Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 10

"Stage Fight"


Joe Zee, Erin and Olivia are in Joe's office and Joe tells them that they are in a bit of a crisis. Erin booked the Martha Stewart show and they are asking for one more designer. Joe and Robbie have decided on Prabal Gurung. Olivia doesn't know him personally but she supports their choice. Joe tells her that Erin needs research on him: Background, history, education, looks and why is he one of the up and coming designers for Elle. Joe gets nervous and hands Olivia a pad of paper and a pen so that she doesn't screw this up. She tries to tell Joe that she knows, but Joe tells her to write it down anyway because it has to be perfect. HAHA!


Kelly's friend, Gian, manages Lights who is a huge hit in Canada. Lights is performing in NYC but she just got ROBBED. So Kelly assigns Roxy to "dress" Lights in Whitney Eve. Kelly tells Roxy that it would be a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY bad thing if one of the outfits was NOT Whitney Eve. Pressure is on.


Olivia and Joe are looking a various looks. Olivia puts one together that they both love. Then Prabal picks his favorite dress and asks Olivia to wear it on the red carpet. Ugh. I know it makes me a bad person, but I hate to see her succeed at anything.


Gian and Lights meet Roxy to pick out some looks for the show. Whitney Eve really isn't her style. Her eyes keep wandering over to some of the other designer's in the showroom. Roxy tries to get her back on track by suggesting that she pair another outfit with a Whitney Eve jacket or something. Lights tries on the look and Roxy grabs a Whitney Eve coat for her to wear with it. But even I know that NONE of Whitney's clothes are going to end up on stage with Lights. No way no how.


Roxy brought some more Whitney Eve clothes to the concert. She tells Lights how important it is to wear at least the jacket. Lights says that she needs to feel comfortable, but appears to cooperate. It doesn't look like she'll go through with it, though. Kelly and Whit are waiting for the show to start and Whit is super excited. Zach - the photographer - shows up and Whit reminds him to make sure he gets a photo of Lights with the jacket.

HAHA! She walks out with the jacket on and IMMEDIATELY takes it off (and throws it on the ground) when she gets to the microphone and welcomes the crowd. Ouch. Whitney is PISSED and Roxy keeps looking up at her knowing that she's going to get yelled at later.


Olivia shows up in the Prabal dress with Joe Zee. Robbie walks up and Joe gives Olivia credit for pulling the Prabal look and Olivia looks smug, per usual.


Whitney takes off and Roxy goes to Zach to make sure he got a shot of Lights with the Jacket on. Whit finds Roxy and immediately lays in on her. Roxy interrupts and, correctly, tells Whitney that Lights just didn't like her stuff. It wasn't grungy enough. It's true. Whitney is still pissed and yells some more and then tells Roxy that she'll have to answer to Kelly, too.


Robbie, Seth and Erin are at the show and Erin is scrambling to get all the looks and models ready to go. Robbie tells Martha Stewart that she's really pretty. Weird. The show goes off without a hitch and everyone is happy. :)


Roxy gets tea for Whitney and wants to talk about last night. Usually, I would be Team Whitney, but in this case, Roxy is right. Whitney comes out again with the fact that nothing this girl was wearing was Whitney Eve. But, Roxy correctly points out that she can't FORCE someone to wear something they don't want to wear. Whitney says that if Roxy can't perform then maybe she shouldn't be doing this line of work. Ouch. That was unnecessary. This is exactly why you can't have your friends doing "work" for you. It never turns out right. The same with selling a car - don't sell it to a friend. It never works out.

Roxy points out that it was her job to make sure Lights was wearing something Whitney Eve when she walked out. It's not her job to make sure she keeps it on throughout the show. She also assures Whitney that Zach got some pics of her wearing it when she walked out. She also tells Whitney that it's offensive to tell her that she shouldn't be doing this type of work just because this pop star doesn't like her clothes.

Whitney just doesn't get it. I understand that this is her baby and it's personal for her, but Roxy has been super supportive. Whitney says that she questions whether they should be working together and that's about the only thing I agree with. They should NOT be working together. Roxy feels defensive because Whitney is saying that she's CONSTANTLY disappointed by Roxy - which is a total exaggeration. Roxy just wants a little support from her best friend and I understand that. They agree that Roxy needs to move out. Yikes.


Joe walks down the hall with Olivia just fawning over her for her great job with the Prabal outfit for Martha Stewart. They reach Olivia's desk and he congratulates Erin for the Martha Stewart segment. He tells her that it was a real homerun and she did a great job and that Olivia really hit it out of the park, too. OY! Enough with the baseball analogies, Joe Zee. Geesh!

See you next time.

OMG OMG OMG OMG - KEN OLIN will be appearing on the next episode!!! WOO HOO!

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 10

"Welcome to the Jungle"

The gang arrives in Costa Rica. Stephanie comments that it's so romantic and "beach-y". Audrina concurs and then talks about how weird it is for Justin to be there. I totally agree, btw. I think it's weird that all of these people are together. Frankie, Charlie and Brody - I totally get. Kristin and Bartender Stacie - I totally get. Audrina, Stephanie and Justin - WTF? AND, where's that other dude's wife??? They just got married last season.

Bartender Stacie and Kristin are lying in the water at Santa Teresa Beach in Costa Rica and I could not be MORE JEALOUS right now. It looks amazing and I totally want to be there. Kristin is curious who is going to hook up on this trip. They think that Justin and Audrina could hook up because he's always been that "one guy" for Audrina that always seems to pull her back in. Kristin is delusional and says that she doesn't have that "one guy" but Bartender Stacie snaps her back to reality and reminds her about Brody. Then, Bartender Stacie plants a seed by saying how careful Kristin always is to not flirt with other guys around Brody even though Brody is always bringing other chicks around. Hmmm. True. Kristin agrees that she is always very "respectful" around Brody. Way to pat yourself on the back, Kristin. Something tells me that will all change during this trip. :) Bartender Stacie agrees.


For some insane reason, Kristin and Stacie the Bartender are lying on the bar while everyone else is on a stool. Perhaps they ran out of stools - or K & S are just super obnoxious. I vote for the latter. Anyhoo, they all do shots of something blue and delicious! Frankie is speaking in Spanish with the bartender, Will. Kristin loudly says "that's hot" - to Will speaking in Spanish, not Frankie. Poor Frankie. No one wants to hook up with him. What's that all about? He's not ugly.

Kristin is DRUNK. She tells Brody that she thinks Will is hot and Brody tells her to go for it and that he's looking for chicks, too. She looks at him and says "Oh really?" and he says "You know I love you. You're like my little sister." Oh dang. You don't ever want the guy you're sleeping with to tell you that he thinks of you like a little sister. Not cool. Ever.

Oh, I guess Will speaks English as well. Lucky break for Kristin - not that it would make a difference. Brody says he doesn't care and Justin walks away - grabbing Audrina's ass as he walks by. Nice.

Kristin, Bartender Stacie and the other guy who got married last season - Taylor - are all swimming in the pool. Kristin bitches that Brody says he thinks of her like a sister. I understand that Kristin is drunk and that causes people to blow things out of proportion. BUT, if a guy I was sleeping with told me he loved me like a sister, I'd be pissed and we would not sleep together again. I see her point. Ok, Taylor has always been Team Kristin for Brody. He has always wanted them to be together. So, it's not a surprise that he continues to lobby for the two of them to Kristin. He and Bartender Stacie are trying to convince Kristin that Brody is the one for her.

Kristin gets out of the water and decides she's over Brody. Well, she's going to say that she is and flirt with Will to make Brody jealous because she totally still loves him. She goes back to the bar and asks Will if she's going to see him later. He says yes and tells her to meet him at the night club later. Done and done.


The gang is at the club and Will and Kristin decide to go dance in the rain. The girls join them and they are dancing in the rain. Brody looks annoyed, but he's dumb. Dancing in the rain is so much fun. I did a bit of that on a trip to Cancun in my 20's. It was AWESOME.


Stephanie and Audrina come over to Kristin and Bartender Stacie's room. Stephanie says she feels like she's on Survivor because of all the trees and spiders on their way to Kristin's room. Oy vey. Bartender Stacie tells Kristin she has a date with the "Bartender" tonight. Don't hate, Stacie. You're a Bartender, too...or you WERE. Kristin creates a diversion and asks Audrina if she's going to join her in poor decision making and hook up with Justin. Audrina feels like she doesn't know him anymore and that he's acting strange. They decide to go eat and see a crab walking across the room. As they walk to breakfast, they see monkeys in the trees. CAPUCHIN!! So awesome. I want to go to Costa Rica.

Brody, Charlie and Justin are surfing. Frankie and Taylor are on the beach and comment on how much better Justin is at surfing than Brody and Charlie put together. HAHA.

Audrina, Bartender Stacie and Kristin go to a different beach and take surfing lessons. SO FUN!! I did that in Maui with my sister and it was amazing. So much fun. Did I mention how jealous I am that they are in Costa Rica?


The gang is having dinner at the resort. Will (the bartender) is joining them and tells Kristin that the resort is a honeymoon spot. Kristin says she really likes the "vibe" here. Ugh. Brody is annoyed with Kristin's overt flirting with Will. Justin tells Audrina that he feels a little weird about things with her because of her baggage. She says she doesn't have any baggage and he lies that he didn't know that. Whatever. Everyone told him that she broke up with Ryan Cabrera. Justin just doesn't know how to act. Audrina says that they are just friends and Justin's response is "whatever it is, it is. Whatever it will be, it will be." Wow. So deep, Justin. (insert eyeroll here).

They have moved to the bar now and Brody expresses concern for Kristin because he doesn't want her to get hurt by Will. He also reminds her that she's like his little sister and doesn't want her to get hurt. Bad move, Brody. He continues down the bad decision path and they all toast to their last night to Costa Rica. Brody can't leave it alone so he toasts to "sisters that I've slept with" which totally pisses Kristin off. She grabs Will and walks down to the beach with him to make out and do dirty things. You blew it, Brody.


The girls talk about going to the waterfall today and Kristin asks Stephanie if she's going to be ok. Stephanie acts offended and insists she loves nature, but then freaks out when Audrina blows a leaf out of her hair. HAHA. Then, as she sits there listening to Kristin talk about her night with Will, something falls down her back and she jumps up and freaks out again. HAHA.

