Thursday, June 3, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 6

"Fashion with a Capital F"


Erin tries to talk to Olivia about the "GUESS" event and she tells Olivia what she needs to get together for the event. Olivia stops listening mid sentence and tells Erin that she'll talk to Joe about it. Erin keeps talking to her and telling her what they normally do for these events. Then she asks Olivia if she wants to go with her to pick out some Guess clothes for the event. Olivia says that she'll check her schedule and let Erin know. Wow. Diva.

Then Erin tells Olivia that they had some issues with the Ruelala shoot and she thinks it would be great to invite Whitney to mend fences with her. Olivia says that it's an Elle event and Erin is more than welcome to invite her.


Kelly comes in and tells Whitney she needs to focus on her line, Whitney Eve, by herself. Roxy needs to NOT focus on Whitney Eve. Instead, Kelly wants Roxy to work with some other People's Revolution designers and get them ready for the Press Appointments. She also tells them that Elle magazine is having a party and they both need to go to represent Whitney Eve and People's Revolution.


Erin arrives for the press preview and Olivia apparently found time in her busy schedule to come, too. Alina Hauptman, Senior Public Relations Manager for Guess, comes out to greet them both. They go to the showroom and pick out clothes that they like and Erin asks if Olivia wore Guess when she was younger. Apparently Olivia had a very eclectic style when she was an adolescent that did not include Guess. Then Olivia asks if Guess was popular with the kids in California and Erin - acutely aware of Alina's presence - says that Guess is popular all over the world. They take their clothes and head back to Elle.


Whitney and Roxy arrive and immediately talk to Erin and Joe. Joe tells Whitney that he wants a preview of her collection and will help her in any way that he can. Then he sees Olivia. He tells Erin that Olivia had the nerve to show up at a Guess event hosted by ELLE without a stitch of Guess clothing on...even though they went to the showroom the day before to get clothes!! Alina - the head of PR for Guess - finds Olivia and asks if any of the clothes she took worked. Olivia says that some of the sizes didn't work and Alina tells her that next time she should call her and she would be happy to send additional sizes. DUH! Olivia is such a bitch. Joe is NOT happy.


Roxy and Whitney are grabbing coffee and rehashing the night's events. They both feel sorry for Erin because she has to put up with Olivia everyday. AND, they both noticed that Olivia wasn't even wearing Guess at the party.


It's time for the Press Appointments, so Roxy is up! All of a sudden, two of the girls from Glamour that Roxy and Whitney met with show up to see one of the designers. Kelly asks how they know Roxy and one of them says that Roxy showed them the "hooker ballerina" look. Roxy defends the look...again...and then Kelly interrupts and focuses attention back on the designer who is standing there wondering WTF is going on. They finish showing his designs. Kelly tells Roxy NEVER to discuss another designer in front of a designer she's showing. Then she tells her that she's doing the Felder & Felder appointment with Paper magazine all by herself and she better not "fuck up." HAHA.


Olivia and Erin meet with Joe in his office. Joe begins by telling Olivia that Alina called him and Olivia starts explaining about getting the options last minute. Joe interrupts her and says that his name was on the invite and Elle was hosting the event and he expected Erin and Olivia to show up in Guess clothing out of respect for him and Elle and the designer. Olivia responds by laughing and saying "Oh, Joe." What a bitch! She is so disrespectful. He's not your pal...he's your BOSS. Joe tells her it isn't funny and that it's very serious. She says that she always supports the designers and smirks and wishes them both a good afternoon. FIRE HER. She wouldn't last a day as my employee.


Roxy is talking to Daniela Felder and finding out more about the Felder & Felder designs. Daniela walks away for a minute to get a belt for one of her outfits to show the guy from Paper magazine and Roxy takes the opportunity to tell him about Whitney Eve and that she'll get him a look book later. Not a good idea. I bet Kelly is going to burn her for that.


Whitney comes to show Joe her collection. Erin takes her to the back to show Joe and Anne Slowey - Elle's Fashion News Director - her collection. They ask her who her audience is - meaning who is she designing for. Whitney says she's designing for herself and her friends. Anne tells her that in order to be successful, she needs to take herself out of the equation and even her friends, too. Anne is kind of a bitch. She says that she sees fashion but not with a capital "F." She tells Whitney that she could eventually be a designer, but right now her collection lacks focus. Ouch. Joe says that he loves her passion, but that she doesn't have a "collection," she has a bunch of cute pieces. So she needs to work on focusing the line and putting together a collection that goes together. Well, it's constructive criticism.


Seth (Robbie's asst.) and Erin are chatting. Erin needs to meet with Robbie and Olivia walks by and walks right into the office of the new fashion director, her "friend." Seth wants to know what happened at the Guess event. Erin says that Olivia just doesn't get it. Seth asks if she got any interviews at the Guess event for Erin says not even one and that Olivia just needs to be replaced. Agreed. Seth says that the problem is that Olivia has very powerful friends at the magazine. Also agreed. Frustrating.


Kelly and Whitney have lunch to discuss the Whitney's meeting with Joe. Whitney tells Kelly about the meeting. She says that she's not sure how much more criticism she can take. Kelly tells her that EVERYONE will have an opinion about her work. She says that Whitney has 2 hours to feel bad about the criticism but then she has to jump for joy that she got a meeting with the creative director of Elle Magazine and move on. Kelly tells her that the people to kick you the hardest and give you the most constructive criticism are the first ones backstage to congratulate you when you make it. Kelly rocks. I wish she was my mentor. I love her.


Erin meets Louise Roe, a fashion journalist, for lunch. Erin tells Louise that she wanted to meet her to see what she was all about and to find out what she wanted to do next. She tells Louise that she's looking for someone to do interviews for because they person they currently have is not really working out. Zing!

See you next week!

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