Friday, January 8, 2010

Jersey Shore, Season 1, Episode 6

Last time: The house bonded because Snickers got punched in the face, we met Ronnie's family, Vinny took home the boss's girl, and The Situation was a man-whore.

Vinny walks into Ronnie's room and says that it was nice knowing him but Vinny is probably getting evicted. Ronnie is confused and Vinny tells him about taking home Tonya, Danny's date. Ronnie thinks it's hilarious.

Vinny walks downstairs and the guys ask him if he wants to go with them. Vinny passes and then interviews that the guys in the house are like robots. All they do EVERY DAY is Gym-Tan-Laundry. They go workout, then they go to a tanning place and then they pick up their laundry. They are worse then chicks. Vinny says it's how they "make the guido". GTL. Vinny prefers BPB - Basketball, Pool, Beach. Heh.

Vinny goes into work and he's a little worried about seeing Danny. Everyone is curious what's going to happen. Danny is kind of giving him shit. Then Danny walks up to Vinny and asks if he'll be able to get his stuff out tonight. He's just joking with Vinny. It's all good.

Back at the house later that night, Melissa, The Situation's sister, calls the house and Vinny gets his flirt on. He tells The Situation that Melissa called and wants him to call her back. Vinny is all giddy and smiley and tells The Situation that he talked to his sister for 45 minutes. The Situation smiles and says that Vinny sees how cute The Situation is and wants to meet his sister. Haha. The Situation calls his sister and tells her that Vinny wants her to come out with them. The Situation interviews that he didn't mind hooking Vinny up with his sister because he knows Vinny is harmless and Vinny knows that The Situation is the man of the house and won't push it too far. Well, he is right that Vinny is a nice guy. He's the most respectful towards women for sure.

The Situation's sister arrives and Vinny is not so interested because she looks too much like The Situation. And he's not into that. She's actually very cute. They all take off to go to the club. What is up with the T-Shirts? They are T-shirts with shiny/metallic designs on them. It's like the guys version of a bedazzled shirt. They look ridiculous. The roommates are all dancing on the dance floor. Everyone is having a good time and dancing and Sammi and Ronnie are standing outside talking. Snookie says it's annoying because they only have 2 weeks left in the house and Ronnie and Sammie aren't making an effort to hang out with the roommates. Pauly D echoes the sentiment.

Vinny is flirting more with Melissa and sees that she's a cute girl and she doesn't look so much like The Situation. Snickers is flirty and dancing with her "friend" Mike. Sammi and Ronnie are in the cab and Sammi is WASTED. He's teasing her for being drunk. She calls him a "stumpy bastard" and he says that she's a "stumpy bastard, too." Heh. Ronnie is smiling and it's clearly all in jest. But, drunk Sammi decides to get angry. Sammi: "Did you really just call me a stumpy bastard?" Ronnie: "Listen, with your Flintstone big toe." Sammi: "Then don't f****** talk to me." All of a sudden Sammi gets super pissed. Ronnie is confused how the joking turned to anger. Ronnie, she's drunk. It's not going to make sense. Ronnie says she's acting like every other Jersey girl. Sammi was pissed and felt really disrespected.

The rest of the roommates - and Melissa and Snicker's "friend", Mike - are in a minivan taxi and The Situation decides that he wants to go to KARMA. So the cab driver stops to let out some people and Snickers decides to "test" Mike. She tells him that she's going home, so he come home with her or go to KARMA with The Situation. Mike jumps out of the cab to go to KARMA. Ha! Snickers is pissed: "He frickin' jumped out of the car like it was on fire." HAHA. She says she hates guys and is turning lesbian. Good luck, Snickers. Pauly D tells her it's hard to find a good man these days, "that's why I date women." Heh.

Back at the house, Ronnie is making some food. He and Sammi aren't speaking to one another. Pauly D gets home with Snickers, Vinny and Melissa. They can tell Ronnie is upset and he tells them he got in a fight with Sammi. Snickers goes upstairs to talk to Sammi. Snickers tells her that it's not "over" because of a stupid drunken fight. True dat.

Sammi: "Not if I f****** hate when people talk about me. I f****** can't help the way I f****** look, like, Don't f****** talk about me like that."

Snickers: "He didn't talk about you."

Sammi: "Yes he did. He f****** said your feet's like f****** Fred Flintstone. F*** you, you f****** bastard."

Snickers: "Are you really pissed off about that?"

Sammi: "I don't like that."

Snickers: "I'm gonna have to smack you in the face for that right now."

HAHA. Snickers is right. Sammi is DRUNK and there's no being reasonable with her right now. Ronnie comes in the room and tells Snickers that there is no use talking to Sammi right now. Then Sammi and Ronnie start arguing because he's mad that she told him to F*** himself just because he told her she had a big toe. She's pissed because it bothers her when someone makes fun of how she looks. UGH. Drama. She tells him that she would NEVER make fun of him. Um, didn't she call him a "stumpy bastard"? She didn't call him that because he's tall.

