Thursday, May 27, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 5

"The Belle of Elle"

Kelly comes in and tells Whitney that Glamour selected her for a full page write up on her new line. They love Whitney's skirts so they'll shoot a "look" and then Whitney will get to pick up all the other accessories for the look that under $100. Kelly says that she wants Whitney to go with April because she thinks it will be cool for her to show up with "representation." Whitney asks if she can bring Roxy instead. Kelly: "God. Are we going to do this again?" HAHA. I love that Kelly hates Roxy and has no problem just telling Whitney - and Roxy - to her face. Whitney defends Roxy and says that Roxy has helped her so much throughout this process. Kelly wants to know how exactly Roxy has "helped" Whitney. Kelly: "I gave her a paycheck and you got her a job. How has she helped you?" I love Kelly. Kelly explains that Roxy is NOT Glamour and that if she keeps bringing Roxy everywhere, people will start associating her with Whitney's line. Kelly tells Whitney to do whatever she wants. As she's leaving she says "Oh, and on the Roxy thing, I've never been wrong." HA!


Joe Zee is rushing out the door, but stops by Olivia's cubicle to ask her if she's free tomorrow night. Eric Damon, the costume designer for Gossip Girl (!!!) is having a big party because he has a book coming out. So Joe asks Olivia to come with him. As an afterthought, he extends the invite to Erin, but she tells him she's meeting with Page Six tomorrow night.


Whitney shows up to meet with Madeline Escudero (Market Editor), Sasha Iglehart (Deputy Fashion Director) and Maria Duenas (Accessories Editor). Sasha shows her what her page will look like. Maria asks Whitney if the designs are all hers or if she collaborates with someone else. Whitney says that they are all her own designs and then brings up Roxy. WHY??? They, of course, assume she's her partner. Whitney says that she's not her partner, but she's supported her throughout the process. Why wouldn't Whitney says she's with her PR Firm??? Dumb. Anyhow, they tell her that she's welcome to bring Roxy to the layout. UGH.


Joe, Olivia and Seth (Robbie's asst) are enjoying the party. All the Gossip Girl stars are there. I would LOVE to be there. So awesome. Joe comments that Erin is missing a fun night. Cut to ...


Erin is having drinks with Neel Shah, a writer for Page Six. He asks about the addition of Alexis to Elle and Erin calls her "Elle's new Belle." Then Neel asks about the Elle gossip so Erin tells him about Olivia and the Whitney debacle. Neel thinks that would be a great story. HAHA. Erin just doesn't care anymore.


Seth comes up to Olivia and Erin and chats about the event. Olivia excuses herself and Seth is amazed that Olivia knows so many famous people. Erin says that she probably goes to a lot of parties. Seth doesn't understand how Olivia could party with the rich and famous and then come to Elle and do a job. Erin says that she doesn't care what Olivia does on her own time as long as she gets her job done. Seth asks if she's getting her job done, though. Erin doesn't really answer. HA.

Olivia walks into Joe's office and give him the accessories pages for the next issue. He's overly impressed. Joe tells Olivia that he's hosting a party at Bergdorf Goodman with Linda Fargo (Bergdorf) for Elie Tahari. Olivia says she'd love to attend and Joe reminds her to wear Elie Tahari to the party.


Roxy and Whitney grab some lunch and Whitney tells Roxy that Samantha invited her to the Elie Tahari party. She tells Roxy that Kelly was not supportive of her decision to bring Roxy to Glamour. But Whitney is going to bring Roxy anyway. Bad move.


Whitney wants to talk to Linda Fargo and Genni Hershey-Lambert from Bergdorf who she met in the beginning of the season when she showed them her pieces. That meeting didn't go so well, so Whitney would like to talk to them to make a new impression. Alexis is talking to Neel Shah from Page Six, Joe and Olivia are talking to Elie and Linda. Ginny comes up to Whitney and they talk about her line. It's all going well. Neel comes up to Joe and Olivia and asks Olivia how things are going with Erin. Olivia avoids the question and Joe saves her with talk of Alexis. Neel has gotten all he needs and will write his story ... but what will it be about??


Whitney is putting together a look for Glamour with Maria and Madeline. She's having trouble with the accessories and wonders where Roxy is. Roxy finally shows up ... late ... and doesn't have much positive stuff to contribute. She thinks the looks that Whitney is putting together are too "girly" and "boring" - um, has she seen Glamour? It's not exactly The Guardian. She pulls out some random stuff and Sasha comes in to check out the looks. Whitney has a few looks. The first is her look - girly and whimsical. The second look is the one Roxy worked on. Roxy tells Sasha her unsolicited opinion on the look she picked out and calls it "hooker, but in a good way." This scene was so hard to watch. I was embarrassed for Roxy and for Whitney. I just wanted it to stop. I actually paused it a few times because Roxy just blew it.


Joe calls a fashion meeting and Alexis, Erin and Olivia are all there. He talks about the busy week and all the events. THEN, he pulls out a copy of Page Six and says that Elle got a shout out. The article leads with Elle's new belle, Alexis Bryan Morgan!! Joe give props to Erin for getting that mention in Page Six!! WOOT!


Kelly calls Roxy and Whitney into her office to go over the Glamour shoot. Kelly talked to Sasha and they chose the polka-dot skirt look that Whitney worked on...the "girly" look. Whitney says she loved that look, but her favorite was a ballerina skirt look. Kelly interrupts and asks if it was, by chance, called the "hooker ballerina look" because she heard that Whitney took an assistant which she is assuming was Roxy. HAHA. Kelly tells Roxy that if she was there as an assistant it's just not appropriate for her to say things like that. Particularly at such a girly magazine!!

Kelly: "This town is made up of freaks and followers. And I'm totally a freak. So, you wanna be a freak? That's great, but you pay the price. Good luck."

She dismisses Roxy and finishes up with Whitney. Kelly tells Whitney that she's never wrong about Roxy. And they've established today that Roxy is a freak so Whitney can't take her to non-freaky places. Done and done.

Whitney walks out to talk to Roxy and says that she thought Roxy overstepped a little. Roxy replies that she doesn't feel like she has to apologize and pretend that's not who she is. Whitney is a little stunned. Yikes.

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