Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 8

"Between a Rocker and a Hard Place"


Lo, Stephanie and Audrina are at Audrina's place hanging out and talking about the upcoming week's events. Audrina tells the girls that she stopped by Justin's bike shop to "check out a bike." Lo and Audrina think it's time for her to tell Ryan. Stephanie disagrees since there's nothing going on according to Audrina.


Brody and Kristin are having lunch and Kristin tells him about her meeting with McKaela. She tells him that McKaela can't understand what people have against Allie Lutz. Then she tells him that McKaela said that Brody wanted to be in a relationship with her not Kristin. Brody, of course, denies it.


Allie Lutz (I haven't thought of a nickname for this one, yet) and McKaela meet up for lunch. Allie tells McKaela that nothing Kristin or any of the other girls say is true. It's all just rumors. McKaela says that there are a lot of rumors and they sound pretty real and Allie just tells her to believe what she wants. Allie says that it all dates back to high school and that it's all unfounded and Brody invited her over. She claims she didn't break in. I'm not sure. She doesn't seem very believable.


Kristin and Stacie the Bartender show up. Stephanie and Lo are inside as Ryan Cabrera and Audrina show up. Justin comes in with Charlie and Frankie gives Ryan Cabrera the heads up. Justin says hi to everyone and Stacie the Bartender tells Kristin that Justin looks HOT! UGH. I swear Justin smells. Justin tells Brody that Audrina seems happy and that he really hopes Ryan Cabrera is treating her well. Ryan Cabrera tells Audrina he doesn't want to deal with any of this "stupid shit" and asks if they're leaving anytime soon. UGH. He's so annoying. Audrina obviously wants to stay with her friends, but Ryan Cabrera is done with Les Deux, so they leave. OMG. Justin tries to shake Ryan Cabrera's hand, but Ryan Cabrera is a d-bag and says that he only "gives hi-fives." STUPID. What an ass.


Kristin and Audrina go lay out at the W Hotel in LA. Really? Do people do that? Just go lay out at some random hotel? Ugh. They talk about how "weird" last night was with Ryan Cabrera and Justin. Ok, can we just talk about how "weird" it is that Kristin and Audrina are bonding??? WTF?? Kristin is telling Audrina that maybe Justin is jealous and wants to win her back?? WHAT? This group of friends is so incestuous. It's totally bizarre.


Stephanie is making dinner for her date, Max. Ok, if you invite a guy over for dinner and want to impress him, are you really going to make spaghetti? Dumb. Although, he did bring over Thin Mints for dessert which is kind of lame. She offers him a drink and apologizes for not having any alcohol. She tells Max about her rift with Sponge Bob and it gets awkward.


Ryan Cabrera shows up at Audrina's house and they talk about his show the next night. Justin comes up and Ryan Cabrera tells Audrina that he doesn't want to have to worry about Justin and Audrina while he goes "on the road" FOR TWO WEEKS! HAHA. OK, I'm not sure what happens next because I'm distracted by the ridiculous "heart" tattoo on his inner wrist with "strings"(??) attached to it. It looks like something I've doodled in my notebooks in school. WTF? Lame.


The gang is all here to watch Ryan Cabrera perform his new songs. Yippee? Stephanie asks how Audrina and Ryan Cabrera are doing while he plays a love song in the background. Audrina just starts crying. Audrina rushes off and tells Stephanie that it's too hard to be there. Drama.


Lo and Stephanie are grocery shopping and Stephanie fills her in on the Ryan Cabrera/Audrina drama. Lo asks about Max and Stephanie says that he's super nice, but her life is just really complicated and she doesn't think she's ready to date. Lo tells her to surround herself with people who know her drama and love her and support her anyway.


The gang is at the party having a good time. Uh-oh. Spoke too soon. McKaela shows up ... WITH ALLIE and says hi to Brody. Brody tells her he doesn't understand why she keeps bringing Allie around. Stacie the Bartender whispers to Kristin that Brody is trying to break things off with McKaela but she's not getting it. I'm not sure that was exactly what was going on. Anyhow, Kristin gets in the conversation and just gets mean. McKaela tells her that she doesn't deserve to be treated so badly by Kristin, which is true. Allie comes to McKaela's rescue and says that "those girls" just can't handle when other pretty girls are around them. Now, Kristin is fired up. She gets into a screaming match with Allie. When it's over, Allie walks back to McKaela and McKaela doesn't understand why she went over and yelled at Kristin. McKaela is starting to see why Allie is not welcome with that group. I feel kind of bad for McKaela. I hope she learns her lesson.

Kristin thanks Brody for having her back and Brody tells her that he will always have her back. McKaela just watches them together. I'm sure she's kicking herself for letting Allie into her life. Things could've been good. Kristin and Brody leave together to enjoy the benefits of their friendship. ;)

See you next week.

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