Thursday, June 3, 2010

Real Housewives of New York - Season 3 - Episode 13



Kelly left a note for Ramona and went back to NY. Everyone else is relieved that she's gone. They all talk about the fact that Krazy has lost her marbles. So they have all turned a corner and hope that Krazy gets the help she needs.

The ladies are all getting massages and relaxing. Sonja arranged for them to get mani/pedis - it was her gift to Ramona. They are all talking about how relaxed they are. Ramona says that she feels so loved by them. And then ... SUR-PPRRRISSSEEE!!! It's Jill and Bobby. Everyone is shocked and speechless ... and not in a good way. This was not the reception Jill was expecting. She's burned bridges with Alex and Bethenny and then refused to come on the trip which upset Ramona, but she expected them to welcome her with open arms?? Is she kidding? Jill sees that no one is happy to see her and she storms off. Ramona goes out to talk to her and tells her that Jill shocked her. They've had a very drama filled trip so far and Jill's appearance just sent shock waves through everyone. Jill brats that she thought Ramona was her friend. OMG. Seriously, get a hobby and get out of high school already.

She and Bobby leave and the girls go back to relaxing. Jill is overly dramatic and feels hurt by this whole thing. She did this to herself. She knew things were heated and dramatic but she insisted on showing up. OY VEY!

The ladies enjoy their last stress-free night on vacation. The tension is gone and they have a great time. They are eating and all of sudden Ramona chokes. Everyone gets nervous - I know my best friend, Rachel, would have freaked out. She HATES choking.

Alex and Sonja surprises Ramona AND Bethenny with a bridal shower. They give them all these really fancy sex toys (handcuffs, etc.) with crystals. High end sex toys. I like it!

JILL, LUANN and JENNIFER (the new housewife?)

The three of them are having lunch and Kelly comes to join them. Btw - Jennifer is supposed to be the "new housewife" but since she's normal and not full of drama, she hasn't been filmed at all. In fact, I'm hearing that she won't even be at the reunion show. What could she possibly have to contribute? I think she's a cool person, but Bravo needs dramatic, self-absorbed bitches for its series. Not a normal, well-balanced woman. Sorry, Jen!

Anyhow, Jill has just returned from St. Bart's and she's ready for some gossip. They start with Jill getting "kicked out" by Ramona. Luann says that it was horrible, BUT...she understands why Ramona did it. Jill is trying to understand. Jill tells Jennifer that Kelly had a nervous breakdown on the trip. Krazy arrives and they ask her what happened.

Krazy says that from the beginning of the trip it was all gossip, talking shit and "one-upping" each other. I agree with the gossip, but no one was talking shit and "one-upping"? WTF? Was she on a different yacht? Then Kelly says that she was trying to talk to Bethenny human-to-human about how she's trying to find true love and Bethenny told her to have a one night stand. Actually, that was Sonja. Bethenny didn't say that. Then Krazy tells them that she called Bethenny a "ho-bag" which completely offends the Countess because that word is not even in her vocabulary. Luann is actually pretty neutral at this lunch. She's responding to Krazy's story with logical explanations for why people said what they did to her. Like the "one night stand" comment - Luann says that Bethenny must have thought that Krazy was just looking for lovin', not love. Logical.

Anyhow, Krazy continues on her tirade. She tells them about her cook/chef fight with Bethenny and says that she doesn't know anyone who has hired her. Jennifer, Luann and Jill all back up Bethenny on this one and say that they have lots of friends who have hired her and that she's well-regarded. HAHA!! Kelly clearly isn't getting the support and reaction out of these ladies that she wants, so she ups the ante. She tells them that Bethenny TOLD HER "I went out of my way to have a smear campaign against you" which Krazy says is what made her flip. That is a bold-faced lie right there. Bethenny never said that. Now the other ladies are skeptical. They are confused and not understanding her. Then she starts talking about jelly beans. WTF? Insane in the membrane!


Sonja is having an art show at her house. She hosts a young, emerging artist and all the ladies are invited. The only ones missing are Krazy and Jill. Luann wants to hear from the ladies what happened on "Poison Island" so they all go upstairs to dish. Alex and Bethenny tell Luann and Jennifer that Kelly lost it on the trip. By the end, they felt nothing but compassion for her and hoped she would have returned to NYC and checked herself in somewhere. Luann seems to believe Bethenny and Alex.


It's Jill's Christmas party!! Jill talks to her sister about meeting up with Bethenny. Jill feels that shutting Bethenny down when she reached out was wrong and her sister, Lisa agrees. Jill calls Bethenny and asks her to meet up for lunch the next day and Bethenny agrees.

Next up...Jill on the ice. She comes out in a skating dress to do her performance. She immediately falls on her face. AHAHAHA! Then she does her turns and performs. Wow. Classic narcissist. Unbelievable. No shame. WOW.

Ramona arrives and she and Jill bury the hatchet and forgive each other and move on. Kelly approaches Ramona and says that she wants to talk to her IMMEDIATELY. It can't wait. Krazy says that Ramona never had her back on the trip. She tells Ramona to be accountable. Ramona tells Krazy that she lost it and doesn't remember what happened on the trip. Ramona asks her to get help. Then she apologizes that Krazy is upset and they hug it out. Yikes.

See you next week for the FINALE!!

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