Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Bachelor, Season 14, Episode 2

This episode is going to be good because one of the girls gets kicked off for sleeping with one of the producers.

15 girls remain...

Host Chris tells the girls the rules. They are the ones we've known forever: If you don't get a rose, you go home. If you are on a one on one date with Jake and don't get a rose on the date, you go home. Done and done. Chris hands them the first date card and Ella reads off the names:

Gia - the swimsuit model
Rozlyn - the whor...er, I mean, model who looks like a Playmate
Valishia - the homemaker
Corie - the boring one
Christina - the one who doesn't have girl friends
Ashleigh H. - the one who tripped into Jake when she got out of the limo

Michelle - the crazy one - is clearly disappointed her name wasn't called. Christina says that it'll be the best first date with her future husband.

The stretch SUV limo shows up to take the girls on their date with Jake. Jake walks in and he's wearing a navy blue button down shirt. Ok, the top two buttons are unbuttoned and there's way too much chest showing. It's awkward. He needs to button one more button. He looks like he's auditioning for Jersey Shore. He takes the girls out to the limo and they head to Santa Monica.

They arrive at the Shangri La hotel. They walk out to the pool area and all comment about how gorgeous it is. Meh. Rozlyn interviews that she's going to be working hard for that rose. Hmmm.

Jake introduces the girls to his friend, Hal, who tells the girls that they will doing a photo shoot. But it's not just an ordinary photo shoot because he's the Fashion Director for InStyle Magazine. Squeal!! Except Christina - she's not squealing. She's freaking out because Rozlyn is a professional model and so is Gia. Christina says she'd rather be taking a math test right now. Ugh. I don't think I'd ever "rather" take a math test than anything.

The girls are getting hair and make-up done and picking out their outfits. Rozlyn says that she's been modeling for 10 years but she usually does bridal magazines. Then she says that Gia does lingerie and gives it a big "thumbs down". Dumb. Christina is still freaking out.

Rozlyn is up first and she's a natural. She looks stunning. Just gorgeous. They add Jake to the picture and Rozlyn gets a little wild and wraps her leg around him which shows off her crotch. Classy.

Ashleigh is next and seems very natural, too. I think Ashleigh used to do pageants so she's pretty comfortable in front of the camera. Next up is Gia and she looks very pretty. Then Valishia goes and she looks great as well. Corie is up next and she's just weird-looking. Maybe it's the hair. I don't know. When she and Jake do their couple shots, they kiss and the other girls are jealous.

Finally it's the moment she's been dreading all day - it's Christina's turn. Jake can tell she's uncomfortable so he gets in the shoot and starts dancing with her and dips her. It's very sweet and she starts to relax. They end with a group shot and now the claws will come out. They all want a rose and will work super hard to get one.

It's time for the "wrap party" and everyone is drinking. They all notice that there is one rose on the table and they will be competing for that one rose. Jake makes the first move and takes Gia aside for some one on one time. He asks her about her previous relationships. She tells him about her long term relationship. Then she tells him that she was the artsy girl in high school but he was the popular guy. Jake asks where she is now and before she can answer, Ashleigh, comes strutting up in a bikini and asks Jake for a swim. It was kind of weird because I felt like Gia and Jake were having a pretty serious conversation.

Gia goes back and tells the girls that Ashleigh showed up in her bikini and the other girls are shocked and trying to get a peek. Jake is changing while Ashleigh waits by the pool. She said the pool was cold so she immediately straddles him for "body heat". That never works because as soon as you let go, the body parts that were touching the other person are FREEZING. Just then, the other girls show up in their bikinis! They start playing chicken in the water and splashing around. Rozlyn ends up on Jake's lap in the water.

Back at the mansion...the girls receive the next invite. It's for a one on one date with Jake. The card says "for the lucky girl who gets a one on one date with Jake" but then doesn't say who it is. There's a diamond necklace with the card and it's gorgeous. Crazy Michelle interviews that she REALLY REALLY wants that one on one date. Then she grabs the necklace to "try it on" and the other girls take it away from her. She crazy.

Back at the pool, Christina steals Jake away for some alone time. Wow. She is drunk. She starts to tell him how happy she is to be there and then starts singing and talking like a baby. She's a mess. Rozlyn saves Jake from Christina. Rozlyn is really aware of how pretty and sexy she is and just blatantly uses it. Which is how the game is played, I guess. But she's all snuggly with Jake and they are wrapped up together in a blanket. Then Jake - nervously - says she was a pro at the photo shoot and Rozlyn says that she felt like she got "jipped" because she got him first before he warmed up. So Jake says "You got me warmed up" and Rozlyn grabs his face and starts making out with him. I feel like Rozlyn makes Jake nervous. Like Jake is intimidated by her because she's so pretty. It's weird. Jake breaks away and tells Rozlyn to wait for a moment and he leaves. He's obviously going to get the rose. UGH!! Don't do it, Jake!!!

