Friday, May 7, 2010

Real Housewives of New York - Season 3 - Episode 10

"Leap Before You Look"


It's the Cocktails & Couture event at Sonja's house that Luann is hosting and the ladies are getting ready. Alex arrives and Luann confronts her about the "message." Luann tells her that delivering Jill the message in front of everyone was really heartless. She leads Alex outside and asks her why she did that. Alex tells her that she made a promise and needed to deliver the message. Luann asks "Who made you God?" with a snicker. Alex says that it had nothing to do with God. Luann tells Alex that she was surprised because Alex isn't usually a mean person. Luann was upset that Alex didn't bother to apologize to Jill after the fact. She finally gives up and goes in to talk to her other guests.

Sonja makes an entrance about 10 minutes after the party starts. She tells us that this is very typical of her. She likes to make an entrance, people! Jill and Kelly ("HI-EE") show up and give their goods to Luann. Kelly starts playing with Sonja's dog while Luann is filling Jill in on her conversation with Alex. Kelly joins the conversation and wants to know what's going on. Meanwhile, Sonja tells Alex that she's glad she came and that women always have their dramas. "Besides, who wants a boring party?" Exactly.

Jill whines to Luann that she has had a really tough two days and doesn't want to cry again. Oh, poor Jill. She spent the entire first half of the season ignoring and bad mouthing Bethenny and now that Bethenny decides she's over the abuse and drama, Jill is crying "Poor me." Whatever. Anyhow, Jill and Kelly go into the party and say hi to Sonja - who is talking to Alex. Kelly greets Alex and then Jill and Alex say hello to one another. It's all very civil. Luann had told Jill that she told Alex that she's the hostess of this event, so she needs Alex to fix things with Jill. Um, when did she say that? Dumb. So now Jill is expecting some big gesture from Alex. Don't hold your breath, Jill.

Jill's BFF and the new housewife, Jennifer Gilbert, shows up and Jill very excitedly introduces her around. Bobby walks outside and pulls Alex aside to talk to her. He basically tells her that Jill was very hurt by what she had done and that Jill is very strong and rarely cries. But this really made her cry and it was so out of character for Alex. Alex tells him that there's nothing she can say to Bobby and that she really just needs to talk to Jill. I mean, I get that it was not a nice thing to say, but this is getting ridiculous.

Jill is a trainwreck. For someone who rarely cries, Jill is really letting out the waterworks this season. She's sitting with Kelly ("HI-EE") and tells her that so much has happened in Bethenny's life and she's not a part of it: the engagement, the baby, etc. Jill tells Kelly that she's so sorry for what happened the last two months and then breaks down and cries. Again, poor Jill. Jill says that they are fighting over bullshit...which, by the way, is exactly what Bethenny has been saying this WHOLE TIME. Jill says that the only time they talked, she felt ambushed and wasn't ready to make-up and now Bethenny has decided she's over it and Jill is regretting being such a selfish bitch for the last two months. Too bad, so sad. NOW, Jill wants to be there for Bethenny, but she feels like the message made it so final. Kelly tells Jill that it was Alex's delivery that made it seem that way, but it's probably not. Jill, being the drama queen that she is, says that she HATES Alex and that she'll never forgive her for this. OY VEY!!

Alex tries to get Jill's attention and Jill tells her that she has nothing left to say to or hear from Alex. So Alex confirms that Jill doesn't want to talk to her. Alex basically tells us that over the last three years, they've had multiple altercations and everytime Alex wants to apologize, Jill shuts her down. But Alex always lets Jill apologize to her. Alex says she did it again and she doesn't think she and Jill will recover from this one ... and she's ok with it. I agree that Alex made a mistake delivering the message in front of everyone the way she did it. But Jill is so GD dramatic. Get over yourself, Jill. Jeez. Jill blows EVERYTHING out of proportion. First, the WORST THING anyone could ever say to her is "Get a hobby." (Which is so stupid and not even that big of a deal). Now, it's Alex who is the worst person in the world. Annoying.


When Bethenny went to LA a few weeks ago, her dad refused to see her. This week, her dad called and said that he wants to see her. So Bethenny and Jason get on the next flight to LA. They are on the way to the airport and Bethenny is really emotional. She decides to call Ramona since she recently went through a similar thing with her own dad.

Ramona is great to Bethenny. She starts to get emotional and tells Bethenny that she's doing the right thing by going to see her dad. Bethenny needs closure and this is the best way to get it. She tells Bethenny that all these wonderful things are happening in her life and, in order for her to be where she needs to be emotionally, she needs to resolve things with her dad. Bethenny says that she's just sad and she's going to relax a bit before getting to the airport and just wanted to call Ramona. Ramona tells her that no matter what happens, this is a good thing for Bethenny and that she needs to just think positive. I love Ramona.


Gotham magazine is throwing a party for Kelly and all the trendsetters she met/interviewed on the street. Jill and Jennifer are there when she walks in a greets them (HI-EE). Simon and Alex arrive and, before they go in, Alex tells Simon she doesn't want to see Jill and that he has to be her "wing man" and make sure that she doesn't speak to her. Luann arrives with her "friend", Cord, who looks like the poor woman's Rod Stewart complete with spikey, blonde hair. Simon walks in and sits right next to Jill - so much for being a "wing man" for Alex. Luann takes her "friend," Cord, to the bar and flirts with him. Ew. She tells him about her "song." He suggests they go out and she's totally game. I think he may be significantly shorter than her.

