Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Bachelor, Season 14, Episode 4

Nine girls remain, who will be eliminated tonight?! Let's find out...

Chris greets the ladies and tells them there will be a one on one date, a group date and a two on one date!! This week the ladies are packing their bags and taking a road trip in two HUGE RVs. Chris says that they will not be coming back to this house. The RVs will be their new homes!!

In RV #!, we have Tenley, Ali, Jessie, Kathryn and Ella. In RV #2, we have Vienna, Corrie, Ashleigh, and Gia.

They are now on PCH headed up the California coast. Jake is headed up the coast on his motorcycle. Jake has set up camp in the middle of a vineyard...I'm not sure where exactly. The RVs arrive at the vineyard. I think they're in Santa Ynez. Jake asks Vienna if she likes camping and she giggles and lies that she likes to camp. He hands Gia a date card for the one on one date. It's her!! Vienna tells us that Jake's a country boy who likes the outdoors and Gia is a New Yorker so she doesn't think it'll turn out well. Oh, Vienna, you will soon discover that when you fall for someone, it doesn't matter if one of you likes to camp and the other likes the city. My parents have been married for 37 years and my dad HATES camping and my mother LOVES it. Not that I think Jake will end up with Gia, because he won't. But, Vienna is wrong about the reason.

Gia is all dressed up for her first date in her stilletos. Vienna keeps telling us that it'll never work. Gia and Jake go through the winery and then play hide and seek in the vineyard. Cheesy. He picks her up and she's all wrapped around him. I think she's nice, but she's not my favorite. Gia tells Jake that she was a total nerd in high school and used to get her bookbag stolen and her shoes stolen. Jake says that he was called "Dateless guy" in high school because he never had the confidence to ask girls out. They decide to play spin the bottle. First time is cheek, second time is lips, third time is all the way. Obvo, they totally make out. Gia says that it felt perfect and totally right. Of course it did - the two of you finished a bottle of wine. You were a little buzzed. All kisses are good when you're a little buzzed.

Jake builds a fire by his tent. She tells him it's the most romantic date she's ever been on. Jake asks her what she would envision if they stay together. Gia says that she would want a long engagement and that she would come to Texas. She says she wants to have kids before she's 30, but she wants to be married for 3 years before having kids. Right, she's 23. Then Jake asks how many kids she wants and she says she wants 2 kids and she wants to adopt a baby girl from China. UGH. Even her life choices are trendy. Jeez. Jake says that he's never thought about adoption, but he'd consider it. Oh, wait, she's not finished completing the stereotype of the model/entertainer. She wants a pot-bellied pig, too. Dumb.

The other girls see the fire at Jake's campsite and they decide to "holla" at Jake. Gia thinks it's coyotes. Then she realizes it's the girls. Ashleigh comes out with another date card. It's the group date card: Jessie, Ashleigh, Ali, Tenley, Vienna, and Corrie. So, the two on one date is Ella and Kathryn. Bummer. I don't really think he's going to end up with either one of them so I don't really care who he chooses.

Jake and Gia are roasting marshmallows and kissing by the campfire. I'm jealous! I love roasting marshmallows!! Gia tells us that she's making herself vulnerable and wearing her heart on her sleeve and she's worried that he'll break her heart. He will. He's not going to pick you. But that's ok, because what you're feeling is not real. Jake gets up and brings her the rose. Gia is talking to us and in the background is the MUZAC version of "On the Wings of Love". CHEE-SY.

Next day, the RVs continue up the coast. Today's stop is Pismo Beach!! Vienna says that she's excited to see Jake but she's not excited about sharing the date with the other girls. Because, he's her "boyfriend" and she doesn't want the other girls around. WOW...delusional.

They pull up on the beach and meet up with Jake. Jake tells them to prepare to get extremely dirty!! Dune buggies!!! The girls were fighting over who was going to drive the dune buggies and who would ride shotgun. Ali outsmarts them by telling Jake that she'll ride shotgun with him and he agrees. Vienna is pissed and I think the other girls are annoyed that they didn't think of it.

