Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 10

"Welcome to the Jungle"

The gang arrives in Costa Rica. Stephanie comments that it's so romantic and "beach-y". Audrina concurs and then talks about how weird it is for Justin to be there. I totally agree, btw. I think it's weird that all of these people are together. Frankie, Charlie and Brody - I totally get. Kristin and Bartender Stacie - I totally get. Audrina, Stephanie and Justin - WTF? AND, where's that other dude's wife??? They just got married last season.

Bartender Stacie and Kristin are lying in the water at Santa Teresa Beach in Costa Rica and I could not be MORE JEALOUS right now. It looks amazing and I totally want to be there. Kristin is curious who is going to hook up on this trip. They think that Justin and Audrina could hook up because he's always been that "one guy" for Audrina that always seems to pull her back in. Kristin is delusional and says that she doesn't have that "one guy" but Bartender Stacie snaps her back to reality and reminds her about Brody. Then, Bartender Stacie plants a seed by saying how careful Kristin always is to not flirt with other guys around Brody even though Brody is always bringing other chicks around. Hmmm. True. Kristin agrees that she is always very "respectful" around Brody. Way to pat yourself on the back, Kristin. Something tells me that will all change during this trip. :) Bartender Stacie agrees.


For some insane reason, Kristin and Stacie the Bartender are lying on the bar while everyone else is on a stool. Perhaps they ran out of stools - or K & S are just super obnoxious. I vote for the latter. Anyhoo, they all do shots of something blue and delicious! Frankie is speaking in Spanish with the bartender, Will. Kristin loudly says "that's hot" - to Will speaking in Spanish, not Frankie. Poor Frankie. No one wants to hook up with him. What's that all about? He's not ugly.

Kristin is DRUNK. She tells Brody that she thinks Will is hot and Brody tells her to go for it and that he's looking for chicks, too. She looks at him and says "Oh really?" and he says "You know I love you. You're like my little sister." Oh dang. You don't ever want the guy you're sleeping with to tell you that he thinks of you like a little sister. Not cool. Ever.

Oh, I guess Will speaks English as well. Lucky break for Kristin - not that it would make a difference. Brody says he doesn't care and Justin walks away - grabbing Audrina's ass as he walks by. Nice.

Kristin, Bartender Stacie and the other guy who got married last season - Taylor - are all swimming in the pool. Kristin bitches that Brody says he thinks of her like a sister. I understand that Kristin is drunk and that causes people to blow things out of proportion. BUT, if a guy I was sleeping with told me he loved me like a sister, I'd be pissed and we would not sleep together again. I see her point. Ok, Taylor has always been Team Kristin for Brody. He has always wanted them to be together. So, it's not a surprise that he continues to lobby for the two of them to Kristin. He and Bartender Stacie are trying to convince Kristin that Brody is the one for her.

Kristin gets out of the water and decides she's over Brody. Well, she's going to say that she is and flirt with Will to make Brody jealous because she totally still loves him. She goes back to the bar and asks Will if she's going to see him later. He says yes and tells her to meet him at the night club later. Done and done.


The gang is at the club and Will and Kristin decide to go dance in the rain. The girls join them and they are dancing in the rain. Brody looks annoyed, but he's dumb. Dancing in the rain is so much fun. I did a bit of that on a trip to Cancun in my 20's. It was AWESOME.


Stephanie and Audrina come over to Kristin and Bartender Stacie's room. Stephanie says she feels like she's on Survivor because of all the trees and spiders on their way to Kristin's room. Oy vey. Bartender Stacie tells Kristin she has a date with the "Bartender" tonight. Don't hate, Stacie. You're a Bartender, too...or you WERE. Kristin creates a diversion and asks Audrina if she's going to join her in poor decision making and hook up with Justin. Audrina feels like she doesn't know him anymore and that he's acting strange. They decide to go eat and see a crab walking across the room. As they walk to breakfast, they see monkeys in the trees. CAPUCHIN!! So awesome. I want to go to Costa Rica.

Brody, Charlie and Justin are surfing. Frankie and Taylor are on the beach and comment on how much better Justin is at surfing than Brody and Charlie put together. HAHA.

Audrina, Bartender Stacie and Kristin go to a different beach and take surfing lessons. SO FUN!! I did that in Maui with my sister and it was amazing. So much fun. Did I mention how jealous I am that they are in Costa Rica?


The gang is having dinner at the resort. Will (the bartender) is joining them and tells Kristin that the resort is a honeymoon spot. Kristin says she really likes the "vibe" here. Ugh. Brody is annoyed with Kristin's overt flirting with Will. Justin tells Audrina that he feels a little weird about things with her because of her baggage. She says she doesn't have any baggage and he lies that he didn't know that. Whatever. Everyone told him that she broke up with Ryan Cabrera. Justin just doesn't know how to act. Audrina says that they are just friends and Justin's response is "whatever it is, it is. Whatever it will be, it will be." Wow. So deep, Justin. (insert eyeroll here).

They have moved to the bar now and Brody expresses concern for Kristin because he doesn't want her to get hurt by Will. He also reminds her that she's like his little sister and doesn't want her to get hurt. Bad move, Brody. He continues down the bad decision path and they all toast to their last night to Costa Rica. Brody can't leave it alone so he toasts to "sisters that I've slept with" which totally pisses Kristin off. She grabs Will and walks down to the beach with him to make out and do dirty things. You blew it, Brody.


The girls talk about going to the waterfall today and Kristin asks Stephanie if she's going to be ok. Stephanie acts offended and insists she loves nature, but then freaks out when Audrina blows a leaf out of her hair. HAHA. Then, as she sits there listening to Kristin talk about her night with Will, something falls down her back and she jumps up and freaks out again. HAHA.

The gang takes a hike to see some waterfalls and they tell Stephanie not to scream if she sees a spider. She says that she's more concerned about Cheetahs and Gorillas now that they are "in the jungle." haha. They find the waterfall and Brody gives Steph props for doing a great job on the hike. They all jump in the water and swim and it looks so fun!!

Time to go home!! Kristin rubs her fling with Will in Brody's face again and ... he STILL doesn't care. Justin and Audrina comment that Costa Rica is a romantic place and not really a "group" vacation spot. He asks if she'd come back and she says "not with you." Ouch.

See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. Can someone tell me what Will, 'The Bartender's'last name is?

    Thank you