Back at KARMA, The Situation is getting his groove on. He met up with Alex - a girl who he tried to make out with before but her friend cock-blocked and Alex had to leave. So he's talking to her and convincing HER (alone) to come over later. She says she needs to get her stuff out of her friend's car and then she'll come over. The Situation interviews that Alex is supposed to come over...just Alex.

Ronnie and Sammi are on the roof and Ronnie is telling Sammi that he took a lot of abuse from her in the cab. OMG. The drama. Go to bed and talk about it in the morning. Sammi tries to get away. Ronnie tells her if she walks away, that's strike three and it's over. She, of course, walks away so Ronnie says that's it. He goes in the house and tells Vinny and Pauly D, "I'm back." Which I assume by the cheers and high fives means that he's ready to party and meet girls. So Pauly D, Vinny and Ronnie take off to go "creep" on some girls at KARMA.

Those shiny shirts are too much. The designs are glowing. Seriously, it looks like glitter. It's like Ed Hardy threw up on these guys.

Sammi comes downstairs to find Ronnie and talk to him. Melissa tells her that he went to Karma with Pauly D. Sammi is pissed and tells us that Ronnie went to KARMA to creep. Sammi gets all dramatic and says that she will bet money that Ronnie is going to come home with a "bitch". Snickers tells her that Ronnie wouldn't do that and Sammi says that she knows he will. Sammi is annoying. Of course Ronnie is not bringing anyone home and Sammi knows that. She's such a drama queen.

Ronnie is telling Pauly D what happened with Sammi and says "bro" about 10 times. When they get to KARMA, Ronnie realizes right away that he made a mistake by going there. He and his shiny, sparkling T-Shirt walk back to the house and he goes to talk to Sammi. They proceed to have the stupidest conversation about her damn big toe. She finally forgives him and they are back together. Surprise, surprise.

The boys come back and Snicker's "friend", Mike, comes back with them. Snickers tells us it's shady that he went with the boys to KARMA and she's not dealing with it. He tells Snickers "Ronnie & Pauly...I love them two." and Snickers says "why don't you f******* marry them then." OMG. So dumb. She's pouting and Mike, accurately, points out that she told him to go out with the guys. Snickers tells him "That was a test you jerkoff." She's mad and tells him that the only reason he comes to the house is to hang out with her roommates and he says that he comes back to see her. Snickers' response: "Lick my ass."

So, The Situation is back at the house and he hears Alex yelling from downstairs. Little does he know, she brought her two friends with her. The Situation sees her and says that she showed up with "two giant bodyguards and one of them was the same grenade she brought with her last time." Heh. He pleads for Pauly D to keep the grenades company but he refuses. Pauly D says that The Situation wants him to jump on a grenade for him, but he's not into it. So Snickers comes out and volunteers to tell the girls to leave. The Situation tells her that the "fat one" has to go and that Snickers will know right away who he's talking about. Snickers interviews that The Situation told her 3 girls were there but he only wants to "choke" one of them, so she volunteers to tell the others to leave.

Snickers tells us that "these hippos come into our house" so she goes out there tells them that they have to leave. Alex can stay but she doesn't have any of her stuff, so she leaves with her friends. One of the friends calls Snickers a "bitch" and instead of letting it go, Snickers calls out to the girls asking what they said which starts a huge fight. Snickers and the "grenade from last time" start yelling at each other and The Situation gets in there and holds the three girls back. Snickers makes the fool move of charging at the really big girl and that girl hits Snickers in the face. Leave the big girl alone, Snickers. She will pound your ass. Holy crap!! The big girl's top is totally coming off and her boob is hanging out - I assume because they blur it out. Wow. The cops come and the fight ends. Alex gets arrested - which kind of sucks since she was staying out of the fight. BUT, she was the most intoxicated, so they took her in. Yikes.

Snickers is pissed at The Situation because she basically got hit in the face for him. Pauly D tells us that poor Snickers got hit in the face again. He says she needs to take karate or self defense or something. He says Snickers "needs to learn to fight...or duck." HAHA! The Situation is trying to defend himself and Snickers isn't having it. She's pissed that she had to fight two girls that The Situation should not have asked to the house in the first place. As Snickers is huffing and puffing around the room, I have to laugh. She's SO short. She looks like a Monchichi or a Troll doll with all that hair. She goes and gets this blue blow-up hammer thing and just starts hammering The Situation. It's so funny because at first she's totally serious. Then, as she continues to beat him and as The Situation and all the other boys start laughing, she starts laughing. The Situation picks her up and she's hanging upside down behind him as she's yelling that she hates him. He won't put her down so she grabs his junk from behind and they both fall down on the bean bag. HA. Cute. All the roommates are laughing. The Situation tells us that he felt bad that Snickers got hit in the face by a couple of linebackers. He never intended on "bringing back a couple of zoo creatures." He says that the "gorillas probably just smelled the food at the house." Wow.

