Thursday, December 3, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 9

It's been a couple of weeks. Last time, Brad and Darrell were thrown out for fighting. Susie and Kim are in the Ruins, let's find out who wins...


Susie and Kim are still doing "ragdoll". It's raining. They trying to pull the rope out of each other's hands. They are bloody and look like they are in pain. Susie FINALLY gets it away from Kim. SUSIE WINS.

Next up is Bananas and Dunbar. They are so rough. Bananas finally pulls it away from Dunbar. BANANAS WINS. Yikes, Challengers are: KA, Sarah and Casey.

Kenny tells us that when he looks at his team, he sees 2 guys and a girl who he's won a challenge with before. And when he looks at the Challengers, he sees "a lying slut, a goth chick and ... Casey."

KA thinks she'll beat Susie in the Ruins so she wants to go in next time.

Back at the house...Kenny and Evan keep terrorizing Sarah. Sarah still has a thing for Kenny, but he's NOT interested. So he totally makes fun of her and disrespects her and she just says she knows he's joking. Well, I suppose under these circumstances, it's best to just hold your head high and ignore it rather than fly into a drunken rage like all the others.

Bananas is trying to sabotage Susie. He claims that she threw all these missions in the last Challenge game and that she doesn't care about this Ruins. Susie and Bananas are arguing and Susie is denying any betrayals - past or present - and reminds Bananas that she made it to the end before!

Bananas is stirring the pot and telling Evan and Derrick that Susie has done NOTHING to show she wants to be there and that she's played this way before. WTF? That's bullshit. Susie has totally been a team player...that's why she's still there! HELLO? Bananas is desperate. He's the one who's expendable on that team. Bananas says that Susie has to go. Evan tells us that their only chance is to throw the next challenge so that KA can take Susie out in the Ruins. Seriously??? Now you guys are listening to BANANAS??? C'mon Derrick. Don't get sucked in.

Susie interviews that she feels that the game has gotten really shady. She says "If you can't beat a team of girls, then you have more problems than just me being on your team." She has a point. However, the real issue is whether SUSIE can beat the team of girls. Because if Susie doesn't make it to the finish line, the other team wins.

Kenny keeps making fun of Sarah. He tells Sarah that she looks like "Martha Dumptruck" in her outfit. HAHA. The teasing is starting to get to Sarah. Susie goes to talk to Sarah. Susie tells us that Sarah's feelings are getting hurt because the teasing is mean, but that Sarah loves Kenny so much, she's willing to tolerate the abuse. Awful. Kenny sucks. Sarah is crying to Susie and Susie is trying to build up her confidence. Evan comes out to the pool and gives Sarah a flower. It's a nice gesture and he interviews that Sarah loves the attention, but now that she's upset, he feels bad because they never wanted to hurt her feelings. I think Kenny and Evan are just super immature. I think they like to push and push until people reach their breaking points and THEN they say they didn't mean it. Evan tells Sarah that they all really love her and don't mean to hurt her.

Susie wants to know why Bananas is now shit-talking her. She tells us that Bananas is all about "the team, the team, the team" negatively affects him and then it becomes all about him. She asks Evan what the problem is and that she's not going to keep doing the right thing if she's going to get screwed. Then Evan says if they fight fire with fire, Susie and Bananas will BOTH look stupid. Susie says "Yeah, but I look stupid with $40,000". Evan interviews: "In a final challenge, it's about your weakest link. I think it's fair to say that Susie would be our slowest player. And how much do we need her here for that? It's a money thing, it's a greed thing, it's a sexist thing, it's a mean thing." Well, he's right. It's a game. But it totally sucks. I really like Susie.

Bananas is still on his "Get Rid of Susie" campaign. He tells Evan "She's not a team player at all. She's in it for Susie. Bananas says that Susie is slow and that KA and Sarah are quick. He says it comes down to "You're only as good as your slowest player. She's f-ing slow." WHAT is Bananas talking about?? She's there BEST female player. That's why she's still there. She's gone into The Ruins 3 times and won every time. Bananas tells us that he's worried about having Susie around at the end and he doesn't want her around. He says that she can't assist other people and she can't pull her own weight. Whatever. Bananas is a d-bag. Evan interviews "Johnny wants to throw the challenge. He wants to throw the challenge, allow the other team to put in KA and take out Susie."

Kenny is still terrorizing Sarah. Now he's wearing her swim cap and teases "who wears a swim cap?" Um, SWIMMERS do, Kenny. If you are a REAL swimmer, then you wear a swim cap. What a meathead. Sarah answers "I don't know...anyone who swims competitively!" Absolutely. Dumbass. He teases that she's not Michael Phelps and Sarah fights back. Sarah: "Why is it so difficult for you not to be a jackass? I hope your mother watches this and knows what a fucking asshole you are to girls. Does she raise you to treat women like this?" Kenny interviews "Hold on sweetheart. You're not prepared to play this game. So you should chill out, take a step back and realize who you're playing with." Kenny walks out calling Sarah a "slut". She hit him where it hurt...his mother. Guy's got issues.