The gang takes a hike to see some waterfalls and they tell Stephanie not to scream if she sees a spider. She says that she's more concerned about Cheetahs and Gorillas now that they are "in the jungle." haha. They find the waterfall and Brody gives Steph props for doing a great job on the hike. They all jump in the water and swim and it looks so fun!!

Time to go home!! Kristin rubs her fling with Will in Brody's face again and ... he STILL doesn't care. Justin and Audrina comment that Costa Rica is a romantic place and not really a "group" vacation spot. He asks if she'd come back and she says "not with you." Ouch.

See you next week.

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 9

"Posche Spite"


Caroline and her sisters, Frannie and Cookie have lunch. Cookie is number 2, Caroline is number 6, Frannie is number 10 and Dina is number 11. Cookie and Dina look alike. Caroline tells them about Albie and the problem with school. They talk about being empty nesters. They are the cutest family.


Jacqueline and Teresa have lunch with Kim "D". Teresa is skeptical because she's afraid Kim "D" is playing both sides. Kim "D" arrives and they all laugh about Teresa's party and how "fun" Kim "D" was. Kim "D" invites Teresa and Jacqueline to her store's fashion show. After Kim "D" leaves, Teresa and Jacqueline talk about whether or not to got to the fashion show. Teresa says that she wants to go, but Jacqueline doesn't want to put herself in that situation.


Danielle goes over to Posche to confront Kim "D" for inviting Teresa and Jacqueline to the fashion show. She walks in and the employee in the store is on the phone so she puts up a finger to tell her she'll be off in second. Jillian calls Danielle and Danielle bitches to her daughter that the woman was VERY RUDE to her. Who the F does Danielle think she is?? She's some trashy drag queen from JERSEY, not Angelina Jolie!! So, Danielle - very rudely - walks back into the store and tells the woman to have Kim "D" call her when she gets in and then storms out. She totally misses the woman yell out "I didn't get your name." HAHA. Danielle is SO ANNOYING. I might dislike her more than Kelly from RHONY.

Kim "D" arrives and calls Danielle and Danielle yells at Kim "D" and hangs up. So Danielle comes in the store and says that the mistreatment she received from her employee was so disrespectful. Danielle says that she doesn't think she can shop in her store anymore and Kim "D" says that's fine. Danielle keeps being crazy, so Kim "D" asks Danielle to leave. Danielle interviews that she's over Kim and her "little boutique" which I think is amusing since Danielle doesn't even have a JOB! At least Kim is supporting herself and has a little boutique. What do you have Danielle?? A bad boob job and psychological problems?? Then, like the teenager she truly is, she says that Kim "D" will miss Danielle's money, so "haha". Really? Oy!


Caroline is talking to Albert about feeling depressed because all the kids are leaving her. She wants Albert to retire so that she won't be so lonely. Albert asks if she wants to have a baby. HAHA!! She says NO THANK YOU. Albert is not going to retire. Caroline is feeling lonely. So Caroline asks him to slow down a little. Albert says that he'll never stop working completely. :(


Ashley is going to be a "model" in Kim "D"'s show. She tries on some clothes and they love her.


I think I'm going to start calling her "Crazy". She's just not normal. Kim "D" calls Crazy to apologize for what happened in the store. She tells Crazy she wants her to come to the fashion show and Crazy agrees.


Teresa and Caroline come over and Jacqueline and Teresa ask Caroline for her advice about the show. Caroline doesn't think they should go. But she says if they go they should take the high road and NOT DO ANYTHING. They agree. But you know Teresa can't help herself.


Kim "G" shows up with her "driver" to pick up Crazy. Crazy is anticipating drama and so she's going to the event defensive. I don't know why Kim "G" hangs out with Crazy. It makes her look bad. Crazy just plays the victim all the time. SO ANNOYING. Crazy calls the other girls "crazy bitches". Um, Pot? This is Kettle. You're Black.


Ashley arrives and gets all dolled up and ready for the runway. Jacqueline and Teresa arrive and Kim "D" tell them that Crazy will be coming. Crazy shows up with a freakin' BODYGUARD!!! HAHA. She's such a drama queen. Her bodyguard, Dennis, came instead of Danny because Kim "G" had issues with Danny last time.

Crazy felt like it was a slap in the face to seat Jacqueline and Teresa at Kim "D"'s table. And, she was upset that she was sitting directly across the room from them. Ok, there's a catwalk in the middle of the room. She gave Crazy a great seat to watch the show. OY VEY! This woman is out of control. AND, she thinks everything is about her. She says that Jacqueline and Teresa are so desperate to get at her that they befriended HER friend. Whatever. It's more like Crazy's friends need sane people to talk to, so they call Teresa and Jacqueline.


Albert and Caroline are out to dinner for date night. Caroline says that they need to get used to hanging out just the two of them. Albert says they won't be alone for long because Lauren is going to stop popping out babies soon. He thinks she'll be first unless Christopher brings home some illegitimate kids. HA!! Caroline really wants him to take a Saturday night off once in a while so that he'll be home more. He says he'll work a 12 hour day instead of a 16 hour day. Ugh. He promises to take more time off to spend time with her.


The Fashion Show begins and Crazy decides to go back to high school. Apparently now she's taking tips from Paris Hilton. She says she could care less about the fashion show. THEN WHY ARE YOU THERE??????? GO HOME! She refuses to clap and she pretends she's on the phone the whole time to "diss" Kim "D". WTF? She says Paris Hilton taught her that. Wow. Kim "G" tells her not to look back and act like the lady she is and pay attention to the show. Kim "G" is clearly embarrassed by Crazy and tries to teach her to be classy, but Crazy isn't having it. Crazy is surprised to see Ashley on the runway and she says that none of the girls knew how to walk. Kim "G" says that they aren't professional models. So Crazy says "that's why they didn't want Christine...they wanted UNprofessionals." UGH.

Ashley keeps staring at Crazy. OMG. Ashley is a TEENAGER!! Why do you care, Crazy?? Seriously. Crazy is out of her mind. She has lost it. Crazy goes to the bathroom with her entourage and Jacqueline walks out to find Teresa and Ashley. She sees Teresa sitting in a chair in the hallway. She says that she wants to say hi to Crazy because they are in the same room and it's stupid to not say "hi". Crazy walks by and Teresa calls her name and says "hi".

Crazy starts walking away and Teresa asks why she can't just say hi. So Teresa asks how she has been and Crazy starts walking away again. Kim "G" tells Crazy that that Teresa is making an effort and to come back. Crazy comes back and Teresa says hello again and congratulates her for Christine walking at Fashion Week. It gets heated and Teresa calls her "honey" and Crazy tells her not to call her that. SO Teresa calls her a "bitch" and Crazy says "that's a fuckin' nuff."

I hate to say it but Teresa totally instigated that whole thing.

Next week will be GOOD!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 9

"One girl's trash ... "


They go to meet some woman who tries to tell them about this huge designer trade show where 1000 designers come to show and sell their stuff to buyers from all over. She starts off ok, but then Kelly takes over and just gets to the point: Whitney has to be strong and say "no" if she can't fill the order in time and she needs to write everything down and take 50% up front. Done and done.


Olivia and Kyle - Senior Accessories Editor for Elle - walk down the street discussing the upcoming Ke$ha photo shoot. Olivia asks what they are looking for and Kyle explains that Ke$ha is into leather and stuff, but she's also into "garbage." So the first place they go is called "Trash and Vaudeville." They tell the manager what they are looking for and head to the back to look at shoes. The manager looks like he's on many things. They find some boots with spikes all over and Kyle LOVES them. Olivia does NOT agree. She tries them on because she's the same size as Ke$ha and says "I'm not walking around in these." The other girls who work there laugh and say "she doesn't want to walk in the shoes. Who doesn't walk in shoes??" HA.


Olivia and Whitney show up and set up all her designs. Some buyers from "WINK" come by to look at her designs. They like some of the stuff, but don't want to commit. Wah wah.


Back at Elle, Olivia is putting together some of the accessories for the Ke$ha shoot. Kate, the Executive Accessories Editor, comes to look at the stuff. She doesn't like the shoes and Olivia tells her that she has a call into Nicholas Kirkwood who is sending over the perfect shoe. Olivia received a picture of it and she says it's perfect. Kate is still worried, but lets Olivia get back to work. Seth (Robbie's Asst) walks over to Olivia and asks if Erin has seen everything. Olivia says she doesn't give a sh*t what Erin thinks even those she's the senior publicist (as Seth points out).


Kelly comes to see how things are going. A buyer comes up and Kelly goes into "selling" mode. He orders a ton of stuff and they are all excited. Roxy and Whitney are super giddy and Kelly tells them that they have work to do. Buzz kill.


Olivia and Louise have lunch to get to know one another. Louise reminds me so much of Elle McPherson. She and Olivia actually look a lot alike, too. It might be the hair. Anyhow, they sit and chat and Louise asks about the Ke$sha shoot. She tells Olivia about these "garbage bag" shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood. Olivia says that she has a call into Kirkwood and should be receiving stuff shortly. She also says that she already pulled those "garbage bag" shoes. Hmmm.


Kelly tells the girls that the big spender at the trade show canceled his ENTIRE ORDER. UGH! Whitney is pissed and kind of takes it out on Roxy. Whitney goes to take care of some other stuff and Kelly reminds Roxy that this is Whitney's baby. Kelly knows it wasn't Roxy's fault - or Whitney's for that matter - but Whitney is just freaking out.


Joe Zee brings Ke$ha in to look at all the accessories. The garbage bag shoes are a HUGE HIT. Ke$ha LOVES them and the shoot is a success. Erin is not happy.


Roxy goes to see the owner and buyers from WINK. She tells them that they have a lot of the Whitney Eve designs that they were interest in available now. The buyers put in a big order.


Seth plants the seed that the garbage bag shoes might not have been Olivia's idea. Olivia walks up as Seth takes off and Erin mentions to Olivia that Louise has contacts at Nicholas Kirkwood. Olivia sees where this is going and tells Erin that it was her idea and that whatever Erin thought she was doing by hiring Louise, it didn't work. Nothing that Erin is doing to get rid of Olivia is working. Olivia smirks and walks off.


Roxy takes Whitney to a WINK store to surprise her. Whitney's stuff is in the window and all over the store. Whitney is totally shocked and touched that Roxy did all of this without her knowledge. Ahhhh.

