Monday, March 29, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 7

Big Bro went home last week. :( Six teams remain. Let's find out who will be eliminated next!

The Cops are the first to depart the Champagne region of France at 12:35 AM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must now travel to the Seychelles, a chain of 15 islands in the Indian Ocean. Due to it's exotic location, teams will all be on the same flight. If that's true, then why are they departing from the Pit Stop at different times. Dumb. Once they arrive, they will have to search for a kiosk and grab a number and their first clue.

The Cops and Team Lez know what the Seychelles are. Baseball, Cowboys, Twins and Models have no idea. The Cops and Cowboys go grab some breakfast while the remaining teams get seats close to the front of the plane! Good thinking.

All teams make their way to Mahe, Seychelles. It's a race to find the kiosk!

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now travel by helicopters to the Island of La Digue. After the first 3 teams depart in three helicopters, the remaining teams will depart one hour later.

The Models arrive first followed by Baseball and the Twins. They will be the first teams on the helicopters. They take off and arrive in La Digue and receive the next clue.

DETOUR: "Turtle Toddle" or "Ox Trot". In Turtle Toddle, Teams use a banana to lure a giant, 100 year old tortoise across a field. Then, they will each have to carry a huge bunch of bananas 1.5 miles to the harbor and find the fruit merchant who will give them their next clue. In Ox Trot, Teams must bring a cart into an area where they will load it up with coconuts without losing any cargo. When they are all loaded up, an ox will be attached to their cart and they will have to travel to the harbor where the fruit merchant will give them their next clue.

The remaining teams are bitterly waiting for the helicopters so they can head to the island. Team Lez says that the 3 strongest teams are having to wait while the weak teams get ahead. Um...I'm not sure I'd agree. I think Cowboys are strong and the Cops have just gotten lucky. But, Team Lez is not one of the strongest teams. I will say that The Models got lucky on this round and are usually one of the weaker teams, but Twins and Baseball are pretty strong.

Models choose Ox Trot. Baseball chooses Turtle Toddle because the tortoise beat the hare and Steve has never met an ox he could trust. Ha. Twins pick Ox Trot while the remaining teams head to the island. The Models finish loading up their cart...BUT one of the coconuts didn't make it onto the cart so they lost one of their cargo. We'll see what ends up happening. Jeez, aren't the Models the ones who said they needed to really concentrate and pay attention to details?? This is the third time they've missed a really important detail.

Baseball gets the tortoise across the field and head to the harbor with their bunches of bananas to get the next clue. They totally pass the Models are their way. BUT they left their backpacks at the tortoise spot. I hope someone takes their packs to them. The Twins finish filling up their cart and make sure they got all the coconuts! The Cops arrive on the helicopter and choose Ox Trot, while Team Lez chooses Turtle Toddle. After taking a huge crap, the ox pulling the Twins' cart takes them to the harbor. HAHA. Cowboys arrive and choose Ox Trot.

Baseball arrives at the harbor and receives their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams will now take a boat to St. Pierre Island where the boat captain will give them their next clue.

Baseball makes it on the boat. Twins pass the Models and head to the boat. The Models are pissed because the merchant tells them that they don't have enough coconuts. I guess someone gave him the heads up about the one that didn't make it on the cart. Eeek.

Baseball sees the Twins with their backpacks and realize that they left their backpacks behind. They figure that they are gone for good. I hope not. Allie is freaking out so Steve asks what she wants to do. Meanwhile, Brent has decided to quit because he cant figure out what went wrong and why they aren't getting a clue.

They have their passports and money, so Allie just sucks it up and decides she doesn't need the backpack. Brent decides to stop whining and they get back on the cart to take it back and see what the hell went wrong. Caite is crying because she thinks it's UNFAIR that they have to go back. Whatever...PAY ATTENTION!! Baseball makes it to St. Pierre and gets the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams must now head underwater. One team member must find a submerged case of seven bottles, figure out how to untie them and then bring one of the seven bottles up to the surface. Teams will them work together to assemble a map that they get out of the bottle. Once on shore, the map will lead them to the PIT STOP!!

Team Lez gives up on the tortoise and heads to the Ox Trot instead. Steve is diving for Baseball. He easily grabs a bottle and they head to shore. Jordan dives for the Twins and finally rescues the bottle.

The Models make it back and see their coconut. They grab it and head back to the harbor. Team Lez shows up and grabs a cart. The Cowboys are finished, but they left a coconut on the ground!!!! Oops.

Baseball swims to shore, puts together their map puzzle and runs to the Pit Stop as Twins are arriving on shore.

BASEBALL is the 1st Team to arrive at the Pit Stop. For their prize, 7-UP is giving them dinner on the beach, massages and $7K each.

TWINS are the 2nd Team to arrive at the Pit Stop.

The Cops and the Models swim out the boats for the Roadblock. Meanwhile, Cowboys are told that they don't have all their coconuts. Team Lez makes the SAME MISTAKE!!! They leave a coconut behind. They pass the Cowboys and feel all superior because they aren't last anymore. Low and behold, they arrive at the harbor to discover that .... they did the SAME THING. They bitch at each other the entire way back to the coconuts. Bicker, bicker.

Brent dives for The Models and easily grabs the bottle. Next is Mike for the Cops and he brings back his bottle. Cord is next for the Cowboys. Cops and Models swim to shore. Team Lez finally makes it onto a boat after retrieving the stray coconut. Brandy easily dives and brings back the bottle. They are making it seem like Team Lez is right behind the Cowboys, but they are farther behind than it appears.

The Models and Cops work together to figure out the puzzle and find the Pit Stop.

Models are the 3rd team and Cops are the 4th team to the Pit Stop. Phil asks who the Cops would like to see go and they say Team Lez because they are negative. Caite chimes in and says that they are mean and she brings up that Team Lez made a comment in the beginning asking where Caite's tiara is. OMG. Caite just keeps talking and talking and talking and finally says that she wants them to go, too. 'Cuz she's only been in a few pageants, y'all. Jeesh! HAHAHA! Brent says "From what I hear, it's pretty anonymous." Everyone looks at him confused. Then Phil says "Unanimous?" Brent says "YEAH. That's what I meant." Dumb.

The Cowboys swim to shore WITHOUT THEIR BOTTLE. OMG. Details, people!! Seriously! They are the 5th team to arrive at the Pit Stop, but Phil tells them that they will have to retrieve the bottle from the boat and take out the contents of the bottle and bring them to the Pit Stop before they can be checked in.

Halfway to the boat, Cowboys see Team Lez pull up in their boat. HOLY CRAP! Maybe it will be a race to the finish. C'mon Cowboys!!


Team Lez is the 5th team to arrive at the Pit Stop. BOO.

The Cowboys are the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop. YAY!! It's a non-elimination round!! WOOT!

See you next week!

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