Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 3

Last time we said good-bye to Team Nana. Let's find out who will be eliminated next.

The Cowboys are the first team to depart Puerto Varas at 11:20 PM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must take one of two buses on a 6 hour ride through the Andes Mountains to Argentina. Once there, they must drive themselves to a place called El Boliche Viejo. It's a place where Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid once hid out. Teams must beat the Travelocity gnome in a game of 5 card stud.

Cord lets us know that we shouldn't let Jet's cowboy hat fool ya cuz he's got it goin on 'tween da ears if ya'll know what I mean. They know right away that the picture in the clue is of Butch and Sundance. I certainly would not have known that.

The first bus doesn't leave until 8:30 AM so it's another bunching scenario. BUT only the first three teams will be able to get on the first bus.

The Models are having a rough morning. Caite is throwing up and Brent thinks it's food poisoning so he's taking her to a doctor. I'm not really sure what was wrong with them ... I think they may have just been dehydrated. So they are 4 hours late for their departure time and don't know what that's going to mean for their place in this race. It actually means NOTHING since the first bus doesn't leave until 8:30 AM and it's only 4:30AM.

The Models run into the Cops and are feeling way better about being the last to depart. They finally head to the bus stop at 4:45 AM.

The first bus to Bariloche departs at 8:30 AM with the Cowboys, Team Lez and the Asians. The second bus departs at 8:50 AM with the remaining teams. The first bus arrives and the Cowboys, the Asians and Team Lez jump into their cars and drive to the Boliche Viejo.

The Cowboys did some sleuthing before getting on the bus and found out exactly where the Boliche Viejo is. They are leading the pack and decide to pull over and act lost so that they don't lead everyone to the spot. Them Cowboys are smart. The second bus arrives and the rest of the teams get into their cars and start driving. Meanwhile the first three teams arrive at the Boliche Viejo and sit down to each play a game of 5 card stud and beat the gnome.

The Asians are the first to win and they receive their gnome. They are now instructed to walk to the Pena Gaucha. Team Lez is next to win. The Cowboys keep losing. The Asians and Team Lez make it to Pena Gaucha and receive the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams will be roping steers in this roadblock. Teams must choose a roping station, and after watching a demonstration, they must attempt to rope a target 18 feet away. When they succeed, they must pull the target to them to receive their next clue.

Carol (Team Lez) and Heidi (Asians) are doing the roadblock for their teams. Cowboys finally win and meet up with the others. They are STOKED about the roadblock. Jet decides to do it for the Cowboys and gets it right away and gets the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now drive themselves to Puente Nirihuau and search the cliffs overlooking the river where they'll find their next clue.

The Cowboys start driving and Jet is feeling bad for missing the steer on the first try. Overachiever. I'm thinking the Asians made a mistake by letting Heidi to the roadblock. Big Brother arrives at the Boliche Viejo and starts playing the gnome. They win and Jeff starts roping the steers. Carol FINALLY gets it and Team Lez heads to Puente Nirihuau. Heidi gets it next and the Asians head out.

Baseball arrives and plays 5 card stud. Cowboys arrive at Puente Nirihuau and find the next clue.

DETOUR: "Horse Sense" v. "Horse Power". In Horse Sense, teams are given a list of coordinates and, using an old school compass in the ground, they need to count the number of steps in the directions listed in their coordinates to find a buried bag of money, which they must deliver to the lead bandit at the train station. If the coordinates on their bag match the coordinates on their sheet, they will be given their next clue. In Horse Power, teams head to a polo field, put on a uniform and use a practice horse to score a goal in 9 swings or less. If they succeed, they will receive their next clue.

Cowboys select Horse Power. Jeff ropes the steer and Big Brother heads to Puente Nirihuau. Steve (Baseball) is struggling with the steer, but he keeps trying. The Cops and Moms finally make it to the Boliche Viejo and play some cards. Steve (Baseball) finally ropes his steer and they head out. Cord is confused because he thinks they are supposed to use a real horse (his preference), but Jet informs him that they'll be using the wooden practice horses instead. Wah wah.

Team Lez arrives at Puente Nirihuau and they decide to do Horse Sense. Cowboys KICK ASS and receive the next clue.

