Monday, May 3, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Episode 11

No one was eliminated last week. Four teams remain. Let's find out who will be eliminated next. The Cops will have a Speed Bump this leg.

The first team to depart Shanghai are the Cowboys at 8:02 AM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must now make their way across the city to the Garden Bridge, which the Chinese people know by its local Chinese name.

The Cowboys ask around for the Garden Bridge and someone sends them to the Park Bridge. They don't realize that the Garden Bridge is not the local name. Models depart next and think the clue is super easy. The Models start asking around and realize quickly that people have no idea what the Garden Bridge is. The Cowboys make it to the Park Bridge, but when they can't find the cluebox, they realize they are in the wrong spot. The Models find someone who Googles it and tells them what to tell the Taxi. Cowboys finally figure out the right bridge name and are on their way. The Twins are having trouble finding someone to help them figure out where the Garden Bridge is.

The Models arrive and pick up the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way across the city to the Longhua Temple where they will find their next clue. The clue says they cannot take a taxi.

The Models find a bus. Meanwhile the Cowboys ask their taxi driver who points them to the train station. Twins are still having trouble. They decide to go back and find the Cops and stick with them. They know that the Cops will get a Speed Bump and Twins will use that opportunity to get ahead.

The Models arrive at Longhua Temple and search for the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams must enter a sacred Buddhist room and count all the golden Buddha statues in the room. If they come up with the correct number - 523 - they'll receive their next clue. If they are wrong, teams must wait 10 minutes before they can come up with another guess.

Caite counts for the Models. Her first guess is 520 so she has to wait 10 minutes. The Cowboys are struggling to find the train. Twins and Cops are still trying to find the Garden Bridge. Mike has his binoculars out and is trying to spot a bridge with a garden. Caite comes out with 522, so it's another 10 minute wait.

The Cops and Twins find a guy with a cell phone and call a translation service to find out where they are going. Twins get in a cab and tell the driver to follow the Cops. The driver doesn't understand and loses the cab. Unfortunately, the Cops' driver is the only one who knows where they are going. The Twins start to lose it.

Caite is wrong again - 524 - so they wait again. The Cowboys arrive and Jet is counting. Miraculously, the Twins catch up to the Cops and both teams arrive at the bridge and get the clue. They take off to the next location.

Jet gets it right on the first try!! Caite FINALLY gets it, too.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now choose one of the motorcycles and take it to Yuyuan Gardens where they will search for their next clue.

Cowboys and Models head to the gardens. Twins and Cops take the bus to the temple. Models and Cowboys are in a crowded open market looking for the next clue. Cowboys find the cluebox.

DETOUR: Pork Chops or Pork Dumplings. In Pork Chops, teams must make their way to a store filled with elaborately decorated stamps, called Chops. They must search the vast inventory for the one with a PIG and their name. If they find them, they will receive their next clue. In Pork Dumplings, teams make their way to a restaurant where they will pick up 10 orders of steamed dumplings. Then, they must make their way - with the dumplings - through the crowded market to deliver them. When their work is complete, they will receive their next clue.

The Cowboys pick "Chops" and start looking. Models finally find the clue and choose "Chops", too. Brent has to go to the bathroom, but he can't go unless Caite agrees because she can't continue the task in his absence. She refuses and tell him to hold it. HA.

The Twins and Cops make it to the temple. The Cops get their speed bump.

SPEED BUMP: The Cops must perform a local good luck ritual. They must both successfully toss a coin into the huge incense burner.

Dan is counting the Buddhas. The Cops quickly complete the Speed Bump and head to the Temple. Louie is counting for the Cops. Brent FINALLY convinces Caite to take a potty break so he can pee. Dan gets the right number - 523 - and the Twins head out to the motorcycles. Louie gets his wrong - 521 - so the Cops have to wait 10 minutes. Jet found his Chop and put it in his pocket. He didn't want the Models to know they'd found one because that might make them hustle more. Brent announces that he found his.

Louie gets it right and they head out to the motorcycles. Caite finds hers and gets the next clue.

PIT STOP: Teams must now find the Riverside Promenade, the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Cowboys get their Chops and both teams are headed to the Pit Stop.

Models are Team #1 at the Pit Stop. They won a trip for two to Spain.

Caite thinks that being in the top three shows the world that she is intelligent. Dumb.

Cowboys are Team #2 at the Pit Stop.

The Twins choose Chops. Cops pick Chops, too. Dan finds his Chop and Jordan finds his and they head out to the Pit Stop. Cops find theirs and head to the Pit Stop.

The Twins are Team #3 at the Pit Stop.

The Cops are the last team to arrive and are eliminated from the race.

See you next week!

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