Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 7

"The Company You Keep"


Kristin and Stacie the Bartender are getting their hair did. Stacie the Bartender comments that Audrina and Justin were chatting it up at Voyeur the other night. Kristin says that she sees Audrina with Justin more than she sees her with Ryan Cabrera. I agree. But I do think it's bizarre that Kristin is all Team Audrina since she fought with her all last season over Justin! Kristin says that she and Brody are in a good place and that she's not worried about McKaela AT ALL.


Stephanie and Audrina are shopping and talk about Stephanie's birthday party. Audrina says that Ryan Cabrera is on tour so he won't be around. They talk about Justin and Stephanie tells her that she needs to keep her distance from him.


McKaela and Lo are at Smashbox. Lo tells McKaela about Stephanie's birthday party. They talk about Brody. Lo tells McKaela that she feels like Brody will end up with a girl like McKaela but she's not sure he's ready for it yet.


The gang is all there including Holly. McKaela shows up with Allie Lutz. Audrina asks Brody what the deal is with this Allie chick. Brody says that she broke into his house. Apparently she left a ring at his house and it got stolen during a party. So she came over late one night, put in the security code and went into his room asking for the ring. Hmmm. Awkward. Allie and Kristin start yelling at each other. Kristin says that Allie broke into his house and Allie denies it. Kristin says that she was in the bed when Allie broke in!!! That shut everyone up real quick.

Lo and Brody get up to get a drink and McKaela walks up to him. She tells him that she just wants him to respect her and he says that this is all happening because she showed up with Allie Lutz. I actually feel bad for McKaela. She's new to town and doesn't know people and just picked the wrong friend. Kristin and Brody leave together.


Lo and McKaela are at work at Smashbox. McKaela asks if she should talk to Brody. Lo asks why she keeps calling Brody when he's so mean to her. Then she tells her to be careful. Kristin is collecting her clothes from the night before and Brody ignores McKaela's phone call.


Kristin and Audrina have lunch to talk about Stephanie's birthday. They bag on Allie Lutz for awhile. The entire time, Audrina gets text messages from Justin. Annoying ... and rude!!


McKaela meets up with Allie and asks her what the hell went on last night. Allie apologizes for not giving her more information or preparing her for what was going to happen. McKaela asks what they were talking about. Allie says that YEARS AGO - um, they are only 23 - Kristin told everyone that Allie broke into Brody's house which is totally false. Hmmm. McKaela says that she doesn't want enemies and she felt blindsided. Allie warns McKaela that Kristin is a hateful girl and will say anything to hurt her.


Audrina meets up with Ryan Cabrera. She tells him that she has been questioning their relationship. She tells him that she knows he's going to go on tour and should do what he wants. He tells her that he loves her and doesn't want to hook up with other girls. He says that what they have is rare and true love. Yikes. Audrina does NOT agree. He's so into her and she's so obviously not into him.


Kristin, Lo and Stephanie talk about Allie. Lo says that she likes McKaela a lot, but she doesn't understand her friendship with Allie. Lo keeps defending McKaela but Kristin is so smug and annoying. Lo says that Kristin should talk to her just to provide her with some closure. Yikes. Kristin is mean. I don't envy McKaela at all.


Audrina comes to Justin's bike shop. I don't know why she's there. She starts talking about Ryan Cabrera to him. Playing with fire.


McKaela and Kristin meet up for drinks. McKaela starts out sweet and thanks Kristin for meeting her and apologizes for bringing Allie. She didn't know they knew each other. Kristin is totally dismissive and bitchy. I really don't like Kristin at ALL! Kristin asks McKaela what is going on with her and Brody. McKaela says that nothing is going on and tells Kristin all the stuff that Brody said to her. Kristin tells McKaela to wake up! Brody was trying to sleep with her. She tells her that guys in LA will always try to take advantage of sweet girls like her. Well, her delivery needs work, but the message is true. McKaela is naive. Kristin tells McKaela that if she keeps bringing Allie around, there are going to be problems. Kristin gets up and takes off.

See you next week!

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