Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Hills, Season 6, Episode 4

"This is Goodbye"


The sisters-in-law commiserate about Real Doll and Sponge Bob. She-Pratt says that they have completely isolated themselves and have no friends and no family. Holly just misses her sister. :(


Kristin and Real Doll meet for lunch. Real Doll looks like a porn star, which I'm guessing is the point. Kristin tells Real Doll that Sponge Bob has lost his mind and that he's scary. Kristin doesn't sugar coat it. No bullshit. But Real Doll defends her choice to stay with him because he's all she's got left. She's completely isolated herself from her friends and family. She even says "Who am I without Spencer?" Sad.


Audrina visits Ryan Cabrera at the recording studio so that we remember that he used to be a singer. She tells him that she and her new bff, Kristin, want to set up a party with everyone at Wonderland. Ryan Cabrera thinks that won't be so fun for him and decides to pass. Loser.


Brody and his boys are there with Kristin, She-Pratt and Audrina. Brody pulls Audrina aside to chat about stuff. She cuts him off and tells him that she just repaired her friendship with Kristin and doesn't want to ruin that AND she has a boyfriend. Brody is disappointed and Kristin stares at them with a pathetic scared look. Don't worry, Kristin. Audrina just blew him off, so you can be Brody's sloppy seconds now. Sponge Bob and Charlie show up and shock everyone! Kristin tries to say hello, but Sponge Bob just ignores her.

Brody talks to Sponge Bob and tells him that he misses hanging out with him. He tells Sponge Bob to come hang with the boys more often. Brody tells him that he can tell Sponge Bob isn't happy in his life right now. The whole time, Sponge Bob is on the verge of tears. I swear Sponge Bob is on some serious drugs. He is not normal. Brody calls Audrina over to him and Sponge Bob and she walks over and asks Sponge Bob where Real Doll is. Sponge Bob: "You are the lamest f-ing girl in this club right now." WTF? Audrina just walks away. He has seriously lost it.

Brody gets in Sponge Bob's face and tells him he's crazy. Sponge Bob has tears rolling down his face and tells Brody to walk away. Then he announces that people don't know how dangerous he is. LOCO!


Audrina says that Real Doll called her and Kristin and wants to meet them for lunch because she needs to talk to someone. They both discuss how awful Sponge Bob look and how angry he has gotten. Audrina says that something is very wrong and hopefully, Real Doll will talk to her about it at lunch.


They meet up and talk about Sponge Bob going nuts on everyone at Wonderland. Kristin says that he's just so extreme lately and that he's gone off the deep end. She also tells Audrina that she met with Real Doll recently and she's off in Spencerland.

Real Doll walks in and Audrina immediately brings up Wonderland and says that Sponge Bob owes her an apology. Real Doll defends him repeatedly while Kristin and Audrina bring up more examples of his craziness. Then Real Doll says "all guys are a little controlling and you if don't think that, you're wrong." Um, that is SO not true. In fact, I know many women who are the ones in control in their relationships. Real Doll goes on to say that they don't know her and Sponge Bob didn't change her, she changed herself. She says that she doesn't have time or energy and that's why she's cut people off. Eek.


The gang is partying it up. Lo and Stacie the Bartender are with the group this time. AND...wait for it ... the Pratts walk in!! They ignore everyone and sit down. Kristin sits with Real Doll and Real Doll is showing her the "genius" crystal which opens your mind and makes you smart. Clearly that one isn't working. Everyone comments how strange and creepy Real Doll and Sponge Bob are. Sponge Bob tells Kristin that he doesn't let Real Doll watch TV or go on the Internet or read magazines. She can only read books. Real Doll needs a serious intervention ... wait, I don't really care about Real Doll. Nevermind, let them be crazy and alone. Kristin and Brody have enough and leave.


Brody and Kristin obviously slept together and she's in her kitchen making them coffee. Brody walks out in one of her T-shirts. They discuss how drunk they both were and then go back to bed. Nice.


Audrina, Kristin, Lo, She-Pratt and Holly all get together and talk about what to do about the Pratts. She-Pratt gets defensive and thinks Real Doll is manipulative and Holly feels defensive
and thinks Sponge Bob is the controlling one. Bottom line - neither of them is the victim. They are both insane. Everyone agrees that they have no one but themselves anymore. She-Pratt starts and says that she's cutting them out of her life. Kristin and Audrina feel they've done all they can and they are cutting the Pratts out, too. Lo concurs. They all look at Holly and she starts crying because Real Doll is her baby sister and she was there when Real Doll was born. It's the greatest loss for her. She-Pratt and Sponge Bob never really got along and he's always kind of been a jerk to her. The other three are just friends. But Holly is losing her only sister and her best friend. It's incredibly sad.

See you next time.

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