See you next week!

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 9

"Break-up to Make-up"


Lo, Stephanie, Audrina and Kristin meet for lunch. I guess Kristin forgave Stephanie for "allegedly" spreading those drug rumors about her. Interesting. Anyhow, they chat about Audrina and Ryan Cabrera. Audrina is so over it, but she can't cut the cord so she continues to drag Ryan Cabrera along. She so obviously wants to hook up with Justin again, but refuses to admit it. The convo switches to Audrina's upcoming birthday. She's not sure how to celebrate, but Stephanie suggests they get a boat and have a party on the boat. They agree to invite all the usual suspects. Audrina says "NO RYAN" and when asked about Justin, she pretends to not be sure. Oh she so wants him there.


Lo, Kristin and Stephanie go shopping for Audrina's bday present. Kristin asks if they should invite Justin to her party. Lo says that he never comes when he's invited, so Kristin is going to invite him. He's totally going to come.


Frankie, Brody and Taylor are hanging on the beach. Brody says that McKaela is nuts for hanging with Allie Lutz. Brody is over it. BUT, she's still hot, so she can "still be in the rotation."


Everyone is out at the club and Kristin and Brody have their flirt on. McKaela shows up WITH ALLIE LUTZ AGAIN. Geez. That girl never learns. Are there seriously only 2 clubs in LA?? McKaela tells Allie to stay away from them, but she walks over to Kristin. They fight about the break-in to Brody's house thing AGAIN!! They argue and Allie finally gets up and walks away. WHY DOES SHE BOTHER?? Allie needs to just stay away. LA is huge. It can't be that hard. Kristin gets pissed and leaves.


Kristin comes by Smashbox to meet Lo for lunch. McKaela is at her desk and she and Kristin exchange words. I understand that McKaela is trying to be nice, but Kristin isn't having it and tells her to stay away from her. They bicker and Lo finally ends it and she and Kristin head to lunch.


Audrina comes over to see Ryan Cabrera and they have some wine. It's weird because she's acting totally normal. Then he asks about what happened at his show. She stutters and stumbles through her words, but FINALLY breaks it off. It's sad. I'm not a big Ryan Cabrera fan, but he clearly likes her and she's so not into him. :(


HAHAHA!!! OMG. Kristin is wearing a sleeveless jean vest and Justin shows up in a sleeveless flannel. HAHA! Justin comments that they are matching. Is the cut-off sleeveless jean vest in?? I'm sorry, but sometimes what's "trendy" or "in fashion" is totally UGLY! I think it's funny that these wannabes just wear whatever is "trendy" even if it looks stupid. Dumb girls. Anyway, Kristin tells Justin that Audrina and Ryan Cabrera broke up and invites him to Audrina's bday party. He says he might stop by.


Audrina tells Kristin that it's officially over between him and Ryan Cabrera. Kristin tells her that she invited Justin to Audrina's party.


Everyone shows up - including Justin - and they set sail on the boat. It's pretty uneventful. They have bday cupcakes for Audrina. The boys tell everyone that they are going to Costa Rica and invite the girls. Audrina and Justin talk on the boat and she says she's doing ok and that she's learned a lot from Justin and Ryan Cabrera. I actually think Justin is happy just being friends with Audrina and I think Audrina wants more.

See you next week!

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 8

"Bubbies Gone Bad"


Teresa, Caroline and Jacqueline have lunch and they are sad that Dina is not there anymore. Caroline rehashes everything that happened at the Brownstone. Dina tried to give Danielle the benefit of the doubt and Danielle caused so much drama at that little girl's benefit. They all talk about the possible backlash from Dina's confrontation with Danielle.


Danielle goes to see a plastic surgeon about repairing her wonky fake boob. They agree that she needs another operation to fix it. Danielle is excited to feel desirable again. (insert eye roll here)


At Lauren's school, it's Avant Garde Day!! Everyone looks all crazy and it's cool. Oooh, Lauren has a David Yurman ring that I totally covet. I love it. Caroline tears up because Lauren is following her passion.


Chris and Jacqueline wait for Ashley and talk about how disrespectful she is towards Jacqueline. Chris says that they do a lot for her and the disrespect needs to stop. Ashley says that she has a bad temper and that she's embarrassed about how she reacted and treated her mom. She apologizes to Jacqueline. Jacqueline breaks down and tells Ashley that she's not the enemy and she loves her. Ashley says that she misses home and wants to move back. Chris tells her that she's always welcome to move back but she needs to follow the rules. Chris is a sweet stepdad and so good to Ashley and Jacqueline. I like him a lot. They are my favorite family. I also really love Caroline's family. Teresa's family is a wreck. Danielle's family is a tragedy.


Reason #500 why Teresa and her husband filed for bankruptcy: Teresa decides to have the most extravagant housewarming party EVER. Her party planner comes over and is amazed that Teresa doesn't have a "live-in" and does all the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing by herself. I'm actually quite amazed myself. The party planner is getting a little obnoxious. She can't believe that Teresa doesn't have a pool. And her vision for the housewarming party is a "Studio 54" theme. OMG. Teresa and I both are OVER this woman. Teresa practically pushes her out the door.


Ashley comes to talk to her mom and Chris about moving back into the house. She's trying to negotiate the rules. She begins with the midnight curfew. She doesn't want a curfew at all as long as she checks in. Chris says she has to have a curfew. He says on the weekend, it's 2 AM and during the week, it's 1 AM. TAKE IT! IF you want to move back in with the 'rents. I think that's fair. It's their house. You don't like it, don't move in. Simple. Ashley says that she'll respect the rules and move back in.


Albie is upstairs and talks to his mom. Albie says that the first semester at law school, he didn't do so well. He says that it's hard for him because of his learning disability and he's struggling. He tells Caroline that the cut-off to stay a student is a 2.0 and he has a 1.93, so he has been kicked out. He appealed it based on the fact that he has a learning disability and they told him that he might want to try a different profession because someone with a learning disability won't make it as a lawyer. Hmmm. If they actually said that, they are setting themselves up for a lawsuit. Albie needs to get that shit in writing.

Caroline says that she wants him to fight. Poor guy. It's heartbreaking. I'm totally crying right now. Albie is so discouraged and says he feels worthless. How awful. I can't believe the school told him that. I'm so upset for him right now.


Caroline and her hubby are chatting in the kitchen about Albie. Albert is pissed that the school is being so dismissive about Albie's learning disability and they knew he had one when he was admitted. Caroline is worried about Albie because he's feeling worthless. Albert says that if this school thing is enough to totally defeat Albie then he doesn't deserve to be a lawyer. He says that Albie just needs to know someone believes in him and as long as he knows his parents believe in him, he will achieve everything he wants.


Jacqueline and Teresa are at Posche and Kim"D" (the owner) is there and welcomes them. They ask about Danielle's luncheon to celebrate Christine's photo shoot. Teresa thinks it was shady that Kim "D" went to the luncheon. Kim "D" says that it was business since Danielle is a customer.


Danielle is having her procedure done. They are going to remove the old implants and put in new ones. Since this is her FOURTH procedure, it will be difficult. She tells us that getting her breasts done was necessary and not for aesthetic reasons. Really? Who the hell are you kidding?


The family is having sushi to celebrate Lauren's upcoming graduation. Albie is feeling shitty and they all keep teasing him. They say that he's the cute one, but that some girls recently thought Christopher was cuter than Albie. They aren't slamming him or anything, but Albie is feeling sensitive and vulnerable and this is not cool.

Albie is feeling a bit of an identity crisis. He's used to getting all the praise, so it's hard for him to see praise going to Lauren and Christopher particularly since he just got kicked out of school. AND, he's the one who always studied and took all the entrance tests and graduated from college.


Elvira (Teresa's party planner) is at Teresa's house and brought a group of people to help. Elvira is a total bitch to her employees and Teresa confirms this so it must be true. :)

The party is OVER THE TOP. Fire eaters, dancers, bouncers, chefs, etc. Jacqueline calls Teresa to tell her that Kim "G" feels bad that she wasn't invited. (Kim G is Danielle's friend, not the store owner but the mother of Christopher's best friend). Teresa concedes and invites Kim "G". Not a good idea. This is going to end badly.


Danielle is finished and totally out of it. She says she can't wait to get home to her kids. Really? All drugged up? Why do you want to be with your kids when you're loopy? She claims her girls are happy to see her, but it doesn't appear that they are. HAHA! Danielle is such a sad person. She asks her daughters if they love her. Sad.


Teresa's over the top, ridiculous party has started. OMG. There are playmates serving drinks. There's food, neon lights, a dance floor. It looks like a nightclub. Insane. Teresa thinks it's amazing. Kim "G" is there. Caroline is surprised to see her at the party. Kim "D" and Kim "G" came together and they are drunk. Everyone is dancing. There are break dancers and fire eaters performing for everyone. Teresa has the microphone and brings Jacqueline and Caroline up to thank them for their friendship. Kim "D" walks up to the microphone and tells Teresa how nice her house is. It's so bad. Hello, hot mess.

Kim "D" is seriously a drunk mess. Kim "D" and Ashley start talking shit about Danielle. Caroline ends the conversation and tells Ashley to stop. Kim "G" takes Caroline aside and tells her that she thinks Jacqueline is obsessed with Danielle. Jacqueline walks up and hears the conversation as Caroline walks away and Kim "G" starts trying to explain. Jacqueline won't let her and says that Kim "G" is the one who comes over talking about Danielle all the time. Jacqueline doesn't like Danielle but she's not obsessed with her. Jacqueline is OVER Kim "G".

See you next week!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 7

"Play At Your Own Risk"


Danielle thinks Dina is acting holier than thou. She keeps bringing up the other girls. Dina tells Danielle that she keeps bringing up last year. Dina realizes that she can't have a normal conversation with Danielle. Dina gets up and Danielle tells her to run away. Dina tells her that she's cutting Danielle out of her life. Dina interviews "you bet your ass I'm running because I don't need to put up with you." Danielle is crazy and Dina tells her that to her face. Danielle tells her to NEVER call her crazy again. Danielle is super loud and drawing attention to herself. Dina finally leaves.

Danielle calls Danny and John to come inside because she's totally shaken up. She recounts the confrontation. She says that Dina ran off because she's guilty. No, Danielle, she left because you're crazy and nothing good was going to come of her staying.


