Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kell on Earth - Season 1 - Episode 5

"Love Hangover"

Kelly walks in the office with some lube for Andrew S. (I'm going to start referring to him as Gay Andrew, even though the other Andrew is gay, too. Andrew S. is just so much "gayer" than Andrew, Kelly's Asst.). Gay Andrew has a blind date coming up so Kelly brought him some lube. No, that's not sexual harassment or anything.

Later, Kelly is at her apartment with Ava and her book editor comes over to work with Kelly on finalizing her book - which I am totally going to buy. They sit and Kelly tells her about her crazy, fantastic, wild life as a PR girl in the early 90's.


Emily is waiting for some reports from Fashion Week that are past due and she just wants them done and out of the way. Stephanie was working on them, but Emily tells her to pass them to an intern. Stephanie says that there aren't any interns, so she has to do it. Emily says that she can't understand why they aren't done yet and Stephanie tells her it's because she's the only one working on all of them. So Emily says that she told Stephanie to just do one thing, complete it and THEN move onto the next. Stephanie says that priorities are always shifting and she has to stop and shift what she's doing all the time. Emily is frustrated. She tells Stephanie to look at her and she tells her that they have high priority clients that need their wrap reports done. Stephanie tells her that she's not just working on reports. She's also doing pitches for Robyn who keeps asking her for those, too. She's just really overwhelmed. She can't get EVERYTHING done right now. She's doing the job of 5 other people.

Emily interrupts and tells Stephanie to give her all the reports and she will finish them. Stephanie says no and Emily tells her not to argue. Stephanie gets up and says that she needs a minute. She is about to burst into tears. Emily says they need to talk about this right now. Stephanie says that she doesn't want to talk right now. Emily says they need to go through each client and figure out the status and what needs to get done. Emily says she doesn't know as she wipes tears from her face. Emily says that the freaking out has to stop happening. Stephanie looks at Emily and says "Then maybe I shouldn't work here." Damn.

Gay Andrew tells us that Emily doesn't get that no one has slept in over a month and Stephanie is getting the blunt force of Emily's bitchiness right now. Emily whines that she has a million clients and they all need their reports so she needs to know what's going on. Stephanie says that she has a million things on her plate, too, and every 5 minutes someone is bugging her for something and it's never good enough. Emily says that's not true and that Stephanie is overreacting. Stephanie asks to go outside for a minute as she walks out the door.

Stephanie goes outside and calls Kelly. She tells her that Emily is on her case every 5 minutes and she's feeling really overwhelmed and she's totally crying. Stephanie tells Kelly that she can't do all the reports and all the pitches and have Emily turn to her very five minutes and attack her. Stephanie is feeling like "why am I here?" She tells Kelly that she doesn't appreciate being talked to like she's never worked there and like she's some kid off the street. It's bullshit and Stephanie feels under appreciated. I get that.

Kelly tells us that she sees so much good in Stephanie and sees that she could be a great PR woman. But, Stephanie has given so much of her life to the job and Kelly wants her to have a life outside of work. She doesn't want Stephanie to be a casualty of the fashion world. She really respects and likes Stephanie.

Kelly calls Emily next. Emily tells us that she tries not to get too emotional because when you start getting too emotional about things, problems start. I hear her. Emily tells Kelly that she can't deal with the crying and the defensiveness and all she wants are the wrap reports for her clients. Kelly tells us that Emily is a great Publicist and Stephanie could learn a lot from her. I think that it's really all in the delivery. I had a boss once who told me my work was a piece of crap and that I sucked. I think she thought she was being constructive, but in reality, she was just pissing me off and eventually drove me to quit. It's not worth it. As my mother always says to me, "It's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it." So true. Emily has to find a better way to get her message across to Stephanie without being a bitch.