The house is a mess and Vinny's family is coming. So he starts cleaning the house like crazy. Vinny's family shows up and EVERYONE is there. His mom, his sister, his cousin, her brother, two kids, another cousin, a boyfriend, etc. So funny. Vinny says that was only 10% of his family. Ha. His mom is the typical Italian mom and brings boatloads of food: baked ziti with sauce, greens, salad, bread, meats, cheeses. She has everyone sit at the table and serves everyone. The roommates LOVE Vinny's mom. She's a true Italian woman from Sicily. After lunch, she gives Vinny a bag of his undershirts and socks. He's a total mama's boy. So cute. His mom totally cleans the entire house. I love his mom.

The roommates decide to go to their favorite bar, Beachcombers. They are all hanging out and having a good time. There's an a-hole sitting next to Pauly D and he just keeps talking shit to them. He keeps asking them where they're from and what they know about Seaside. Seriously? This guy is delusional. There is nothing cool about Seaside. The fact that this guys thinks THEY are lame for not being from there says it all really. Pauly D tells him that he's done talking to him and they all just ignore him.

Snickers and JWOW are dancing and Snickers decides she's going to tell Sammi and Ronnie that she thinks it's lame that they don't hang out with the rest of the roommates. I see Snickers' point. They only have two weeks left and they want Sammi and Ronnie to be part of the group. Especially Ronnie. Sammi is annoying. Sammi keeps saying that they go out all the time, but if you go out and just talk to your boyfriend the whole time, it's not really going out with the roommates. Dumb.

The Situation and Pauly D are back at home trying to call some girls to come over. Ronnie and Sammi decide to leave the bar and are walking down the boardwalk when....the d-bag from the bar and his girlfriend (?) start walking behind them. The guy is yelling stuff at Ronnie and Sammi and Ronnie is just ignoring it. Sammi decides to talk back and the guy yells stuff to her asking her to say it again. Ronnie is telling the guy to stop and saying "She's a female, bro. Stop. She's a female." I guess Ronnie thought this would be enough to get the guy to shut up. Sammi decides to get into it with the girlfriend and starts talking shit to the girl and the guy. Ronnie is telling Sammi to stop. Sammi keeps yelling back at the guy and Ronnie tells her to stop again and shoves her. Now, it's never ok to hit a woman or even shove her, but I honestly don't think Ronnie was trying to be violent against Sammi. He was trying to get her to stop instigating and antagonizing. I actually didn't even notice the push until Sammi decided to get pissed off at Ronnie for pushing her. So Sammi decides that she's totally pissed and just walks ahead. That's what she should have done in the first place.

Ronnie is upset that Sammi is pissed at him. So now he's ready to fight the guy. He tells the guy to come at him and the guy starts to. His girlfriend is pushing at Ronnie and Ronnie tells the guy to hold back his girl. Ronnie isn't hitting the girl at all, he just pushes her hands away when she grabs Ronnie. Ronnie finally gets away from the girlfriend and - I shit you not - he looks like an Ape or a Gorilla going after the guy. It's like his feet barely touch the ground as he glides over to the guy and just punches the crap out of him. The girlfriend is trying to pull Ronnie off and Sammi gets in there and tries to pull the other guy away. A friend of Pauly's calls the house and tells The Situation and Pauly D that Ronnie got into a bad fight on the boardwalk, so those guys race outta the house.

Some other randoms get involved and pull the guys apart. Ronnie is pissed and just walks away. Sammi tries to get mad at him for fighting and Ronnie shuts her down. He tells her not to talk to him and that she's the one who started it all. Sammi is upset and starts crying. She's trying to hold his hand and he's not having it. He says that he did it because of her and that she instigated it. She tries to touch his face and he tells her not to touch him. Ronnie walks ahead and leaves Sammi behind to walk by herself. Pauly D and The Situation finally catch up to Ronnie. JWOW comes up and asks where Sam is and Ronnie says "I don't give a f***!" Ouch. Sammi tells us that she doesn't think it was cool that Ronnie just left her behind to walk home by herself. Get over yourself, Sammi. Ronnie just got into a horrible fight, his face is swollen, he's pissed. Cut him some slack. It's not always about you, Sammi.

Ronnie gets home and puts some ice on his face. He's super angry and starts throwing shit outside. Sammi gets back to the house and goes on the roof with Snickers. She tells Snickers that Ronnie pushed her and left her and it's not ok. Drama. Snickers is pissed about the pushing. Snickers says that she understands where Sammi is coming from "because I just got hit in the face by a guy." Not the same thing, Snickers.

Ronnie goes outside with the ice on his face and tells Sammi that he did not mean to push her. I hate this because I do not think it is ever ok to put your hands on a woman like that. So, Ronnie was wrong and he acknowledges that he was wrong. I just wish it hadn't been Sammi. She makes it so hard to feel sympathy for her. She's so self absorbed. It's obnoxious. She tells Ronnie that he traumatized her by shoving her. Again, yes, it was wrong of Ronnie to do it. But, I think she's full of shit. She was not traumatized. She knows that she instigated that fight and she feels guilty. In order to shift the blame from her back to Ronnie, she's focusing on the shove. I think that's manipulative and f***ed up. Shame on you, Sammi. Ronnie apologizes and they hug and make up. Gag.

Until next time...

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