Sarah and Susie are talking about the challenge. Susie tells Sarah that Bananas wants the guys to throw the challenge so KA can take Susie out in The Ruins. Susie interviews that she's not sure what's going to happen but she doesn't want to go up again KA in The Ruins. Susie says "KA isn't a human, she's a fembot and could clearly beat me 'cuz I'm a mortal." ha.


No nominations because it's obvious. No guy Ruins and it's Susie against any of the three Challengers.

The Game: "Wall Walker". There are two walkways extended out at the top of a 20 story building. They are connected by a slanted ramp and there are 3 vases with a rose in each of them on the top of the ramp. Each player will run up the ramp grab a rose from each vase (if they can) and put it in the vase at the end of their team's runway. Challengers have to pick two people to go twice since there are 5 people on the other team. Evan says that it'll be Sarah and KA because Evan says "We all know Casey doesn't climb, walk, chew gum or fart at the same time." Ha. The team with the most flowers in their vase wins.

Casey is crying to Evan that she doesn't like this stuff because she's scared of heights. Sarah is first. The ramp is really steep. Sarah gets all three flowers in the vase. KA goes next and she gets three flowers. Sarah is up again and she gets 3 more. Evan interviews that these girls are making it look easy and doing awesome and that Champions might lose this. Dumb. KA goes next and slips off the ramp, so 0 flowers. Now, it's Casey's turn...and she sucks. She crawls halfway up and then comes down and gives up. They ask what she's doing and Casey cries "I'm taking this (the helmet) off, what does it look like?" TJ says that it looks like she's having a temper tantrum and tells her she's disqualified. Challengers = 9 roses.

Now, the Champions. Derrick says that in order to throw the challenge, three of the guys need to screw up and it's not him. Derrick gets 3 flowers. Bananas is up next and he says that they just need to get less than 9 flowers. He gets all three flowers and put them in his mouth. Then as he's coming down, they "fall" out of his mouth. He says if you drop a few flowers, it looks like an accident and people feel embarrassed for you. Susie is annoyed. But now she's up and she gets 3 more flowers for her team. Kenny doesn't think it's worth it to throw the challenge so he gets 3 flowers for the team. They will at least be tied. Evan is next and he...doesn't throw the challenge. Champions = 12 roses. Champions win!! Kenny and Evan's egos outweigh any "alliance" they have with Bananas. Heh. Evan says that he promised Susie he wouldn't throw the challenge. He asks "Why do we have to screw over the girl at the very end?" That's what they did to Paula Walnuts. I'm glad he's learned SOMETHING. I just hope Susie pulls it off during the final challenge.

TJ tells the Champions, since Susie is the only girl, she gets to choose her opponent in The Ruins. Susie says that she's not much of a gambler, so she's picking Casey. Bananas says this is the second challenge where Susie basically slacks off the whole time and gets her way in the end. WHAT is he talking about??? Seriously! She's done well the whole time, she's kicked ass in The Ruins. Why is he such a d-bag? He should have told the guys that he likes Susie but that it doesn't make sense to have her at the end because Sarah and KA are strong. The way he went about it was ALL WRONG. He tried to bash her to get the guys to side with him and they just saw it as mean. If he had explained his reasoning behind getting Susie kicked out and throwing the challenge, the guys might have sided with him.

The Champion boys are talking and Bananas says the problem with these guys is they only think about short term gain. Bananas tells the guys that it's not the guys against KA & Sarah, it's Susie against KA and Sarah. See? He should have used this tactic BEFORE the challenge. Kenny says that they will be doing most of the work and dragging her across the finish line. Kenny tells us that he's just as worried about Bananas as he is about Susie because he can't have Bananas flipping out and screaming at Susie the whole time.

Susie is venting to Sarah. She asks Sarah "If you were Bananas and you thought I was the biggest loser ever, wouldn't you keep it to yourself until the very end?" Sarah agrees and says yes, especially since Susie is on his team. Susie doesn't understand what kind of strategy he's employing to totally insult someone who could help him win $30K.


The game: "Muay Thai". There's a row of 17 bamboo poles on each side. They have to kick and break each one of the bamboo poles and ring the gong as fast as possible. What? That's the most ridiculous Ruins ever. Anyone could do this. Casey tells us she actually has a shot. Susie says that she has a lot of money to lose so she has to win. Plus, if she loses to Casey, she "might as well curl up in the fetal position and die." Casey is feeling confident because this is a challenge she could potentially win.

Ready...GO! Susie easily walks down the path kicking and breaking each bamboo pole. She walks up and hits the gong while Casey is still in the middle of the path. SUSIE WINS!

The guys are talking and Evan says they have to pump Susie up because they are relying on her to win the final challenge. Evan says: "We got an ex fat kid (Kenny - wow, that explains A LOT!), a father (derrick), an asshole (Bananas), a Canadian (Evan) and a married lady (What? Susie is married?) versus a Fembot and a poet." I love Evan sometimes. He's funny. Evan tells the guys to put the bullshit aside and go get some cash!

See you next week for the finale!!

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