Thursday, May 6, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 2

"Friends in High Places"


Kelly walks in bearing good news: Whitney's line got glowing reviews. There was some criticism, but Kelly tells Whitney to listen to the constructive stuff. Kelly loves Whitney. She tells her to send it to her parents because they will be so proud. She instructs Roxy to start making appointments with editors so that Whitney can "pimp her line."


Joe is talking to some Elle peeps about the Taylor Swift cover. He's pulling looks for the photo shoot and Erin comes in to look at everything. She walks up to Olivia and tells her she did a great job on her first interview and asks if she wants to do more of that. Olivia says that she's been speaking with Joe and they are coming up with a list of young designers for her to interview. Erin tells her to keep her posted and then walks off. I know it took everything in Erin to be complimentary to Olivia. Good for her.


A hipster-looking photographer walks in the door (Zach) to see Kelly. Roxy looks interested and shoots Whitney a "who is THAT hottie??" look. He and Kelly sit and talk about his photos. There is some chatter about naked subway photos which peaks Roxy's interest. Kelly notices that she's looking over and totally calls her out. Roxy says that the naked subway talk sounded interesting. So Kelly tells her to come into her office. She assigns Roxy to work with Zach on a photo shoot and Roxy gives him her information. Roxy introduces Zach to Whitney and tells him that Whitney would LOVE to get naked for one of his photo shoots. Kelly hears this and YELLS that Whitney does NOT want to pose naked and that she better NEVER see any People's Revolution girls in any of his photo shoots or she will "fucking have [his] head".


Whitney is setting up a showroom with all of her stuff for her editors' meeting. Kelly explains to Whitney that this is like a clothes-waitress gig. They have all these clothes on the "menu" and it's Whitney's job to "sell" looks and get them to use her clothes in their publications. Kelly goes through the list of editors who are coming and Elle is visibly absent from that list. Cut to...


Roxy calls Olivia and follows up on an email she sent to Olivia about Whitney's editor meeting. Olivia tells her that she's in "Accessories" so it's really not her department. Olivia says that she thought Olivia would go since she knows Whitney personally. Olivia asks why she's getting a call about this at 4pm when the meeting is at 4:30pm. Roxy reminds her that she sent an email and never got a call back. Olivia tells her that she'll go as a "favor" to Whitney, but adds that it is very unprofessional to call less than an hour before a meeting to ask an editor to attend. (Insert eye roll here). Oh, nevermind, Roxy rolls her eyes for me. :)

Erin asks Olivia what that was all about and Olivia bitches to her about the call. Erin rolls her eyes, too, and is probably thinking "I hate Olivia," just like the rest of us.


Zach shows up and Roxy shows him all the cool clothes to choose from for his shoot. They are totally going to hook up. Cute.


The editors show up and take pictures and reserve outfits. It's winding down and Olivia shows up and there are kisses/hugs all around. They thank Olivia for coming by and Olivia immediately bitches that someone JUST called her an hour ago. Kelly asks if it's the first time someone made contact with her and Olivia LIES and says yes. Whitney says that she's sure someone at Elle was contacted before today. Olivia is totally unprepared. No camera, nothing.

Whitney asks her what she's doing at Elle these days. Olivia tells them about the video blog and interviewing young designers. Kelly tells her that she should interview Whitney and Olivia just ignores her. Then she thanks them and they thank her and she leaves. Kelly: "Well, at least she came." I guess. I'd call Erin if I were them. She's way better.


Roxy and Zach pull people off the street, dress them up and take their pictures. FUN! It looks like they did a great job. At the end, they chat and Zach asks her what the deal is with her "situation." Roxy says "we'll see." So cryptic. Just say "Are you seeing anyone?" and "No." Jeez. Why is this hard? They hug and say good-bye.


Erin asks Olivia how the Whitney meeting went. Olivia says that it was "all over the place." Wow. Jealous much? Erin asks if there's something they can do with and Olivia doesn't think so. Erin says that she's sure they can do something, but Olivia says no and that she's going to pass and that's that. Erin is totally confused by Olivia's reaction. Seriously, Olivia is seething with jealousy. Dumb.


Whitney and Roxy are talking about Whitney's editor meeting. Roxy tells Whitney that Olivia was a complete bitch on the phone. Whitney is just glad she went to the meeting. Roxy tells Whitney that the photo shoot went really well and she thinks the designer will be happy with the shots. She tells Whitney that she THINKS Zach asked her out but she's not sure. Just then, he walks in with the photos. They all gush over how awesome the pics are and how happy the designer will be.


Team meeting. Joe welcomes Alexis Bryon Morgan as Elle's new Fashion Director. OMG. This meeting is AWESOME. Joe starts by asking the Senior Accessories Editor what she's working on and she tells him. Then he asks Olivia and she stutters and says that she's "looking" for young designers to interview but hasn't found any. So basically, she's working on NOTHING and has done NOTHING. So Joe asks Erin what she's working on and she tells him about the Whitney Eve meeting Olivia went to and that she thinks the collection will work really well for the feature she and the Senior Accessories Editor are working on for Joe asks about the collection and Olivia says she didn't see anything interesting. Another Senior Accessories Editor raves about Whitney's line and the "look book." Joe asks to see the "look book" so Erin gives it to him. He loves it and wants to know why Olivia was so underwhelmed. HAHA.

Erin smirks at Olivia. There's nothing she can really say, although she tries. She says that Whitney is a first time designer and that's "tricky." Erin says that everyone loves the designs and Joe says that this is an opportunity for Elle to be the first one to tell her story. He says that he's always stressing how important it is to be first. Wow. Olivia missed a GOLDEN opportunity. If she had just promoted Whitney's designs, she would be getting all the praise and it would really win her points with everyone at Elle. Too bad jealousy got in the way. Wah-wah. The good thing is that Erin got all the glory. YAY!!


Kelly calls Roxy and Whitney in to tell them that Elle has confirmed that it will feature Whitney as one of the three designers they are promoting on They are all really excited. Whitney wonders if Olivia had anything to do with this and if so, that is SUPER nice of her. HA. Nope. In fact, she tried to block Whitney from doing it. Roxy tells Whitney that the only issue is that Whitney owes Olivia a favor. Oh no she doesn't. Wait until Whitney finds out that Olivia tried to sabotage Whitney. She doesn't owe her a damn thing.

I can't wait until next week!!

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