Thursday, May 20, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 3



Jacqueline and her son, CJ, decide to paint one of his white shirts. Normal people (even those with money) would get a white Hanes T-Shirt for their kid to paint. Not Jacqueline. She and her son are painting one of his white Polo shirts.


Danielle is a bad mom. There, I said it. She and Jillian (her 11 year old) come home and find a bouquet of flowers with a card that says "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl. Congratulations!" Rather than comment what a sweet gesture and what pretty flowers, Danielle asks HER DAUGHTER why she thinks Jacqueline sent them. Jillian says that Jacqueline probably sent them because she's proud of Christine. DUH! Danielle wants her daughter to talk shit with her so she asks if Jillian thinks that she sent them because she felt bad about missing the luncheon. Shut up, Danielle. Seriously. Why are you doing this to your CHILD? Leave her alone.

Danielle keeps going and asks Jillian if she should call Jacqueline. Jillian says she doesn't know and, by her look, she doesn't care, either. SHE'S 11! Then, Danielle decides to call and asks Jillian to hang out while she calls. Jillian says that she thinks her mom needs privacy and Danielle says no. WHY ARE YOU BRINGING YOUR KIDS INTO YOUR DRAMA?!?! Jacqueline ignores the call and Danielle leaves a message. THEN, she asks Jillian if she thinks Jacqueline is busy with the baby or just didn't want to pick up. Why would you ask your kid that? Jillian is smart and not insane like her mother so she says that Jacqueline is a normal person, so she's probably busy. Heh. "People are busy."

Danielle is diabolical. She bitches that Jacqueline didn't come to her luncheon and tells Jacqueline that she can tell Christine herself if she's proud of her. SO, Jacqueline sends Christine flowers to tell her how proud she is of her. AND NOW, Danielle bitches because she doesn't know why Jacqueline is sending flowers when she doesn't have a relationship with any of them. WTF? She is insane. I really think she needs a shrink. I'm pretty convinced that she's Borderline and/or Histrionic and for sure Narcissistic.

Then Danielle decides to call Jacqueline AGAIN. This time she says "I think maybe it would be a good idea if you step out of the room" to her daughter. Before she can get to "good idea," Jillian says "ok" and bolts out of there. HAHA. WHY is Danielle calling her AGAIN?? She just left a message. Jeez. Jacqueline ignores the call again and this is Danielle's message:

"Hi Jacqueline. It's Danielle. Um, I have to be quite honest with you. I really was under the impression that you were you're own woman. And I think it's really gonna affect us, going forward until, at least, you're able to perhaps maybe even celebrate my children with me. [WHAT?] And I need to know how we're going to move forward from this if this is always going to stand in the way. It's up to you. I've made the moves. I've reached out and, um, I'm going to leave the rest up to you now. Bye."

I don't even understand what she was saying.


Dina tells Teresa that Danielle invited her to the "luncheon" for Christine. Dina interviews that she told Danielle when she forgave her that she needed time before they could be friends so she just wants Danielle to back OFF! Teresa doesn't get why Danielle is still in the picture. I agree. Everyone hates her, yet, they all talk about her incessantly. MOVE ON people. Even Dina, who apparently "runs from drama" is confused about what to do about Danielle. It's easy, really. Stop answering her calls and texting with her. It's done...let it die, already.

PS - Dina's cats are creepy.


Caroline and Jacqueline are chatting outside and the conversation begins with...who else? Danielle. Ridiculous. Caroline listens to Jacqueline vent and then just asks Jacqueline if Danielle ever acknowledged Nicholas's birth. Card, text, flowers, congratulations, etc? Nope. Nada. Nothing. I'm with Caroline....why are you even thinking about Danielle? Caroline: "I'm not saying my way is the right way, but I don't get the phone calls." LOVE IT!


Danielle continues on her crusade to take away Christine's moment. First, she tells Jillian to look at pictures of Christine because they are so beautiful. In the next breath, she tells Jillian that she's next because she looks JUST LIKE CHRISTINE. Christine doesn't like the comparison and is probably wondering when she can just be happy for herself instead of sharing her moment with her mom and her sister.


I'm embarrassed for Teresa in this scene. Her kids are the most obnoxious, spoiled brats. She spends $2,000 on tacky clothes for Gia while her other kids whine and completely mess up the boutique. I don't want to know any of those kids as teenagers or adults. Teresa tells Gia that she needs to get a job to support her spending. Gia's response: "I'm too pretty to work." Sad.


Dina confuses me. I think she's pretty and always well put together when she goes out. She seems like the most "normal" of all the Jersey ladies. But her house is completely crowded with tacky, gawdy furniture and decorations. And she's got those weird cats and she has a bird AND NOW she's meeting with an "energist"? WTF? Again, the conversation is centered around Danielle. OY! Dina wants to eliminate all the drama and basically, eliminate Danielle from her life, but she feels mean doing that. The "energist" tells Dina that she needs to tell Danielle to her face that she's done.


