Monday, March 22, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 6

Last time we said good-bye to Heidi and Joe thanks to the U-Turn by the Cops. 7 teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

Teams will now be departing from Verdun, France. The Cops are the first team to depart at 7:47AM and receive the clue.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must drive themselves to the city of Reims and find the Gothic Cathedral. Outside the Cathedral, teams must find the statue of Joan of Arc where a street musician playing a singing saw will give them their next clue.

The Cops take off, followed by Baseball and the Cowboys. Twins and Team Lez depart next and it looks FREEZING in France. These teams all arrive in Reim, but can't figure out where the statue of Joan of Arc is. I guess the clue left out the Cathedral part. So, the teams are asking people on the street where the Joan of Arc statue is. The Twins find a helpful lady who tells them to go to the Cathedral. But they can't figure out what she's saying because of her accent. Dumb. She says it slowly and they repeat "Cathy Drone". Stoo-pid.

The Models and Big Bro are the last teams to leave the Pit Stop and head to Reims. Baseball found a local to take them to the statue. They see the musician right away and get the next clue - a champagne cork.

NEXT CLUE: The local tells them that the name of a Champagne is on the cork, Leclerc Briant in Eperney.

Baseball takes off. The Cops go to the office of tourism and get directions to the statue. The Cowboys reach the statue just as the Cops do. The Cowboys remember seeing a town of Champagne 40 miles down the road so they take off. The Cops aren't taking any chances and decide to go back to the office of tourism. The Cops and the Twins get the directions to Eperney and head out. Jordan asks Dan if you make champagne by just making wine and adding club soda. Team Lez finds the statue and heads out to find some champagne.

Jordan (Big Bro) MIGHT be dumber than Caite (the Models). Jordan: "Joan of Arc. He carried all the ..." Jeff: "SHE" Jordan: "Yeah. He carried all the animals." Jeff: "SHE! That was Noah." OMG. Seriously? Jeff laughs at Jordan then says "I wonder why we're in last." Exactly, Jeff.

The Cops and the Twins are the first to arrive a Leclerc Briant. They go in and get the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: "Who's ready to cave in?" One team member will rappel down 100 ft into the caves of the winery. Once in the cave, they must search the hundreds of champagne bottles for one that is specially marked. Then they will use a saber to slice the cork off the bottle. The champagne will shoot out of the bottle along with the next clue.

Jordan (Twins) and Louie (Cops) decide to take on the road block and rappel down the hole. Baseball arrives next and Steve is going to do the road block. Meanwhile, Cowboys discover that they went to the wrong town and need to drive to Eberney. Jordan finds the marked bottle of champagne and slices off the cork.

NEXT CLUE: Taittinger la Marquetterie. Teams must figure out that the Taittinger la Marquetterie is a chateau and winery in the next town where they'll find their next clue. Twins take off.

OMG. Well, Caite is pretty dumb, too. Brent: "Look at that statue. I think that might be it." Caite: "Yeah look at all the animals." Brent: "That could be her right there." Caite: "Joan of Arc is a guy." Brent: "Joan of Arc is a girl. Why do you think her name is Joan?" Caite: "Ok nevermind. I'm thinking of somebody else." Oh good Lord.

The Cops and Baseball finish and head out to Taittinger. Brandy does the Roadblock and is already bitching about doing the "height" thing. Annoying. The Twins go to a tourism spot and are told that it's in Reims. But the Cops are told that it's in Pierry and the guy agrees to take them there. The Models find Joan of Arc, get the cork and head to Leclerc Briant. Brandy is searching for the champagne bottle in the cave. She finds it and Team Lez heads out. Baseball stops and asks a painter where Taittinger is and he says Reims. Hmmm. Maybe the Cops are getting mislead. Oh wait, Team Lez gets directions and is told it's in Pierry.