The girls are all disappointed. Christina interviews that she's going to be really disappointed if she's not here until the end and starts crying. I really hope it's the booze.

Rozlyn says that she likes getting things done and she has a feeling of accomplishment because she got the rose. Dammit. Jake, you're so predictable. Such a guy. Rozlyn keeps interviewing about being competitive and being herself, yada yada yada. Dumb. She accepts the rose and kisses Jake.

The next morning, the Neil Lane diamond necklace is still on the coffee table waiting to get claimed. The doorbell rings and Crazy Michelle goes screaming and running to the door. She gets the package and brings it inside. Crazy Michelle reads it and it says "Ali, come fly with me. Jake." Yay. I love Ali. Everyone screams. They put the necklace on her and she's crying. She's feeling overwhelmed. She's so cute. Crazy Michelle is looking at her like she wants to cut her.

Jake pulls up on his motorcycle. He interviews that he's excited about the date and then says something a little strange. He says that he's glad that it's Ali, like someone else picked the date for him and he was glad that the person picked Ali. Weird. He goes inside to pick her up and she's so cute. She's wearing a knee-length yellow satin dress and her gorgeous diamond necklace.

They arrive at the airport and Ali tells us that she doesn't like to fly. AND she's especially terrified of little planes. Of course, she and Jake are going on a super small two-seater plane. She's super scared and nervous, but she keeps smiling. She's such a great sport. He did a complete and thorough check of the plane. She says that she knows Jake did that because he knew she was nervous and he wanted her to feel safe. I think he probably did it also because he was required to, but whatever. They take off and she's super excited and it's going great. Everything is beautiful and then....ABC did it. The were able to make this show even cheesier than it already is. They started playing "On the wings of love" as Ali and Jake were flying around LA. Omg. I'm officially embarrassed for this show.

They land in Palm Springs and they are both smiley and cute. A really cool convertible is waiting for them. I wish I new more about cars. It's old - probably 1950's and it's red/white. Very cool. They pull off the road once they reach Palm Springs and drive onto this huge grassy polo field. They stop and walk into the polo club area and there's a table and some dinner for them. It's very secluded and beautiful.

They sit and Ali tells Jake that she feels relaxed and completely comfortable with him. Then Jake asks how many serious relationships she's had. She first tells him the names of all of her exes to see if notices a pattern "Jim, Jason, Jarred, Jordan...Hi Jake!" HA. It's very cute. They are having a great time.

Back at the house, the girls get an envelope about the next group date. Vanishia reads the names:

Elizabeth - The Nanny.
Jessie - She's got curly hair - that's all I got.
Katheryn - the Carrie Underwood look-a-like. Actually, upon reflection, she looks more like a cross between Carrie Underwood and Brittany Snow.
Ashley Z. - The Teacher.
Vienna - the crazy spoiled brat.

Oh no. Michelle doesn't get a date this week. Michelle goes running out of the room. Crazy.

Back at the polo field...Jake gives Ali the rose. She tells Jake that she has no question in her mind that she wants to be with Jake. This prompts Jake to go in for a kiss. After the kiss, music starts playing and it's...surprise #3 - Chicago is playing a private concert for Jake and Ali. I would LOVE this...but only if Peter Cetera was the lead singer. He's not, but I'd like it anyway. Jake and Ali run to the concert and are so frickin' cute. You know, I've gotta say, Chicago is not the same without Peter Cetera. Ali and Jake are in love. TEAM ALI!! (unless she does something stupid).

Next day is the second group date at MAGIC MOUNTAIN!!!! I would LOVE this group date. I love roller coasters. The park is totally closed to the public. I would seriously LOVE this date. I'm so jealous watching them go on all the rides. I miss Magic Mountain.

Back at the house, Michelle is having a psychotic break. She's stomping around packing (??) and telling everyone that she's not getting any time with Jake. Ok, she didn't get a date this time, but neither did Tenley or Ella. So dumb. OMG. She tells Rozlyn and Tenley that she's leaving. WTF? She says that she's not getting the chance to hang out with Jake so she's out of there. Wow. God bless the guy who ends up with this prize. I don't know why Tenley is trying to convince her to stay...let the bitch go. Seriously. Rozlyn pipes in and says that maybe Jake already knows he likes Michelle and that's why he didn't ask her on the dates. Then she says that she asked Jake about that on their date. Michelle tells Rozlyn she doesn't believe her and Rozlyn just looks at her like "fine, then leave." I would have just said that.

