Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 9

"One girl's trash ... "


They go to meet some woman who tries to tell them about this huge designer trade show where 1000 designers come to show and sell their stuff to buyers from all over. She starts off ok, but then Kelly takes over and just gets to the point: Whitney has to be strong and say "no" if she can't fill the order in time and she needs to write everything down and take 50% up front. Done and done.


Olivia and Kyle - Senior Accessories Editor for Elle - walk down the street discussing the upcoming Ke$ha photo shoot. Olivia asks what they are looking for and Kyle explains that Ke$ha is into leather and stuff, but she's also into "garbage." So the first place they go is called "Trash and Vaudeville." They tell the manager what they are looking for and head to the back to look at shoes. The manager looks like he's on many things. They find some boots with spikes all over and Kyle LOVES them. Olivia does NOT agree. She tries them on because she's the same size as Ke$ha and says "I'm not walking around in these." The other girls who work there laugh and say "she doesn't want to walk in the shoes. Who doesn't walk in shoes??" HA.


Olivia and Whitney show up and set up all her designs. Some buyers from "WINK" come by to look at her designs. They like some of the stuff, but don't want to commit. Wah wah.


Back at Elle, Olivia is putting together some of the accessories for the Ke$ha shoot. Kate, the Executive Accessories Editor, comes to look at the stuff. She doesn't like the shoes and Olivia tells her that she has a call into Nicholas Kirkwood who is sending over the perfect shoe. Olivia received a picture of it and she says it's perfect. Kate is still worried, but lets Olivia get back to work. Seth (Robbie's Asst) walks over to Olivia and asks if Erin has seen everything. Olivia says she doesn't give a sh*t what Erin thinks even those she's the senior publicist (as Seth points out).


Kelly comes to see how things are going. A buyer comes up and Kelly goes into "selling" mode. He orders a ton of stuff and they are all excited. Roxy and Whitney are super giddy and Kelly tells them that they have work to do. Buzz kill.


Olivia and Louise have lunch to get to know one another. Louise reminds me so much of Elle McPherson. She and Olivia actually look a lot alike, too. It might be the hair. Anyhow, they sit and chat and Louise asks about the Ke$sha shoot. She tells Olivia about these "garbage bag" shoes by Nicholas Kirkwood. Olivia says that she has a call into Kirkwood and should be receiving stuff shortly. She also says that she already pulled those "garbage bag" shoes. Hmmm.


Kelly tells the girls that the big spender at the trade show canceled his ENTIRE ORDER. UGH! Whitney is pissed and kind of takes it out on Roxy. Whitney goes to take care of some other stuff and Kelly reminds Roxy that this is Whitney's baby. Kelly knows it wasn't Roxy's fault - or Whitney's for that matter - but Whitney is just freaking out.


Joe Zee brings Ke$ha in to look at all the accessories. The garbage bag shoes are a HUGE HIT. Ke$ha LOVES them and the shoot is a success. Erin is not happy.


Roxy goes to see the owner and buyers from WINK. She tells them that they have a lot of the Whitney Eve designs that they were interest in available now. The buyers put in a big order.


Seth plants the seed that the garbage bag shoes might not have been Olivia's idea. Olivia walks up as Seth takes off and Erin mentions to Olivia that Louise has contacts at Nicholas Kirkwood. Olivia sees where this is going and tells Erin that it was her idea and that whatever Erin thought she was doing by hiring Louise, it didn't work. Nothing that Erin is doing to get rid of Olivia is working. Olivia smirks and walks off.


Roxy takes Whitney to a WINK store to surprise her. Whitney's stuff is in the window and all over the store. Whitney is totally shocked and touched that Roxy did all of this without her knowledge. Ahhhh.

See you next week!

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