Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 8

"Bubbies Gone Bad"


Teresa, Caroline and Jacqueline have lunch and they are sad that Dina is not there anymore. Caroline rehashes everything that happened at the Brownstone. Dina tried to give Danielle the benefit of the doubt and Danielle caused so much drama at that little girl's benefit. They all talk about the possible backlash from Dina's confrontation with Danielle.


Danielle goes to see a plastic surgeon about repairing her wonky fake boob. They agree that she needs another operation to fix it. Danielle is excited to feel desirable again. (insert eye roll here)


At Lauren's school, it's Avant Garde Day!! Everyone looks all crazy and it's cool. Oooh, Lauren has a David Yurman ring that I totally covet. I love it. Caroline tears up because Lauren is following her passion.


Chris and Jacqueline wait for Ashley and talk about how disrespectful she is towards Jacqueline. Chris says that they do a lot for her and the disrespect needs to stop. Ashley says that she has a bad temper and that she's embarrassed about how she reacted and treated her mom. She apologizes to Jacqueline. Jacqueline breaks down and tells Ashley that she's not the enemy and she loves her. Ashley says that she misses home and wants to move back. Chris tells her that she's always welcome to move back but she needs to follow the rules. Chris is a sweet stepdad and so good to Ashley and Jacqueline. I like him a lot. They are my favorite family. I also really love Caroline's family. Teresa's family is a wreck. Danielle's family is a tragedy.


Reason #500 why Teresa and her husband filed for bankruptcy: Teresa decides to have the most extravagant housewarming party EVER. Her party planner comes over and is amazed that Teresa doesn't have a "live-in" and does all the cooking, cleaning, and child rearing by herself. I'm actually quite amazed myself. The party planner is getting a little obnoxious. She can't believe that Teresa doesn't have a pool. And her vision for the housewarming party is a "Studio 54" theme. OMG. Teresa and I both are OVER this woman. Teresa practically pushes her out the door.


Ashley comes to talk to her mom and Chris about moving back into the house. She's trying to negotiate the rules. She begins with the midnight curfew. She doesn't want a curfew at all as long as she checks in. Chris says she has to have a curfew. He says on the weekend, it's 2 AM and during the week, it's 1 AM. TAKE IT! IF you want to move back in with the 'rents. I think that's fair. It's their house. You don't like it, don't move in. Simple. Ashley says that she'll respect the rules and move back in.


Albie is upstairs and talks to his mom. Albie says that the first semester at law school, he didn't do so well. He says that it's hard for him because of his learning disability and he's struggling. He tells Caroline that the cut-off to stay a student is a 2.0 and he has a 1.93, so he has been kicked out. He appealed it based on the fact that he has a learning disability and they told him that he might want to try a different profession because someone with a learning disability won't make it as a lawyer. Hmmm. If they actually said that, they are setting themselves up for a lawsuit. Albie needs to get that shit in writing.

Caroline says that she wants him to fight. Poor guy. It's heartbreaking. I'm totally crying right now. Albie is so discouraged and says he feels worthless. How awful. I can't believe the school told him that. I'm so upset for him right now.


Caroline and her hubby are chatting in the kitchen about Albie. Albert is pissed that the school is being so dismissive about Albie's learning disability and they knew he had one when he was admitted. Caroline is worried about Albie because he's feeling worthless. Albert says that if this school thing is enough to totally defeat Albie then he doesn't deserve to be a lawyer. He says that Albie just needs to know someone believes in him and as long as he knows his parents believe in him, he will achieve everything he wants.


Jacqueline and Teresa are at Posche and Kim"D" (the owner) is there and welcomes them. They ask about Danielle's luncheon to celebrate Christine's photo shoot. Teresa thinks it was shady that Kim "D" went to the luncheon. Kim "D" says that it was business since Danielle is a customer.


Danielle is having her procedure done. They are going to remove the old implants and put in new ones. Since this is her FOURTH procedure, it will be difficult. She tells us that getting her breasts done was necessary and not for aesthetic reasons. Really? Who the hell are you kidding?


The family is having sushi to celebrate Lauren's upcoming graduation. Albie is feeling shitty and they all keep teasing him. They say that he's the cute one, but that some girls recently thought Christopher was cuter than Albie. They aren't slamming him or anything, but Albie is feeling sensitive and vulnerable and this is not cool.

Albie is feeling a bit of an identity crisis. He's used to getting all the praise, so it's hard for him to see praise going to Lauren and Christopher particularly since he just got kicked out of school. AND, he's the one who always studied and took all the entrance tests and graduated from college.


Elvira (Teresa's party planner) is at Teresa's house and brought a group of people to help. Elvira is a total bitch to her employees and Teresa confirms this so it must be true. :)

The party is OVER THE TOP. Fire eaters, dancers, bouncers, chefs, etc. Jacqueline calls Teresa to tell her that Kim "G" feels bad that she wasn't invited. (Kim G is Danielle's friend, not the store owner but the mother of Christopher's best friend). Teresa concedes and invites Kim "G". Not a good idea. This is going to end badly.


Danielle is finished and totally out of it. She says she can't wait to get home to her kids. Really? All drugged up? Why do you want to be with your kids when you're loopy? She claims her girls are happy to see her, but it doesn't appear that they are. HAHA! Danielle is such a sad person. She asks her daughters if they love her. Sad.


Teresa's over the top, ridiculous party has started. OMG. There are playmates serving drinks. There's food, neon lights, a dance floor. It looks like a nightclub. Insane. Teresa thinks it's amazing. Kim "G" is there. Caroline is surprised to see her at the party. Kim "D" and Kim "G" came together and they are drunk. Everyone is dancing. There are break dancers and fire eaters performing for everyone. Teresa has the microphone and brings Jacqueline and Caroline up to thank them for their friendship. Kim "D" walks up to the microphone and tells Teresa how nice her house is. It's so bad. Hello, hot mess.

Kim "D" is seriously a drunk mess. Kim "D" and Ashley start talking shit about Danielle. Caroline ends the conversation and tells Ashley to stop. Kim "G" takes Caroline aside and tells her that she thinks Jacqueline is obsessed with Danielle. Jacqueline walks up and hears the conversation as Caroline walks away and Kim "G" starts trying to explain. Jacqueline won't let her and says that Kim "G" is the one who comes over talking about Danielle all the time. Jacqueline doesn't like Danielle but she's not obsessed with her. Jacqueline is OVER Kim "G".

See you next week!

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