PIT STOP: Teams must now make their way to Estancia Fortin Chacabuco, the PIT STOP for this leg of the race.

Big Bro arrives at Puente Nirihuau next and they also pick Horse Sense because they don't want to ride a horse. Heh. Twins FINALLY arrive at the Boliche Viejo and beat the gnome. They are trying to determine who will rope the steer and Dan decides to do it.

Team Lez finds a shovel and they start digging where the shovel was. Big Bro receives their coordinates and heads out. Asians finally find Puente Nirihuau and they decide to go with Horse Sense. Joe has a compass on his watch so he's really excited about this task. Unfortunately, he's way too eager and doesn't read the directions (surprise surprise) so he just heads out in the direction according to his watch compass and refuses to count steps. Dumbass.

Team Lez is having some trouble of their own. Carol ran ahead and started digging where the shovel was in the ground, but that wasn't necessarily where they were supposed to dig. So they are frustrated. Meanwhile, Baseball arrives and decides to do Horse Power. As they run to it, Steve totally eats shit, but he bounces right back up. It was funny to watch. Team Lez gives up and decides to do Horse Power. The Moms are still trying to rope their steer. Shawne is doing it for their team. Dan (Twins) ropes his steer and the Twins take off to Puente Nirihuau.

The Asians are basically wandering around aimlessly looking for buried money. Big Bro finds their bag of money. These guys are so bad at reading directions. The Asians find a bag of money and they yell out to Big Bro to find out where the train station is. Big Bro has no clue what he's talking about because they missed that part of the directions, so they don't know where to take their money. The Asians find the station and hand their bag to the lead bandit. Their coordinates don't match the numbers on their sheet of paper so they decide to do Horse Power instead.

Twins decide to do Horse Sense. Louie finally ropes the steer for the Cops and they head out to Puente Nirihuau. The Models are totally lost and still trying to find Boliche Viejo. Caite is whining about not feeling well and complaining that Brent can't give directions. Baseball finally makes the goal in less than 9 strokes and they head to the Pit Stop.

Team Lez makes the goal next and heads out. They had a pretty heated argument when they were doing Horse Sense, so maybe being in 3rd place will bring them back together. The Asians arrive at the polo field and start hitting the ball down the field. The Cops pick Horse Sense and the Models are still driving. They make it to the Boliche Viejo and beat the gnome super quickly. The Moms are still struggling. Brent (Models) gets it right away and the Moms are starting to feel frustrated. Monique says a prayer and Shawne finally ropes her steer. They race off to Puente Nirihuau.

The Cowboys are the FIRST team to arrive at the Pit Stop. They receive a trip for two to Patagonia.

Big Bro decides that they picked the wrong bag and search for another one. Stupid. The Twins and Cops are also searching for their money bag. The Cops find one and it has Big Bro's coordinates on it. So Big Bro takes the money bag back to the original dude and realize that he's NOT the lead bandit and they need to go to the TRAIN STATION. Jeff is so funny. He says that they are so stupid and that "we definitely shouldn't reproduce". Jordan looks at him completely cluelessly. Well, you're half right, Jeff. You are adorable and I know you like UCLA, so YOU should reproduce...just not with Jordan.

The Asians score and head out to the Pit Stop.

Baseball is the SECOND team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Team Lez is the THIRD team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

The Twins arrive at the polo field and Jordan wants to make sure they look cute and pick the right uniforms. HA. Big Bro finally makes it to the station and get the next clue and head out to the Pit Stop.

The Asians are the FOURTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

The Twins are struggling at the polo field. Getting the ball across the field in 9 strokes or less is harder than they each thought it would be. The Models arrive and decide to do Horse Power. Moms arrive next and decide to do Horse Power, too. The Cops give up on Horse Sense and walk over to the polo fields to check out Horse Power. The Twins get it done and head to the Pit Stop.

Big Brother is the FIFTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Models finish next followed by the Cops and both head to the Pit Stop.

The Twins are the SIXTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop. The Models are the SEVENTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop. And the Cops are the EIGHTH team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

The Moms give up and decide to try Horse Sense. They finish it and arrive at the Pit Stop.

The Moms are the LAST team to arrive at the Pit Stop and they are ... ELIMINATED FROM THE RACE.

See you next week.

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