Back at Magic Mountain...Elizabeth "the nanny" pulls Jake aside to get her some alone time. I liked Elizabeth more last week. This week, she's not really impressing me. She's a little to cocky. I think confidence is fine, but once it passes over into cocky, it's really unattractive. Rozlyn is that way, too. Vienna thinks Elizabeth is her biggest competition and I think Vienna was raised with way too much positive reinforcement. Elizabeth wrote Jake a note and reads it to him during their time alone. She starts reading and part of her note says that she knows he's kissed some of the girls and by the end he'll probably have kissed all of them. But she tells him not to kiss her unless he knows that she is the one he will kiss for as long as they both shall live. YIKES. She says that it may be a little much for the beginning but she just wants to let him know that withholding kisses doesn't mean she doesn't like him or isn't falling for him. WEIRD! UGH!! Jake is so cheesy!! He says that he's an old fashioned guy and totally respects Elizabeth's request. He thinks it's very sweet. Dumb.

Jake still doesn't know who's getting the rose. Hmmm. Jessie looks different than I remember her. She's cute. Vienna decides to take Jake away for some alone time. She's going to reveal a little secret. The secret: Vienna was engaged to her pastor's son in High School. They were together for 4 years. She realize she wasn't ready to be married so she broke off the engagement after they graduated. Literally one month later, the guy was engaged with a kid on the way. Ouch. She says it was really hard for her to lose that guy and know that he had already moved on so quickly. So when she turned 18, she eloped with some random guy that she didn't even really know and got divorced 4 months later. Vienna is crying and pouring out her soul and Ashley comes up and brings Jake a fresh drink and tries to get some alone time. Hah.

Vienna comes back and bitches to Kathryn and Elizabeth that Ashley just interrupted when she was explaining herself to Jake. Elizabeth has no sympathy and tells Vienna that she needs to utilize her time properly and that Vienna had a long time with Jake. Wow.

Ashley is talking to Jake about how great she feels about her career and that she's almost done with her Ph.D., but none of that means anything if she doesn't have someone to share it with. Jake tells her that he says the same exact thing and Ashley says "so we're both cheesy." HAHA!
They finish their time together and Ashley gave him the "I want to get kissed" look and he hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. Not good. They walk back to the group and Jake says that they have one more part of the night: The Rose. He gives the rose to ELIZABETH. He takes Elizabeth for one more surprise and says good-bye to the rest of the ladies. Elizabeth and Jake sip on some champagne. She tells us that she's playing so hard to get because that's what she deserves. It's a little sad to watch because Elizabeth's decision not to get kissed is purely strategic. But poor Jake thinks that it's part of her value system and that her strict morals won't allow her to kiss him until she's the last one standing. SUCKER. C'mon. This chick has definitely sucked face with her share of guys. She's no virgin. She's totally flirting and trying to get him to kiss her and then pulls away and says she can't. She's so manipulative. All of a sudden, her surprise begins. FIREWORKS!!

Ceremony time. Crazy Michelle is there so apparently she didn't go home. Rozlyn says that a lot of girls are nervous but she's not because she has a rose. Annoying. Jake walks in the room and girls scream. They all toast and drink champagne and then he steals Ella away for some alone time since it was her birthday yesterday. He brings out a cupcake with a candle on it for her. It's very sweet. They talk about her son and he says that he likes him already since Ethan wants to be a pilot. It's weird though. She seems so much older than Jake. It's kind of awkward with them.

Next he spends some time alone with Tenley. She tells him that she's happy to talk to him because she wants to get to know him. The conversation turns to previous relationships and she's gets uncomfortable and changes the subject. Now she tells us that she regrets not taking that opportunity to tell him that she is divorced.

Crazy Michelle is telling some of the girls that Jake needs to come seek her out and talk to her. She tells the girls that she will tell Jake that she was thinking of leaving so that he doesn't hear it from someone else. Then Jake walks in and she's all "HEY!" and crazy looking. She takes him outside for some alone time. Wow. This crazy bitch is good. She tells him that she's here for the same reason he is and that she wants him to get to know her more. But she tells him that she did pack her bags at one point. She says that it was after all the envelopes came and her name wasn't on them. Then she says that one thing he needs to know about her is that she's always going to be "honest" about how she feels. What??? Wow. If he eats this up and doesn't see the CRAZY sign pointing at her, then he deserves to keep spending time with her. AND...he buys it. He even goes a step further and tells her that he doesn't want her to leave because she made quite an impact on him. OMG!! Seriously?? Jake, she will cut you! Michelle was about to say something else when...Kathryn asks to have some time with Jake. Michelle was shooting daggers at Kathryn with her eyes. She almost says no, but then tells Jake that she's confident she'll be sticking around. She is scary.