They head out to the dunes and he wants to see who can drive and get into it. Corrie really took to driving, but Jessie is a little timid. NOW, it's time for some sand surfing. Jake says that he's having so much fun with Tenley and says that he's automatically drawn to her. She really is a good match for Jake. I like Ali more, but I actually think Tenley is the better fit.

Now they have a picnic in the sand. Jake invites everyone to roll down the hill and Corrie is the only one who "took the bait." The other girls are finding her way more aggressive than usual...not in a good way. They say it judgmentally, but seriously, that's how you play the game. Take advantage of all your opportunities. Any of those girls could have gone rolling down the hill with him. She's the only one who stepped up.

My best friend, Rachel, would LOVE this episode. She went to Cal Poly and still goes to visit Pismo and San Luis Obispo. The group arrives at the Madonna Inn. I've heard so much about this place. I really would LOVE to go there. The girls are in their room and shower and get ready for dinner with Jake. The arrive at dinner and all say hi to Jake.

Ashleigh steals some alone time with Jake. Ashleigh and Jake sneak away for some alone time. They go into the "Romance" room. All the rooms at the Madonna Inn are themed. Very cool. Ashleigh says that she's noticed that some of the other girls really come onto Jake and she thinks that comes off as desperate. She's totally all over him. No joke. Jake tells us that Ashleigh is smoking hot, but he's just not feeling any chemistry. So, it's awkward. They come back to the table and Jake asks to talk to Vienna alone and she says that she'd rather be the last one he talks to. Weird and, again, awkward. So, Jake asks Ali instead. Ali comes out with him and they go into the "Austrian Suite".

Ali tells Jake that it's hard for her to be affectionate when the other girls are around because each girl thinks her relationship with Jake is the best one. He's trying to give everyone a fair shot, but he feels like he likes who he likes.

Out on the beach, Gia finds the last date card. Kathryn is upset by the two on one date. She's not ready to leave because she doesn't feel like she's had enough time. Ella says that this is not a game for her.

Tenley and Jake are in the Madonna Suite. SO COOL. I seriously want to go there. Jake asks Tenley what happened with her marriage. She tells him that she was married to a police officer and she found out he was cheating on her through phone records. Jake asks if she's dated anyone since her husband. Tenley says no and asks if that makes Jake nervous. Jake says it doesn't at all and that he's totally comfortable with her and they start making out. I think he should pick Tenley. I'm still rooting for Ali, too, but I think Tenley is a better match.

Jake comes to the table and FINALLY takes Vienna for her one on one time. He said it was the last one, so I'm guessing he took Jessie for a one on one and they didn't show it. Vienna says that she wanted to be the last one because she wanted to be the last girl he kisses before he goes to bed at night. Psycho. Jake tells Vienna that - from his perspective - he sees that Vienna kind of eggs the other girls on and brings it on herself. She promises to be careful with what she says.

Jake goes back to the table and says that he wants to give the rose to someone who he feels he ignored in the beginning. And, he gives the rose to .... TENLEY. I don't think he ever ignored her, but I think it was the right choice. They have the best connection out of all the others.

The RVs continue up the coast. Kathryn and Ella are freaking out...understandably. They are all headed to Big Sur. Another great place!! Love Big Sur. I think I stayed where they are staying. Jake arrives to pick up Ella and Kathryn. They are having dinner. AWKWARD. Ella asks what Jake is looking for. He says family values and where they root their faith. He asks Ella the same question. Ella says that her son is the most important person in her life. Kathryn tries to interject, but Ella keeps talking. Kathryn really feels like the third wheel on this date. To add fuel to the fire, Jake takes Ella out for some alone time. Ella tells Jake that she wants him to see her as more than just a mom. Jake tells Ella that if he's not absolutely sure, he doesn't want to keep her from Ethan. I think Jake thinks she's an amazing women, but she's not the one for him.

