Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 4

Last week we said good-bye to the Moms, Monique and Shawne. Let's find out who will be eliminated next!

The Cowboys are the first to depart Bariloche at 10:57 PM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must now fly to Frankfurt, Germany, where they must take a train to the city of Hamburg. Once there, teams must race on foot through the busy city to Jungfernstieg Street where they'll find their next clue.

The Cowboys drive into a city and stop at a travel agency. They ask for two tickets to Hamburg and they receive tickets on the "first" flight out at 11:10 AM. I'm surprised the Cowboys don't try to find another, earlier flight. 11:10 seems a little late.

All the teams arrive at the airport and take flights to Germany. Team Lez says that they will work harder to listen to one another and that the word of the day for them is "Respectful". Dan says that he hates traveling but he knows how important this is for Jordan so he's happy he can play a part in making Jordan's dream come true. Aahhh. The Cowboys and the Cops are flying to Frankfurt via Paris, France. Team Lez and the Twins are flying direct to Frankfurt. The Asians, Baseball, Models, and Big Brother are flying via Sao Paolo, Brazil.

The first flight to arrive is the one with the Cowboys and the Cops. The second flight with Team Lez and the Twins arrives about 30 minutes later at 3PM. The Cowboys and the Cops are waiting for the train to Hamburg that leaves at 3:37 PM. Team Lez and the Twins run to make the 3:37PM and they JUST miss it. It pulls away with the Cowboys and the Cops just as they arrive. The last flight arrives at 3:40PM with the rest of the teams. They all get on the next train out to Hamburg.

The Cowboys and the Cops arrive in Hamburg and the Cowboys find the next clue.

INTERSECTION: Each team must mutually agree to join forces with another team to complete the next challenge.

The Cowboys holla out for the Cops to join them in this intersection.

ROADBLOCK: For the first time ever, two people from DIFFERENT teams must work together to complete a daring roadblock. The two new "teammates" must make their way by train to Hamburg Harbor and do a 150 ft bungee jump in the middle of the city. Once they've taken this huge leap of faith together, they'll receive their next clue.

Michael and Jet board the train and head out to Hamburg Harbor. The rest of the teams arrive in Hamburg and find the clue. The Asians and Baseball team up because "we both come from good families"? WTF? Joe and Allie team up and follow some guy they met on the first train to the metro station to Hamburg Harbor. Team Lez and the Twins pair up and Dan and Brandy are doing the jump and head out to the station. That leaves Big Bro and the Models to team up. The girls decide to jump so Caite and Jordan head to the metro.

Jordan is "confused" by the metro because she's blonde, so she lets Caite navigate and, of course, being the scholar in all things geographic, they get on the wrong train going the wrong direction. Caite tries to give us every excuse why the Hamburg metro is far more confusing than the NYC subway system, which she claims to know super well. Whatever.

Michael and Jet arrive at Hamburg Harbor and get ready for their bungee jump. Jet refuses to take off his hat and insists that it will stay on. They jump and ... the hat stays on. Jeez, that thing must be glued to his head. They receive the next clue and take it back to open it with their teammates.

Allie (Baseball) and Joe (Asians) arrive next and do the bungee jump and head back with the clue. Brandy (Lez) and Dan (Twins) arrive after and Brandy is losing her sh*t. She is so freaked out. She better suck it up. Michael (Cops) and Jet (Cowboys) make their way back to their teammates and read the clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the statue of Germany's first emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm where they'll find their next clue.

The Cops hop in a cab and the Cowboys take the metro and they are off to find the statue. Dan and Brandy go up to Bungee just as Jordan and Caite arrive. Brandy and Dan jump off and Brandy is freaking out. Dan was very sweet and kept telling her she'd be ok. It was cool. The Cops arrive at the Statue of Kaiser Wilhelm and receive their next clue.

DETOUR: Soccer or Sauerkraut? In Soccer, teams make their way to a 100 year old stadium and play soccer...kind of. They have to hit 5 balls - from the penalty mark - at targets suspended from the goal posts. Once they have hit all 5 targets, they will receive their next clue. In Sauerkraut, teams must make their way to a restaurant and sit down, while a band plays a Sauerkraut folk song. The teams must eat an entire plate before the song ends. If they do, they will receive their next clue. If not, their plate will be replenished and they will have to start again.

The Cops choose Sauerkraut and head to the restaurant. "Let's eat!" Baseball and the Asians are headed by taxi to find Kaiser Wilhelm, while Caite and Jordan finish their jump and head back to the boys. The Cowboys are STILL on the Metro - they should've just taken a cab.

The Cops arrive at the restaurant. They are so funny. Mike: "An eating challenge? Are you kidding me? I've definitely eaten things as big as Jet and Cord, so this is no problem." Haha. They bring out the plate of sauerkraut and the Cops laugh at the small portion size. The music starts and Mike goes to TOWN. Louie is a little less aggro, but makes up for it at the end by licking the plate. They finish in plenty of time and receive their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the Haifisch Bar (the Shark Bar) and finish off a boot of beer. Once they finish their beer, the barmaid will give them their next clue.

