Monday, May 10, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - Season Finale

Last time the Cops went home. Three teams remain...who will win THE AMAZING RACE??? (I hope it's the Twins or the Cowboys)

Brent and Caite are the first to depart at 2:37 AM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must fly to SAN FRANCISCO!! Once they arrive, they will make their way to Battery Godfrey, a little known former military outpost over looking the Golden Gate Bridge. It is VERY little known. I've lived in SF for 10 years and I've NEVER heard of it.

All three teams make it to the airport and have to wait until 10:45AM to get their tickets. Jordan is excited to go to SF because it's very "gay friendly." It's time to buy the tickets and, in the middle of the night, Jordan put his backpack behind the Models while Cord was sleeping. So now he's second in line and the Cowboys are calling him out for cutting in line. They don't really do anything about it because that's not how they "want to run the race." I do think it was a little shady of the Twins to do that, but I see their point. It's a game.

It really doesn't matter because all three teams are on the same flight. The Twins should not have cut in line. Now they've made an enemy of the Cowboys when they didn't have to do that. Oh well, I'm still hoping the Twins or the Cowboys win the race. The Twins decide to talk to a flight attendant and move up to First Class. They are excited that they will be the first out of the plane in SF!! Dan and Jordan are out first and grab a cab to the Presidio. Hey, that's right by me!! I wish I knew they were here! They arrive at the Battery Godfrey and receive the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: There's a riddle that the teams must figure out in order to get to the next location. The answer is COIT TOWER!!

Brent and Caite are lost. Their cab driver doesn't know what the hell Battery Godfrey is either. The Cowboys' driver knows where he's going. He just goes to the street - Langdon Court - and the Cowboys will find the place. They pass Brent and Caite looking at a map. The Twins find a guy on a bike and tell him the riddle. He tells them they are going to Coit Tower and they hop in their cab to head there. Jordan says that people who ride bicycles are smart - it's a general rule. HAHA.

Caite reminds us how culturally insensitive she is by getting frustrated with her driver and saying "This is why I wanted someone who could speak English." The Cowboys bought a guide book of SF in Shanghai and Cord remembered that clue from the book. They easily solve the riddle and head to Coit Tower. Caite starts crying and says "now we're going to lose because of this dumb ass." RUDE. What a bitch. I hope she loses.

The Twins make it to Coit Tower and climb to the top to get the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams must now scale/climb up the outside wall of Coit Tower to the top archways. Once at the top, they will receive the next clue and then come down.

Dan climbs for the Twins. The Cowboys show up and Cord ascends for them. The Models FINALLY make it to Battery Godfrey and get the clue. Dan makes it to the top, gets the clue and comes back down - all before Cord even starts to make it up.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now find the Yoda Fountain, located in front of Lucasfilm Ltd. in the Presidio.

The Twins get in their cab and have their driver call and find out where the Yoda Fountain is. Meanwhile, Cord is racing up Coit Tower and the Models are at some hotel asking them to figure out the riddle. The concierge helps them and they head out to Coit Tower. The Twins arrive at Lucasfilm and Jordan says that he knows what Yoda looks like because he's seen Star Wars. Well, he hasn't seen the MOVIE, but he knows. HAHA. They find Yoda and the next clue.

CLUE: One team member must put on a "motion capture" suit and enter the soundstage. Their partner will be in another room and lead them through a virtual world to their next clue.

Jordan is putting on the suit and Dan will direct him. They are being led inside by stormtroopers. Awesome. Cord finishes scaling Coit Tower and gets the next clue. The Twins are doing their mission and Dan is guiding Jordan through the computer. They are doing well but just need to slow down a bit. Cowboys arrive at the Yoda Fountain and get the clue. Cord is going to direct Jet and while he waits for Jet to get changed, he decides to mess with Dan. He starts shouting directions to confuse and frustrate the Twins. Awesome.

The Twins finish the game. The Models get the next clue at Coit Tower and Brent is climbing the wall. Jordan needs to spin slowly so Dan can read the message. Jet comes right up on Jordan but can't move forward because Jordan is in the way. Jordan keeps spinning and Dan finally writes down the entire message, i.e. the next clue.

CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the TONGA ROOM!!! WOO HOO!! Love that place.

Jet makes it to the second level and reaches the end. Cord sees words spinning, but somehow forgets that Jordan was spinning around so that Dan could read the words. Models finally arrive at the Yoda Fountain. Brent is directing Caite. Cord still can't figure out that Jet needs to spin around.

The Twins make it to the Tonga Room and are instructed to pick up a trunk and take it to their next destination. The top of the trunk says "the Great American Music Hall" so the Twins figure out that they need to go there. Cord FINALLY figures out that Jet needs to spin and he write down the clue. Caite is almost finished and Brent figures out that she needs to spin.

The Twins get the address for the Great American Music Hall and start walking with their trunk. Hmm. They are at California and Stockton and need to walk to O'Farrell and Polk. That seems like a long walk. I would have opted for a cab. The Cowboys head to the Tonga Room with the Models close behind. EXCEPT...Caite realizes that they left their money and stuff back at Lucasfilm and need to turn around. Cowboys get the trunk and start running down the street towards Polk and O'Farrell. I'm guessing they have to walk with the trunk or else these guys would have taken a cab. The Twins make it to the Great American Music Hall.

CLUE: In order to get their FINAL CLUE, Teams must look inside of their trunk. In the trunk are 12 psychedelic posters with all the teams that have been eliminated, including two posters with NON ELIMINATION signs on them. Teams must arrange the posters in order to get the final clue.

JORDAN IS AWESOME. He has been watching the Amazing Race for 15 seasons and he knows that each race features some kind of memory challenge. So he's been writing all of the eliminations/non eliminations in order from the very beginning. They get it done ... FAST and get the FINAL CLUE.

FINAL CLUE: "Jack be nimble. Jack be quick. To find the finish line, jump over to _____" CANDLESTICK!!!! WOO HOO!!

Dan figures it out right away and they head to Candlestick Park or whatever the hell it's called now. Twins are having a hard time finding a cab. The Cowboys are putting together their posters and doing a good job.

Twins get a cab. Cowboys finish the poster challenge and hop in a cab to Candlestick.

TWINS WIN THE AMAZING RACE!!!! It gets me every time. I seriously cannot watch the finale without crying. I'm SO happy for them.

COWBOYS come in second. The MODELS are third.

Caite turns to the Lesbians to say she's "sorry" but they are NOT having it. They tell her that she can't think logically for U-Turning them instead of a stronger team. Caite tells them they should have been nicer and they say that she couldn't handle it. Caite says that she obviously could handle it and that's why she's in third place and they aren't. ME-OW!

Another amazing race comes to an end. Until next time.

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