Teresa and Joe are at Jacqueline's with their girls and they pick up CJ to take them to some farm to play on the haystacks and look at the pumpkins. It's basically a pumpkin patch. Chris, Jacqueline, Derek, Ashley and Caroline are all there, too. There are pigs, horses and other animals. Teresa and Jacqueline keep calling the pigs, Danielle. Nice. The men talk about having a card game and tell Derek that he needs to come to the next game.


Dina and Jacqueline are visiting with Caroline. Dina says "Let me tell you something. That is one crazy ass bitch." Caroline wants Dina to say that she was right. Dina says that Danielle and her extensions were telling Dina that her REAL hair is fake. HAHA!!! Danielle is psycho.


Danielle is at dinner with some of her "friends" including Kim G. I wonder what happened to that other friend she had in the beginning of the season. She tells them about her meeting with Dina. Apparently, Dina sent her a very long email. Dina and Danielle both read the email and it actually sounds really sane. Danielle thinks it's crazy. Somehow Danielle feels empowered. WTF? This woman is crazy. She, Kelly Bensimon and Spencer Pratt should have their own show!!!


Kim G comes over to visit with Jacqueline. Weird. Kim brings up the Dina and Danielle drama. She doesn't know why Dina would have to cut Danielle out of her life if she wasn't even in it. Jacqueline tells Kim that Danielle would text message Dina. Kim says that she had no idea. Interesting. Kim tells Jacqueline about Danny and John waiting outside while Danielle met with Dina. Jacqueline - and I!! - think that Danielle is stupid and creating drama because she doesn't need any protection from anyone but herself. She's the one hanging out with CONVICTS. Jacqueline says that Danielle played her for a fool. She feels like Danielle conned her and that she goes around seeking out rich people to befriend so she can find a rich man to take care of her. Danielle is all about what she can get from people. Jacqueline isn't really worried about Kim playing both sides because everything she says about Danielle is stuff she'd say to her face. So she's not worried.


Danielle goes to her friend's house with some other friends. She tells them about her "sex tape" and explains that she's been covering up her body because of it. Allegedly, the guy who sold the sex tape is the 26 year old who was friends with Joe, Teresa's hubby. Danielle says that he hid cameras in her room and tape their "intimate moments." Hmmm.


It's card night and all the men arrive. Steve, the sex tape guy, comes over to play poker. Jacqueline is disgusted by Steve and upset that he's at her house. Apparently, Danielle told the girls that Steve would text message during sex, but in reality he was recording them. Ok, why would it be ok for him to text message during sex. Gross.

Jacqueline decides to talk to Steve before the game starts. It turns out that Steve never recorded having sex with Danielle. Apparently, the sex tapes are recordings that Danielle sent to Steve of her masterbating. He says the majority of the stuff out there is stuff SHE sent to HIM! Aha! The plot thickens. He's slimy and gross, but I actually believe him.

The guys talk about what they are going to do to Derek to initiate him. Derek and Ashley arrive and he joins the game. Jacqueline, Ashley and Teresa are watching the boys on the monitor. They made him drink this "wine" that is super gross. Jacqueline tells Ashley that she looks like her grandmother who is apparently very large. Ashley is pissed. Chris tells Ashley not to mouth off to her mom. Chris tells her to keep her mouth shut. Ashley keeps talking shit and Jacqueline gets up and kicks Ashley out of the house. Derek stays to finish playing. I'm sure he's a little uncomfortable, but he's probably glad he didn't have to go home with Ashley.


Danielle and some of her friends go to a strip club (??) to meet up with Danny and some of his ex-con friends. He brings some stripper to teach the girls how to "work the pole." OMG. These girls are practically naked. Danielle says that she used to be a "burlesque" dancer in the 80's. Um, you were a stripper, Danielle. Own it already. When it's Danielle's turn, she really takes to the pole. It all comes back to her. She's a pro. I'll give her that. She really is a true butterface.


Dina says good-bye to the show. She's happy with her life and her family, so she doesn't want the drama anymore. I don't blame her. I think she's the most honest person on any of these shows. Everyone says they don't like drama, but they stay on the show with all the drama. Dina says she doesn't like the drama so she's getting off the show. Good for her. I wish her the best!!

See you next week!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 8

"Work Horses and Show Ponies"


Roxy (representing People's Revolution) is with Whitney in Miami for a Gen Art Event. She goes over the itinerary with Roxy and Roxy bitches that Whitney is going to start getting really anal. Um, hi? It's her SHOW!!! Of course she's going to be anal. Whitney ignores Roxy and says that the first thing they need to do is casting. Roxy is so not interested.


Erin and Olivia come into Joe's office and he wants to know what they are working on. Olivia is excited about the Zac Posen event that he's doing with Target in NYC. She wants to do something with elle.com. Joe asks if she can get an interview with Zac Posen and she says that she will use her personal relationship with him to get the interview. Joe totally calls her out for not getting the interview with Marc Jacobs, even though they're "friends." Joe basically tells her that she needs to deliver if she wants to keep her job. HA!!

MIAMI - Gen Art Casting

The event coordinators tell all the designers that they will be selecting their models and they will also need to select a model - for the Unite Party - who will be wearing one of their looks. If they pick the same model, they'll have to fight it out amongst themselves.

The casting begins and Whitney selects "Erika" as one of her show models and as her model for the party. Then she sees "Erika" trying on another designer's clothes. The other designer comes over to Whitney and Whitney just tells her that they can't share her and that she also is booking her for the party. The other designer, Romina, is not happy. Good times.


Joe finds Olivia and sends the senior producer with her to get the interview. Olivia takes off and stops to talk to everyone she knows. She finally makes it upstairs but Joe isn't confident that she'll do the job. Olivia finally catches up with "her dear friend, Zac Posen" and tells him Joe Zee wants her to ask him a few questions. He obliges and she does the interview. Joe tells Olivia that this is why he hired her and that he wants her to perform like this EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I get that she's connected and a "socialite" but it's gotta suck to know that someone has hired you because you know people and to use you for your connections and not because of your abilities.


Whitney and Roxy check out Koko & Palenki which is the store that is sponsoring the party that night. They both say how cool it would be if Whitney could get some of her designs in that store. They meet the owner and tell her to look out for Whitney's stuff at the Gen Art Show.


Robbie (Editor in Chief of Elle), Keith Pollock (Editorial Director) and Erin are watching Olivia's interview with Zac Posen. OMG. It is a really obnoxious video. At the end, Keith says that "she's pretty." Robbie says that there are two types of people in this business: Work horses and show ponies. HAHA. Erin stops them before they lavish too much praise on Olivia and shows them the interview that Louise did of Badgley Mischka at the Marc Jacobs show and they are completely in love with her. They think Louise is fantastic. They end up deciding to keep both Olivia and Louise. Robbie says that she trusts Joe's judgment regarding Olivia, but she likes Louise, too. UGH.

MIAMI - Unite Unveiled Party

Roxy and Whitney see Romina talking to the ladies from the store that Whitney liked. Roxy pushes her to go over to them and promote her line. I guess I see Roxy's point, but I felt like the ladies were a little annoyed.


So the event coordinators are crazy bitches. Every time Roxy tries to talk to one of them, she just tells her that she's busy and can't be bothered. When Whitney and Roxy both go talk to the event coordinators to find out what's going on, the one keeps smiling and blowing them off. It's super chaotic backstage, but the show goes really well and the store owners love the show.


Louise comes to the office to see Erin. Erin is praising Louise and Olivia interrupts and introduces herself to Louise. Then she takes her to the accessories closet and welcomes her to Elle. ANNOYING.


The store ladies are talking to Romina and Whitney and Roxy decide to break it up and bring them to look at Whitney's designs. The ladies love her stuff and say that they will be in touch. Whitney and Roxy are super stoked to be able to tell Kelly what a success the trip was.

See you next week!

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 8

"Between a Rocker and a Hard Place"


Lo, Stephanie and Audrina are at Audrina's place hanging out and talking about the upcoming week's events. Audrina tells the girls that she stopped by Justin's bike shop to "check out a bike." Lo and Audrina think it's time for her to tell Ryan. Stephanie disagrees since there's nothing going on according to Audrina.


Brody and Kristin are having lunch and Kristin tells him about her meeting with McKaela. She tells him that McKaela can't understand what people have against Allie Lutz. Then she tells him that McKaela said that Brody wanted to be in a relationship with her not Kristin. Brody, of course, denies it.


Allie Lutz (I haven't thought of a nickname for this one, yet) and McKaela meet up for lunch. Allie tells McKaela that nothing Kristin or any of the other girls say is true. It's all just rumors. McKaela says that there are a lot of rumors and they sound pretty real and Allie just tells her to believe what she wants. Allie says that it all dates back to high school and that it's all unfounded and Brody invited her over. She claims she didn't break in. I'm not sure. She doesn't seem very believable.


Kristin and Stacie the Bartender show up. Stephanie and Lo are inside as Ryan Cabrera and Audrina show up. Justin comes in with Charlie and Frankie gives Ryan Cabrera the heads up. Justin says hi to everyone and Stacie the Bartender tells Kristin that Justin looks HOT! UGH. I swear Justin smells. Justin tells Brody that Audrina seems happy and that he really hopes Ryan Cabrera is treating her well. Ryan Cabrera tells Audrina he doesn't want to deal with any of this "stupid shit" and asks if they're leaving anytime soon. UGH. He's so annoying. Audrina obviously wants to stay with her friends, but Ryan Cabrera is done with Les Deux, so they leave. OMG. Justin tries to shake Ryan Cabrera's hand, but Ryan Cabrera is a d-bag and says that he only "gives hi-fives." STUPID. What an ass.


Kristin and Audrina go lay out at the W Hotel in LA. Really? Do people do that? Just go lay out at some random hotel? Ugh. They talk about how "weird" last night was with Ryan Cabrera and Justin. Ok, can we just talk about how "weird" it is that Kristin and Audrina are bonding??? WTF?? Kristin is telling Audrina that maybe Justin is jealous and wants to win her back?? WHAT? This group of friends is so incestuous. It's totally bizarre.


Stephanie is making dinner for her date, Max. Ok, if you invite a guy over for dinner and want to impress him, are you really going to make spaghetti? Dumb. Although, he did bring over Thin Mints for dessert which is kind of lame. She offers him a drink and apologizes for not having any alcohol. She tells Max about her rift with Sponge Bob and it gets awkward.