Kelly and Assistant Andrew are standing outside the building when a "cute" gay man walks by. Andrew decides to hit on him. He's taking some pictures and walks over to Kelly and Andrew. Kelly compliments his tattoos. Andrew asks him who "Brenda" is on one of his tattoos and he tells him that it's his mom. Ahhh. Kelly asks him if he wants to bring his artwork by sometime and see Andrew. The guy says that he's a musician and Kelly asks him if he's a Gemini. He says he's an Aquarius and Kelly says that's a nice sign. The guy says that his girlfriend doesn't think so. Uh-oh...he's got a girlfriend...OR he's not interested and just said that. Either way, bummer for Andrew. Kelly laughs and says that she thought he was gay. Andrew says that is the problem with NYC, everyone looks like they're gay.

Kelly calls Stephanie back and tells her to talk to Emily and re-prioritize what she's working on. Stephanie realizes that if she wants to stay there, then that's what she has to do. Stephanie walks in and sits next to Emily and says she wants to re-prioritize everything with her. Emily tells her to make a list of what she has to do so Emily can go through it with her. They work it all out and Stephanie feels much better. Yikes.

Gay Andrew is waiting for his blind date at a restaurant. His date walks in and sits down and they both share that they are nervous because it's their first blind date. Gay Andrew tells his date about a game he likes to play on his first dates. Gay Andrew will say a word and he wants the date to say the first word that comes to his mind. Gay Andrew: Sunglasses. Date: Beach. GA: Fork. Date: Spork. Um, ok. GA: Banana. Date: Sexual Education Class. WTH? GA: Dildo. Date: Wood. GA: Lube. Date: uh ... The server brings more wine and I'm hoping that ends the ridiculous game. GA tells us that it went from normal talk to sexual talk and he doesn't really know how that happened. Um, it happened because you said "Dildo" and "Lube" dumbass.

HAHAHA. Kelly and Assistant Andrew show up and totally crash GA's blind date. AWESOME. GA is mortified and wants to know why they are ruining his date when he's trying to GET LAID. Kelly asks how the date is going. GA says it WAS going well until his boss showed up. Kelly tells the date to ask her about her day so he does. Kelly says that it went well and promises she won't mention what she did for GA (the lube). OMG. Kelly just gave me a better name for GA...Tandrew!! HAHA. Because he fake tans so much. I love it. Kelly says that she knows Tandrew was uncomfortable but she doesn't really care. Kelly tells us that she takes on the role of the over-protective father or brother with her employees and all the significant others know that. She wants them to know that they shouldn't screw with her kids.

Stephanie and Emily are at INA MEN, a designer clothes store. Ina Berstein, the owner, is having a party at her shop to get some publicity. People's Revolution is organizing the event. It was a celebration of the opening of the store. They invited fashion people who cover menswear and various other fashion editors. People's Revolution was working with Casa Dragones Tequila to promote the event. The party was going well, the fashion editors were happy and everyone was enjoying the tequila. Ina walks up to Emily and says "We're out of tequila." She's freaking out. Ina is worried that everyone is going to leave.

Emily goes to Stephanie and tells her about the tequila situation. Stephanie calls the tequila company and they tell her to give them 15 minutes to bring more. In the meantime, Emily decides to serve the Proseco that Ina has chilling in the back...unfortunately, Ina tells her that it's all gone, too. So Emily tells her that more Tequila is on the way. Ina tells her that she has more people coming and nothing for them to drink. Emily is way stressed because some of the editors were starting to leave and Ina keeps asking where the tequila is.

Emily decides to go back into the event and make sure all the designers and editors meet Ina to keep them busy. The tequila FINALLY arrives and everyone relaxes. At the end of the day, the event went really well and everyone was happy and Stephanie and Emily worked everything out.

Mary Ellen Mark - the most important photographer EVER - is shooting the cover for Kelly's book. Kelly tells us it's like asking Rembrandt to paint your bedroom. Kelly knows she doesn't photograph well and she doesn't look good on TV. She gets that. AND, she makes no effort to look better because she feels like it's more real to just be yourself. She and Ava now do some pictures together. Kelly tells us that she wrote the book for Ava, too. She wants Ava to have the best life she can give her and that includes, learning all the tools for thinking for yourself and doing your best and doing what you want to do. She wants Ava to be autonomous and to be an empowered young woman. A-MEN.

See you next time.

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