He takes Kathryn out for alone time. It does not start out good. Kathryn clearly had a little too much wine. She asks him why he never pays any attention to her when other girls are around. He says that he doesn't think he does that and she says that he sat inside at dinner and stared at Ella the whole time. He says that he didn't mean to do that. She tells him that she feels that there's something holding him back. He says that it's because she's so beautiful and so he's cautious. They keep talking, but she's kind of dumb. Or at least she comes off that way.

The girls are all discussing the girls on the date back at the campsite. No one has any idea who he'll pick to stay.

Jake takes Ella outside to talk. He tells her that she's such an amazing person and "the whole package", BUT he's developing stronger feelings for some of the other women. Ella tells him to be wise in who he eventually chooses. She was very gracious. He comes back in and tells Kathryn that he let Ella go home. Then he tells her that she's a great girl and she's going to meet a guy who will sweep her off her feet. But, he's just not that guy. She doesn't leave as graciously. She tells him she doesn't understand and thought they had a good conversation. Jake walks her out. He says he's sorry it didn't work out, but she says that he's making a mistake.

The other girls are freaking out that they both left. Tenley is crying which I think is a little dramatic and unnecessary. Then again, so is Jake. He took the rose out to the fire, stared into the fire for a minute and then threw the rose into the fire. DRAMA.

The rest of the girls are on their way up the coast. The girls are all speculating who will go home. They all think it'll be Vienna. They arrive at a lovely mansion. I'm not sure where they are exactly.

It's rose ceremony night. Jake comes out to toast with them. Corrie takes Jake outside to talk. She feels like she hasn't bonded as much as the other girls have. She asks him if he's nervous around her and he says no. He tells her to open up more for him. They hug. Jake is not convinced that she's going to open up as much as he needs her to.

Ali and Jake spend some alone time. She tells him that she's totally fallen for him and tells him how honorable he is for sending those two women home. They make out and he totally likes her. Ali has a lot of yellow dresses. But she looks fantastic in yellow, so I'm ok with that.

Jessie takes Jake outside for alone time. Jessie tells Jake that Vienna is not the girl for him. He asks why and she tells him that Vienna is self-centered and spoiled and always has something to say about everything. She tells him that Vienna talks about all the cars she's crashed and that her daddy just write checks to her. And Jessie doesn't think Jake wants to be her new "Daddy".

Vienna takes Jake outside for some alone time next. She tells Jake that she's worried and nervous. She tells him that she feels like all the girls are saying stuff about her and he asks if she's really worried about what all the other girls are saying. She says that she's always joking but the girls think she's serious and that's why they are saying things (back-pedal, back-pedal). Sure. He tells her that he likes to form his own opinions and with that, they go inside. Back in the house, Ali says that if Vienna gets a rose, she's going to have a strong conversation with Jake.

Rose Ceremony time!! Tenley and Gia already have roses. So, only four roses to hand out. 6 women will remain. Roses go to:

Tenley - I think she's the best match for him.

Gia - Annoying. I don't think she'll last.

Ali - Yup. I think these are the top three. She's so pretty. I love her.

Corrie - Still boring, but maybe she'll come out of her shell more.

Jake stops at this point and asks for a minute. He walks out to find Chris and ask him for advice. He asks Chris if he needs to give out two more roses. The girls are all freaking out inside. They have no idea what's going on. Chris tells Jake that if he knows for a fact that there are two women in the room that he KNOWS are not going to be his wife, then Chris will take a rose away. Jake says YES. So, only one more rose. And it goes to ...

VIENNA!!! WTF?? I guess Ali is going to have a little chat with Jake.

Jessie leaves with her dignity. She wishes him luck and says that she didn't step up her game and that's why she's going home. Ashleigh says good-bye. He tells her there just wasn't any chemistry. They hug and she leaves. She's crying because she can't believe he picked Vienna over her.

Ali is PISSED. She keeps saying that if Jake likes Vienna, then she's not the one for him.

Jake tells the girls that the next stop is SAN FRANCISCO!! WOO HOO! I'm totally bummed I didn't know they were here.

See you next week...

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