Ryan Cabrera shows up at Audrina's house and they talk about his show the next night. Justin comes up and Ryan Cabrera tells Audrina that he doesn't want to have to worry about Justin and Audrina while he goes "on the road" FOR TWO WEEKS! HAHA. OK, I'm not sure what happens next because I'm distracted by the ridiculous "heart" tattoo on his inner wrist with "strings"(??) attached to it. It looks like something I've doodled in my notebooks in school. WTF? Lame.


The gang is all here to watch Ryan Cabrera perform his new songs. Yippee? Stephanie asks how Audrina and Ryan Cabrera are doing while he plays a love song in the background. Audrina just starts crying. Audrina rushes off and tells Stephanie that it's too hard to be there. Drama.


Lo and Stephanie are grocery shopping and Stephanie fills her in on the Ryan Cabrera/Audrina drama. Lo asks about Max and Stephanie says that he's super nice, but her life is just really complicated and she doesn't think she's ready to date. Lo tells her to surround herself with people who know her drama and love her and support her anyway.


The gang is at the party having a good time. Uh-oh. Spoke too soon. McKaela shows up ... WITH ALLIE and says hi to Brody. Brody tells her he doesn't understand why she keeps bringing Allie around. Stacie the Bartender whispers to Kristin that Brody is trying to break things off with McKaela but she's not getting it. I'm not sure that was exactly what was going on. Anyhow, Kristin gets in the conversation and just gets mean. McKaela tells her that she doesn't deserve to be treated so badly by Kristin, which is true. Allie comes to McKaela's rescue and says that "those girls" just can't handle when other pretty girls are around them. Now, Kristin is fired up. She gets into a screaming match with Allie. When it's over, Allie walks back to McKaela and McKaela doesn't understand why she went over and yelled at Kristin. McKaela is starting to see why Allie is not welcome with that group. I feel kind of bad for McKaela. I hope she learns her lesson.

Kristin thanks Brody for having her back and Brody tells her that he will always have her back. McKaela just watches them together. I'm sure she's kicking herself for letting Allie into her life. Things could've been good. Kristin and Brody leave together to enjoy the benefits of their friendship. ;)

See you next week.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 7

"The Company You Keep"


Kristin and Stacie the Bartender are getting their hair did. Stacie the Bartender comments that Audrina and Justin were chatting it up at Voyeur the other night. Kristin says that she sees Audrina with Justin more than she sees her with Ryan Cabrera. I agree. But I do think it's bizarre that Kristin is all Team Audrina since she fought with her all last season over Justin! Kristin says that she and Brody are in a good place and that she's not worried about McKaela AT ALL.


Stephanie and Audrina are shopping and talk about Stephanie's birthday party. Audrina says that Ryan Cabrera is on tour so he won't be around. They talk about Justin and Stephanie tells her that she needs to keep her distance from him.


McKaela and Lo are at Smashbox. Lo tells McKaela about Stephanie's birthday party. They talk about Brody. Lo tells McKaela that she feels like Brody will end up with a girl like McKaela but she's not sure he's ready for it yet.


The gang is all there including Holly. McKaela shows up with Allie Lutz. Audrina asks Brody what the deal is with this Allie chick. Brody says that she broke into his house. Apparently she left a ring at his house and it got stolen during a party. So she came over late one night, put in the security code and went into his room asking for the ring. Hmmm. Awkward. Allie and Kristin start yelling at each other. Kristin says that Allie broke into his house and Allie denies it. Kristin says that she was in the bed when Allie broke in!!! That shut everyone up real quick.

Lo and Brody get up to get a drink and McKaela walks up to him. She tells him that she just wants him to respect her and he says that this is all happening because she showed up with Allie Lutz. I actually feel bad for McKaela. She's new to town and doesn't know people and just picked the wrong friend. Kristin and Brody leave together.


Lo and McKaela are at work at Smashbox. McKaela asks if she should talk to Brody. Lo asks why she keeps calling Brody when he's so mean to her. Then she tells her to be careful. Kristin is collecting her clothes from the night before and Brody ignores McKaela's phone call.


Kristin and Audrina have lunch to talk about Stephanie's birthday. They bag on Allie Lutz for awhile. The entire time, Audrina gets text messages from Justin. Annoying ... and rude!!


McKaela meets up with Allie and asks her what the hell went on last night. Allie apologizes for not giving her more information or preparing her for what was going to happen. McKaela asks what they were talking about. Allie says that YEARS AGO - um, they are only 23 - Kristin told everyone that Allie broke into Brody's house which is totally false. Hmmm. McKaela says that she doesn't want enemies and she felt blindsided. Allie warns McKaela that Kristin is a hateful girl and will say anything to hurt her.


Audrina meets up with Ryan Cabrera. She tells him that she has been questioning their relationship. She tells him that she knows he's going to go on tour and should do what he wants. He tells her that he loves her and doesn't want to hook up with other girls. He says that what they have is rare and true love. Yikes. Audrina does NOT agree. He's so into her and she's so obviously not into him.


Kristin, Lo and Stephanie talk about Allie. Lo says that she likes McKaela a lot, but she doesn't understand her friendship with Allie. Lo keeps defending McKaela but Kristin is so smug and annoying. Lo says that Kristin should talk to her just to provide her with some closure. Yikes. Kristin is mean. I don't envy McKaela at all.


Audrina comes to Justin's bike shop. I don't know why she's there. She starts talking about Ryan Cabrera to him. Playing with fire.


McKaela and Kristin meet up for drinks. McKaela starts out sweet and thanks Kristin for meeting her and apologizes for bringing Allie. She didn't know they knew each other. Kristin is totally dismissive and bitchy. I really don't like Kristin at ALL! Kristin asks McKaela what is going on with her and Brody. McKaela says that nothing is going on and tells Kristin all the stuff that Brody said to her. Kristin tells McKaela to wake up! Brody was trying to sleep with her. She tells her that guys in LA will always try to take advantage of sweet girls like her. Well, her delivery needs work, but the message is true. McKaela is naive. Kristin tells McKaela that if she keeps bringing Allie around, there are going to be problems. Kristin gets up and takes off.

See you next week!

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 6

"It's Not Me, It's You."


Gia and Teresa are off to an audition for a part in a movie with Christian Slater. Seriously? According to Teresa, Gia's modeling career is taking off, but not her acting career. Um, maybe that's because she's not an actress. OY VEY! They arrive at the audition and I think they're late. Gia walks in and there are 5 kids in there already working with the casting director. Oops. Teresa stays in the waiting area with her baby and the other stage moms/dads. She starts talking to them about Gia and goes on and on and on about how awesome she is. She brags about fashion week and all this other stuff that she's done. The other parents could not give a shit. Teresa ends with "I'm so not a 'stage mom.'" HAHA.


We're at the Brownstone with Albert Sr., Chris and Lauren. They are working hard and Caroline tells us that the business has taken 30 years to become a success. That's why Danielle's stunt last week was a total nightmare for them. She kept saying that they didn't have a table for her and they kicked her out...both of which are false. She arrived with 6-8 guys who had not paid and did not RSVP. It was a charity fundraiser for a baby with cancer. The fact that Danielle showed up with 8 ex-cons ready to start trouble and then insist that the Brownstone accommodate them is just horrible. I hope the father learned his lesson and realized it wasn't worth it to invite her. She's a skank.


Jacqueline brings her baby with her while she gets a pedicure. Kim "G", Danielle's friend, comes in for a mani/pedi and sits next to Jacqueline. Kim "G" seems like she's in her late 50's, but she dresses like she's in her late 20's/early 30's. It's so bizarre. The baby is crying so Jacqueline carries him while she gets her pedicure. She's trying to avoid a "Danielle" conversation. Kim "G" tells Jacqueline that they arrived at the Brownstone and Danielle had an entourage of thugs waiting for them. Kim says that she was embarrassed and uncomfortable to be there. It's so random. Kim seems like a very conservative, proper, ladylike woman. I find it so fascinating that she calls Danielle her "friend." She seemed so out of place with those ex-cons. She's basically telling Jacqueline that she doesn't like the company that Danielle keeps. Kim tells Jacqueline that she wants to talk to Danielle about it.

Jacqueline laughs. She tells Kim that you can't say anything negative to Danielle or she will blow up at you. Very true.


Kim throws Danielle a birthday party and they are getting their hair and make-up done beforehand to get ready. While they are getting ready, Kim confirms with Danielle that Danny is not coming. Danielle says she can call him and Kim says NO! She tells Danielle that she is really upset about the name-calling that happened at the Brownstone. She is referring to Danny calling Christopher a "faggot." Danielle immediately gets defensive and says that Danny didn't call a gay man a "faggot." OH, I get it. So it's ok to call straight people a gay slur, but not a gay man. I wonder if the same logic applies to racial slurs. Hmmm.

Danielle is such a hypocrite about this. In Season 1, when the housewives and their families were taking dance lessons, Joe remarked that some move looked "gay." Danielle freaked out because she has gay friends and found it totally offensive. But when her "friend" calls a 20 year old a "faggot," apparently it's ok. She's so stupid. It's never OK, Danielle. Straight, gay, bi ... WHATEVER. It's never ok to use a gay or racial slur!!!!

Danielle gets totally defensive. Kim says that Danielle could have picked a better escort. Danielle says that she talked to Danny because she's a "gay advocate" y'all. She just gets super defensive and thinks this is coming out of nowhere. Danielle says "shame on" Chris's parents for putting him out front and not being there themselves so that Chris had to deal with that on his own. Um, why is anyone dealing with ANYTHING?? Kim ends the conversation saying that she didn't like being subjected to that scene and she hopes it doesn't happen again.

Ok, Kim's mother-in-law looks as old as Kim. Maybe Kim looks old, but is really young. Its' so strange. Danielle cries at her party. Danielle says that she learned a lot about Kim that night. UGH. Danielle is so annoying.


Dina is meeting with her assistant and talking about her Ladybug Foundation. She is shocked about Danielle's scene at the Brownstone at an event for a baby with cancer. Dina is done with Danielle.


Teresa's agent tells Gia that they need to work on Gia's Jersey accent. Teresa seems kind of offended because she doesn't even know what a Jersey accent is. A dialect coach meets with Gia to help her lose the accent. Teresa says that Gia doesn't want to lose her Jersey accent and Teresa agrees. HAHA.


