Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 9

"Break-up to Make-up"


Lo, Stephanie, Audrina and Kristin meet for lunch. I guess Kristin forgave Stephanie for "allegedly" spreading those drug rumors about her. Interesting. Anyhow, they chat about Audrina and Ryan Cabrera. Audrina is so over it, but she can't cut the cord so she continues to drag Ryan Cabrera along. She so obviously wants to hook up with Justin again, but refuses to admit it. The convo switches to Audrina's upcoming birthday. She's not sure how to celebrate, but Stephanie suggests they get a boat and have a party on the boat. They agree to invite all the usual suspects. Audrina says "NO RYAN" and when asked about Justin, she pretends to not be sure. Oh she so wants him there.


Lo, Kristin and Stephanie go shopping for Audrina's bday present. Kristin asks if they should invite Justin to her party. Lo says that he never comes when he's invited, so Kristin is going to invite him. He's totally going to come.


Frankie, Brody and Taylor are hanging on the beach. Brody says that McKaela is nuts for hanging with Allie Lutz. Brody is over it. BUT, she's still hot, so she can "still be in the rotation."


Everyone is out at the club and Kristin and Brody have their flirt on. McKaela shows up WITH ALLIE LUTZ AGAIN. Geez. That girl never learns. Are there seriously only 2 clubs in LA?? McKaela tells Allie to stay away from them, but she walks over to Kristin. They fight about the break-in to Brody's house thing AGAIN!! They argue and Allie finally gets up and walks away. WHY DOES SHE BOTHER?? Allie needs to just stay away. LA is huge. It can't be that hard. Kristin gets pissed and leaves.


Kristin comes by Smashbox to meet Lo for lunch. McKaela is at her desk and she and Kristin exchange words. I understand that McKaela is trying to be nice, but Kristin isn't having it and tells her to stay away from her. They bicker and Lo finally ends it and she and Kristin head to lunch.


Audrina comes over to see Ryan Cabrera and they have some wine. It's weird because she's acting totally normal. Then he asks about what happened at his show. She stutters and stumbles through her words, but FINALLY breaks it off. It's sad. I'm not a big Ryan Cabrera fan, but he clearly likes her and she's so not into him. :(


HAHAHA!!! OMG. Kristin is wearing a sleeveless jean vest and Justin shows up in a sleeveless flannel. HAHA! Justin comments that they are matching. Is the cut-off sleeveless jean vest in?? I'm sorry, but sometimes what's "trendy" or "in fashion" is totally UGLY! I think it's funny that these wannabes just wear whatever is "trendy" even if it looks stupid. Dumb girls. Anyway, Kristin tells Justin that Audrina and Ryan Cabrera broke up and invites him to Audrina's bday party. He says he might stop by.


Audrina tells Kristin that it's officially over between him and Ryan Cabrera. Kristin tells her that she invited Justin to Audrina's party.


Everyone shows up - including Justin - and they set sail on the boat. It's pretty uneventful. They have bday cupcakes for Audrina. The boys tell everyone that they are going to Costa Rica and invite the girls. Audrina and Justin talk on the boat and she says she's doing ok and that she's learned a lot from Justin and Ryan Cabrera. I actually think Justin is happy just being friends with Audrina and I think Audrina wants more.

See you next week!

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