Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 10 SEASON FINALE

It's the finale!!

For the Challengers we have KA and Sarah.

For the Champions we have Kenny, Evan, Bananas, Derrick and Susie.

The boys are all fooling around. Evan and Bananas are playing some weird game where Evan has to hit Bananas with something on the ass. Then Bananas pours hot candle wax on Evan. Derrick is laying in bed and says "Where the f*** am I?" My sentiments exactly, Derrick. I feel your pain. You're in Thailand with a bunch of meatheads.

The next morning, Derrick is sharing some pictures of his son. The baby is so freakin' cute. Susie, KA and Sarah are all talking. KA and Sarah are feeling really confident because they work so well together. Susie tells them that her experience in the finale will consist of hours of abuse from the guys. She says that when they insult her, she's not going to feel motivated to do better. She'll just stop.

Evan is telling the guys that he thinks Susie has what it takes to beat the girls. Bananas says that he's the only one who's been through a challenge with Susie and he knows that's not the case. Derrick and Evan have faith in Susie and think that she'll pull through. Kenny and Bananas are not so confident.

Sarah is talking to the guys and they are still making fun of her. She interviews that she just wants a break from the abuse. I have an idea, don't go into their room!!! If you know they will just abuse you, then don't go in there! Annoying. I hate it when girls are stupid. She says that everytime she walks into their room, they tease her. Kenny tells her that she'd just be wallpaper in the room if they weren't making fun of her.

Now everyone is in the living room and Kenny walks in and tells Sarah that she should just admit that wants him. He tells her that she came to Thailand wanting him and she's going to leave Thailand wanting him. Then Kenny says "You're the girl who hangs out with a bunch of hot chicks. And you're the fat chick who ruins it for everyone else." And he doesn't stop. She has a bunch of tattoos on her arm and he says that it looks like a ten year old doodled on it. Then he finishes saying that she's like riding a moped. He wouldn't want his friends to see him on it, but sure, he'd probably take a ride. That does it. Sarah gets up and leaves. FINALLY. I mean, I think Kenny is the biggest douche-bag. I think he's an ass and someone needs to beat the crap out of him. But, Sarah, you know this. WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO SUBJECT YOURSELF TO THE ABUSE??? Don't put yourself in those positions. Leave him alone. It's hard to feel too sorry for her even though I know Kenny is wrong.

Derrick, Susie and KA are chatting and Derrick admits that he's a little worried about the finale. He's got a point. Yes, he's on a team with 4 strong guys, but they also have Susie. She's good, but she has to be better than both KA and Sarah. It would look horrible for them if they were beat by 2 girls. They'd never live it down. Susie points out to Derrick that Bananas was an idiot for bad-mouthing her all over the house BEFORE the finale. She tells Derrick that he should have been smarter and waited until the finale was over. Susie interviews that if the Champions lost to KA and Sarah, she wouldn't be that disappointed. I see her point.

Sarah and Susie are chatting and Sarah is complaining about Kenny picking on her. Susie tells her that the boys aren't worth crying about. Sarah says that it fuels her and she feels good about winning.

It's the night before the final challenge and Evan and Susie are talking. Evan is trying to motivate Susie to do well for the team. She asks Evan if they can agree that Bananas is an ass and Evan says he agrees along with everyone else. All Evan cares about is the $$$. Susie interviews that the boys are starting to panic.

The guys are on the treadmill and working out like crazy and KA and Sarah are relaxing and feeling good. They say that the guys are terrified of two girls. But, that's not really it. I see Sarah and KA's point, but really, they are scared that Susie is going to blow it. If it was just the guys against Sarah and KA, I don't think they'd be worried at all. But, because they have Susie, they area a little freaked out.


The teams will head out and reach a series of checkpoints. At each checkpoint, the teams must work together to complete the task and get an artifact. There are arrows and directions throughout the course. At the end, they will turn in their artifacts and the first team to make it to the finish line will win $160K to be divided equally among their teammates. That's a little over $30K for each Champion and $80K for each Challenger.

First Task: Each team member must eat everything on the plate in front of them. There are beetles, fried frog legs, a sticky Thai fruit, red chilies, and crickets and grasshoppers. GROSS. KA is throwing up and but she keeps eating. Evan says that he looks over at KA and Sarah and they are eating this disgusting stuff like it's a buffet. Then he looks at the Champions and they are all puking and can barely keep anything down. Kenny: "I feel like I'm eating the asshole of the dirties bum I ever met." GROSS! The Challengers take off and are in the lead!!!

The Champs finally take off. The Challengers find the next task. It says that there are different paths and they can choose whatever order they want to complete the task at each path. They will need to collect 5 artifacts (total) to open the secret door. So they take off and find the second task. It's a jigsaw puzzle. The Champs make it to the different paths and decide to follow KA and Sarah. Susie is beat! She's exhausted, but she keeps going. Sarah says that they are staying calm and getting through it and she notices that the Champs are struggling. They finish the jigsaw puzzle, grab their artifact and tear down their puzzle so the Champs can't see it. They take off to the next task and are content to already have 2 artifacts out of 5. The Champs finish the puzzle and head back to choose a new path.

The Challengers find their third task: MudPit. Each player must crawl through the mud pit to reach the artifact and then crawl back. Looks pretty easy actually. The Champs run into the Challengers and Evan is terrified because the Challengers are a full artifact ahead. They can't handle Susie being slow, so Kenny pulls her over his shoulders and runs with her on his back. They reach their third task: Short Cut. Each player must walk across the bamboo poles. Challengers are doing the same one as their fourth task. If one player falls off, they all have to start over. The Challengers are doing well and so are the Champs on this one (even though they are still an entire artifact behind). The Champs finish and they are running to get their next task and make up some time. Champs get to the MudPit and really charge through. KA is still struggling through the bamboo poles. The guys are screaming for Susie to finish the MudPit but she's exhausted and doing her best. Susie finally makes it just as KA finishes. Both teams run to their final task.

The final task is a block test. It has 10 blocks numbered 1-10 and I think using the numbers on the blocks they need the blocks to end up in 5 equal stacks. I think. I'm not sure. I hope they can figure it out. Evan: "Any time there's a puzzle, you can count on this: Kenny = useless, Derrick = more than useless, Johnny's so tired from this race, he's puking on the sidelines." HAHA. Evan and Susie are trying to figure it out the puzzle. Susie comes through and they figure it out!!! THEY GET IT. They mess up their puzzle and run. They place the fifth artifact and take off through the secret door.

After 30 minutes elapses, the Challengers each get a puzzle piece to carry back to the junction. I guess after 30 minutes, if you can't figure it out, you get to continue. It's kind of like a time penalty. The Challengers aren't that far behind. There's a bamboo wall for them to all cross along the path to the finish line. The boys help Susie over the wall and they all keep running. The Challengers make it over the wall and they run, too.

The CHAMPIONS WIN!! The Challengers run in and feel defeated. They did really well and have made a name for themselves.

I can't wait for the next one!!

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