Kim comes over to Danielle's house. Danielle tells her that Ashley has been creating hate pages about her on Facebook. Danielle blows it out of proportion and says that it's like terrorism and the KKK. Um, no it's not. Danielle shows Kim a comment on FB from Ashley after the event. The comment ends with "You and I both know where you're going ... TO HELL. Bye!" Danielle tells Kim that "Bye" is a threat and means that Ashley is going to kill her or have someone kill her. ARE YOU CRAZY??? Yes, you are. Danielle says that she wants nothing to do with the Manzo's but she is always stirring up trouble with them. No, Ashley should not have written that comment on FB, but she is 18 years old. YOU ARE ALMOST 50!!! GROW UP! She claims to not want drama but she's always the one creating it. Good LORD! Stop obsessing about this family and MOVE ON!

Danielle says she feels "threatened" by Ashley. Kim tells Danielle to call the police and have Ashley arrested. WTF?? Kim is just feeding Danielle's craziness.


Teresa and Jacqueline meet for lunch. Jacqueline tells her that she got a phone call saying that Danielle is telling people that Ashley sent a text message threatening to kill Danielle and she's going to have her arrested. Jacqueline is very upset so Teresa tells her to call Ashley. Ashley comes to the restaurant. Jacqueline confronts Ashley and Ashley says that she never threatened to kill Danielle. Ashley tells Jacqueline that Danielle told Ashley that she's fat. Ashley tells her mom exactly what she wrote. Ashley feels very protective of her family and they weren't speaking out against Danielle, so she did. Jacqueline asks Ashley to stop.


Danielle takes Danny shopping for a nice suit. She feels like she needs to make him look more polished after Kim's comments. She thinks buying him a suit will change him and make him a better person. I thought she was broke. Danielle gets a call from Dina to meet for drinks and talk at 6pm. Danielle agrees and she and Danny are totally flabbergasted. Of course, Danny agrees to go and hide in the bushes in case anything happens. Danielle is so DRAMATIC. Danny also eggs her on and says that Danielle should expect an apology. Danielle calls Dina back to make sure it's just the two of them. OMG. So ridiculous. Dina is the one who needs protection. Danielle is CRAZY.


Ashley is at Derek's house and tells him about her conversation with her mom. Jacqueline calls in the middle of the conversation and yells at Ashley. Apparently Ashley posted on FB that Danielle is trying to get a warrant out for her arrest. Jacqueline is LIVID that Ashley would post anything after they just had that conversation! I agree. Ashley needs to stop. As ridiculous as it is that Danielle is battling with an 18 year old, Ashley really needs to stop. She gets off the phone and tells Derek why her mom is mad. Derek agrees with Jacqueline and tells Ashley to stop and that it's ridiculous to post stuff on FB.


Caroline has a big dinner with everyone except Dina because she's meeting Danielle. Of course, Teresa calls and says that she's going to be late!! Teresa interviews that she can't be expected to be on time with 4 kids. HA!

They finally show up 1.5 hours late. They have lots of food and lots of family there. I love it. Ashley brings up the Danielle drama. No one wants to talk about her, but Ashley brings it up so they talk about her. Jacqueline tells the family what happened. Chris tells Ashley to ignore Danielle. Ashley says that Danielle started it by sending her a text that she needed to lose weight in her arms. So Ashley responded by saying that she needs to "fix her square tit and she looks like a grinch." HAHAHA!!! Everyone thought that was hilarious, as did I, but they agree that Ashley needs to just stop the nonsense already. Caroline says that Ashley should stop, but she understands WHY she's doing it.

Chris tells Joe about the gay slur and brings up the irony of the situation. Caroline says that what bothers her is that she's going beyond the adults and now she's attacking the kids. Caroline just wants Danielle to go away!!!!


Dina is getting ready to meet with Danielle. Danielle says that she expects an apology and then calls Danny to make sure that he's available and he tells her that he's in the parking lot.

Dina interviews that she gave Danielle the benefit of the doubt and Danielle made a fool out of her.

Dina starts by saying that they agreed that they would put the past behind them, but the things that Danielle has done recently demonstrates that she hasn't changed a bit. Dina says that the only thing in her life making her unhappy is having Danielle in it. So she's there to tell Danielle that she's done. Danielle gets defensive and brings up old shit. Dina stops her and says it's about her and setting her boundaries. Danielle is constantly interrupting and won't let Dina finish.

See you next week.

Real Housewives of New York - Season 3 - Episode 14 Season Finale

"Rebuked, Reunited, Renewed"


Ramona is doing a walk-through at the Pierre with her wedding planner, Roberta. Ramona is "over the top"excited about her renewal marriage to Mario. It's a spectacular venue. Not really my style, but it's so Ramona.


Jill and Bethenny meet for lunch to talk about their friendship. Oy. They make small talk about Bethenny's pregnancy. Jill tells us that she called Bethenny to have lunch because "this fight has gone totally berserk." Oh sure, when Bethenny called you to talk about how crazy things have gotten, you told her that you got a hobby and were over it. Now that she's over you, it's time to talk? Ugh. I hope Bethenny kicks Jill's ass to the curb.

Jill starts by apologizing for rejecting Bethenny when she tried to reach out to her at Ramona's house a few weeks (months) back. It's a good strategy. If you want to mend a friendship, it helps to start with an apology. Bethenny is still very hurt by what has happened. Jill missed all the major milestones in Bethenny's life because she was selfish and stubborn. This whole mess is really all Jill's fault. If Jill felt that Bethenny snubbed her and Bobby when he was going through his cancer ordeal and was offended by the "get a hobby" comment, she should have called Bethenny out on it and had it out then. By talking shit about Bethenny for months and getting reinforcement from Luann, it escalated and became bigger than it needed to be. In the process, she totally missed being there for Bethenny when she fell in love, got pregnant, got engaged and lost her dad. I'm all about forgiveness, but I'm not sure a friendship can recover from that.

Bethenny essentially tells her that Alex and Ramona (who knew?) were the ones who stepped up for her and that she doesn't know that she can repair this relationship because she feels so damaged by it. This conversation seems super dramatic, but I think it's because Bethenny is still angry and hurt. Now Jill's ready and Bethenny isn't. Jill starts to cry and tell Bethenny that she only wants the best for her even if they can't be friends. She also LIES and says that she NEVER gossips about Bethenny. Whatever. Of course, Jill tells us that "there's no reason for her to cut me out. No reason." I wish Jill could actually take some responsibility for real instead of just "saying" it to Bethenny. She's so completely self absorbed. How did this happen? I used to love Jill. She used to be my favorite on this show. And, I used not really like Bethenny. But now, I can't stand Jill and I really like Bethenny. Weird.

In the middle of a serious moment where Jill asks where they go from here, she tells Bethenny that she made potato latkas for her. WTF? Hello awkward transition. Jill says that her relationships with all the housewives have gotten so bad and she asks how this happened. I think she meant it as a rhetorical question, but Bethenny takes the opportunity to TELL her how it happened. Jill cries and disagrees. Then she says that she needs to remove toxic people from her life, including Alex. Bethenny thinks it's ridiculous that Jill thinks Alex is toxic. I think it's kind of funny, too. I think Luann and Kelly are the toxic ones. They are all so delusional about themselves. Jill and Bethenny say good bye and agree to meet again for lunch after the holidays.


Why is it that all the trannies on this series always record a song? Jo started it on Real Housewives of the OC. Then Kim did it on Atlanta. Now, it's Luann on NYC and I hear Danielle is getting ready to record on NJ. Jo isn't a real tranny, but after her, it's been trannies all the way. Kim, Luann and Danielle. UGH.

It's time for Luann to humiliate herself at her launch party. Jill comes in with Bobby. Then, the music producer comes in with about 20 young "playmates" (??). It was very bizarre. I guess he wanted to make sure she had an audience. Ha. Luann tells Jill and Chris (music producer) that Jacques is coming. Apparently he's her new bf and he's French. Sonja arrives and asks Luann if Cord is going to be there. Luann tells her that Cord is out and Jacques is in. Luann explains to Sonja that something just "clicked" with her and the "European" and (I'm sure) super wealthy Jacques. I think what "clicked" was his wallet.

Jacques arrives and greets Luann. She really likes the short men. She brings him over to the girls so they can judge...er...meet him. Ok, I need to comment on Luann's outfit. It looks fine, but it's so 2000. I say this because my friend had animal print fancy pants like Luann's in 2000 that she would wear out with a black top. I didn't realize this look had come back in style after only 10 years of being "out" but I could be wrong.

Oh look!!! The new (fired) housewife, Jennifer, is there trying to be relevant. Glaringly absent from the party are Alex, Ramona and Bethenny (although, I understand why Bethenny isn't there). Oh dear, it's time for the singing. Luann comes out in her tranny voice and introduces herself and sings. It doesn't disappoint. All the housewives are dancing like the cougars they are. That song is so heavily produced. Oh no...the rap is out of control. I'm...I'm...actually speechless. Money can't buy you class or a singing voice.

Jill and Kelly have an intellectual conversation after the performance about elegance and how it has to be learned and doesn't just come with being rich. And Jill is actually serious when she says this to Kelly. Are you kidding me?

Sonja asks who is going to Ramona's wedding. Jill says she's not sure. Luann tells her that she'd be upset if someone kicked me out of their house. And then Sonja says she'd be upset if someone showed up without calling. Jill and Luann say that Jill was invited. Sonja corrects them and says she was invited for 5 days, not for ONE. Sonja is finally speaking up. She's always so neutral. Good for her. Luann and Jennifer start interrupting Sonja and she finally tells them to STFU. She says that no one but Kelly was there and when Kelly left, the rest of the girls were finally able to get some peace and quiet (ZING!). So Sonja says that Jill's surprise appearance just shocked everyone and was not the greatest idea - particularly since Jill knew that there had been so much Kelly drama.


They are packing up her place in the Upper East Side to move in with Jason in Soho. Every couple goes through the blending of homes arguments where the guy wants to display something totally stupid and ugly and the girl won't allow it. In this case, Jason wants a basketball signed by the globetrotters to be "on display" in their new place, but wants Bethenny to get rid of some of her 15 jars. Bethenny argues that her jars "contain stuff" and can be used for many things. Jason correctly notes that all 15 are EMPTY. AHAHA! Then he sees a box of stemless wine glasses. He says that he has some of his own that he can bring and Bethenny asks him if his are Riedel glasses. He says no and she says "then don't bring them." HAHA!

