Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 2 - Episode 2

"Generation Vexed"


Karin, Danielle's realtor, comes over to see her. Danielle informs us that she needs to sell her house and give half the proceeds to her ex-husband. Karin is walking around all the rooms to see what Danielle needs to fix up before they show the house. It's a mess. It totally looks like it's falling apart on the inside. Danielle doesn't have "time" to fix it all up before it gets shown. Really? Why? What is it that you do?

Danielle starts crying that she needs to get out of the house but doesn't want to put money that she doesn't have into it to fix it up. She asks Karin to talk to her ex about fixing it up. Dina interviews that she feels bad for Danielle, in particular, her children.


Jacqueline and Caroline are waiting for Teresa to show up for their lunch date, but she's running late as usual. She finally shows up and looks fantastic. She starts talking about her husband bugging her to have sex. Gross. Teresa changes the subject and asks Jacqueline if she's seen or talked to Danielle. Jacqueline feels uncomfortable talking about Danielle. Caroline says that Danielle's kids are socially awkward. Jacqueline tells Caroline that she's crossed the line and she needs to keep Danielle's kids out of everything.

Teresa talks about the court documents that state Danielle kidnapped a kid for ransom and was caught with 10 kilos of cocaine. OMG. Are we still stuck on her past??? Seriously. It happened 20+ years ago. MOVE ON, PEOPLE. Yes, I still think Danielle is crazy and I would not be friends with her, but leave her alone already. Jeez. We get it, she's done bad shit. Jacqueline says that it was many, many years ago. Caroline says that she KIDNAPPED someone many years ago. People don't do that. Well, I see her point. Caroline says tells Jacqueline she is the weakest link and that's why Danielle contacts her.


The three kids have a food fight in the kitchen. Caroline comes in and says "No more ham game!" Haha. They all start talking about Lauren and Vito (Albie's best friend). Albie says that it's weird that his best friend is dating his sister. Caroline tells us that they need to work it out.


Ashley comes over and brings her laundry with her. Ashley is 18 and tells Jacqueline that she goes out to clubs and drinks. Why are you telling your mom this? Not ok. Especially Jacqueline. She's a total worrier. As Jacqueline talks to her, Ashley gets up and gets her cell phone. They start arguing because Jacqueline wants to make sure she's being safe. Ashley tells her mom that if she wanted to argue with her, she would just live at home. So, Jacqueline says "Ok, bye. And take your laundry with you. " HA.


Danielle tells her daughter, Christine, that IMG Models wants her to model for them. Danielle is super excited for her. Caroline has a point...Christine is a little socially awkward. She's still adorable and a good kid given her mom's craziness.


Dina meets Jacqueline at a baby store. They don't know if Teresa is having a boy or a girl. So they are trying to figure out what to get her for the baby. Jacqueline tells Dina that Ashley moved out. Jacqueline vents that Ashley doesn't want to hear anything she has to say. It's just hard to communicate with her right now. Dina asks if she ever considered kicking her ass. HAHA. They laugh, but I think Dina is serious.


Teresa brings Gia to a try-out for fashion week at THINKPR. The fashion show is for ELLE Magazine. The publicist asks her if she's ever heard of Elle and she says no. Then she has Gia get up to "walk." She asks if Gia will be ok walking in front of a lot of people. Gia says that she's been in pageants in front of 300-400 people so she's fine with it. Gia looks a little "rough" and her scratchy voice doesn't help. She doesn't really have a soft or graceful look about her. She does her catwalk and it's good. Danielle interviews that Gia is "not a supermodel." Well, she's right.


Christine is at her photo shoot with Gilles Bensimon (HAHA! Kelly's ex! When worlds collide. Wow, he's OLD!). Danielle calls him GOD. Oh jeez. Christine is up for the cover of "the Daily" which in the fashion world is the bible...according to Danielle. Christine is a little uncomfortable with her mom being there the whole time. Danielle keeps saying that her daughter is "smoking hot" and "gorgeous" and "she looks like a Barbie doll." Gilles Bensimon tells Danielle that he wants to take her photo and I think Christine feels that her mom is taking away her moment.


