Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 4

"Babies, Bubbles and Bubbies"


Teresa wakes her husband up because she is feeling a lot of pressure "down there." So she knows she's in labor and takes about 2 hours to get ready to go to the hospital. She's packing make-up, clothes, jewelry, etc. She's reading email, making french toast for her daughter and calling friends. Seriously the woman has 4 bags. Who is she??

At the hospital, she's applying make-up. She's so late, they gave away her room. Joe tells her he wants 3 more kids. Teresa says that she's done. He can have the next one. HA! She finally gets a room and is horrified by the gown she has to wear. She wants to wear her own.


Albert tells Christopher that his friend, "the car wash guy" is in town. So he comes up to meet Chris because, as Caroline tells us, they don't have a car wash to put Chris into, so all they can do is hook them up with one of their friends who has one. I don't know why, but Chris just seems so slimy - like a used car salesman.


Danielle and her daughters are having dinner. Christine is such a smart girl...it's a shame Danielle is her mother. Christine knows that the modeling industry is a tough industry to make it in. Danielle interviews that Christine asked her not to talk about what happened at the fashion show when she almost threw up and fainted. So, of course, Danielle tells us about it again. Christine says that she'll understand if she doesn't make it. She'll know it was because the industry just wasn't ready for her. Jillian says "and you weren't ready for it" and Christine gets annoyed and quiet. Jillian is a smart girl. Danielle is clueless and doesn't understand what just happened.


Teresa is in labor and making calls to everyone. She's even got phone calls on the room phone. She asks Joe what he's going to get her for having this kid. She thinks diamonds are appropriate. He says he'll go to Africa to get them and Teresa is surprised that they have diamonds in Africa. Wow. It's like she lives under a rock. She is getting an epidural and she cries a little, then she immediately gets concerned that her make-up is all messed up. OY!


Ashley comes over to apologize for freaking out on her mom last time she was over. Jacqueline says that she just worries about Ashley. Jacqueline asks Ashley if she'd be interested in seeing a Life Coach. Ashley thinks it's a dumb idea because she already has a plan. Her plan is to take a year off, then go to junior college in the spring and transfer to a four-year college in the fall. She has no idea what she wants to study or where. But she has a plan, y'all.


Chris goes to a strip club to meet up with the manager because he really wants to do his strip club/car wash business. The manager tells him that it's not a "strip club", it's a gentleman's club. Oh Lord! He tells Chris to get the "feel" for a gentleman's club. Um, he's not even 21. Albie shows up with his buddy, Frank. Who are these people??


She's screaming like a banshee. It's a GIRL!!! Teresa sounds like Fran Dresher. The baby name is Audriana. She's really cute.


She and Chris have a glass of wine. She wants to talk about Ashley. She tells him about the Life Coach idea and Chris starts laughing. He says that when he was growing up, it was a beating. Dina interviews that a wooden spoon is a much more effective coach. There's a HUGE safe in the room and she insists on seeing what is inside. It's like an arsenal. INSANE and terrifying.


Danielle goes to a diner to meet her friend, Kathy. Kathy tells Danielle that the owner of the diner has a baby who has cancer. So he's having a fundraiser for her daughter and wants Danielle to come to support the baby. Danielle says that she will absolutely be at the fundraiser and do whatever she can for the baby. She finds out that the event is at the Brownstone. She "claims" that she doesn't want to go to the Brownstone but she will go there for this baby. (insert eyeroll here).


Caroline and Jacqueline meet up with Dina because she wants to talk to them. Dina tells them that she needs to talk to Danielle - in person - to tell her that she doesn't want her in her life anymore. Caroline and Jacqueline don't understand why she needs to meet with Danielle to "tell" her this. I agree. I always think it's weird when girls "break up" with their friends. If you don't want to talk to someone or have them in your life anymore, then just stop. That's all you have to do! It's just so dramatic. I think it's unnecessary, but maybe Dina just needs that for closure.


Chris is working for the day at the family friend's car wash. Rick leaves Chris in charge for the day to see how he does. Chris's first action is to bring in the skanks...er...girls. They put on the T-Shirts and try to bring in business with their daisy dukes and tight shirts. It works!! Caroline stops by to check in on Chris and she is a little concerned about all the girls. She meets "Bianca" outside and then walks inside and meets a "Bianca" look-a-like, "Nicole". Rick shows up at the end of the day and he's in SHOCK! He says he wouldn't have brought in the girls, but he's SO EXCITED by the huge amount of business!! This may not be such a bad idea after all.


Danielle is at her friend, Danny's house. Danny is an ex-con who is on parole. John is Danny's thug friend and he's there, too. Danielle tells him about her rift with the Manzo's. John and Danny are both ex-felons. Danielle is just creating drama for herself. She asks Danny and John to escort her to the Brownstone event because she's afraid of something going down. Are you kidding? What are they going to do to Danielle at a charity event?? It's so ridiculous. She's so dramatic. They agree and Danielle tells us "When Danny takes my back, people better be listening." Get over yourself! Seriously??


Dina brings a GINORMOUS teddy bear for baby Audriana. She's super cute. She's got a knit cap with a huge flower on it. Teresa is in leopard print pajamas. Teresa asks Dina to be Audriana's godmother. Dina gets all emotional. It's so sweet.


Albert tells Caroline that Danielle is coming to the Brownstone for the charity event. Caroline is skeptical about why Danielle is going. I am, too!!

See you next week!

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