Sunday, May 2, 2010

The City, Season 3, Episode 1

"Show 'Em What You Got"

Last season, Kelly Cutrone told Whitney that one of her designers backed out of a fashion show at Bryant Park, so she had room for Whitney to show her line. The fashion show is coming up so Whitney is doing prep with her handy helper, Roxy. Kelly told her to have 24 "looks" and Whit only has 17 so now she has to come up with 7 more in a few days. She and Roxy are at a fabric store looking for fabric for her line. Whit lists all she has to do and Roxy takes the easiest task - the music for the show. Typical.


Joe is talking to Olivia about the drama with her and Erin. He's pissed and tells her to work her shit out because that bullshit won't be tolerated. Olivia whines that she will not tolerate the way Erin speaks to her and others. "It's unacceptable." Joe says that he's going to talk to Robbie and see if they can't find something else for Olivia to do at Elle. Regardless, she needs to get along with Erin and work it out.


Whitney goes to her pattern-maker to check up on her. She dumped a bunch of new looks on her and wants to see her progress. She asks if everything will be done by next Tuesday. I'm not sure what day "today" is, but I'm guessing it's Friday or something. The ladies say that it's difficult, but they will try. Whitney is not comforted by that answer.


Robbie Myers - Editor in Chief of Elle Magazine - is in her office "working" when Joe Zee stops by to see her and talk about the Olivia-Erin drama. Joe explains that they have a serious personality clash. OK, this is why I LOVE Robbie Myers. She says "But, I don't understand. Erin is the senior person. Why would they be having conflicts at all?" LOVE IT. She's right. Olivia is there for the show and to get Elle some free publicity. Robbie NEVER would have hired her. Joe misses the point and tells Robbie that Erin gave him an ultimatum and told him "It's either her or me." This does not sit well with Robbie, so she calls Erin into her office. While they wait, Robbie asks Joe if there's something else they can give Olivia to do. Joe says that he was thinking that she could do a video blog for Robbie says that she's up for trying that.

Erin walks in and Joe tells her that he told Robbie about the ultimatum. Way to throw her under the bus, Joe. Erin explains that it was a heated discussion and she got frustrated. Robbie says "'re not going anywhere." Erin says that if Olivia is on-board and stops being such an entitled little bitch, then it should be ok. They explain their idea for Olivia to do interviews on in a video blog. Erin totally looks annoyed. Robbie says that once Olivia is on screen, people are going to want to interview with her and Erin - as a publicist - will need to book those interviews for Olivia. Erin takes a deep breath and says that if it's good for the magazine, she'll do it. Robbie: "Ok. We're done. Bye." Love it.


Whitney is sitting with Kelly and the other two designers who will have shows with her. They are basically done and just putting the finishing touches and Whitney is totally scrambling. Kelly asks Whitney how many looks she has and she says she's trying to do 24. Kelly asks if the other designers agree that 24 looks is better than 20 or 22. One of the designers says that the most important thing is that you're not creating looks just to have more looks. The designs need to be authentic and not rushed. Right.

Kelly asks Whitney if she's ok and Whitney says NO. Kelly tells Whitney if the show doesn't go well, Whitney is F*CKED. Kelly is weird. She says shit like that and then she tells Whitney that she needs to go for it. Whitney is just nervous.


Olivia comes to meet Erin for coffee. Of course, Olivia is LATE. They decide to bury the hatchet. This is such an awkward conversation. Olivia says that they just need to support each other so they can be the best at what they do. Erin just laughs. I agree. What exactly do you do, Olivia?? HAHA. Then Erin awkwardly says that she thinks they will make a great team. Hello, scripted much?


It's chaos. Everyone is running around trying to get it ready. It's show time. Roxy is sending out the models. It goes well until one of the models is missing. Rather than just sending out the next person in line, Roxy starts yelling the model's name. Kelly tells her to shut up and send the next model. She FINALLY does after there's a pause between models, but it works out. The show is great and Whitney comes out and bows. SO CUTE. OMG. I'm totally tearing up. Whitney's mom was helping before the show and now her dad is backstage. So cute.

Whitney goes out to look for Kelly. Kelly tells Whitney to really take it all in and enjoy the moment and everything that she's created for herself. Whitney says that she would never be here without Kelly. Kelly tells her that she would and that Whitney made this happen. Then, Kelly does the unthinkable. SHE CRIES!! She tells Whitney that she's really proud of her and hugs her. She tells Whitney that she's so lucky to have her whole family there to support her and Whitney tells Kelly that she's her family, too. So sweet.

See you next week!

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