Cowboys arrive at Leclerc and Cord rappels down. Big Bro finds Joan of Arc and heads to Leclerc. Cord finds the bottle and they get their clue and head to Taittinger. They ask someone who tells them it's in Reims. Weird. Well, it appears that it's in PIERRY. The Cops arrive and find the cluebox.

DETOUR: "Tower" or "Terra". In Tower, teams must use 600 glasses to make a tower exactly 15 levels high with only ONE glass on top. If they do it right, they can fill all the glasses with champagne and receive their next clue. In Terra, teams must search an entire square kilometer of the land for a tiny cluster of grapes marked with race colors. Once they pick their prize, they must give it to the foreman who will give them their next clue.

Cops choose Terra. The Twins are the first to discover that Reims is the wrong spot. Taittinger is there, but the La Marquetterie is the mansion in Pierry. Attention to details.

Brent rappels for the Models and quickly finds the bottle. They get the next clue and head out. Big Bro finally arrives a Leclerc. They are so behind. Jeff decides to do it. Baseball arrives in Reims at the Taittinger place and as they pull in, Steve totally crashes the front bumper. It's totally dented, but they ignore it because it's a race. They go in and discover that they need to get to Pierry. Steve totally screwed up the car and it's dragging. They use duct tape to temporarily fix the problem and continue. Meanwhile, Jeff finds the bottle and he and Jordan head out to Taittinger and get bad directions to Reim.

Mike finds the grapes and The Cops head to the Pit Stop.

PIT STOP: Teams must now make their way across the city to L'Orrca, the Cultural Administration for Champagne, France.

The Cops head out. Cowboys find out that it's the wrong Taittinger and head out to Pierry. The Twins finally arrive at the correct Taittinger and decide to do Tower. Team Lez arrives and chooses Terra.

The COPS are Team #1 at the Pit Stop. They each win a 5 day trip to La Blanc Spa and Resort in Cancun, Mexico.

Team Lez finds the grapes and heads out to the Pit Stop. Baseball arrives at the real Taittinger and chooses Terra. The Models are dumb and see Team Lez and decide to follow them. They think they are awesome because they think they caught up to Team Lez. Little do they know they are being taken to the Pit Stop prematurely. DETAILS, Models!! HAHAHA. They run and see Phil and realize that they missed an entire step. Dumb.

TEAM LEZ is Team #2 at the Pit Stop.

Baseball finds the grapes and heads to the Pit Stop. Models find the right Taittinger and choose Terra. Big Bro realizes that they are at the wrong Taittinger and head to the right one. Cowboys finally arrive at the right Taittinger and choose Terra. The Twins are struggling with Tower, but they keep at it.

BASEBALL is Team #3 at the Pit Stop.

Jet found the grapes and Cowboys head out to the Pit Stop. Caite thinks it's absolutely stupid to look for grapes in this huge space. Little does she know that it will take strategy and balance to do the Tower. The Models are fighting because Caite is passive aggressive and a brat. Caite says that they should have built the tower, but Brent had to make another bad decision. She is annoying. The Twins finish the tower and pour the champagne.

COWBOYS are Team #4 at the Pit Stop.

Success!! The Twins get it done and receive the clue and head to the Pit Stop. Brent decides to shut Caite up so he agrees to do Tower. The Models build their tower and Brent starts pouring...AND, the Tower FALLS breaking dozens of glasses. Brent tells Caite that they are going to look for grapes. Now, she needs to keep her mouth shut and look for grapes. Big Bro arrives at the real Taittinger. They pick Terra ... but then they see the Models and decide to do the Tower instead.

TWINS are Team #5 at the Pit Stop.

Caite finds the grapes!! They head to the Pit Stop. Jeff and Jordan are stacking glasses and end up breaking a bunch before even pouring the champagne. They head out to search for grapes.

MODELS are Team #6 at the Pit Stop.

Jordan FINALLY finds the grapes and they head to the Pit Stop.

BIG BRO is the LAST TEAM and are eliminated. Bummer. I really liked Jeff. :(

See you next week!

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