They are moving downtown which is something she's been dying to do for a long time. It's so exciting to move in with someone!! I'm really happy for her.


Ramona and Avery get their hair done at Oscar Blandi for the wedding/renewal thing. I love Avery. Ramona is trying to have a conversation with Avery while she gets her hair washed and Avery tells her that she can't hear her. So Ramona moves closer and keeps talking. Avery asks Ramona if she's going to cry. Avery tells her to be strong. Ramona asks if Avery will cry and Avery says "Why would I cry?" HA.

After the hair is done, they head to the Pierre to get their make up done and get dressed for the main event. Ramona freaks out while she's getting her make up done because she can't find her speech/vows. She finally finds it as Jill arrives at the door to surprise her. It's a good surprise this time and they hug it out. Ramona gives Jill some really good advice that I think everyone should really think about. She tells her to think about where others are coming from and not just your own perspective.

All the ladies arrive and compliment each other. Bethenny's dress has pheasant feathers on it and she's worried what the PETA people will say. I wouldn't worry because you don't have to kill birds to get their feathers, but knowing PETA, they'll find something wrong with it. Kelly looks super awkward in her strapless dress and says that she's not used to dressing sexy. Um, except for the fact that every other dress you own barely covers your ass. WTF?

They all talk about how the Bethenny/Jill drama is "resolved" and then Kelly blurts out that she forgot to RSVP to the wedding. Um, what? It's a wedding (sort of). You can't NOT RSVP and then show up.

Ramona is so cute. I really like her. She is standing next to Avery in the mirror and she starts to tear up at how beautiful her daughter has become. It's very sweet.

Jill and Jennifer get into catty mode. Jill bitches that there's no food and they've been waiting for an hour and Jennifer says she would never serve champagne before the ceremony. Jeez. The event planner shows up to seat Jill, Jennifer and Kelly and Jennifer immediately turns to Kelly and says "Would you hire that woman to plan your party?" Wow. I guess they told her she wasn't going to be a housewife afterall and she decided to bring out the claws.

Avery is bitching that she can't carry the dog down the stairs AND her flowers. OMG. The dog? Seriously? WTF? People are weird. WTF is the dog doing in the ceremony with a blue satin dress on. TACKY.

The ceremony is beautiful and fun, which is awesome. I could tell by the look on Luann's face that she did not approve of the jokes or the informal nature of the ceremony. It was a great ceremony and the vows were so sincere and beautiful.

Ok, Kelly is CHEAP. She shows up to the renewal/wedding without an RSVP and the gift she brings Ramona is a photo album filled with pictures Kelly took on the girls' vacation. Seriously? You have a shitload of $$ and this is what you give?

Bethenny takes the opportunity to get emotional and thank Ramona and Alex for being such great friends to her. Ramona asks Luann to get the party started with her song. OY.

It was a great season ladies!! Here is what is happening with the ladies now:

LUANN: Luann found a pied-a-tierre in the city. She's still seeing Jacques and she is about to release her second single "Chic C'est La Vie" (Life is Chic). [insert eye roll here.]

RAMONA: After renewing her vows, Ramona skipped a second honeymoon and headed off to Kenya for a renewing all-girls safari. Mario and Avery enjoyed a quiet three weeks. :)

SONJA: Sonja is continuing to write a "sexy society" novel she's had in the works since her divorce. (i.e. nothing is going on with her).

KELLY: Kelly remains committed to a life full of lollipops, unicorns and rainbows ... and spends much of her time being charitable. (she's also got nothing going on).

ALEX: Alex is taking her new attitude on the road to promote her new parenting book. And if you don't like it, too bad!

JILL: Jill misses her friendship with Bethenny and hopes they'll be close again. Bobby is healthy and Aly heads off to college in the fall.

BETHENNY: Bethenny got married, had a baby and she's sharing it all on her new show "Bethenny Getting Married?"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 6

"Fashion with a Capital F"


Erin tries to talk to Olivia about the "GUESS" event and she tells Olivia what she needs to get together for the event. Olivia stops listening mid sentence and tells Erin that she'll talk to Joe about it. Erin keeps talking to her and telling her what they normally do for these events. Then she asks Olivia if she wants to go with her to pick out some Guess clothes for the event. Olivia says that she'll check her schedule and let Erin know. Wow. Diva.

Then Erin tells Olivia that they had some issues with the Ruelala shoot and she thinks it would be great to invite Whitney to mend fences with her. Olivia says that it's an Elle event and Erin is more than welcome to invite her.


Kelly comes in and tells Whitney she needs to focus on her line, Whitney Eve, by herself. Roxy needs to NOT focus on Whitney Eve. Instead, Kelly wants Roxy to work with some other People's Revolution designers and get them ready for the Press Appointments. She also tells them that Elle magazine is having a party and they both need to go to represent Whitney Eve and People's Revolution.


Erin arrives for the press preview and Olivia apparently found time in her busy schedule to come, too. Alina Hauptman, Senior Public Relations Manager for Guess, comes out to greet them both. They go to the showroom and pick out clothes that they like and Erin asks if Olivia wore Guess when she was younger. Apparently Olivia had a very eclectic style when she was an adolescent that did not include Guess. Then Olivia asks if Guess was popular with the kids in California and Erin - acutely aware of Alina's presence - says that Guess is popular all over the world. They take their clothes and head back to Elle.


Whitney and Roxy arrive and immediately talk to Erin and Joe. Joe tells Whitney that he wants a preview of her collection and will help her in any way that he can. Then he sees Olivia. He tells Erin that Olivia had the nerve to show up at a Guess event hosted by ELLE without a stitch of Guess clothing on...even though they went to the showroom the day before to get clothes!! Alina - the head of PR for Guess - finds Olivia and asks if any of the clothes she took worked. Olivia says that some of the sizes didn't work and Alina tells her that next time she should call her and she would be happy to send additional sizes. DUH! Olivia is such a bitch. Joe is NOT happy.


Roxy and Whitney are grabbing coffee and rehashing the night's events. They both feel sorry for Erin because she has to put up with Olivia everyday. AND, they both noticed that Olivia wasn't even wearing Guess at the party.


It's time for the Press Appointments, so Roxy is up! All of a sudden, two of the girls from Glamour that Roxy and Whitney met with show up to see one of the designers. Kelly asks how they know Roxy and one of them says that Roxy showed them the "hooker ballerina" look. Roxy defends the look...again...and then Kelly interrupts and focuses attention back on the designer who is standing there wondering WTF is going on. They finish showing his designs. Kelly tells Roxy NEVER to discuss another designer in front of a designer she's showing. Then she tells her that she's doing the Felder & Felder appointment with Paper magazine all by herself and she better not "fuck up." HAHA.


Olivia and Erin meet with Joe in his office. Joe begins by telling Olivia that Alina called him and Olivia starts explaining about getting the options last minute. Joe interrupts her and says that his name was on the invite and Elle was hosting the event and he expected Erin and Olivia to show up in Guess clothing out of respect for him and Elle and the designer. Olivia responds by laughing and saying "Oh, Joe." What a bitch! She is so disrespectful. He's not your pal...he's your BOSS. Joe tells her it isn't funny and that it's very serious. She says that she always supports the designers and smirks and wishes them both a good afternoon. FIRE HER. She wouldn't last a day as my employee.


Roxy is talking to Daniela Felder and finding out more about the Felder & Felder designs. Daniela walks away for a minute to get a belt for one of her outfits to show the guy from Paper magazine and Roxy takes the opportunity to tell him about Whitney Eve and that she'll get him a look book later. Not a good idea. I bet Kelly is going to burn her for that.


Whitney comes to show Joe her collection. Erin takes her to the back to show Joe and Anne Slowey - Elle's Fashion News Director - her collection. They ask her who her audience is - meaning who is she designing for. Whitney says she's designing for herself and her friends. Anne tells her that in order to be successful, she needs to take herself out of the equation and even her friends, too. Anne is kind of a bitch. She says that she sees fashion but not with a capital "F." She tells Whitney that she could eventually be a designer, but right now her collection lacks focus. Ouch. Joe says that he loves her passion, but that she doesn't have a "collection," she has a bunch of cute pieces. So she needs to work on focusing the line and putting together a collection that goes together. Well, it's constructive criticism.


Seth (Robbie's asst.) and Erin are chatting. Erin needs to meet with Robbie and Olivia walks by and walks right into the office of the new fashion director, her "friend." Seth wants to know what happened at the Guess event. Erin says that Olivia just doesn't get it. Seth asks if she got any interviews at the Guess event for elle.com. Erin says not even one and that Olivia just needs to be replaced. Agreed. Seth says that the problem is that Olivia has very powerful friends at the magazine. Also agreed. Frustrating.


Kelly and Whitney have lunch to discuss the Whitney's meeting with Joe. Whitney tells Kelly about the meeting. She says that she's not sure how much more criticism she can take. Kelly tells her that EVERYONE will have an opinion about her work. She says that Whitney has 2 hours to feel bad about the criticism but then she has to jump for joy that she got a meeting with the creative director of Elle Magazine and move on. Kelly tells her that the people to kick you the hardest and give you the most constructive criticism are the first ones backstage to congratulate you when you make it. Kelly rocks. I wish she was my mentor. I love her.


Erin meets Louise Roe, a fashion journalist, for lunch. Erin tells Louise that she wanted to meet her to see what she was all about and to find out what she wanted to do next. She tells Louise that she's looking for someone to do interviews for Elle.com because they person they currently have is not really working out. Zing!

See you next week!

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 6

"Ghost from the Past"


Stacie the Bartender comes over to visit Kristin so their DOGS can have a playdate. Dumb. Because these girls are defined by their relationships with men, Stacie asks if Kristin has been "hanging out" with any boys lately. They decide to go out in Venice because they don't want to run into Brody and Kristin says there are "cute boys" there.


Lo and McKaela meet up for lunch. Lo and McKaela air hug because they are "Kappas for life!" SQUEAL!! McKaela is curious about the Brody/Kristin situation and Lo just tells her to have fun with Brody and be nice to Kristin.


