Thursday, May 13, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 3

"Professionally Dangerous"


Samantha, Roxy and Whitney are having lunch at BG because they are fancy. Roxy talks about her new suitor, Zach the Photographer. She suggests Samantha that she may want to "get naked for him" since that's his "thing." I think Roxy likes him, but she's still not quite sure about it. So she's doing that thing where she talks about him and is secretly excited about him, but acts annoyed that he texts her and wants to hang out. Whitney is still under the impression that Olivia is her friend and hooked her up with the Ruelala gig with WRONG!! She doesn't know it yet, so this lunch is all about praise for Olivia for being "so nice." HA! Whitney tells Samantha about the gig and how Olivia is "interviewin-GAH" her for


Olivia goes in to see Kate, the Executive Accessories Editor, and names drops that her coat is by Mr. Armani. Obnoxious. She tells Kate about her friends, Stephanie and Jenny, who started their own company that specializes in precious stones. Olivia thinks that they will be perfect for and Kate tells her to run with it. So, Olivia conveniently schedules that interview at the same time as Whitney's Ruelala shoot.


Whitney arrives at the Ruelala shoot and Erin is there with the models and photographer. Erin introduces Whitney to Jonathon, the photographer and Stacy, the rep from Ruelala. Erin says that they are taking pictures and, as soon as Olivia arrives, they'll do the interview. Kelly (!!) shows up to see what they are doing and to be Whitney's fairy godmother. Erin explains everything and Kelly wonders where Olivia is.

Where is Olivia? At Jemma Wynne, the precious stone company, interviewing her friend for Not good.

Kelly tells Erin to find Olivia because she needs to leave. Erin calls Olivia and discovers that Olivia is NOT COMING. So Erin has the difficult - and embarrassing - task of telling Kelly and Whitney that Olivia is not coming. Whitney is totally confused so Erin tells them that Olivia does not want to support the line. Kelly is LIVID. Kelly: "Who gives a F*** about her f***ing opinion?!?" "She is DEAD. She is f***ing DEAD. I'm going to come up like a shark underneath a glass bottom boat and rip the sh*t out of her." Erin's expression during this tirade is priceless. I love Kelly.


Erin asks Olivia why she wasn't at the Ruelala shoot. Olivia says that she told everyone well in advance that she wouldn't be there because she was interviewing another designer. Um, you just got permission to interview them that morning! She immediately says that it was a miscommunication. Erin says that if Olivia doesn't show up to do her job, no one else is there to cover. And, Erin says that it affected her because she had to tell Whitney why Olivia wasn't there. Olivia says that it's none of Erin's business and Erin says that she made it her business when she failed to show up. Olivia turns around and Erin asks her to look at her when they're having a conversation. Olivia turns back to face Erin and tells her that she needs to change her tone of voice. Olivia says she's done with the conversation and Erin says "that's very mature of you....You probably burned a lot of bridges that day." Olivia gets up and walks away.


Roxy is dressed up and going out to meet Zach the Photographer for a "business meeting." Zach arrives and they all engage in small talk.


Zach and Roxy have some wine and pretend like they are interested in talking about work. Roxy starts looking at pictures of her moody, "Woody Allen"- like dog and shares them with Zach. I can't believe he's really interested in her pictures. I guess a guy will feign interest in anything to get laid.


Joe calls Olivia into this office so he can bitch slap her for f***ing up the Ruelala interview. Joe is PISSED OFF. He asks Olivia what her deal was for just not showing up to Whitney's shoot. Olivia says that she was interviewing a different designer. Joe: "You do NOT get to make that decision about not showing up on an assignment. Like I don't want an entire showroom of people waiting around for YOU. That's a reflection on me. I don't understand what's running through your mind when you say you just didn't want to show up to something." Olivia tries to defend her decision saying that one editor might not like a line and another editor might love it. Joe interrupts her and says "But Olivia, I stick up for you all the time. And, honestly, in situations like this, I'm sick of it. So, I'm sorry. If you want to work here, I need you to try to make amends. Ask her out to lunch and get this done. Unless you don't think you should be working here anymore." ZING! OMG. I love Joe Zee in this episode. That was AWESOME.


Erin walks into the editing room to look at the footage from Olivia's interview with the precious stone designers. Erin totally picks it apart and ultimately decides that they can't use any of it and tells the senior producer from to just scrap the whole thing. Nice.


Whitney and Roxy are admiring Whitney's new "office" at People's Revolution. It's basically an old closet, but Whitney is just happy not to be working out of her living room. Whitney asks about Roxy's "date" with Zach the Photographer. Roxy says he makes her nervous because he's so nice and she's not used to dating "nice" guys. Then Roxy says she still can't believe that Olivia blew off the photo shoot. Whitney says that the best thing to do is just realize that this is how Olivia is and brush it off. Roxy disagrees. Enter Kelly Cutrone (!!). Kelly asks if Olivia has called to apologize yet and Whitney tells her that they are supposed to meet for lunch today. Whitney says that she's unsure how to handle it. And this is why I love Kelly.

Kelly: "I'm going to set this really straight. You're going to go there. You need to f***ing take this bitch out. She's under your skin. So now you have to say 'I'm not this nice girl from California. And now you're gonna meet the real me.' Because you need to let people who are toxic and dangerous to you know that you will f***ing fight back. 'Cuz you know where nice people end up? On welfare...So you need to go to her and say 'Listen, I will destroy you.'" Then she points at Roxy and says that she will help Whitney because "she's more wicked than you." LOVE KELLY.

Whitney asks if that's the professional way of going about it. Kelly says that Olivia is "professionally dangerous" to Whitney and that she's "like a little petty tyrant. Scare the sh*t out of her. And don't ever do it in writing or in email. Good luck." I want Kelly to be my mentor. Too bad I'm not a fashion junkie.


Olivia and Whitney meet for lunch. They make small talk and Olivia says she's looking for young designers. Whitney says "Like me. Just .... not me." Olivia says "Exactly. Like you." Then Olivia brings up the photo shoot and says it was all a miscommunication because she had sent out an email well in advance that she would not be able to make it. Then Olivia tries to quickly change the subject and asks Whitney to tell her about her line.

Whitney is not letting go that easily. She tells Olivia that she heard that Olivia was refusing to support her line. Olivia keeps looking at - what I assume is - the camera and says that she doesn't want to talk about it. It's clear Olivia feels uncomfortable that this is being recorded. She expected "docile" Whitney, not "prepped by Kelly and Roxy" Whitney. Whitney says that Olivia doesn't have to be immature about it and that hit a nerve. Olivia denies that she's being immature. Whitney asks why Olivia wouldn't call her personally to tell her she wasn't going to make it. Olivia says she's not going to engage in this conversation (still looking at the cameras uncomfortably). Whitney tells her not to act so childish. Again, this hits a nerve.

Olivia again says "miscommunication" and Whitney says that all of Olivia's excuses don't mean anything to her. Olivia looks really uncomfortable. She quickly says "we'll talk about this later." Whitney keeps calling her out and telling her that she handled everything very immaturely and that she's making all these excuses because she looks like a complete bitch. Olivia gets up, grabs her bag and takes off. Whitney calls her a coward as she walks away. Olivia got beat up this episode. It was awesome. I love it!

See you next week.

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