Jake comes out and talks to Christina. Some of the girls are inside and Host Chris asks Rozlyn to come outside with him. Chris tells her that he's never had to have a conversation like this and it's very difficult. He tells her that he's guessing she has some idea what this is about. She doesn't say no and doesn't even look confused, so I'm guessing he's right. Then he tells her that she entered into an inappropriate relationship with one of the staffers (it was a producer!!). She just stares at him - no reaction, no denial, nothing. Then he tells her that the staffer got fired. She says ok and just stares. Then Chris says that out of respect for Jake, the other girls and Rozlyn herself, it would be impossible for Rozlyn to form a meaningful relationship with Jake. Rozlyn feels defensive and says "So you don't think any of the other girls fell for other guys before the show?" Chris says no because it's not someone that she broke up with back home before coming on the show. It was a relationship with someone she met AFTER she started the show and the person WORKED on the show. Then she says "I don't really think my personal life is anybody's business." Dumb move. Chris says that a line was crossed with someone who works on the show. He tells her he's not judging her or the relationship, but it's just something that happened and now they have to deal with it. He tells her that because of what has happened, he cannot let her continue on the show. Then he asks her if she understands and she says she does and she respects the decision. Chris tells her to go upstairs and pack her stuff and that a van is out front waiting for her. YIKES. (I must admit that I already knew this was going to happen, but it's still so crazy to see how it all played out.)

Rozlyn walks back in the house and announces to some of the girls that she's leaving and walks right upstairs, into her room and slams the door. The girls are all in shock and wonder what happened. Chris interrupts Christina and Jake to pull Jake away to tell him what is going on. Chris tells Jake that he needs to tell him something about Rozlyn and Jake says "don't tell me she's gone." Chris says "She entered into an inappropriate relationship with one of our staffers." Jake is totally bummed. Chris tells him that the staffer is gone and that the show felt they needed to get rid of Rozlyn, too. Jake is speechless, but then says that he's really disappointed. Jake asks for his rose back - the one he gave Rozlyn - and Chris says that he'll get it back. Then Chris says that he's going to tell the rest of the girls and Jake says he wants to be there next to him when he does. Jake asks for a minute and walks away to regroup. He tells us that he's hurt and disappointed because he thought that she could be the one. He's really upset. I guess it's just hard for me to understand because it's the beginning. I could understand being devastated by this news if she was one of the last 5, but there are still 15 girls. It's only just begun.

While Jake is thinking, Rozlyn comes downstairs in her jeans and with her luggage and she's being escorted out of the house. All the girls are totally confused.

Chris and Jake walk in and Chris tells the girls that Rozlyn entered into an inappropriate relationship with one of the staffers. Gasp!! The girls are totally shocked. Chris tells the girls that they need to understand that the show is very serious about certain lines that MUST NOT be crossed. This is something that the show is embarrassed about, but they've handled it and the staffer is no longer working on the show. Some of the girls are crying. Why? I don't get it. I would be shocked, but not CRYING? Maybe it's all the tension and pressure or stress of the situation. I don't know. But I think it's weird.

Jake tells the girls that he's really disappointed and asks if any of the girls feel like Jake may not be the one for them, they should just pull him aside tonight and tell him. It's ok. He starts to get choked up and says he's sorry and then Crazy pipes up and says that she's sorry, too, because she's there for the right reasons and she's sorry that Jake has to go through this. She's probably the one girl there who isn't sad or shocked or crying, but smug.

Jake and Chris leave the girls to be catty and judgmental and, true to form, they are. Not that I wouldn't be in this situation, I just find it humorous because NONE of these girls are perfect or even close. The tears are killing me.

Chris tells them that Ali and Elizabeth are safe and there are 10 roses to give out tonight. The girls who receive roses and will continue on are:


Vienna - UGH!! Annoying.
Gia -Swimsuit model. She's cute.
Tenley - Second favorite after Ali.
Ella - UGH!
Valishia - Homemaker (??) I'm still confused about this.
Corrie - BORING!!
Jessie - She's cute
Ashleigh H. - The one who tripped.
Michelle - WTF??? CRAZY!!!

and the final rose goes to: Kathryn

Ashley (the teacher) and Christina (no girl friends) are going home. Ashley leaves with her dignity and says that she hopes Jake finds the one. No tears. Christina cries through her good-bye speech and tells us that she was there for the right reasons but some others were not.

See you next time!!

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