Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 9

"Posche Spite"


Caroline and her sisters, Frannie and Cookie have lunch. Cookie is number 2, Caroline is number 6, Frannie is number 10 and Dina is number 11. Cookie and Dina look alike. Caroline tells them about Albie and the problem with school. They talk about being empty nesters. They are the cutest family.


Jacqueline and Teresa have lunch with Kim "D". Teresa is skeptical because she's afraid Kim "D" is playing both sides. Kim "D" arrives and they all laugh about Teresa's party and how "fun" Kim "D" was. Kim "D" invites Teresa and Jacqueline to her store's fashion show. After Kim "D" leaves, Teresa and Jacqueline talk about whether or not to got to the fashion show. Teresa says that she wants to go, but Jacqueline doesn't want to put herself in that situation.


Danielle goes over to Posche to confront Kim "D" for inviting Teresa and Jacqueline to the fashion show. She walks in and the employee in the store is on the phone so she puts up a finger to tell her she'll be off in second. Jillian calls Danielle and Danielle bitches to her daughter that the woman was VERY RUDE to her. Who the F does Danielle think she is?? She's some trashy drag queen from JERSEY, not Angelina Jolie!! So, Danielle - very rudely - walks back into the store and tells the woman to have Kim "D" call her when she gets in and then storms out. She totally misses the woman yell out "I didn't get your name." HAHA. Danielle is SO ANNOYING. I might dislike her more than Kelly from RHONY.

Kim "D" arrives and calls Danielle and Danielle yells at Kim "D" and hangs up. So Danielle comes in the store and says that the mistreatment she received from her employee was so disrespectful. Danielle says that she doesn't think she can shop in her store anymore and Kim "D" says that's fine. Danielle keeps being crazy, so Kim "D" asks Danielle to leave. Danielle interviews that she's over Kim and her "little boutique" which I think is amusing since Danielle doesn't even have a JOB! At least Kim is supporting herself and has a little boutique. What do you have Danielle?? A bad boob job and psychological problems?? Then, like the teenager she truly is, she says that Kim "D" will miss Danielle's money, so "haha". Really? Oy!


Caroline is talking to Albert about feeling depressed because all the kids are leaving her. She wants Albert to retire so that she won't be so lonely. Albert asks if she wants to have a baby. HAHA!! She says NO THANK YOU. Albert is not going to retire. Caroline is feeling lonely. So Caroline asks him to slow down a little. Albert says that he'll never stop working completely. :(


Ashley is going to be a "model" in Kim "D"'s show. She tries on some clothes and they love her.


I think I'm going to start calling her "Crazy". She's just not normal. Kim "D" calls Crazy to apologize for what happened in the store. She tells Crazy she wants her to come to the fashion show and Crazy agrees.


Teresa and Caroline come over and Jacqueline and Teresa ask Caroline for her advice about the show. Caroline doesn't think they should go. But she says if they go they should take the high road and NOT DO ANYTHING. They agree. But you know Teresa can't help herself.


Kim "G" shows up with her "driver" to pick up Crazy. Crazy is anticipating drama and so she's going to the event defensive. I don't know why Kim "G" hangs out with Crazy. It makes her look bad. Crazy just plays the victim all the time. SO ANNOYING. Crazy calls the other girls "crazy bitches". Um, Pot? This is Kettle. You're Black.


Ashley arrives and gets all dolled up and ready for the runway. Jacqueline and Teresa arrive and Kim "D" tell them that Crazy will be coming. Crazy shows up with a freakin' BODYGUARD!!! HAHA. She's such a drama queen. Her bodyguard, Dennis, came instead of Danny because Kim "G" had issues with Danny last time.

Crazy felt like it was a slap in the face to seat Jacqueline and Teresa at Kim "D"'s table. And, she was upset that she was sitting directly across the room from them. Ok, there's a catwalk in the middle of the room. She gave Crazy a great seat to watch the show. OY VEY! This woman is out of control. AND, she thinks everything is about her. She says that Jacqueline and Teresa are so desperate to get at her that they befriended HER friend. Whatever. It's more like Crazy's friends need sane people to talk to, so they call Teresa and Jacqueline.


Albert and Caroline are out to dinner for date night. Caroline says that they need to get used to hanging out just the two of them. Albert says they won't be alone for long because Lauren is going to stop popping out babies soon. He thinks she'll be first unless Christopher brings home some illegitimate kids. HA!! Caroline really wants him to take a Saturday night off once in a while so that he'll be home more. He says he'll work a 12 hour day instead of a 16 hour day. Ugh. He promises to take more time off to spend time with her.


The Fashion Show begins and Crazy decides to go back to high school. Apparently now she's taking tips from Paris Hilton. She says she could care less about the fashion show. THEN WHY ARE YOU THERE??????? GO HOME! She refuses to clap and she pretends she's on the phone the whole time to "diss" Kim "D". WTF? She says Paris Hilton taught her that. Wow. Kim "G" tells her not to look back and act like the lady she is and pay attention to the show. Kim "G" is clearly embarrassed by Crazy and tries to teach her to be classy, but Crazy isn't having it. Crazy is surprised to see Ashley on the runway and she says that none of the girls knew how to walk. Kim "G" says that they aren't professional models. So Crazy says "that's why they didn't want Christine...they wanted UNprofessionals." UGH.

Ashley keeps staring at Crazy. OMG. Ashley is a TEENAGER!! Why do you care, Crazy?? Seriously. Crazy is out of her mind. She has lost it. Crazy goes to the bathroom with her entourage and Jacqueline walks out to find Teresa and Ashley. She sees Teresa sitting in a chair in the hallway. She says that she wants to say hi to Crazy because they are in the same room and it's stupid to not say "hi". Crazy walks by and Teresa calls her name and says "hi".

Crazy starts walking away and Teresa asks why she can't just say hi. So Teresa asks how she has been and Crazy starts walking away again. Kim "G" tells Crazy that that Teresa is making an effort and to come back. Crazy comes back and Teresa says hello again and congratulates her for Christine walking at Fashion Week. It gets heated and Teresa calls her "honey" and Crazy tells her not to call her that. SO Teresa calls her a "bitch" and Crazy says "that's a fuckin' nuff."

I hate to say it but Teresa totally instigated that whole thing.

Next week will be GOOD!!

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