The Cops head out to the bar. The Asians, Baseball, and Cowboys all find Kaiser Wilhelm and select Soccer. Bad choice. Team Lez, Big Bro, the Models and Twins all make their way to the train station to Kaiser Wilhelm. Why not just take a cab? It's much faster! The Cops arrive at the Haifisch Bar and start drinking their boot of beer. This is like the easiest leg of the race for these two. First they pair up with Cowboys, then they get to eat and now beer? C'mon. This is awesome.

Baseball and the Asians are at the stadium. Steve (Baseball) hits one of the five targets. Ok, if Joe (Asians) has a bum knee, WHY ON EARTH would he choose the Soccer detour??? Dumb. Models choose Soccer and Big Brother picks Sauerkraut. I think Sauerkraut is the way to go. It's much easier in my opinion. Steve (Baseball) hits all 5 targets and they receive the clue and head to the Haifisch Bar. The Asians decide to switch to Sauerkraut as the Cowboys and Models arrive at Soccer.

Louie picked up the slack on the beer guzzling challenge. They finish the boot and receive their next clue.

PIT STOP: Teams must now make their way to Beatles - Platz, a monument honoring the Beatles who began their rise to fame in Hamburg. Teams must then run through the famous red light district to the Indra Club where the Beatles played their first show AND the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

The Twins choose Soccer and Team Lez chooses Sauerkraut. The Models are walking around trying to find the soccer field and Big Brother is in a taxi taking them to the middle of NOWHERE.

The COPS are Team #1 at the Pit Stop. OMG. They are jumping up and down and so excited. Phil is cracking up. It's awesome. They each receive a $5000 Discover Giftcard.

Baseball arrives at the Haificsch Bar and sits down to share their boot of beer. I think I could totally do this with my dad. Steve sits down and is SO EXCITED to have a beer. I think it's cute. The Cowboys finish the soccer challenge and head out to the Haifisch Bar. Baseball finishes and they head to the Pit Stop.

The Asians arrive at Sauerkraut and inhale it! They make it in time, get the next clue and head out to the Haifisch Bar. Team Lez arrives at Sauerkraut next and Carol has decided to choose this moment to eat like a lady. Brandy is shoveling in the sauerkraut and Carol is taking in dainty bites. Brandy picks up the plate and licks it Louie-style, then Team Lez heads to the Haifisch Bar. The Twins arrive at the soccer field ready to hit the targets and Dan is off to a great start. The Twins finish and head to the Haifisch Bar. The Cowboys and the Asians arrive at the Haifisch and start downing their beers.

Baseball is Team #2 at the Pit Stop.

Cord has never had a beer, so Jet is trying to take the lead, but it's tough for them. The Asians finish and Joe is a burping machine. Gross. I'm actually gagging a little bit watching him burp and seeing Heidi's grossed-out face. The Asians head to the Pit Stop.

Big Brother FINALLY makes it to Sauerkraut and they start shoveling it down. Meanwhile, the Models make it to the stadium and it's going to be a race between the Models and Big Bro, I think. C'mon Big Bro! DAMMIT. Big Brother doesn't finish the sauerkraut and heads to the soccer stadium instead. Stupid. The Models are doing pretty well at the soccer challenge...oops spoke too soon. Caite gets a sharp pain in her leg and can't kick the ball. She yells that she's been playing since she was 5 years old and it's pissing her off.

The Asians are Team #3 at the Pit Stop.

Team Lez comes in and starts drinking their boot of beer. Cowboys finally finish and head out to the Pit Stop. Team Lez finishes and heads to the Pit Stop. The Models finally finish the soccer challenge and head to the Haifisch Bar. The Cowboys in the cab: "There's a bunch of hookers on the left. Cord, we are no longer in the Bible Belt." HAHA. The Twins arrive at the Haifisch and start drinking their boot.

The Cowboys are Team #4 at the Pit Stop.

The Twins finish the boot and head to the Pit Stop. Big Bro makes it to the soccer field and starts kicking.

Team Lez is Team #5 at the Pit Stop.

The Models arrive at the Haifisch and start drinking their boot.

The Twins are Team #6 at the Pit Stop.

Big Bro finishes the soccer challenge and heads out to Haifisch. The Models are drinking the beer and Brent goes outside to THROW UP. What a chick. Seriously? The Cops, the Asians, Team Lez, the Twins, the Cowboys AND Baseball all managed to drink their beer without incident and Brent needs to vomit? Jeez. He finally comes in and finishes the beer and they head to the Pit Stop. Big Bro gets their boot and Jeff finishes that beer like a rock star. They head to the Pit Stop.

The Models are Team #7 at the Pit Stop.

Big Brother is the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop. They talk about how they tried hard and they're disappointed ... yada yada yada. THEN, Phil tells them that this is a non-elimination round and they are STILL IN THE RACE!! PHEW!

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