Thursday, June 17, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 7

"Play At Your Own Risk"


Danielle thinks Dina is acting holier than thou. She keeps bringing up the other girls. Dina tells Danielle that she keeps bringing up last year. Dina realizes that she can't have a normal conversation with Danielle. Dina gets up and Danielle tells her to run away. Dina tells her that she's cutting Danielle out of her life. Dina interviews "you bet your ass I'm running because I don't need to put up with you." Danielle is crazy and Dina tells her that to her face. Danielle tells her to NEVER call her crazy again. Danielle is super loud and drawing attention to herself. Dina finally leaves.

Danielle calls Danny and John to come inside because she's totally shaken up. She recounts the confrontation. She says that Dina ran off because she's guilty. No, Danielle, she left because you're crazy and nothing good was going to come of her staying.


Teresa and Joe are at Jacqueline's with their girls and they pick up CJ to take them to some farm to play on the haystacks and look at the pumpkins. It's basically a pumpkin patch. Chris, Jacqueline, Derek, Ashley and Caroline are all there, too. There are pigs, horses and other animals. Teresa and Jacqueline keep calling the pigs, Danielle. Nice. The men talk about having a card game and tell Derek that he needs to come to the next game.


Dina and Jacqueline are visiting with Caroline. Dina says "Let me tell you something. That is one crazy ass bitch." Caroline wants Dina to say that she was right. Dina says that Danielle and her extensions were telling Dina that her REAL hair is fake. HAHA!!! Danielle is psycho.


Danielle is at dinner with some of her "friends" including Kim G. I wonder what happened to that other friend she had in the beginning of the season. She tells them about her meeting with Dina. Apparently, Dina sent her a very long email. Dina and Danielle both read the email and it actually sounds really sane. Danielle thinks it's crazy. Somehow Danielle feels empowered. WTF? This woman is crazy. She, Kelly Bensimon and Spencer Pratt should have their own show!!!


Kim G comes over to visit with Jacqueline. Weird. Kim brings up the Dina and Danielle drama. She doesn't know why Dina would have to cut Danielle out of her life if she wasn't even in it. Jacqueline tells Kim that Danielle would text message Dina. Kim says that she had no idea. Interesting. Kim tells Jacqueline about Danny and John waiting outside while Danielle met with Dina. Jacqueline - and I!! - think that Danielle is stupid and creating drama because she doesn't need any protection from anyone but herself. She's the one hanging out with CONVICTS. Jacqueline says that Danielle played her for a fool. She feels like Danielle conned her and that she goes around seeking out rich people to befriend so she can find a rich man to take care of her. Danielle is all about what she can get from people. Jacqueline isn't really worried about Kim playing both sides because everything she says about Danielle is stuff she'd say to her face. So she's not worried.


Danielle goes to her friend's house with some other friends. She tells them about her "sex tape" and explains that she's been covering up her body because of it. Allegedly, the guy who sold the sex tape is the 26 year old who was friends with Joe, Teresa's hubby. Danielle says that he hid cameras in her room and tape their "intimate moments." Hmmm.


It's card night and all the men arrive. Steve, the sex tape guy, comes over to play poker. Jacqueline is disgusted by Steve and upset that he's at her house. Apparently, Danielle told the girls that Steve would text message during sex, but in reality he was recording them. Ok, why would it be ok for him to text message during sex. Gross.

Jacqueline decides to talk to Steve before the game starts. It turns out that Steve never recorded having sex with Danielle. Apparently, the sex tapes are recordings that Danielle sent to Steve of her masterbating. He says the majority of the stuff out there is stuff SHE sent to HIM! Aha! The plot thickens. He's slimy and gross, but I actually believe him.

The guys talk about what they are going to do to Derek to initiate him. Derek and Ashley arrive and he joins the game. Jacqueline, Ashley and Teresa are watching the boys on the monitor. They made him drink this "wine" that is super gross. Jacqueline tells Ashley that she looks like her grandmother who is apparently very large. Ashley is pissed. Chris tells Ashley not to mouth off to her mom. Chris tells her to keep her mouth shut. Ashley keeps talking shit and Jacqueline gets up and kicks Ashley out of the house. Derek stays to finish playing. I'm sure he's a little uncomfortable, but he's probably glad he didn't have to go home with Ashley.


Danielle and some of her friends go to a strip club (??) to meet up with Danny and some of his ex-con friends. He brings some stripper to teach the girls how to "work the pole." OMG. These girls are practically naked. Danielle says that she used to be a "burlesque" dancer in the 80's. Um, you were a stripper, Danielle. Own it already. When it's Danielle's turn, she really takes to the pole. It all comes back to her. She's a pro. I'll give her that. She really is a true butterface.


Dina says good-bye to the show. She's happy with her life and her family, so she doesn't want the drama anymore. I don't blame her. I think she's the most honest person on any of these shows. Everyone says they don't like drama, but they stay on the show with all the drama. Dina says she doesn't like the drama so she's getting off the show. Good for her. I wish her the best!!

See you next week!

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