Monday, March 15, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 5

Last time Big Bro was saved by a non-elimination round. Can they do it again?

During the Pit Stop, teams boarded a bus in Hamburg, Germany to an undisclosed location. The Asians are interviewing in the back of the bus about how they are kicking ass despite Joe's bum knee (which he is icing). The Cops keep telling them to keep it down. Heh. The teams arrive in France and the Cops are the first team to depart the destination and receive their first clue.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must drive to Saint Menehould. There, they must find the Boulangerie Defontaine and buy a fresh baguette to receive their first clue.

The Cops find a postal worker who gives them directions to Saint Menehould. Baseball is next to leave and I'm really beginning to like these guys, too. Steve tells us that he's the oldest one left in the race - at 57 - but he feels 25. They get their clue and Steve asks Allie if she knows what a baguette is. She tells him and is surprised that Steve didn't know. Steve tells her that he knew, he just wanted to see if she knew. Allie laughs and says "You didn't know." HAHA. Cute. It's not as funny written out as it is watching it.

The Asians, Team Lez and the Twins all make their way to Saint Menehould. The Cops arrive at the Boulangerie Defontaine, break the baguette in half and pull out the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now drive themselves to La Main de Massiges where they'll find their next clue.

Cops take off. The Asians and Baseball get the baguette and the clue and take off. The Models go to a gas station to get directions and, instead of writing them down, Caite thinks she'll remember them...hmmm. Good idea? Not so much. The Cops find La Main de Massiges and get the next clue.

DETOUR: Teams must wear doughboy uniforms (i.e. fatigues) and join their French friends in combat at this famous WWI hill. "In the Trenches" or "Under Fire". In "In the Trenches", teams clamor down into a WWI trench and choose a communication area. Then, with the battle raging around them and with only a field manual, they must translate a message being sent to them in Morse Code. In "Under Fire", teams get on their bellies in a muddy field booby-trapped with barbed wire, and then crawl 100 yards to a machine gun nest. Teams must receive a message from a French soldier and then crawl back 100 yards to safety. In both tasks, teams will attach their message to a homing pigeon who will deliver the message that the war is over. Hmmm.

The Cops choose "In the Trenches" and see that the clue says there will be a U-TURN up ahead. Baseball and the Asians both arrive and both choose "In the Trenches". Joe tells Heidi that his knee will not be a problem with the crawling. Hmmm.

The Cops crawl under the barbed wire while the planes above them are dropping "bombs" and creating huge dust storms. Meanwhile, Big Bro finally leaves and they are already getting lost on the way to the Boulangerie. Just ask for directions!!!

The Cops get the message and head back. Louie is struggling. It's just crawling, right? It can't be that hard. Jeez. Baseball and the Asians pass by them as they make their way to get the message. Twins and Team Lez show up next and they both pick crawl also. It seems to be the popular choice. The Cops complete the detour and receive their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Head south down the road to receive your next clue.

They walk down the road and reach the U-TURN.

BLIND U-TURN: Teams can choose to "u-turn" another team by forcing them to do the other side of the detour. Because this is a "Blind" u-turn, the team that uses it can remain anonymous.

The Cops decide to U-Turn the Asians, but it's not really "blind" since the Asians know that only the Cops are ahead of them. Who else could it possibly be? Dumb. I'm also not clear that the Cops HAD to U-Turn someone. Weird.

NEXT CLUE: March yourself into town and find the church of Massiges to receive your next clue.

The Models are driving to La Main de Massiges and Brent says "Hey baby, look, they're up in some flying things." Um, they're called AIRPLANES, Brent. These two really are made for each other. They arrive and choose to crawl. Big Bro FINALLY makes it to the boulangerie and gets the clue. The Twins are cracking me up! Jordan decides to jog and pretend that the enemy is after them. Then, as they are crawling, he asks the French soldiers who are shooting if they are ok. He is a riot.

The Asians and Baseball finish the detour and head to the next clue. Baseball gets there first and tells the Asians that someone got them. The Asians are NOT HAPPY. The Asians figure out that it was the Cops because the U-Turn is not so blind. They head out to do the other challenge and Baseball heads to the church of Massiges.

The Cops arrive at the church and receive the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now ride 100 year old bicycles in ancient riding gear 4 miles through town to the next Pit Stop.

The Asians try "in the trenches" and mis-translate the message. They head down to listen again. Meanwhile, Brandy (Team Lez) is bitching and moaning the entire time that she has to crawl and get dirty. "This is not what I signed up for." Um, have you seen the Amazing Race before?? It's absolutely what you signed up for. Now shut up and crawl. She's so annoying. I wish they had gotten U-Turned. I don't think the Cops realized that they could have U-Turned ANY team in the race. They just got stuck thinking about Baseball and the Asians because they were right behind them. And they think Joe is annoying.

The Twins, Cowboys and Team Lez finish next and head to get the next clue. The Asians are feeling discouraged as they see more and more teams arriving and finishing.

The COPS are the 1st Team to arrive at the Pit Stop. They each win a 55" HDTV.

BASEBALL is the 2nd Team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Team Lez is still bitching at each other. That Brandy is a real bitch. Ugh. The Models finish and are trying to figure out if "go south" means to "go south as in a direction or go south as in go that direction." Um, WTF? Go south, means GO SOUTH. Why is that hard?

The COWBOYS are the 3rd Team to arrive at the Pit Stop. And the TWINS are the 4th Team to arrive.

Big Bro FINALLY arrives at La Main de Massiges and they have to do a SPEED BUMP. Why does it seem like they are SO FAR BEHIND. They need to step it up and fast! They are so lucky the Asians got U-Turned.

SPEED BUMP: Big Bro must reinforce a section of a trench using the branches given to them. When the Army General is satisfied that they've completed the reinforcement, they will proceed to the detour.

TEAM LEZ is the 5th Team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

Models go to the bikes. Big Bro is heading to the trenches. Jeff is getting frustrated by whiny Jordan, understandably so. She's annoying...and dumb. They pass the Asians and Jeff gets pumped to see them still working on a task. It means that they are still in the race.

The MODELS are the 6th Team to arrive, BUT they forgot to pick up their clue after the detour. I totally missed that. How did they know to go South down the road?? I missed that. Oh well. They have to go back and get that clue.

Big Bro finishes the Speed Bump and heads to the detour. They decide to crawl like the rest of the teams before them. It's a totally good call for them because Jordan would be terrible at translating Morse Code. Speaking of, the Asians are struggling. They thought they had the right message but were sent back to try again.

Ok, the Models just missed the whole U-Turn/Cluebox. They realize they were not U-Turned, grab the next clue and head back to the Pit Stop. The Asians see Big Bro heading to the other detour and figure they have some more time to translate.

Jeff says that he has a 1 in 8 chance of winning $1 Million. For anyone else he would think that would "put a little hop in your step...but not for Jordan." She is whining and taking her time. Jeff: "Put your boobs on the ground and drag them over here." HAHA. Seriously. Move it, sister.

The Asians try one more time and are defeated. They give up. Big Bro finishes and realizes that the Asians were U-Turned. That totally saved them. If they hadn't gotten that U-Turn, they would have come in 3rd and Big Bro would be eliminated. PHEW. Models get their clue and return on their bikes to the Pit Stop. I think it's funny that the Models keep telling themselves to remember the details and pay attention and TWICE they have missed a detail and had to go back or wait it out.

The MODELS are the 6th Team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

BIG BRO is the 7th Team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

The Asians are the last team and are ELIMINATED from the race.

See you next week.

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