Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 11

Four teams remain (because Team USA got lucky!!)...who will be eliminated next?

The teams are in Prague, Czech Republic.

The Blondes are the first to depart at 9:46 P.M.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must make their way to the Spanish Synagogue, the site of the city's Jewish house of prayer where they'll find their next clue.

Blondes easily find it and get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the Ekotechnicke Museum where they'll find their next clue.

Blondes take off. Rainbow is next to leave and head to the Spanish Synagogue. Blondes get to the museum and find the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: One team member must enter a room filled with dozens and dozens of telephones and search for the 5 phones that actually have someone else on the other line. When they find the phones, the person will give them one letter in the name FRANZ (as in Franz Kafka). Once they unscramble the letters and figure out that it spells "Franz", they must fill it in on a special form and if correct, they will receive their next clue.

Meghan decides to do the Roadblock for the Blondes. Meghan already has 3 letters "RZF". Globes take off to the synagogue. Meghan gets all the letters and figures out that it's FRANZ. She gets the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the Kryocentrum where they'll find their next clue.

Rainbow arrives and the Blondes try to find a way to the Kryocentrum. They tell their cabbie NOT to take the Blondes so the Blondes ask the cabbie to call them a taxi. HA! The Blondes should just take the cab. Dan is doing the roadblock and goes into the room with the phones. Dan has 4 of the 5 letters as the Globes arrive. Big Easy is doing the Roadblock. Team USA takes off to the Synagogue.

The Blondes arrive at Kryocentrum and find the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now strip down to their underpants and enter a Kryotherapy treatment room that is kept at 180 degrees below 0 Celcius. It's freakin' COLD. If they can endure the cold for 2 minutes, teams will receive their next clue. 2 MINUTES??? That's it?? Easy.

Team USA arrives at their SPEED BUMP.

SPEED BUMP: Team USA must find the M-1 Bar and, using a complicated 3-step process, they will need to prepare a traditional shot of Absinthe. Then they will drink the shot and continue on the race. EASY!

Dan and Big Easy are both trying to figure out the name. They decide to work together to come up with a name. They can't figure out if it's a Czech word or an English word. Think NAMES!!!

The Blondes do their two minutes in the kryotherapy room and get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: (is it just me or are there a million clues in this episode??) Teams must now make their way to the Charles Bridge - the bridge that connects the old part of the city with the new - and find their next clue.

Big Easy and Dan are still trying to figure out that the letters spell FRANZ. Meanwhile Team USA makes it to the bar and are making the Absynthe. Brian doesn't drink at all so this is challenging for him. Yikes. For someone who doesn't drink, Absynthe is quite the drink to have. They head back to the clue box and head out to the museum. Dan finally gets it right and then refuses to give it to Big Easy. Big Easy calls him out for being a jerk and Dan says that it starts with an "F" and then leaves. Wow. I get it...it's a race, but that's messed up.

Rainbow goes to the Kryocentrum and Big Easy is still having trouble. Team USA gets to the roadblock and Brian is doing it. C'mon Big E!!

The Blondes are at the Charles Bridge and find the next clue.

DETOUR: "Legend" or "Lager". In Legend, teams will delve into Prague lore and Jewish mythology by building a golem, a large figure made of straw and hay. Teams will cover a wooden golem skeleton with wet clay. Then they will transport the large figure across town to a synagogue, the golem's ancient home. If the rabbi is satisfied, the team will receive its next clue. In Lager, teams must "drink in" the local culture and deliver beer to a group of rowdy soccer fans. Teams must carry 30 beers from a brewery, through the town square and deliver them to a bar full of soccer fans. Once they serve all 30 of the beers, the bartender will give them their next clue.

The Blondes choose Legend and take off. Rainbow arrives at the Kryocentrum. They strip down and head into the kryotherapy room. Brian is answering phones. He enters the room with Big Easy. Brian and Big E are struggling. The Blondes start building their golem. Rainbow makes it for 2 minutes and they head out to the Charles Bridge. Brian gets it. DAMMIT. They head out to the Kryocentrum. Globes take the penalty of 4 hours!!! JEEZ. Holy crap. I have a bad feeling about the Globes.

The Blondes take their golem across town. Rainbow arrives at the Charles Bridge and chooses Legend. Team USA arrives at Kryocentrum and they are ready to enter the freezing room. The Blondes are struggling with their golem. Rainbow is having issues with their golem. Meanwhile Team USA made it for 2 minutes and now they are on their way to the Charles Bridge. Cheyne is having issues with the golem. It's really heavy and he's struggling. Rainbow is covering the golem while bickering. Team USA arrives at the bridge and chooses Lager.

The Blondes arrive at the synagogue and the rabbi approves of their golem and gives them their next clue.

PIT STOP: Teams must now make their way to Strelecky Ostrov, the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Blondes head to the pit stop. Rainbow bickers their way to the synagogue. Dan wants to go to the synagogue to see where they have to go first and THEN drag the golem there. Team USA finds the brewery and they take the first 15 to the bar.

The Blondes are team #1 and in the finals!! They each won a 52" LCD TV. Cheyne says that they are the best team in the final 3. Unfortunately, he's right. I like them ok, but I'm annoyed that he's so cocky.

Rainbow is still bickering and fighting and whining at each other. Miss USA drops all of her glasses and now she's saying that she wants to do the other task, Legend. She says she's not willing to make it work. Brian tells her to just take 3 glasses. They go ahead and deliver Brian's glasses. First 7 are done. Rainbow is still dragging their golem and fighting in the street. The arm of their golem is totally broken. Team USA takes the next batch and Miss USA is totally giving the Czech people in the city "American Attitude" for trying to take beers off their trays when they are on their way. Rainbow makes it to the rabbi and gets their next clue and head to the next pit stop. Team USA goes again with the next batch of beers.

Rainbow is team #2.

Globes are done with the 4 hours and they head out. Meanwhile, Team USA finishes their task and head to the pit stop. Damn. Sorry, Globes.

Team USA is team #3.

The Globes are eliminated. Bummer. I will continue to recap, but I no longer have an interest in the winner. I guess I like The Blondes the best. Rainbow is annoying and Team USA should have been gone a long time ago.

See you next week.

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