Greg, Albie's friend, is over at the house with Albie. Vito and Lauren walk in and Albie is trying to take the high road. Albie is not ok with it. He tells Vito and Greg to go with him in the kitchen so they can talk about it. Albie says that it's a little weird and that it's the first rule of friendship. He's afraid of what happens if they break up. Albie says that he doesn't want to see anything and Vito tells him that he has respect, so no worries.


Danielle is with Christine at IMG Models meeting Ivan Bart who is Christine's agent. Christine is on the COVER of "the Daily." Danielle is going to ride her daughter's coat tails with this one. Ivan wants her to do a show at Fashion Week. He gives Danielle props for being there with her daughter. Where the hell else is she going to be??? She has nothing else to do so, of course, she's going to follow Christine wherever she goes. Um, what about your OTHER daughter, Jillian?? Are you going to drag her along, too?


The ladies are talking to Teresa and trying to guess what she's going to have. Nicholas has the funniest look on his face. HAHA. Teresa is talking about her "area" looking bad while she's giving birth. I would think that what you look like down there is the least of your worries when you're giving birth.


She wants to have a celebratory luncheon in Christine's honor for getting the cover of "the Daily." Wow. Danielle is not wasting any time spending whatever Christine earned for that cover, is she? Christine says that she doesn't want Caroline there and Danielle agrees. Danielle thinks she wants to invite Dina and Jacqueline. Christine just doesn't want drama. Jillian asks if any of Christine's friends are coming and Danielle says that it's not really Christine's party. It's more of a party for Danielle to show off her pride for her daughter. Christine: "Then invite whoever you want." Seriously. Why are you even asking her if it's your thing? Dumb.

Danielle calls Dina to invite her to "the luncheon for Danielle to show off her daughter." Dina says that she may have an obligation, but she'll get back to Danielle. Next up is Jacqueline. She tells Danielle that she's happy for her and really happy for Christine and she would love to be there to support Danielle ... but it's just awkward with her husband right now and she doesn't think it's a good idea. Danielle says she respects that and just wanted to extend the invitation. Then, Danielle interviews that she was disappointed in Jacqueline's response. When Jacqueline tells Danielle to tell Christine that she's proud of her, Danielle tells Jacqueline to tell her herself. Way to "respect" her decision, Danielle. Caroline interviews that she doesn't understand why Dina and Jacqueline have a "gray" area with Danielle when neither of them want to be friends with her. She says that Danielle didn't invite Caroline to her luncheon because she didn't want Caroline to be there and Caroline didn't want to be there.


Gia gets the show at Fashion Week!! She tells Joe about the modeling gig and he could NOT be less interested. He's chopping garlic and making noise as Teresa is trying to tell him about it. HAHA. Teresa tells Gia and she SCREAMS! Oy.


Danielle arrives at her luncheon to "honor Christine." All of Danielle's friends start to arrive, including Kim "D" (who you will remember denied being her friend at Caroline's party). Danielle thanks everyone for coming and gives everyone a copy of the magazine which includes the picture she took with Christine. UGH. Christine interviews that Danielle's luncheon was not for Christine. It was so that Danielle could show off and brag to her friends. Exactly. Sad.

Danielle announces to her 12 or so friends that the two empty chairs were for Jacqueline and Dina who decided not to show up and support her. Awkward. Dina interviews that she doesn't understand why she had a chair for her because she told her ahead of time that she was not going to be there. So did Jacqueline. Drama!! I'm with Jacqueline's husband...cut the drama out of your life. Danielle tells everyone that Jacqueline's husband prefers that she not attend gatherings if Danielle will be there. WHY?? Why would you tells everyone these details?? Seriously? It just makes you look crazier. OMG. Stop talking about it.

Danielle tells another Kim that she was made painfully aware that she and Caroline were friends. Kim tells her that her son is friends with Caroline's son, Chris, but she and Caroline are not friends. This is not Kim "D" by the way. Danielle tells her that she just doesn't want to make her feel like she's in the middle. I'm embarrassed for Danielle. Danielle says that she keeps all of her friends very close to her. Wait until she sees the footage of Kim "D" trashing her.

See you next week.

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