Kelly gets on a table to thank everyone for coming. Her dress is so short and tight, she needs extra help to get her on and off that table. Alex is sitting next to Jennifer and Jill leans over to say hello to Alex and kiss her on the cheek. At that point, Alex gets up and decides to leave. She can't handle all the fake and hypocritical stuff. Then Jill tells her she's having a great hair day and Alex just says she's done and walks away. Jennifer announces that she's never met any group of women with so many "fucking issues." Then, she says "Ok, whoever Luann's date is...he's got bad hair and he's gay." OMG. Jennifer is totally in the running to be my favorite housewife. HAHA!!


Some designer, Kimberly Towers, comes over to Ramona's apartment. Kimberly is entirely too excited to see Ramona. She's crazy. She brought a bunch of dresses for Ramona to check out for her vow renewal ceremony with Mario. Ramona tries on a beautiful strapless dress and starts getting emotional. Ok, the dress is really lovely ... until you get to the knees. From the knees down, there are weird feathers randomly stuck on the dress. Why? Not ok. She decides to get Avery's opinion. Avery says it best "It's very simple, plain and then BANG! Feathers?" HAHA. I love that girl. The upper part of the dress is beautiful and very flattering. I'm not a fan of the strapless dress - particularly on women with big boobs, like me - but Ramona has a great figure for that dress. Avery is not on board with the whole ceremony.

Ramona tries to explain to Avery the importance of the renewal and how much she and Mario love each other, yada, yada, yada. Avery says she gets it, but she just thinks it's ridiculous. She's just not into the whole concept of the second wedding. I actually agree with her. It is a little ridiculous. Ramona told the designer that Avery looked good in blue, so all the fabric choices the designer has are blue. Avery says that she's not sure she wants a blue dress. In fact, she may want black, but doesn't know if you can wear black to a "second wedding, renewal ceremony, whatever this is." HA. The designer finds some jewels to bedazzle down the back of the dress and Avery says that she doesn't want to look a like a crystal ball. I love that girl.


Luann brings Kelly, Jill and Sonja to a Chopra center so they can do yoga and meditate with her. Luann shares her experience with depression after she filed for divorce. Sonja and Kelly understand and can relate to those feelings of depression and anxiety, both having been divorced as well. They all bond and then the women come out to do their treatments.


Bethenny and Jason are in LA. She has seen her father and feels like she's gotten the closure and validation from her father that she really needed. It's an emotional trip and she feels sad that her father is suffering. She's now ready to move on with her life and be happy.


Kelly and Jill are having a drink and Kelly tells her that, instead of bringing Sonja flowers for hosting the event at her house, Kelly brought her a cleanse. Meaning, a series of packets for her to mix with water and drink for several days to "cleanse" her system. Jill tells Kelly never to get her that, she'll take the flowers. O.M.G. Jill has turned into my old boss. She interrupts Kelly to tell her that she says "like" too much and she needs to stop because people won't take her seriously. OH...THAT'S why people aren't going to take Kelly seriously. Anyhow, as Kelly finishes her story, Jill interrupts her each time she says "like." ANNOYING.


Sonja, Jill and Ramona have lunch at the Four Seasons so Ramona can invite them on her "all girls" trip before renewing her vows with Mario. I guess it's like a bachelorette party for someone who is renewing vows. Ramona tells the girls about her "girls trip" to the Virgin Islands and tells them that she's inviting several people, but it's really important for Sonja and Jill to be there. Jill interviews that 17 years is not a milestone although being married to Ramona makes everyday a milestone. Because it's always about HER, Jill wants to know who is going to be invited. Ramona reminds them that they are all adults and that she needs Jill to be there. She also tells Jill that she's there for her whenever Jill needs her so she needs Jill to be there for her this time. Jill interviews that she never promised she would go, she merely said that she would try to be there. Hmmm.


Jennifer invites some of the girls over to her apartment for a cocktail party. Jill and Kelly arrive followed by Luann and Ramona. Ramona tells the girls that she has some sad news. Bethenny's dad passed away at 2AM that morning. Jill goes nuts and starts yelling at Ramona for not telling her that Bethenny's dad was really sick. Ramona defends her decision and tells Jill that if Bethenny wanted Jill to know, she would have told her. Jill just keeps yelling and yelling at Ramona. I think this is Jill's way of picking a fight with Ramona so she'll have an excuse for not going to the girls' weekend. OMG. Jill is such a freakin' DRAMA QUEEN. She tells Ramona that she's not her friend and then storms off. Luann, of course, tells Ramona that she should have said something to Jill. Kelly runs after Jill and follows her into a closet or pantry. Jill cries...again. Sonja shows up in a ridiculous hat. Jennifer drags Jill and Kelly out of her pantry. Ramona tells Jill that she wasn't trying to hurt her and hugs Jill. I swear Jill might be my least favorite person this season...followed closely by Luann and Kelly.

Alex shows up and tells Jill that she got her text message and then says "how could you?" Alex says that Jill tried to gossip about Bethenny's dad dying. Then she reminds us that she tried to tell Jill about Bethenny's dad being ill. Alex takes the opportunity to get in Jill's face and tell her what's on her mind. Jill is so disrespectful. She interrupts and is totally rude. Jill finally says that they can't be friends and they just won't be in the same social circles. Alex gets up and leaves. She interviews that she wanted Jill to listen to her and she wasn't listening, so she left. Jill is so smug. It's really annoying.

Until next time.

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