Danielle's dog is disgusting. It's wiping it's ass on the carpet. GROSS. Her realtor, Karin, shows up and Danielle wants to know if she asked Danielle's ex to pay to fix up the house. Karin talks and talks, but bottom line: He's not paying for anything. Danielle whines that her ex hasn't paid for any upkeep on the house, but is insisting she sell the house so he can have his half. Well, that's the way it works. You're divorced. Why should he pay for the upkeep on the house he's not living in?? (Although, it might help get a better sale in the end, but whatever.) Teresa interviews that Danielle should get a job. I agree. I think all those women should get a job! Too much entitlement.

Danielle interviews that her home is worth $2M, but she'll probably only get $1.5M for it. That means her ex will get about $750K from the sale and she'll get "well under $1M. Nice way to treat a person." Are you F-ing kidding me??? I WISH someone would give me $750K so I can buy a house. She's delusional. This is what I'm talking about. ENTITLED. GET A JOB. Danielle decides to take her house off the market until her ex is willing to "fulfill his obligations" and fix up the house. [insert eye roll here]


Caroline and Albie go to Teresa's house for dinner and to celebrate Gia's upcoming cat walk debut. Teresa says that she and Joe are "old school" but in a cute way. Meaning, he treats her like a 1950's housewife and he acts like the sexist, macho Italian. Yeah, so cute. Wow. Those girls are OUT OF CONTROL. I can't believe they were eating dinner at 8pm.


So, Joe is the type of father who likes to tease his kids. But sometimes the teasing is just mean. My dad can be the same way. If you are a really sensitive person, it's hard to be around guys like that. But, if you have a good sense of self and sense of humor, it doesn't bug you. Joe tells Gia that she's going to walk down the "ugly runway" because she's so ugly. Ok, that's just mean. It's a little beyond just teasing. Teresa's response: "Gia is very sensitive." Yeah, that's the problem. Jeez. Teresa and Joe can't figure out why Gia is crying. Gia says "Dad is mean." Teresa: "Ok, Gia stop." Really? Your husband just called your daughter ugly, her feelings are hurt and all you have say is "Gia stop"? Who is this woman? Gia and Teresa get out of the car and Teresa tells her that her dad was just kidding. Terrible.


Danielle, Christine and Jillian arrive at IMG to meet with Christine's agent and a walking coach, Mac Folkes. Well, what do you know, Christine is a normal 15 year old. She doesn't really care about doing the perfect "walk," but she tries. Danielle is shouting out critiques which is dumb because Danielle is NO MODEL. She looks like she's next in line to be the cat lady. Christine finally gets annoyed and decides she's done practicing.


OMG. I just lost a little respect for Dina. Her energist decides to do some "smudging" with her before she leaves. "Smudging" is when you burn dry sage to get rid of the negative energy. The reason I've lost a little respect for Dina is because my boyfriend's ex wife did this when they got divorced and he moved out. And I think his ex wife is a total nut job!! She's all about being vegan and spiritual, but drives an SUV and refuses to work and expects men to take care of her. She's a walking contradiction. So this "smudging" thing is a little ridiculous to me.


Danielle and her daughters show up. I'm surprised Christine's dad isn't there. Danielle interviews that she has no concerns about Christine's eating habits now that she's a model. Cut to Christine getting "food" because she's "SO hungry" and comes back with two small slices of melon. Really? Not even a little concerned, Danielle?


Caroline and Jacqueline come backstage to say hi to Gia and Teresa. Teresa is in a sexy dress and three inch heels and NINE MONTHS PREGNANT. Wow. Teresa sees that Christine is on the cover of the Daily and she shows Gia and says how pretty Christine is. Danielle interviews that she doesn't think Teresa is genuinely happy for Christine. Why not?? Teresa hates you, Danielle. She has nothing against your daughter. And, from what I've seen, Christine and Jillian are already twice the woman Danielle will ever be.

Out comes Gia and she looks so cute. Jacqueline, Teresa and Caroline are squealing and clapping in the front row. It's super exciting. Gia does a great job. Even Joe tells her how beautiful she is. Ahhh. Gag.


Christine is 5'10" and walking in "6-inch heels." I think they're actually 4-inch heels, which are not that bad. I have plenty of shoes that high and they aren't hard to walk in. As Christine comes down the runway, Danielle interviews that Christine will be a supermodel and travel all over the world "with me by her side." It's always about Danielle. Can't you just be happy for Christine and let her enjoy it...WITHOUT YOU RIDING HER COATTAILS??

Danielle is talking to EVERYONE and bragging about Christine. Meanwhile, Christine and the other models are all posing on the runway for photographers for about 25 minutes after the show and Christine tells the model next to her that she doesn't feel good. Well, I'm not surprised. She only ate two little slices of melon! Christine tells people she doesn't feel good and that she's going to "barf." She starts gagging. Someone pulls her off the stage. She sits in the back and gets some water. She's totally sweating and Danielle gets back there and figures out that Christine didn't eat anything. Her agent tells her that this happens sometimes and Christine is relieved that she isn't the only one who almost fainted.

All in all, the two girls did a great job.

See you next week!

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