Stacie the Bartender and Kristin go to Nikki's in Venice Beach on their "manhunt." Maybe I've been out of LA too long, but when someone asks where you're from, do people in LA really respond with what suburb they live in?? Some guys ask Stacie the Bartender and Kristin where they are from and they say "Hollywood." That seems really obnoxious to me. When I'm out in SF, I've never responded to "where are you from?" with my neighborhood. UGH.


McKaela tells Brody - over dinner - that she met up with Lo and she told her about Smashbox Studios which is where Lo works. Ahhh...so BRODY recommended that McKaela meet up with Lo. Well, she is the most sane girl out of the bunch and the only one with no history or romantic ties to Brody. Smart move, Brody. I think McKaela is really cute. They look super cute together. I still think she's the brunette, brown-eyed version of Lauren. McKaela tells Brody she doesn't want to deal with any girl drama, particularly with his ex, Kristin. Brody tells her that it's a part of life, but she doesn't have to be best friends with Kristin. This is so bizarre. I agree with McKaela. Why is Brody still hanging out with Kristin?? He only wants her around to keep his options open. This is dumb.


Some guy walks up to Kristin and asks her if she's a fan of the movie "Can't Hardly Wait." I "can't hardly wait" to see where he's going with this. Well, we won't find out because Stacie the Bartender tells him it was nice to meet him but he needs to go now. HA. They are disappointed with the selection in the bar and they are both looking around eagerly for a "cute boy."


Audrina and Stephanie are at "Anya Hindmarch" shopping for handbags. Audrina says that Ryan Cabrera has been living with her because he sold his house and was shopping for a new one. He's finally found one but he's still around ALL DAY. Audrina tells Stephanie that it's too much togetherness. I hear you. I don't think I could be with someone ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT for a long period of time. That's cool for A WEEK. It's been too long so she's excited he's moving out this weekend. But tonight, she invites Stephanie and Lo to the Viper Room to see some bands. Stephanie is down...should be fun!


McKaela comes to Smashbox to see Lo and come in for an internship interview that Lo set up for her. She does great and is asked to return tomorrow at 9am to help out on a photo shoot. WOO HOO!


Kristin is working out with her trainer. Stacie the Bartender shows up and they talk about how badly their manhunt in Venice went. But Stacie the Bartender tells Kristin that she can't give up just because she had one bad night or because "friends with benefits" didn't work out with Brody. Kristin can't believe Brody hasn't reached out to apologize or tell her she was right. How rude!


Audrina, Stephanie and Lo arrive at the Viper Room to check out a British band called Purple Melon. The three of them are sitting and having drinks when Audrina starts to get uncomfortable and says she feels like she should leave. Lo and Stephanie don't understand and Audrina says that Justin's band is on stage and going to perform next. Stephanie: "Justin is in a BAND?!" Lo: "I always thought that was a joke." AHAHAHAHA. The name of his band is Ed Stanley and Justin is the drummer. Weird. The whole thing ... the name, justin, all of it ... weird. Audrina says that he gets shy and puts his hair in his face when he plays. Lo: "Like a muppet!" AHAHA. The band starts playing and Lo comments to Stephanie "I don't think I've ever seen Justin so passionate about anything."

By the end of his set, Justin has no hat, no shirt and he's a sweaty mess. Audrina says hi and Justin is really friendly and nice. She walks over to Lo and Stephanie and people start chanting "Ed Stanley" and Lo decides it's time to go. HA! I think Audrina has a renewed interest in Drummer Justin!


Audrina goes to see Ryan Cabrera and his new house. It's pretty swank. How the hell can he afford a nice house in LA?? Seriously?? I really want to know. He had ONE hit song YEARS ago, but somehow he still has money to buy a nice house?? WTF? She tells him she went to the Viper Room but fails to mention running into Justin. Apparently Ryan Cabrera is going on tour - if you can call 4 shows "going on tour" - and Audrina thinks it's a good thing so she can reconnect with all of her friends.


McKaela and Lo are at the Smashbox photo shoot and Lo asks how things are with Brody. McKaela still isn't cool with the whole Kristin situation. Lo just tells her to be observant and, if something doesn't feel right, it's probably not right. Good advice.


Stacie the Bartender and Kristin gave up on Venice and are back in Hollywood. Audrina and Stephanie come out and join them on their MANHUNT. HAHA! Brody shows up and Kristin tells him she can't believe he didn't call or text her. He told her he was giving her time to cool off. Kristin says he owes her an apology and he says sorry ... but keeps explaining. Kristin tells him to just say he's sorry and let it go. Good call. Kristin and Brody say they love each other - as friends of course - and who should walk in ... JUSTIN. He comes in and sits next to Audrina. Since she and Brody have patched things up, Kristin isn't jealous or angry ... yet.

Audrina and Justin talk and he calls Ryan Cabrera "Spike" - HAHAHA!! That's awesome. As much as I love referring to him as Ryan Cabrera, I may have to adopt "Spike" as his new nickname. I love it. She tells Justin she can't talk to Justin about Spike but they both tell each other that they're happy.

Kristin asks Brody about his "girlfriend" McKaela and Brody says that she kept bringing up Kristin the last time they hung out and asked if she had to worry about Kristin. Kristin says "yes, she does." They laugh and then they go home together...probably to enjoy some benefits of their friendship. Meanwhile, Justin and Audrina flirt in the club.

See you next week!

Real Housewives of New York - Season 3 - Episode 13



Kelly left a note for Ramona and went back to NY. Everyone else is relieved that she's gone. They all talk about the fact that Krazy has lost her marbles. So they have all turned a corner and hope that Krazy gets the help she needs.

The ladies are all getting massages and relaxing. Sonja arranged for them to get mani/pedis - it was her gift to Ramona. They are all talking about how relaxed they are. Ramona says that she feels so loved by them. And then ... SUR-PPRRRISSSEEE!!! It's Jill and Bobby. Everyone is shocked and speechless ... and not in a good way. This was not the reception Jill was expecting. She's burned bridges with Alex and Bethenny and then refused to come on the trip which upset Ramona, but she expected them to welcome her with open arms?? Is she kidding? Jill sees that no one is happy to see her and she storms off. Ramona goes out to talk to her and tells her that Jill shocked her. They've had a very drama filled trip so far and Jill's appearance just sent shock waves through everyone. Jill brats that she thought Ramona was her friend. OMG. Seriously, get a hobby and get out of high school already.

She and Bobby leave and the girls go back to relaxing. Jill is overly dramatic and feels hurt by this whole thing. She did this to herself. She knew things were heated and dramatic but she insisted on showing up. OY VEY!

The ladies enjoy their last stress-free night on vacation. The tension is gone and they have a great time. They are eating and all of sudden Ramona chokes. Everyone gets nervous - I know my best friend, Rachel, would have freaked out. She HATES choking.

Alex and Sonja surprises Ramona AND Bethenny with a bridal shower. They give them all these really fancy sex toys (handcuffs, etc.) with crystals. High end sex toys. I like it!

JILL, LUANN and JENNIFER (the new housewife?)

The three of them are having lunch and Kelly comes to join them. Btw - Jennifer is supposed to be the "new housewife" but since she's normal and not full of drama, she hasn't been filmed at all. In fact, I'm hearing that she won't even be at the reunion show. What could she possibly have to contribute? I think she's a cool person, but Bravo needs dramatic, self-absorbed bitches for its series. Not a normal, well-balanced woman. Sorry, Jen!

Anyhow, Jill has just returned from St. Bart's and she's ready for some gossip. They start with Jill getting "kicked out" by Ramona. Luann says that it was horrible, BUT...she understands why Ramona did it. Jill is trying to understand. Jill tells Jennifer that Kelly had a nervous breakdown on the trip. Krazy arrives and they ask her what happened.

Krazy says that from the beginning of the trip it was all gossip, talking shit and "one-upping" each other. I agree with the gossip, but no one was talking shit and "one-upping"? WTF? Was she on a different yacht? Then Kelly says that she was trying to talk to Bethenny human-to-human about how she's trying to find true love and Bethenny told her to have a one night stand. Actually, that was Sonja. Bethenny didn't say that. Then Krazy tells them that she called Bethenny a "ho-bag" which completely offends the Countess because that word is not even in her vocabulary. Luann is actually pretty neutral at this lunch. She's responding to Krazy's story with logical explanations for why people said what they did to her. Like the "one night stand" comment - Luann says that Bethenny must have thought that Krazy was just looking for lovin', not love. Logical.

Anyhow, Krazy continues on her tirade. She tells them about her cook/chef fight with Bethenny and says that she doesn't know anyone who has hired her. Jennifer, Luann and Jill all back up Bethenny on this one and say that they have lots of friends who have hired her and that she's well-regarded. HAHA!! Kelly clearly isn't getting the support and reaction out of these ladies that she wants, so she ups the ante. She tells them that Bethenny TOLD HER "I went out of my way to have a smear campaign against you" which Krazy says is what made her flip. That is a bold-faced lie right there. Bethenny never said that. Now the other ladies are skeptical. They are confused and not understanding her. Then she starts talking about jelly beans. WTF? Insane in the membrane!


Sonja is having an art show at her house. She hosts a young, emerging artist and all the ladies are invited. The only ones missing are Krazy and Jill. Luann wants to hear from the ladies what happened on "Poison Island" so they all go upstairs to dish. Alex and Bethenny tell Luann and Jennifer that Kelly lost it on the trip. By the end, they felt nothing but compassion for her and hoped she would have returned to NYC and checked herself in somewhere. Luann seems to believe Bethenny and Alex.


It's Jill's Christmas party!! Jill talks to her sister about meeting up with Bethenny. Jill feels that shutting Bethenny down when she reached out was wrong and her sister, Lisa agrees. Jill calls Bethenny and asks her to meet up for lunch the next day and Bethenny agrees.

Next up...Jill on the ice. She comes out in a skating dress to do her performance. She immediately falls on her face. AHAHAHA! Then she does her turns and performs. Wow. Classic narcissist. Unbelievable. No shame. WOW.

Ramona arrives and she and Jill bury the hatchet and forgive each other and move on. Kelly approaches Ramona and says that she wants to talk to her IMMEDIATELY. It can't wait. Krazy says that Ramona never had her back on the trip. She tells Ramona to be accountable. Ramona tells Krazy that she lost it and doesn't remember what happened on the trip. Ramona asks her to get help. Then she apologizes that Krazy is upset and they hug it out. Yikes.

See you next week for the FINALE!!