telling Vienna to go back to the room when she went downstairs. Jake assures her that he finds her special and different from the other girls.

He pulls Vienna away. He wants to reassure her that she's special. He takes her to his room to show her his view. I do not understand his attraction to her. She's such a princess and not in a good way. She's not attractive and she's a spoiled brat. They are so not a good match. She's just not his type. He needs a Tenley or a Gia. I even think Ali is too good for him.

Jake and Chris are talking about the last 5 girls and his connections. It's boring so I'll spare you. He basically says he has a connection with all of them. Dumb.

First Rose: Tenley

Second Rose: Ali

Third Rose: Gia

Fourth Rose: Vienna (UGH!!)
Corrie is going I predicted. Duh! The virgin always goes home. Jake is totally crying. He takes her outside to talk. He tries to explain, blah, blah, blah.

Now, there's a rumor that Ali leaves early on her own. I'm not sure if that's true or not. I hope not. But we'll see.

See you next time...

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