Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 6

"Ghost from the Past"


Stacie the Bartender comes over to visit Kristin so their DOGS can have a playdate. Dumb. Because these girls are defined by their relationships with men, Stacie asks if Kristin has been "hanging out" with any boys lately. They decide to go out in Venice because they don't want to run into Brody and Kristin says there are "cute boys" there.


Lo and McKaela meet up for lunch. Lo and McKaela air hug because they are "Kappas for life!" SQUEAL!! McKaela is curious about the Brody/Kristin situation and Lo just tells her to have fun with Brody and be nice to Kristin.


Stacie the Bartender and Kristin go to Nikki's in Venice Beach on their "manhunt." Maybe I've been out of LA too long, but when someone asks where you're from, do people in LA really respond with what suburb they live in?? Some guys ask Stacie the Bartender and Kristin where they are from and they say "Hollywood." That seems really obnoxious to me. When I'm out in SF, I've never responded to "where are you from?" with my neighborhood. UGH.


McKaela tells Brody - over dinner - that she met up with Lo and she told her about Smashbox Studios which is where Lo works. BRODY recommended that McKaela meet up with Lo. Well, she is the most sane girl out of the bunch and the only one with no history or romantic ties to Brody. Smart move, Brody. I think McKaela is really cute. They look super cute together. I still think she's the brunette, brown-eyed version of Lauren. McKaela tells Brody she doesn't want to deal with any girl drama, particularly with his ex, Kristin. Brody tells her that it's a part of life, but she doesn't have to be best friends with Kristin. This is so bizarre. I agree with McKaela. Why is Brody still hanging out with Kristin?? He only wants her around to keep his options open. This is dumb.


Some guy walks up to Kristin and asks her if she's a fan of the movie "Can't Hardly Wait." I "can't hardly wait" to see where he's going with this. Well, we won't find out because Stacie the Bartender tells him it was nice to meet him but he needs to go now. HA. They are disappointed with the selection in the bar and they are both looking around eagerly for a "cute boy."


Audrina and Stephanie are at "Anya Hindmarch" shopping for handbags. Audrina says that Ryan Cabrera has been living with her because he sold his house and was shopping for a new one. He's finally found one but he's still around ALL DAY. Audrina tells Stephanie that it's too much togetherness. I hear you. I don't think I could be with someone ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT for a long period of time. That's cool for A WEEK. It's been too long so she's excited he's moving out this weekend. But tonight, she invites Stephanie and Lo to the Viper Room to see some bands. Stephanie is down...should be fun!


McKaela comes to Smashbox to see Lo and come in for an internship interview that Lo set up for her. She does great and is asked to return tomorrow at 9am to help out on a photo shoot. WOO HOO!


Kristin is working out with her trainer. Stacie the Bartender shows up and they talk about how badly their manhunt in Venice went. But Stacie the Bartender tells Kristin that she can't give up just because she had one bad night or because "friends with benefits" didn't work out with Brody. Kristin can't believe Brody hasn't reached out to apologize or tell her she was right. How rude!


Audrina, Stephanie and Lo arrive at the Viper Room to check out a British band called Purple Melon. The three of them are sitting and having drinks when Audrina starts to get uncomfortable and says she feels like she should leave. Lo and Stephanie don't understand and Audrina says that Justin's band is on stage and going to perform next. Stephanie: "Justin is in a BAND?!" Lo: "I always thought that was a joke." AHAHAHAHA. The name of his band is Ed Stanley and Justin is the drummer. Weird. The whole thing ... the name, justin, all of it ... weird. Audrina says that he gets shy and puts his hair in his face when he plays. Lo: "Like a muppet!" AHAHA. The band starts playing and Lo comments to Stephanie "I don't think I've ever seen Justin so passionate about anything."

By the end of his set, Justin has no hat, no shirt and he's a sweaty mess. Audrina says hi and Justin is really friendly and nice. She walks over to Lo and Stephanie and people start chanting "Ed Stanley" and Lo decides it's time to go. HA! I think Audrina has a renewed interest in Drummer Justin!


Audrina goes to see Ryan Cabrera and his new house. It's pretty swank. How the hell can he afford a nice house in LA?? Seriously?? I really want to know. He had ONE hit song YEARS ago, but somehow he still has money to buy a nice house?? WTF? She tells him she went to the Viper Room but fails to mention running into Justin. Apparently Ryan Cabrera is going on tour - if you can call 4 shows "going on tour" - and Audrina thinks it's a good thing so she can reconnect with all of her friends.


McKaela and Lo are at the Smashbox photo shoot and Lo asks how things are with Brody. McKaela still isn't cool with the whole Kristin situation. Lo just tells her to be observant and, if something doesn't feel right, it's probably not right. Good advice.


Stacie the Bartender and Kristin gave up on Venice and are back in Hollywood. Audrina and Stephanie come out and join them on their MANHUNT. HAHA! Brody shows up and Kristin tells him she can't believe he didn't call or text her. He told her he was giving her time to cool off. Kristin says he owes her an apology and he says sorry ... but keeps explaining. Kristin tells him to just say he's sorry and let it go. Good call. Kristin and Brody say they love each other - as friends of course - and who should walk in ... JUSTIN. He comes in and sits next to Audrina. Since she and Brody have patched things up, Kristin isn't jealous or angry ... yet.

Audrina and Justin talk and he calls Ryan Cabrera "Spike" - HAHAHA!! That's awesome. As much as I love referring to him as Ryan Cabrera, I may have to adopt "Spike" as his new nickname. I love it. She tells Justin she can't talk to Justin about Spike but they both tell each other that they're happy.

Kristin asks Brody about his "girlfriend" McKaela and Brody says that she kept bringing up Kristin the last time they hung out and asked if she had to worry about Kristin. Kristin says "yes, she does." They laugh and then they go home together...probably to enjoy some benefits of their friendship. Meanwhile, Justin and Audrina flirt in the club.

See you next week!

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